Welcome to the Voice of Schodack Blog!
Here's the latest!
I'm glad to see the blog is getting warmed up again!
We have an election coming up in the fall and residents need to be informed on critical issues that affect us. So if anyone has information about town issues and how our new town supervisor is doing,please feel free to enlighten us!
To get detailed information on Schodack financials check out the 2 links below;
Note to all Schodack residents:
We know everyone is busy but if at all possible, PLEASE attend Town Board & Planning Board Meetings. What can really make a difference is a good turnout at these meetings because it will show that residents are concerned and watching so let's pack the town hall!
If they only see a few people at a meeting, it sends the message that we don't care and they will continue to disregard us!
We remain committed to continue our fight for fair elections & responsive leadership in Schodack. With your continuing support we can do it!
The Schodack Republican Party has chosen NOT to run Secor as their candidate for supervisor. This is a direct result of her very close election against a write-in candidate and shows what motivated voters can do, we will have a fair & open election this year because of you!
So feel free to post your thoughts & opinions here and let your voice be heard!
Note; While we encourage you to post your comments, we reserve the right to delete posts that contain vulgarity, offensive comments or personal attacks.
The Voice of Schodack blog was created to give all Schodack residents the ability to voice their concerns about issues that affect them. Our website at http://www.voiceofschodack.com/ will be updated in the next few months for the upcoming election which should be very interesting!
We know everyone is busy but if at all possible, PLEASE attend Town Board & Planning Board Meetings. What can really make a difference is a good turnout at these meetings because it will show that residents are concerned and watching so let's pack the town hall!
If they only see a few people at a meeting, it sends the message that we don't care and they will continue to disregard us!
We remain committed to continue our fight for fair elections & responsive leadership in Schodack. With your continuing support we can do it!
The Schodack Republican Party has chosen NOT to run Secor as their candidate for supervisor. This is a direct result of her very close election against a write-in candidate and shows what motivated voters can do, we will have a fair & open election this year because of you!
So feel free to post your thoughts & opinions here and let your voice be heard!
Note; While we encourage you to post your comments, we reserve the right to delete posts that contain vulgarity, offensive comments or personal attacks.
The Voice of Schodack blog was created to give all Schodack residents the ability to voice their concerns about issues that affect them. Our website at http://www.voiceofschodack.com/ will be updated in the next few months for the upcoming election which should be very interesting!
«Oldest ‹Older 801 – 1000 of 1313 Newer› Newest»Yes, I'm not encouraging the library myself -- I just wanted to point out the #1 issue Beth fabricated to get votes (and a new town hall) -- well, she never even did that. So much for her urgency. I mean, she basically picked a fight...with librarians?
I'm thinking we should call it "The Library to Nowhere."
(No offense to meant to Alaskans.)
It's 11:35 Thursday September 11th and still no agenda on the Website. What a big surprise....
What do my taxes go for again???? Oh yeah, defending lawsuits Beth keeps loosing while trying to shoe horn Crown in where it doesn't belong. I feel much better now...
I heard the county ruptured a gas line on Maple Hill Rd. when they were digging out the ditches. It seems like they wanted to keep it quiet since it was not on the news or in the paper that I know of, but that's how they do things in Schodack!
With Nov. approaching I was wondering if there are any Schodack town officials up for re-election. If so, who are they and are there any candidates running against them or will it be business as usual and they will run "unopposed" yet again, let's not let that happen!
Well, here are my three "favorite" items in our recent (Sept 11) Town Board Agenda:
"2008-347) Authorize James M. Morgan, Allison J. Signer, Jeffrey Arno, Gary Ziegler and Steven C. Kelly, members of the Fire Investigation Unit to attend New York State Academy of Fire Science Course #01-01-0018 – Fall Seminar November 5 through November 7, 2008 in Montour Falls, New York. Cost is $190 per person inclusive of registration, meals and lodging."
Ahh...yes, Chief Kelly who so thoughtfully filed a lawsuit to "fix" our election is rewarded! So much for the assertion that he has nothing to do with Town business.
Here's another one:
Amend Resolution 2008-326 to indicate that the bid opening for preparation of 8,000 square feet of floor and epoxy finish at the Highway Garage is scheduled for Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at 10 a.m. in the Office of the Town Clerk, 265 Schuurman Road."
YUP -- the fanciest highway garage in the Captital District is still costing us taxpayers $$$.
And last, but not least:
Authorize the Comptroller’s recommendation to direct the Town Supervisor to pay the claims # 08-_____ and ______ on Abstract No. 0908, in the amount of $___________, including the claims paid since the previous Town Board meeting ($__________)."
HUH? What's up with the blank lines?
Schodack's Town Government: where truth is stranger than fiction.
26 of your fellow citizens of Schodack were at the Town Board meeting, last night, to make a stand against the Crown Truck plaza proposal. The Planning Bd. may pass this proposal on Monday night at Town Hall at 7 PM, unless, the PB is discouraged from doing so by the people of this town. 16 Citizens, including Ray Lemka, spoke up, last night, to inform the Town Board of the folly that Crown could be for this town. Each citizen gave their personal take upon why allowing Crown would be just plain wrong and fool hardy.
Tim Nugent, as Attorney to both the Planning Board and the Zoning Appeals Board, is in the position of telling the Planning Board that they can allow Crown and the Town Planning Board to circumvent the Town's Aquifer Protection Law. He will do the same for the ZBA, too, when it gets to that Board. Was it Nugent, who gave the PB and ZBA the go ahead a few years ago, to approve the illegal Crown proposal, originally, proposed back then? That blunder cost the Town $35,000 in legal fees to protect itself, against a rightful lawsuit pressed by aggrieved citizen. Those citizens had to dig into their own pockets to the tune of $17,000 to defend themselves against that illegal move by the Town and Crown.
If this current, slightly revised Crown Truck Depot proposal is passed, it will again be challenged as an illegal effort to circumnavigate the Town Law against placing this Town Depot over our drinking water source. It is an illegal use to do so. So, Nugent’s green light to go forward with this will bring more citizen lawsuits against the Town. It will cost the Town at least another $35, 000 and cost private citizens another $15 – 20,000 to keep the Town from violating its own laws a second time. And, this could go on and on and on, as Crown has pockets that are deep enough to keep them coming back and coming back. But, the money the Town is spending are your tax dollars being wasted.
Crown is used to this kind of game. Want to find out how good a neighbor Crown Enterprises is? Google them! You will find what they have done in numerous communities across the country. They operate under any number of names and sub corporations. So, persist in your search and you will see just how happy or unhappy, they make the communities, in which they manage to bully their way into.
By now, it should be clear to all, that allowing Crown to build in that location will end up costing the Town far more in money, than it will ever regain in property and school taxes from Crown. Plus, it will substantially devalue the surrounding corridor for other commercial use, for which the town could receive far more in tax revenues. Would you want to locate your retail business, office park, nice restaurant, or most other types of business amongst a bunch of trucking and shipping businesses? Route 9 over there is already dangerous and often insufferable for drivers. It is not even safe for the big rigs which haunt it.
Imagine, what it would do to residential properties to place a 100 bay rapid turnover truck depot in any neighborhood. Hundreds of trucks coming and going all day, every day. Noise, traffic, pollution, destruction, and distraction. Would you want to live near that and have to take your life into your own hands navigating on and off Route 9, as trucks barrel along it at 65 mph and pull off and on it, blocking up to 4 lanes at a time? Those owning homes there will lose and lose big on their property values and piece of mind and piece of quiet. So, guess what they will do? In mass, they will appeal their new sky high property value appraisals, which the Town just placed upon them. They wish persist by every legal means to get their assessments down to where they will bottom out, which will be low, when no one wants those homes, so much. What will that cost the Town in process and legal costs and how much tax revenue will it subtract from our Town, County, and School system.
Another town cost will be liability. Believe it or not, the Town has little liability insurance. Only a 5 million dollar coverage policy. That won’t even cover legal fees, if lawsuits are pressed regarding traffic fatalities, polluted private wells, aquifer damage, and so on. The least the Town could do, is require Crown to post a $100 million dollar bond, because, you know it won’t be Crown who will be jumping to pay legal costs and legal liabilities. Our Town should take out a similar $100 million dollars in liability insurance for additional coverage. $5 million is too low, even without Crown in the mix.
So, how does anyone gain, other than Crown, if they are allowed to go around the law and place themselves in our community and ten (10) feet, or less, above our public water supply? If our reservoir was a surface reservoir, would anyone consider placing a massive truck depot 10 foot from its shoreline? No way! So, why would we place it 10 foot above it? Especially, when the direction of gravity is down and we all know that spills flow with gravity to the lowest point. What point is lower than straight down? Are you looking to drink fuel, pesticides, solvents, or whatever commercial or retail chemicals and oils that those trucks may haul or carry?
Does it seem like you better find out more about this or not?
Come Monday night, at 7 PM sharp to the Planning Board meeting. Ask your questions and see what if any answers will be given. The Public Comment portion of the agenda begins the meeting. That is when you get to ask your questions and make yourself heard on Crown or any other matter before the Board that night. Take anything Crown says in its consultant’s paid for report, with some degree of skepticism. Goggle them to find out why.
Later, in the Planning Board meeting, it will have the Crown matter on their agenda. Stay and see what, if any questions, they pose to Crown, or about Crown, or about this Depot, or about protecting our water supply and other safety concerns. Will any of those replies calm you regarding the questions raised here?
Well, it does not reassure me that today is Friday, the meeting is on Monday, and the Town Website, at http://www.schodack.org/ , still does not have the Planning Board agenda posted. They know this is a matter of great concern to a great many people, but are they in any hurry to let us know even the order of business. It does not seem so. All that is posted follows, below. However, they do have links there for you to read the notice and the “Final Environmental Impact Statement” (EIS), which Crown paid its carefully selected hired gun consultants to prepare. They are experts in getting these kinds of EIS thru small Town Planning Boards and any ZBA, especially when the Town’s Lawyer is so cooperative and compliant.
Planning Board
Sept 15th Draft Agenda, when available
Recently Approved Planning Board Minutes: Links at Planning
Final Environmental Impact Completion Notice (Crown) and
Final Environmental Impact Statement re proposed Crown Truck Terminal, Rte 9 at Graw Rd
Draft Environmental Impact Statement re Crown
You will be living with the consequences and the costs of the consequences some come and find out what they will be. Come early to get a good seat and parking spot. It could be a full house.
Hey, if you miss Ray Lemka, come to the Town and Planning Board meetings. He is almost always there and maybe at the ZBA meeting, too. He is looking good and strong and fit as always and he is still looking out for us, even when we are distracted.
Nothing unitl 2009.
The Planning Board meets at 7 tomorrow (Monday, 9/15/08) at the Town Hall. As of this moment, there is no agenda posted on the Town Web site. The public comment period usually begins promptly at 7. As I understand it, comments can only be made in relation to items that are on that meeting's agenda. We're assuming that the Crown Enterprises project will be on the agenda.
If you have an opinion about adding a yet another truck transfer terminal, this one directly above with aquifer with a much larger number of bays (about 152) than A. Duie Pyle and approximately 34 acres of new black top please come to the meeting and make your thoughts known. We need an active group of residents to give a clear message to our Town officials that we are an organized force to be reckoned with.
Penny Axelrod
"Nothing unitl 2009."
Does the above refer to the issue about any elected Town Board members being up for re-election this year?
It would be interesting to know if the town is giving Crown any incentives like "tax breaks" to encourage them to locate in Schodack?
There seems to be alot of frustrated town residents over how the town is being run. Let's not forget that Secor only won by approximately 20 votes in the last election against a write-in candidate!
I'm sure if Ray Lemka was on the ballot and all voters had to do was pull a lever, he would have won easily.
So for future elections let's make sure there are candidates on the ballot to oppose any incumbents and make sure you vote in the primary & general elections, we have the power to change, let's not waste it!
12:30 day of the Town Planning Board Meeting on Crown, tonight, still no agenda for the meeting posted upon the Town's Website. Just what follows.
Planning Board
Sept 15th Draft Agenda, when available
Recently Approved Planning Board Minutes: Links at Planning
Final Environmental Impact Completion Notice (Crown) and
Final Environmental Impact Statement re proposed Crown Truck Terminal, Rte 9 at Graw Rd
Draft Environmental Impact Statement re Crown
It's 1 pm on the day of the Planning Board meeting -- only hours until the meeting -- and no agenda is posted.
They were doing a better job for a while, but now this backsliding.
How are Town residents supposed to know what is going on? The Town claims applications have to be in 10 days ahead of time, so why this delay?
With all the new staff Secor hires you'd think they could get the job done.
Hey Planning Department: could we please post these agendas?
It's an hour to the Planning Board meeting tonight -- I can't find the link anywhere. Or do you have to drive over to the town hall? I'd rather not waste fuel driving over to see if a meeting involves my neighborhood or not.
Well, it's sometimes impossible to find a Planning Board Agenda BEFORE the meeting...but if you want to read what happened after the fact, you can read:
I see that they kicked the public out at one point and went into an executive session. And Mr. Nugent doesn't like to talk about how to sue his client - the Town.
Funny -- Mr. Nugent sure likes to file lawsuits when he wanted to "fix" the most corrupt election in Schodack history.
The article makes it clear what's driving the Town's thinking: money. Read Mr. Puccio's comments: he indicates what he wants: more MONEY.
I wonder if the Town ever considered that they need more money because they spend recklessly?
Nah -- that'd take some real thinking.
Ok -- wonder how much money is spent by Secor?
You can now find it on-line:
You can compare spending over several years for our town (or any other, for that matter).
Some things that may surprise you:
Secor spends LESS (or about the same) on Elder services compared to the previous administration.
She spends more than DOUBLE on town worker's salaries.
We used to spend about $130,000 on government operations -- now that figure is over $900,000.
And the police "retirement" has gone WAY up. I wonder who that is for?
Well, at least this won't surprise you: Secor has DOUBLED the spending in this town.
I just can't wait, until FEBRUARY 9, 2009, to see BETH S. and her comrade, TIM N. get what they truly deserve!!! It's been a long time coming. I think they will
look good in "stripes" and "ball chains"...don't you! Cell is the perfect place, for people, like them and all of their CROONIES!!!
Town of Schodack
Town Board Workshop Meeting
Sept 25, 2008
Budget Workshops – Tentative Schedule
(4-6 p.m. unless otherwise stated/subject to change) – Third Floor Conference Room October 2 (5 p.m. – Presentation of Supervisor’s Budget)
October 6
October 7 (5-7 p.m.)
October 9
October 14
October 16
Public Session – 7 p.m.
Call to Order
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Public Hearings: 7:15 p.m. – To seek input on Proposed Local Law Number 2 of the Laws of 2008 to amend Chapter 197 of the Code of the Town of Schodack to allow exemptions for Cold War Veterans and for certain improvements to residential real property owned or inhabited by persons with physical disabilities.
Public Comment – Board Resolutions Only
WHEREAS, a resolution was duly adopted by the Town Board of the Town of Schodack for a public hearing to be held by said Town of September 25, 2008 at 7:15 p.m. at the Schodack town hall to hear all interested parties on proposed Local Law Number 2 of 2008 relative to allowing exemptions for Cold War Veterans and for certain improvements to residential real property owned or inhabited by persons with physical disabilities, and
WHEREAS, notice of said public hearing was duly posted on the Town Clerk’s official sign board on September 8, 2008 and advertised in the September 9, 2008 edition of THE RECORD, official newspaper of the Town, and
WHEREAS, said public hearing was held on September 25, 2008 at 7:15 p.m. at the Schodack town hall and all parties in attendance were permitted an opportunity to speak on behalf of, or in opposition to, said proposed local law or any part thereof, and
WHEREAS, pursuant to Part 617 of the implementing regulations of Article 8, State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA), it is hereby declared by the Town Board that the Town Board is the lead agency for SEQRA purposes and said Board hereby determines that said proposed local law will not have a significant adverse impact upon the environment and hereby issues a Negative Declaration, and
WHEREAS, that the Town Board of the Town of Schodack, after due deliberation, finds that it is in the best interest of the Town to adopt said local law,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Town Board of the Town of Schodack hereby adopts Proposed Local Law Number 2 of 2008 (P2 of 2008) to be known as Local Law 2 of 2008 of the Town of Schodack, and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk be and is hereby directed to enter said local law in the Code of the Town of Schodack
Authorizing the Supervisor to Issue Bond Anticipation Notes (BANs) of the Town in the amount of $___________________________ dated _______________as Follows:
To be completed
Amend resolution 2008-347 adopted September 11, 2008 relative to the Fire Investigation Unit, November 5 through 7, 2008, Fall Seminar, total of $125 registration fee for 5 members; mileage for two vehicles, $532; tolls for two vehicles, $24; total Lodging $630; and total Meals $190 for a total cost of $1,500.
Authorize Supervisor Secor to execute Septic Tank Effluent Pump (STEP) Agreements by and between the Town of Schodack and Real Property Owners within Schodack Landing Sewer District No. 8.
Authorize Supervisor Secor to execute Appendix X to TM71149 to amend the termination date in order to make the fund balance available until July 31, 2009. The total contract is $12,500 and represents the Legislative Member Initiative provided by Assemblyman Timothy Gordon for the purchase of emergency access systems and related activities. All funds were not expended by July 31, 2008.
Authorize Partial Payment Estimate No. 4 for the work completed by Wm. J. Keller & Sons Construction Corp. Contract No. 6, General Construction Sewer District No. 8 in the total amount of $434,077.10 less retainage of five percent (5%) in the amount of $21,703.85 for a total payment not to exceed $412,373.25. This authorization is contingent upon review and approval of documentation for Minority and Women Business (M/WBE), affidavit and certification of contractor as to payment of wages and subcontractors and will also be subject to the approval of the USDA Rural Development, a funding agency, and the Town Comptroller.
Authorize Patroon Abstract Corp. to provide title services to determine owners of record of two parcels necessary for ingress and egress and construction of a proposed elevated water storage reservoir pursuant to a scope provided by John W. Tabner, Esq. Said authorization shall not exceed $500.
Authorize Bruce Goodall, Director of Transfer Station, to execute agreement with Care Environmental Corp. for collection of Household Hazardous Waste on September 27, 2008.
Retain Edwin Vopelak, P.E., of C.T. Male to provide technical assistance relative to negotiation of an Option to Extend Lease Agreement with Crown Atlantic Company, LLC, at hourly rate of $175. This authorization shall not exceed five (5) hours.
Motion to Adjourn
Pursuant to the regulation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-36), the Town of Schodack will provide auxiliary aids or special services for persons with disabilities. Please notify the Town Clerk's Office at 477-7590 so arrangements can be made for requested services.
Please forward correspondence regarding Town matters to:
Supervisor Beth Knauf Secor
Town of Schodack
265 Schuurman Rd.
Castleton, NY 12033-9622
Or call the Supervisor at 518-477-7918
Schodack:Board:Draft Agenda for 25 Sept 2008
Latest Update: 24 Sept 08
Beth Secor and her fellow Town Board members spend most of that money at the twice monthly Town Board meetings. If you are not attending them, you have no idea of what is going on. If you can't be at Town, Planning, and ZBA meetings, you should at least subscribe to the Independent twice weekly newspaper to follow what they are up to, after the fact.
Like Ray Lemka, you too, can attend these meetings, become aware and speak up. Many of these meetings have too few citizens speaking on too few issues. Ray can't keep them in check, if you don't help him do so.
I hope you will start attending soon and more often, now that the weather and summer distractions are winding down.
The agendas can ocassionally be found, before the meetings, at http://www.schodack.org/. More often than not they appear at the last minute, if at all.
Don't use not having a known agenda as an excuse to miss a meeting. Everytime you do that, they win, because they deterred you from coming. That seems to be the intent of keeping the content of meetings from being readily known ahead of the meetings by all of the public.
You are this town's best hope for keeping its government honest and in check. I hope you know and understand how important you are.
How come there is no link from the blog to the VOS Mainpage? Or, am I over looking it?
There is a link to the VOS main page on the main page of the blog, just scroll down a little.
Due to various reasons, the VOS website has not been updated regularly. The plan is to re-do the site in the near future to prepare for next year's election. For now, this blog is an excellent vehicle for Schodack residents to voice their concerns and get useful information.
You know the type of person who isn't afraid to stand up for other people when they aren't being treated fairly?
You know the type of person who puts the interests of others before themselves?
You know when you've met someone whose character stands out in your mind for a long time?
I do. I know someone like that. His name is Ray Lemka.
Thank you, Ray, for all you did and continue to do for our town.
And we're looking forward to election 2009!
With the current economic situation as it is, I'd like to know why Secor thinks she can still spend with abandon.
Property tax hikes..an expensive, too-large town building...massive town debt... No wonder there's a Dollar store on Rt 20 -- that's only what us Schodack folks will be able to afford before long.
She needs to cut back on her jacked-up employee salaries and return our town to fiscal responsibility.
Let's hold our local leaders accountable as well in this financial crisis.
Last night there was 3 Town Board members presiding over the Workshop meeting and its Hearing with Ken Stiner,acting as chair of the meeting. Secor and Ziegler were absent.
There were 7 persons, total, in the audience, including the head of the Town's Highway Dept., the reporter for the Independent newspaper, Ray Lemka, and 4 citizens.
I don't have my copy of the full agenda handy, but with so few present, last night, the Board authorized payment or spending of hundreds of thousands of dollars and millions in bonds to increase debt loads.
In response to the message about attending Planning Board meetings.
I think this is only one step in reforming our Town’s government.
We need a more investigative press. The Times Union ignores Schodack, and The Independent simply summarizes a few meetings, instead of digging deeper and asking real questions.
Which leads to another problem: there is a serious lack of communication networks Schodack. A desire to reform local government crosses party lines, crosses neighborhoods, and crosses church groups and civic groups But, since we don’t have the days of a “General Store” anymore, there’s no common gathering place for our community. It’s certainly an advantage for Secor’s cronies – they can all huddle together in the Fortress (whoops, I meant Town Hall) and chit-chat in offices that we taxpayers pay for.
The Voice of Schodack is very helpful – but I’d also like to see investigative reports on Town Boards members, and Secor appointees.
When Public Officials are held accountable to the public, we all benefit.
At the moment, it does not appear, as of today, that Crown is on the agenda for the coming Planning Board meeting. This could change, so keep an eye on the Town Website.
The known agenda as of this afternoon is below. Maybe some of these issues will concern you, too.
Revised DRAFT AS OF September 29, 2008; subject to change
PLANNING BOARD AGENDA - 7:00 p.m., Oct 6, 2008
Next meeting - Oct 20, 2008
APPROVE MINUTES - September 15, 2008
Carlton Dean 2008-37/R-20/202.17-1-4
Albany Ave and Rosecrans Ave
Proposed - Timber Clearing
IICD Clothes Collection 2008-27/HC/178.-12-8.2
Jewelry Repair Center
1629 Columbia Turnpike
Proposed - Clothes Collection Bins
Opasite/Peters Tower 2008-30/R-49/199.-1-39
1803 Brookview Rd
Proposed - Co-Location
Kohler Home Builders, LLC 2007-10/LB, R-40, R-20/210.-7-39.11
US Rt. 9 & Schodack Drive
Proposed - PD-2 / Residential and Commercial
John Paige 2008-38/HC/210.-7-31.171
Proposed - site plan Modification
Paul Colvin 2008-35/RA/188.-1-1
2388 Rt. 9J
Proposed - 2 Lot Subdivision
Reno Road Perez Subdivision 71-2005/RA,R-40/178.-4-39.11,39.13,36
Reno Road
Proposed - 28 Lot Subdivision
7:30 p.m. PUBLIC HEARING(s)
Shelly Clarke and Anthony DeFrancesco 2008-19/RA/179.-5-16
Morris Road
Proposed - 3 Lot Subdivision
School House Acres / Benjamin Marra 2008-7/RA/201.-2-50.12
Schoolhouse Rd and Loweree Rd
Proposed - 3 Lot Subdivision
Revised from 10 lots to 3 lots
Pursuant to the regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336), the Town of Schodack will provide auxiliary aids or special services for persons with disabilities. Please notify the Town Clerk's Office at 477-7590 so arrangements can be made for requested services.
Please forward written comments to: Nadine Fuda, Director, Planning & Zoning, Schodack Town Hall,265 Schuurman Road, Castleton, NY 12033-9622, Nadine.fuda@schodack.org Telephone: 518-477-7938, Fax: 518-477-7983
Peter G. Goold, Chairman Denise Mayrer, Vice Chairperson G. Jeffrey Haber Wayne Johnson
Sylvester Kedzierski Paul Puccio John LaVoie Attorney: Tim Nugent, Esq.
Schodack:Planning Board:Revised Draft Agenda for 6 Oct 2008
Latest Update: 30 Sept 08
URL: http://www.schodack.org/docs/pb_draft.htm
Regarding the poster lamenting the lack of some form of cohesion of the anti-Secor faction - you are right. The VOS has been outstanding in it's ability to let Schodack taxpayers air their complaints about the crap that goes on in this town. Outside of that, there's not much there. Don't expect the Independent to do anything with a "bad government" story, except maybe nibble around the edges, and end up telling us nothing. The local reporter is too busy telling us about camping trips or groovey nights at the drive-in. All I can say is just keep your pencil sharp, we may need it again.
If you have a credit card through Bank of America, a word of caution!
Bank of America is raising interest rates on credit cards even if you have been making payments on time and have no other issues!
They are sending emails with an "attachment" that tells you they are raising your interest rate because they reviewed your credit report and didn't like what they saw, that's ridiculous!
One person had a rate of 9.9% and it is now 26%! All because of them reviewing your credit report!
Be very careful, read all attachments to emails, letters, etc. from them. If you catch it, you can protest the change and they will not raise the interest rate but will freeze the account. Make sure you don't use the card again if you receive an interest rate notice because then you cannot protest!
Gotta love them banks eh?
Voter Registration for the coming election and part enrollment for the coming year is nearing its conclusion.
If you know anyone this may apply to or help in NYS, MA, CN, VT, and NJ, please pass it on. It would be great if everyone would register to vote and choose a party to enroll within. Last year's local Schodack elections demonstrate how crucial primaries can be lost by a handful of votes and how general elections can be lost by a few more.
To participate in the November 4th General Election, the final day to postmark a NYS Voter Registration Form, which, also, includes party enrollment or party changes, is today, Friday October 10th. More information and downloadable, mailable applications may be found at http://www.elections.state.ny.us/. Printed, mailable applications are, also, available through some NYS and Federal Offices, as well as, through NYS County Offices and Board of Elections and most NYS town, village, and city offices. To determine all your options, phone you local County Board of Elections. The phone number can be found in the blue pages of most phone books or online. You may, also, google to find your County website with links to your County B.O.E.
This Saturday afternoon, starting from 1 or 2PM and running until 9PM many, if not all, County Board of Elections, Town Halls and City Halls in NYS will be open for a Registration Day for walk in registration, or to drop off completed registration forms. That will be your final opportunity to register, update your registration, or to enroll in a political party in time to be effective with the Nov. 4th Election. If you register after Saturday, your registration will not take effect until some time after this Election. If you enroll in a party or change party affiliations, your full enrollment will not take effect until after the November 2009 election. So, you will not be able to vote in primaries for the intervening year, nor be fully active in the party you register with.
On Saturday, if you attend Goold Fest, there will be Voter Registration and party enrollment at the Schodack Democrat Table, behind or near the Entertainment Tent. These completed applications will be brought to the Town Hall Open Registration at the end of the Goold Fest on Saturday.
Some information for the http://www.elections.state.ny.us/ website is printed, below. You may, also, find information about absentee ballot requests at this website, as well.
Voter Registration Deadlines for NYS
Applications must be postmarked not later than October 10th and received by a board of elections not later than October 15th to be eligible to vote in the General Election. Contact your local County Board of Elections to determine locations and hours for walk-in Voter Registration on Saturday October 11th.
IN PERSON REGISTRATION - Secs. 5-210, 5-211, 5-212
You may register at your local board of elections or any state agency participating in the National Voter Registration Act, on any business day throughout the year but, to be eligible to vote in the November general election, your application must be received no later than October 10th except, if you have been honorably discharged from the military or have become a naturalized citizen since October 10th, you may register in person at the board of elections up until October 24th.
CHANGE OF ADDRESS - Sec. 5-208(3)
Notices of change of address from registered voters received by October 15th by a county board of elections must be processed and entered in the records in time for the general election.
If you live in NJ, than October 14, 2008 is the last opportunity to register to vote for the upcoming General Election. Go to http://www.njelections.org/index.html for more specific information about registration and absentee ballot requests.
If you live in the State of Connecticut, you my mail in with post mark 14 days ahead of the election or register in person 7 days ahead of the election. See the form at http://www.ct.gov/sots/LIB/sots/ElectionServices/ElectForms/electforms/ed671.pdf
For application for Absentee Ballot and other registration information such as a Registration Form in Spanish go to http://www.ct.gov/sots/cwp/view.asp?a=3179&q=392218#ElectionCalendar
If you live in Massachusetts, you must register to vote 20 days ahead of elections. Go to http://www.sec.state.ma.us/ele/eleidx.htm for voter registration, information, and absentee ballot requests.
If you live in Vermont, see the information which follows:
October 6, 2008 Early and Absentee voting for General Election begins - ballots delivered to all town and city clerks
October 29, 2008
@ 5:00 p.m. Voter Registration Application Filing Deadline for General Election
Go to http://vermont-elections.org/elections1/voters.html and http://vermont-elections.org/soshome.htm for voter registration, information, and absentee ballot requests. Wednesday, October 29, 2008 - Last Day to Register To Vote for the General Election in Vermont.
If you want investigations of small town local governments, you must be willing to do them yourself or with a group of fellow citizens. With one reporter to cover Schodack and East Greenbush the Independent has her very busy.
Most readers don't appreciate the amount of time it takes to do an investigation. This is especially true when a Town Government is as one party and closed as it is in Schodack. With no one talking out of turn and there being no one bringing inside stories to the media, nothing is served up easily.
So, if you think something smells, you and whatever group you can put together for it, will have to do your own investigation. If you do a solid, provable job of it, than the media, more than likely, will be happy to pick it up. If it is juicy enough, then the media may do their own investigations or continue yours.
If you have been following the news about staffing cuts in newsrooms for TV and print media, you may be aware of how understaffed most now are. Without staff to investigate, many resort to simply reporting government and corporate managed and created Press Releases, which are created by in-house employees or public relations staff. PR is not real news. In part, that is what is prompting blogging, which tries to fill the gap.
If you value the one small newspaper, the Independent, which does focus on Schodack, you better do all you can to support it now, while it still exists. The company which owns it and the Troy Record is in deep economic trouble. It is making cuts to staff and eliminating some of the publications it owns. Relative to other publications that the company owns, the Independent is fairly stable and profitable.
If you want to keep the Independent, you must buy it, or better yet subscribe to it. It is the number of subscriptions, which will really determine how much longer it will remain as a resource for Schodack and our other local communities.
Democracy, if you want it, is participatory, too. It is a year round effort, every year, not just in the months leading up to a paticular election. The system fails if its citizens are passive and spoon fed PR by compliant, profit driven media and governments.
If you don't have the time to participate or are too distracted, you get what we have now. If, personally, you are too busy to put in the time yourself, than find other ways to help.
If you have money to contribute, than contribute it. Buy the Independent to keep it going. Tell those who are working to change and better the system, that you appreciate their efforts. Find some way of doing something.
Tell everyone you know to visit the VOS every week. Contribute content and opinions to VOS and other local media. At least enroll in a political party, so you can vote in its primaries and try to influence its leadership. Inform yourself, then vote in absolutely every primary and election.
Support your fellow citizens who are having issues and problems with your local Town Government. Help them in their fight, even if it offers no personal benefit to you.
Just blogging here on VOS could be a helpful start, but don't expect change unless you, yourself, work to make it happen.
The thought that NYS is going to close Schodack Island park effective October 13th just makes me sick. This park is a local jewel and gets plenty of activity throughout the year. It is not just for boaters but rather everyone. Please lets get the word out that we are going to lose access to something precious.
I like to take walks in the Schodack Island Park. What's interesting is that Schodack Island is the only park they are doing this to. They haven't even suggested making cutbacks to staff in an effort to enable the park to stay open. There seems to be more going on here than meets the eye.
Let's not forget they spent millions of our tax dollars to create this park, it belongs to us and now they think they can just arbitrarily decide to close it!
In regard to the blog article, on this matter. What Governor Patterson really needs to do is to cut 25% of all State Workers and leave "OUR PARK" alone!!! Can you imagine how much money, we "TAXPAYERS" could save, by doing this. It would eliminate all of these payrolls, insurance benefits and heaven knows what else, we could save, from just doing this much needed and sensible thing !!! Just look at how many state workers, whom you or I know personally! For example, with Columbus Day coming up on 10/13/08, all of these people are getting PAID for staying home and nothing is getting done! Now you tell me, does this make sense, or does this makes sense, DUH!!!
We know some of these park employees and they are only part-time. So no benefits are having to be paid out...saving money, unlike these full time state workers! Let's face it, our PARK will still have to be plowed out, in case there are emergencies, that occur, or patrolled to prevent vandalism. So, why can't the people still be able to enjoy it, throughout the year!!! Everyone knows, we pay out way too much in "TAXES" and get very little, if really nothing in return!!!
It's about as "stupid", as all of these billions and billions of our "taxpayers" dollars, being spent for these AS------ calling themselves, CEO's, which in reality stands for...CLEVER
If the Independent reporter would like some leads, just read the VOS blog.
1) Why do we have a Town Webmaster with an undisclosed salary who seems to have such trouble getting agendas posted?
2) What the heck was going on with the Schodack Valley Fire Department? Ever see a fire district election with those "turn-out" figures?
3) Interview Beth. Ask her what's going on with the Town Library. And, oh, how about the sale of the old Town Hall? How's that going?
4) Interview Tim Nugent: I'd love to read his take on life in Schodack, lawsuits, and the Democratic Party.
So, yes, I'd like to see some articles on these topics, for starters.
Ya gotta hand it to Beth: she makes spilled diesel a "good thing" (as Martha Stewart would say):
Supervisor Secor said that Pilot personnel are trained to handle spill incidents and acted quickly both in containment and notifications to appropriate agencies. [...] "With the volume of traffic on the NYS Thruway and Interstate 90, we cannot isolate the Town from these dangers," the supervisor said. "However, we have been deliberate and proactive in the design and planning phase. This test showed that our planning measures were appropriate and we can assure residents that their safety is our foremost concern."
see: http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=20158183&BRD=248&PAG=461&dept_id=462341&rfi=6
What the Indepent needs is more reporters. The Schodack reporter, also, covers East Greenbush and acts in other capacities.
I agree that the leads suggested in the prior post all deserve follow up.
Anyone want to be an unpaid, self employed reporter for VOS and follow up on them. Getting those answers would be a scoop.
At the Thursday Oct 23rd Town Board Meeting, 2 Public Hearings and about 34 resolutions. A lot going on, so look it over at http://www.schodack.org/docs/draft_agenda.htm to see if you, too, should be present for this meeting.
Democracy requires the vigilance of its citizens.
Town official guilty in cover-up
Stephentown Highway Superintendent Neil Gardner convicted of 24 felony counts; lawyer plans an appeal
By BOB GARDINIER, Staff writer
First published in print: Saturday, October 18, 2008
TROY — Stephentown Highway Superintendent Neil Gardner stood stunned in county court Friday as a judge found him guilty of two-dozen felony counts for offering forged documents to cover up illegal gravel purchases for the town.
''We are very disappointed,'' Gardner's attorney Thomas Spargo said outside court. ''He only engaged in conduct that benefited his town and he did not personally benefit from it at all.''
Gardner was acquitted of one misdemeanor count of operating a mine without a permit.
Assistant Attorney General Nancy Snyder, who prosecuted, said Gardner faces up to seven years in prison when sentenced in December.
Spargo said he plans to appeal.
If the conviction stands, Gardner could lose the elected position he has held since 1985.
After a three-day, non-jury trial, Judge Robert Jacon announced his verdict. Gardner's family sat behind him as he was found guilty of 12 counts of criminal possession of a forged instrument and 12 counts of offering a forged instrument for filing, both low-level felonies.
In October 2006, state Department of Environmental Conservation investigators took records from offices of the town clerk, Gardner and Russ Freeman of Russ Freeman Excavating, Nassau. The firm regularly performed work for the Stephentown Highway Department.
The investigation started when information surfaced that the town was mining gravel from an unpermitted site on the property of Anthony Cormier.
Cormier was building a home and barn on the site and had asked Gardner if the town wanted to buy gravel he needed to get rid of to level his land for construction.
After that allegation surfaced, the town asked Gardner to get Freeman, whose company participated in the mining, to produce load slips verifying the purchases before Cormier could be paid.
The load slips noted the gravel came from a Troy Sand and Gravel mine, not the Cormier property, which led to the felony charges against Gardner and Freeman.
Gardner testified that Freeman handed him an envelope, which he pushed under the door of the town clerk's office.
He said he never looked at the slips and was unaware of the alteration.
Freeman pleaded guilty in Town Court in October 2007 to second-degree offering a false instrument for filing and was fined $1,000. He died of cancer in December.
Gardner was freed on his own recognizance pending sentencing.
Bob Gardinier can be reached at 454-5696 or by e-mail at bgardinier@timesunion.com.
Speaking of people caught in the
act of doing illegal dealings, like the above blog on Gardner and Freeman, what about the one coming up in February 9, 2009 on you guess it...our beloved and crooked
BETH S. and Tim N.!
Can't wait, can you!!!
Tomorrow's TB Mtg focuses largely on Water Districts and assessments and Sewer Districts and rents. Additionally, they will committ to spending some thousands of other additional dollars.
With th TB meeting mentioned in the above blog on amounts of big monies to be spent, on who knows what...why don't we just sell off
all of these 'CROONIES' supposingly to be working for us!
After all, it's almost time for HALLOWEEN!
This is an interesting item from tonight's agenda:
Pursuant to Local Law No. 7 of 2006, the Town Board of the Town of Schodack hereby establishes a singular issue Committee. Said Committee is to be known as the Design Advisory Committee. The purpose of the Committee is to identify, review, and recommended options relating to commercial design standards in the Town of Schodack. Said recommendations are to include the Committee's opinion as to the manner in which to achieve or enact said goals and objectives.
The following individuals are hereby appointed as members of the Committee: Tony Kirby, Beth Knauf Secor, Supervisor, ____________, ______________, ________________, and _______________."
I wonder who the others will be? I hope qualified citizens are selected.
From http://www.schodack.org/cal/GordonSecor.htm
Gordon and Secor call for Schodack Island forum;
Parks and Recreation agrees
Public forum set for October 30, after the Assemblyman and Supervisor make demand
Schodack - Representatives of the State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) have agreed to meet with local residents and elected officials after being requested to do so by Assemblyman Tim Gordon (I - Bethlehem) and Schodack Town Supervisor Beth Knauf Secor (R Schodack). The meeting, to discuss the closure of Schodack Island State Park from October until April, is set for Thursday, October 30th at 7 p.m. in Schodack Town Hall.
"The residents of Schodack and the surrounding area utilize this wonderful resource throughout the winter. Its sudden closing, without public knowledge and input, is a real blow to the community," Gordon said. "It is essential that OPRHP hear what the people have to say."
Gordon, Secor and residents were rankled when they learned of the park's closing only days before it happened, and strongly objected to the action being taken without considering the needs and desires of the people who use the park. Secor, who had requested a delay in the park's closing until after the forum was held, said the meeting may help all parties discover a way to keep the park open.
"The town has resources that may be used to help address some of the needs for services over the winter," said Secor. "Communicating with us prior to the closing may have lead to a different outcome."
Since its opening, park usage has increased. "The Department of Parks and Recreation should listen to the people and take into consideration the impact the closing will have on their quality of life," Gordon said. "They must work with the residents and local officials to arrive at a solution that will both save the state money in these difficult times and allow residents access to this unique recreational resource on the Hudson River."
Schodack: Schodack Island State Park
Latest Update: 21 Oct 08
URL: http://www.schodack.org/GordonSecor.htm
Regarding posting articles from the Independent, etc.
Rather than copy & paste an entire article from other sources, please just copy & paste the link to the article. Going forward, posts that include entire articles from other sources will not be accepted.
Thanks for your cooperation!
Blog Master
How was the turnout at the forum and is there any potential for getting access to the park?
I would have went but I work 2nd shift.
Well, as I'm heading out to go and vote, I'd just like to say "thank you" to Ray Lemka. I remember last year's election day like it was yesterday, and I want to thank him for his selfless dedication to our community.
What the people of Schodack accomplished with a write-in vote after facing challenge after challenge sent a strong message to the Secor administration.
Hats off to you, Ray! I consider you the true "winner" in terms of ethics, standards, and all-around decency here in Schodack.
"No legacy is so rich as honesty."
-- William Shakespeare
Well written article.
Boy is this blog quiet. Is that crackpot sign guy Kellogg in Florida sipping his cocktails.You know how he likes his cocktails. Also,has anybody seen the plans for the new Schodack Valley Fire Station ? I see the site work has been moving along quickly. I assume they will want to break ground before winter.
I agree, it seems people can't be bothered to share infomation about things that directly affect their lives, like the Crown project.
Most are more concerned with what happens on the other side of the planet. That's why Secor & Co. can treat us like mushrooms, keep us in the dark & feed us bulls**t!
Change does not come easily, the next election is less than a year away. We need to organize and strategize starting now, you can bet Secor & Co. are!
This blog is an invaluable resource for Schodack resident's to share information, let's use it!
First, thank you VOS for continuing to provide this valuable service to residents.
I disagree strongly with the statments written "excusing" the lack of press coverage of our town. Want to sell more newspapers? Write something that is of importance to us locally. Yes, photos of kids in Halloween costumes are cute, but it would be helpful to have some solid journalism from our local papers now and again.
I don't understand the premise that "investigative journalism" is so costly. If the Independent reporter is attending meetings, then why doesn't he/she ask some follow-up questions? With Secor's government, where jobs are handed out to a tight network of friends and family, it's not hard to see the frequent (and glaring) conflicts of interest in this community.
So, how "costly" is it for the Independent reporter to stand up and ask some real questions?
It won't cost much but courage.
(And, yes, you'd sell more newspapers.)
A good place to start organizing is to get Tim Nugent out of the Democratic committee. If he is still the area leader, you can bet we will have another fiasco on our hands.
Tim Nugent is no more. E. Gable is now the chair. A very good change for the Dems. She will likely get supports from Dems and many Republicans tired of the spending of Beth from her grand castle. See all the area towns holding line on taxes, and ours going up over 7% on top of being reassessed. My school taxes went up over 36% ($750+)due to reassesment, can't wait to see what my property taxes will be.....
I'm glad to hear that Nugent is out! Elizabeth Gable was an excellent choice!
We as Schodack residents need to join together to elect people who are responsive to what we want for Schodack. Party affiliation should not stand in the way of taking our town back from Secor & her cronies! This coming Nov. let's finish what we started!
Happy Thanksgiving!
In regard to the above blogs, concerning Tim Nugent. I think his head should have been on the chopping block, instead of Tom, the turkey!
My holiday season is off to a great start.
So glad to read Tim "Turkey" Nugent is no longer leading the Dems.
(Too bad we can't post political cartoons on VOS.)
Re: the new Schodack Democratic chairwoman -- be careful what you wish for. Also expect the Independent reporter and her coverage to become even more tilted in this direction. Another adage -- Politics makes strange bedfellows!
I've been very good this year. So, my wish for Christmas is to have "The Grench" steal Beth and Tim and all of their croonies. Maybe then, everyone will be able to afford a Christmas!!!
...Santa Baby
So, the Dems finally pull the trigger and dispatch Nugent. Long overdue. Next up for all fair minded Schodack citizens who care about their town and being taxed out of existence is Secor. Can the Dems put up a candidate for a change? Can we have a choice? Can the Independent act independent and dig deep and expose? We'll see.
Great. We Democrats now have a non-working rich women to lead. How is she going to know what working people face these days when she is so rich she does not work???? I'd rather vote for Secor.
Amen- Ms. Gable's mouth is only surpassed in size by her pocketbook. She is exactly who Obama is targeting. I hope she gets her wings clipped along with her wealth in excess of the common man and women.
Schodack needs common sense zoning and common sense spending! We need government from the middle. I know the taxes here, are making more people leave NY by the day! It is time to work together, for the good of the town.
I agree. So i see Gable again is attacking a developer. And Kirby has a state job so he does not have to worry. A developer comes in and proposes a project that complies with zoning and she goes wild. Must be nice to be rich and not work like Lizzy. What about th poor workers who need jobs!!! I got laid off from my job as a framer. Thanks Tony and Gable.
Does it strike anyone else as odd that Ms. Gable protests every new development that is proposed? Can every new subdivision be bad or is she just a person who has nothing else to do but antagonize the planning board?
Now that she is the head of the local Democrats does that mean she will bring her onesided point of view to the entire party?
I am always suspicious of zealots like her who seem to have no other interests. We all know what happens to those who cry wolf all the time - sooner or later no one listens. Lets hope.
They finally get rid of Nugent and now Elizabeth Gable is the chairperson of the Democratic Party and everyone is already attacking her!
Give the woman a chance! If she can get a slate of viable candidates on the ballot so we can finally have an honest election for the first time in years, she's a superstar!
There are legitimate issues about new developments that are not fully covered by Schodack's Planning Board and Building Department.
If your existing home abuts lands being "developed" many times people find that projects do not follow what some developers agree to do. I see parts of Rt 9 are covered with mud from someone building there. It'd be nice if the building department saw to it that they stopped the run-off.
The Pilot station was built with lighting different than proposed, so we are left with glaring lights that can affect drivers on Rt 9. Some builders work late into the night, disturbing residents. Large-scale subdivisions can affect drainage patterns and wells.
Isn't it reasonable that we as taxpayers who are already here have a voice, and can express our concern?
As for the framer who is out-of-work: I am sorry for your plight, but you'll find that honest, quality builders are still hiring. In this international economic downturn (hardly the fault of Ms. Gable, who lives, I believe, in a subdivision), only the best businesses survive. Hope you find work soon.
Not everyone thinks all builders are bad. But Schodack has been stuck with the legacy of some bad planning and poor follow-up. It's only fair to ask questions and be vigilant.
Every tax payer has a right to express their opinions at the planning board meetings -- but when the same person is constantly anti development one must wonder why? If you or I went to the planning board to register a concern with a new development, they would listen to our concerns. I'm sure when Lizzy speaks to them they turn her off as the same old same old.
Re: the Pilot lights -- are you serious? If that is your best example of poor planning than our board must be doing a pretty good job.
So what's the deal with the power outage in Schodack?
Anyone know what happened on Rt 9?
We're still without power -- anyone got theirs back?
I'm on Maple Hill Rd. and we got power back at approx. 6pm Sat. From what I heard, a couple of power poles went down when trees fell on them.
We were fortunate to have a generator that worked when we needed it to!
We got it several yrs. ago during another power outage. Soon after moving to Schodack, we realized the power would go out if the wind blew too hard!
In summary, try to be as prepared as possible for these types of disasters, they will happen again!
I'm just thankful it's over!
8:45 pm Sunday -- we're still without power.
Hope everyone else got theirs back on.
Keep warm.
I see about 1800 people in Schodack still have no power (from NG website). We don't either.
Supposed to get it back 10 pm Wednesday.
I guess a huge tree took out 7 poles on Rt. 9. Looks like that is all fixed now.
Hope everyone is coping.
“As for the framer who is out-of-work: I am sorry for your plight, but you'll find that honest, quality builders are still hiring. In this international economic downturn (hardly the fault of Ms. Gable, who lives, I believe, in a subdivision), only the best businesses survive.”
Really? So it is only the bad builders laying off people? How about the gypsum plant in EG that closed? How about all the engineering firms laying off?
The only “Bad Planning” I see is from people you buy a stones throw away from any a major interstate then complain because finally a commercial business moves in.
Move to Ghent.
still waiting
Hmmm...so poor planning is the fault of those who live near a major highway?
In this scenario then, we all need to have 1/2 mile long driveways with 15 foot privacy fences around our 100 acre properties. And of course, our own water treatment facilities to deal with the now-polluted groundwater. Helpful too to have our own 1000 amp generators too, since NG crews will need time to get to our private estates. Private tutors for our kids, since we don't want to associate with public education in any way.
Sorry, but we live together on this earth. That means protecting shared resources through good planning.
Ok...then bad planning buying a home in or near a Commercial Zone...
Enjoy your last Star Exemption and State school aid that subsidized your school tax bill…
But at least we can still hunt off Exit 12…
Good Planning is concessions on both sides…problem it is always a one-sided concession
But thank you for the education …been in the field my whole life.
The following was received from another source. The name will be withheld due to not receiving permission to post this.
"I would like to know what it is that I get for my town taxes other than more town employees. This is outrageous. We also have far too many police officers when the state police are located in our town. Beth is running the town like she is the mayor of Albany. This needs to stop and employees need to go."
Amen, Amen!
Let's see how many services our excessive taxes get us. I would like to have resident's post what they think they get for their tax money.
I'll start,
Secor is always bragging about how the "town" is bringing water & sewers to resident's.
Both water & sewer service are an additional expense on top of their already excessive taxes!
You see, the town wants to bring water & sewer service to as many as they can, why? Because the town charges a "fee" for both and once the debt for these are paid, the town will have another source of revenue which residents will pay forever. So they are really helping themselves out, nice eh?
I bet you last posters stay up all night thinking about what you can complain about next. Only an uneducated hillbilly would prefer a well over a safe public water system. Don't you think your home or whatever you live in is worth more with public water.
Also, I hope you never have an emergency where you have to rely on a quick response from the State Police. They cover a very large area with few officers. If you got rid of Schodack PD, do you think our current governor is going to provide adequate State Police coverage without added taxes.You get nothing for nothing in the real world.
Have a blessed Holiday you whiners !!!
Wouldn't it be nice to see our Supervisor holding a shovel with one foot cocked, readying to break ground for a new business in our town? Even before the economic downturn, have we seen this picture very often? No. It's not that her instinct is anti-growth. She just can't get the job done. Atleast not soon enough for those who want to live here but can't afford the taxes. Coupled with this ineptness, we have a vocal minority who live along the Rt-9 corridor, whose religion has become aquifer protection, w/o execption, and oppose ANY commercial developement to a stretch of highway that should be lit up like a Christmas tree with retail. That is, in any normal town it would be.
{If you got rid of Schodack PD, do you think our current governor is going to provide adequate State Police coverage without added taxes.You get nothing for nothing in the real world.}
In response to the above;
Schodack's police dept. accounts for one third of the budget.
Officers are allowed unlimited tuition re-imbursement.
Shortly after taking office, Secor increased the police pension and her husband was the first one to benefit from it!
All this expense for police protection in a town of 12,000 with a very low crime rate, doesn't it make you wonder why?
As for the state police, they have a sub-station right in Schodack on Rt.9, they are also much better trained.
Clifton Park has a much larger population and much higher crime rate, they don't have a police dept, they use the state police.
As for how long it will take for the police to respond, if someone is breaking into my home, I'll have the phone in one hand to call the police and my gun in the other just in case they don't get there soon enough!
Re the above poster on "Route 9 should be lite up like Christmas tree with retail" You haven't been paying attention have you. The folks that have opposed Crown have for good reason. The threat to the ground water and it will produce little in revenue. They have never spoke out against retail. In fact, have encouraged it. Retail is quality development that produces maximum tax revenue in exchange for the traffic. I think we all would agree if we have to have traffic, cars full of soccer moms shopping is preferable to lonely truckers from who knows where driving huge vehicles hauling dangerous cargo. Retail, office space, hotels, light industry, and a 100 other allowable uses can be built along 9. But all Bethy and the County bring us is more truck stops. WHY? Those who will accept any development are to quick to label those that oppose careless development as against all development. We are not. Thoughtful planning is not to much to ask. Bringing in capital projects in somewhere near budget is not to much to ask. Every capital project Beth has overseen has come in 15-40% over budget. This Town hall is costing us a fortune in O&M costs. Thanks to reassesment, she is getting a whole bunch more money to spend. Forget the nonsense about the reduced tax rate. Of course the rate went down, but the tax base went way up. In a couple years we will be back to the same rate but paying even more then now because the value of your home went up over night. My taxes went up over $1000 because of reassesment. Don't tell me about tax rates. How much I got to pay is what is important. Regarding the relationship between development and taxes, if you think more truck terminals is going to slow down how much your taxes go up, you are dreaming. Go back to sleep if you think Crown will help our current or future tax load. If you really are concerned about taxes and want to bring in business that will help the tax base, starting working the the thoughtful folks who are trying to do the same thing. Yes they/we oppose truck stop after truck stop. But we want quality commercial development just like you do. When some figure that out, we are all going to be better off. Happy Holiday all.
I'm sorry to say I agree with the fact that our local police force must go. I know many of them personally and are friends with some but they just cost too much.
Isn't is ridiculous to have a Nassau PD, East Greenbush PD, Schodack PD, Renss. Co Sheriff, and State Police?
As to why we don't have commercial development on Rt 9 -- the retailers won't build here until there is more dense population to support their business'. That leaves non retail business' (warehouses) as our only source of commercial growth. Those who fight the new developments and then complain about the lack of commercial growth must understand this basic fact. No new houses no new business - except warehouses.
I am amazed at the work the towns highway crew has done,they have had it tough. Even with the cut's in staffing they got the job done! Great job guy's. I have to ask? Why so many new jobs in the town hall and the people we depend on, the highway guys less and less every year. Next time we have an emergency we have to get the ever expanding paper pushers out to help!
With the new NYS budget the state police are talking about leaving Schodack and consolidating. I am as opposed as you to paying for duplicate services but we may need them.
In regards to needing more homes (finally a sensible person) then we can have the specialty coffee shop with free wireless, the unfortunate thing is the vocal minority is opposed. They maintain that Crown is not zoned for route 9 (fair enough) but why can’t I build on an acre and half lot when zoned per the code without the mania. Nope, need 6-12 acre lots to “maintain the rural integrity” plus the opposition to “increased traffic” and “strain on our schools”. I have to maintain the rural integrity yet their house is on a postage stamp lot.
If it is to maintain the rural integrity …put your money where your mouth is…buy a farm, make it forever wild and deed it over to the Town plus you can help offset your carbon footprint to help stop global alarming.
If you listen to all the talking heads, you would think that global warming is going to be a crisis! In reality, it is just another political scam! But they will keep pounding us with it until we submit. Obama is a global warming nut, just wait until he's in office, you'll get global warming up the wazoo!
Tell me about it...the latest snake oil...
Has anybody looked at the comptrollers budget? The job used to be done for around eighty thousand, now it's about one hundred eighty thousand. Schodack must be spending way to much money if cost's that much just to pay our bills!
Secor has added many "new" positions to Town gov't.
The Town clerk, Donna Conlin now has at least 1 or 2 "assistant town clerks", for what reason? The town population has not increased dramatically that I know of so the only reason I can think of is they are doing Conlin's job for her so she can do next to nothing and get paid $50,000 taxpayer dollars/yr.
This is only one example of Secor is growing Town gov't and using our tax dollars to do it! Before you know it, Secor will need to build a multi-million dollar addition to Town Hall to hold all the staff!
If anyone knows of other Town dept's that have added staff, please post the information, we would all appreciate it!
Good news! Schodack Island Park re-opened last Tue. Staffed by volunteers.
Does anyone know if the trails will be plowed, bathrooms open etc?
"We the people" These are very strong words. Our country, America, is suffering from greed. We still our the nation that shapes the world. The nation's and the world econmy is on the brink. We cannot have tax increase after tax increase anymore! We as a nation owe very large sum's of money. Tell your schools your town your county enough! NO NEW TAXES OR TAX RATE INCREASE!
In regard to the above blog on ...
WE THE PEOPLE, I totally agree with you!!! Our "government" is suppose to be by the people, for the people and of the people!
ENOUGH is ENOUGH! Down with this Taxation and down with this Hellish
type of so called government!!! What in this world are they thinking, people of America, or soon to be known, as THE NEW WORLD ORDER!!! I have read and seen the horror of what is to come, very shortly and believe me it is like nothing you have seen or heard about, since the "HOLOCAUST"!!!
There'll be no God Bless and Save Us, from this horrific event, in the making, as we live and breathe!!!
There's a meeting tonight at 7 pm to comment on the Town's Draft comprehensive plan. These plans come along only every 40-50 years or so, so it'd be worth stopping by.
The meeting is at Maple Hill HS.
You can read it on-line. The link is on the Town's web page.
My favorite quote: "Most
of the homes being developed are large and, regarded by some as not affordable to many area households
including Town employees."
OK -- now we know why those Town salaries are going up-up-up! It's so they can afford the big fancy houses they are so quick to approve in the Planning Office.
After reading about the shootout on I90, it seems that the trooper should have pulled his gun when he saw the guy trying to get a trigger lock off the rifle! If he refused to put the weapon down, the trooper should have taken him out right then instead of running for cover!
The trooper was getting the taxi driver to safety which would be his first priority.
Thank You.
Everybody has a comment on something they never have completed or tried.
I love that handful of people in Schodack.
I can't believe how many people are so blind, dumb and stupid, in our society, today.
They are so concerned about themselves, or who won the game, or how to fix a broken nail and the list goes on and on and on!
Wake up AMERICA! Actually take notice of what is going on around you, before it's too late.
It's the GOVERNMENT!!!
We, the citizens need to take back control of our, yes that's right "our government", before things get completely out of control and we become a society of SOCIALISTIC people, just like alot of other countries.
Take a good look, because our FREEDOM will soon be a thing of the past! We need to have another Boston Tea Party and settle these Taxes and get "our horses" ready for another Paul Reveere Ride of our life!!!
Time to REVOLT!!!
"We the people" I like many other New York residents am thinking about leaving! I just don't think the economy can survive, with these high taxes. It seems like ever year I go back a few steps. After a hard winter and higher taxes, make that much higher taxes. I just don't think this state is ever going to turn around. We the people, may have to move away. The battle for N.Y. has been lost! Time to retreat.
I, as a resident of Schodack, take issue with Kristen Shaw’s article, “Public Blasts Master Plan” in the Friday, January 16 issue of the Independent. Actually, the article reads more like a press release for the Schodack Planning and Development Association. The comments highlighted in the article are flawed for many reasons.
There is a failure to understand the purpose of a master plan. A comprehensive master plan communicates the basic policies necessary to shape the future of the community. Usually of a GENERAL NATURE, with a long-range outlook, it considers both separately and collectively, all factors affecting growth, development, social issues and economic prosperity. It is a statement of goals, a listing of objectives, and a vision of what could be. It serves as a guide to public and private decision-making. A master plan focuses attention on the major issues and concerns of a community and establishes a basis for discussion, and resolution. A master plan should never be regarded as a finished project, but as a continuous community-based process. I feel that the Planning Board achieved these objectives.
Many confuse a master plan with an implementation plan. The former is a goal while the latter is a mean to achieve it. Rigid dictates and enforcement measures have no place in a master plan. One should not be so arrogant as to believe there are no uncontrollable forces. In fact, a master plan and ensuing implementation plan should be able to adapt to forces beyond its control. A rigid master plan will doom an organization, or in this case a community, to failure. As Mr. Laberge stated, “the plan is a living document that will change over time based on local conditions and need.”
I see in the article that residents are urging Schodack to look at Kinderhook and Chatham for guidance. Both of those communities are radically different than Schodack as they already have well-developed business centers, something which is sadly lacking in the Town of Schodack.
There is also a fixation on property taxes as the only source of revenue generated by business. Businesses hire people who spend in the community which help other businesses. Nobody likes to pay sales tax but it would be nice if that tax could stay in the community. It is a shame that I must go to East Greenbush to buy an apple grown in Schodack. Further, communities must become more self sufficient. I am happy to see development in East Greenbush because it helps my school district. However, the Schodack Central School District is not as fortunate. Currently, the school tax assessment in this school district is $3.50 per thousand higher than East Greenbush. If something is not done the situation will only get worse.
Is anyone aware that the Pilot Truck Stop special use permit is coming up for renewal before the Planning Board?
It came up at the December 11th meeting of the PB, where it was learned that Pilot had been operating without any current permit since mid-summer. This PB mtg was right after the ice storm, but a handful of local residents managed to make it to that meeting. They raised concerns about Pilot and made a point of asking the Bd not pass on Pilot's renewal of their Special Use Permit, while the Town was in a state of emergency due to the ice storm. A strong case could be made that Pilot should never have received their permit in the first place, if the Town was staying within the provisions of the Town’s own Aquifer Protection Law. Many, many residents have voiced concerns about Pilot over the past couple years.
The Planning Bd. decided that it does want additional input from citizens regarding Pilot. So, on 12/11, they passed a short term temporary extension of the permit, just until April 2009. The Planning Bd. wishes to receive input and feed back from residents regarding any concerns or problems that Crown and all its increased traffic may have created. That way the Planning Bd can deal with these concerns in conjunction with the permit renewal.
Now, is the time to contact the Planning Board in this regard. Send them your comments at:
Planning, Town of Schodack
P.O. Box 436
East Schodack, NY 12063
You can also bring you comments to any of the next 3 meetings of the Planning Bd, which are Mondays Feb 2, Mar 2, and Mar 16. To comment, you must be present at 7PM or close to it when their meeting begins. The Public Comment portion of each meeting is typically at the very beginning of the Bd’s Agenda.
You can also raise your Pilot concerns to the Town Board during their Public Comment period at the end of the Town Board meetings on Thursdays February 12 and March 12. Town Bd meetings begin at 7PM, but you must wait until the end of the regular Agenda to make your comments on matters not on that night’s agenda.
Have you heard or read, that the Town of Schodack Democratic Committee is seeking Schodack citizens, who might or would be interested in running for election to Schodack Town Offices? This includes Town Supervisor, Town Board, Town Justice, and also the office of Rensselaer County Legislator in the 2009 elections.
If you are interested in running or know someone who would be a good candidate, please contact Elizabeth Gable, Committee Chair, at 477-2630 or by email at egabschodackdems@aol.com. Or, come to the Schodack Democratic Club meeting Thursday Feb. 5th at 7pm at the VFW Hall on Scott Ave. in Castleton. Introduce yourself and inform us of your interest.
Later in February, the Democratic Committee will begin interviewing potential candidates. If you want to be part of bringing choice and change to Schodack, please make this known by offering your service to help the Democratic Party offer and elect new leadership for our town.
You can be a candidate or a helper or a leader or a worker, Schodack needs you, now.
This Schodack Democratic Club meeting is open to any citizen, including young persons, who are interested in helping to bring choice to the coming 2009 election and working to bring change to Schodack Town Government.
Whatever your current party enrollment status, if you are seeking change and fiscal prudence, please join us to present a real choice to voters this fall.
To the person who posted: "I must go to East Greenbush to buy an apple grown in Schodack."
You might want to try Kristy's Barn in Schodack. Wonderful apples, lovely place. And it preserves and uses some of the last beautiful agricultural land in Schodack.
And of course, there's also Goold's Orchard. That's Schodack too.
Try to think out-side the "Big Box store" mentality. There are other ways to shop that help us locally more than sending $$$ to out-of-state corporations.
Thanks VOS for keeping us residents up to date on crucial information. How interesting to find Pilot was operating without a permit.
Shouldn't there be a fine for that?
Get some money from them, Beth Secor. After all, you claim business will help enrich our town. So, make them pay up.
There's an article in the NY Times today about North Stamford, CT, a rural community which has become a haven for residential development since the 1950s.
It's interesting to see how that community has grown and changed from a farm town.
Here's a good quote: "despite such building booms, the neighborhood seems to have stayed conservation-minded. About 23 percent of its land...including land trusts, parks and water company holdings around three reservoirs — is protected open space."
Like to know how much land in Schodack is protected open space? 0.4 percent. Less than half a percent compared to their 23%.
Planning Board: please take note. You need to plan for natural spaces, just as much as business.
Preserving rural, wooded, and natural spaces makes for a more appealing place for businesses and homes alike.
Source: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/01/realestate/01living.html
The Schodack Republican Club meets the first Thursday of every month at the East Schodack Fire Department (Route 150) at 7:00 pm with speakers on topics of interest to residence. Annual membership dues are $10. Pizza. is serviced at 6:30 pm ($8). Introduce yourself and inform us of your interest. The Schodack Republican Club welcomes citizens, including young persons, who are interested in smart growth for the future of our community.
To the person that recommended Kristy’s Barn: Kristy's Barn is an excellent place to purchase produce and I shop there whenever possible. However, you must not frequent it often as you apparently are not aware that it is CLOSED from November to May
Goold's has wonderful apples but is not in the most convenient location. Further, I do not want people complaining about heavy traffic on Brookview Station Road.
Routes 9/20 are state highways with easy access and a prime location for retail. My comment never mentioned "big box" stores. Who is not thinking out of the box?
Schodack has 31.4% Vacant and 22.9%Agricultural land.
Here is a novel idea; you buy the land and deed it forever wild.
Hmmmm...so, it seems that we can all agree: we need more apple stores in Schodack.
So why does the Secor administration keep backing truck stops? Don't think they sell many apples there. Nor does that dollar store on Rt 20. Just made-in-China junk stocked by local people with minimum-wage jobs.
We are sending out money to out-of-state corporations, and netting a few lousy jobs for locals to take.
That's what the "big box store" mentality is.
So it looks like the Independent is ceasing publication.
The VOS will be more vital than ever as we don't have any substantial press coverage of our town.
So, thanks VOS, for keeping this blog going!
The Independent newspaper is done and gone. What can we do as local citizens to act to fill this void.
This is really bad news and not at all good for oversight and reform.
What will Secor, Stinner, Haber, Puccio, Young, and Ziegler get aways with, now that even fewer residents will learn about what they do?
No more Independent.
Well, in Schodack we know how to do things ourselves. Heck, we made history with the most successful write-in campaign in local memory!
So fellow citizens:
1) contact the Times Union to ask they cover our area more fully. Ask them to dig a little deeper, and they'll find plenty to cover about our town.
2) Post on the VOS: attend a town meeting? Post your observations and comments here.
3) The Times Union has a special reporter who writes a column called "The Advocate." Contact him if you want coverage of something that is really wrong and unfair in our area. Maybe he could investigate the whole Pilot/traffic mess.
And thank you VOS for keeping this going!
Yep, we need 72 apples stores in Schodack...when will people understand we need a little of everything, apples store, truck stop, box store...
According to the last meeting,
I guess we should not open anything and not allow anymore residential to support the sacred apple store.
America and New York State are at an historic crossroads. The economic problems we now confront will shape the lives of future generations, and determine where our children and grandchildren live, work and raise their families. In upstate New York, the failure to create jobs and expand the tax base has lead to a wide variety of problems.
We can continue debating the best places to buy produce ad nauseam but that misses the point of my comments. There is a dearth of economic activity in Schodack. We need businesses where residents can earn a wage as well as spend their money. The concepts of a vibrant business corridor along a four lane state highway and maintaining open spaces are NOT mutually exclusive.
Currently, the primary source of revenue for local government is property taxes. Without creating a diverse economy Schodack will whither. A vocal minority takes every opportunity to voice their opposition to growth. I do not want Schodack to become a place for only the elite few for whom work is optional or who can afford a 4,000 square foot home on a multi-acre estate. We need economic growth for all of Schodack. If you agree, now is the time to speak.
I am also disappointed to see comments from leaders of the Democratic Party in Schodack. They claim to be concerned about local property taxes yet attempt to restrain the reasonable expansion of the tax base. It is disappointing that Democratic leaders oppose the very methods that would provide the greatest amount of relief to the greatest amount of taxpayers.
With the current economic downturn, it is even more crucial that we take opportunities to grow our tax base and relieve the burden now carried by taxpayers. The actions and comments by Schodack Democratic leaders in opposition to economic growth should be of great concern to residents and taxpayers in our town.
To "scalped in esquatak";
"Note; While we encourage you to post your comments, we reserve the right to delete posts that contain vulgarity, offensive comments or personal attacks."
Thinking of the next election, how does this job description sound for Town Supervisor?
Wanted - a person who is on call 24/7, 40+ hour work week and must attend regular Board meetings in the evening that last for hours, take endless personal abuse in the press and blogs, and all for the grand salary of $55,000.
How many candidates are we going to have step forward to run for Schodack Supervisor? Would you do it? Would I do it? No & No.
I wonder how the Dems are doing attracting propects? I wonder how the Republicans are doing in finding a candidate to run against the incumbent? Could the incumbent be the only willing candidate? Will be interesting to see.
Just want to say another big THANK YOU to the VOS for keeping this blog running. Looks like we might have an interesting election this year.
Also -- anyone know what the Commercial Design Standards Advisory Board is? Who is on it?
I see they are meeting on Wednesdays at the Town Hall.
The VOS Blog was started as a way to allow all Schodack residents to stay informed about issues by communicating with each other. So keep posting your ideas, concerns, etc.
With the next election only 8 months away, staying informed will be critical!
After the last election, Beth said she would be "setting the record straight" about various issues that came up during the election. Maybe it's just me, but I haven't heard a peep from Secor about much of anything since then, have you?
Hello? Hello? Beth....are you out there?
Haven't heard much from her either.
But expect a big media blitz from her and her cronies...oh, about 1 month before the election.
They'll let us know how hard they've all been working to earn those big salaries.
"They'll let us know how hard they've all been working to earn those big salaries."
Whether you like Mrs. Secor or not, her $55,000 salary is not a "big salary" for the requirements of the job. Not sure who else the previous poster was referring to as "they" but while you may argue on the number of employees at Town Hall --I wouldn't call any of their salaries "big."
Its disturbing to me that we have so many people who recite these idiotic statements, especially as we get closer to the election. I believe the low salary is the reason we can't find a better candidate to run our town.
We need someone who will do it for altruistic reasons, not for the salary. It doesn't appear that there are many of those stepping forward so far.
"I wouldn't call any of their salaries "big."
Really! We're talking about a town with a population of only12,000!
Town salaries have increased by approx. 30% since Secor was elected!
The Town Clerk has 2 assistants, their 3 salaries alone total approx. $120,000!
The above is just the tip of the iceberg. I wonder what their healthcare benefits are like and let's not forget about their pension plan!
Now I ask you, what do we get for all the taxes we pay?
Not much!
As for the argument that higher salaries bring better qualified people, just look at all the CEO's from banks, insurance and the auto industry. They make hundreds of millions a year and drove their companies into the ground and still got millions more in bonuses!
Let's not forget about our new president and his cronies, they have spent more in 1 month than any other administration in the nation's history, and we'll have to pay for it, stimulating isn't it!
"They'll let us know how hard they've all been working to earn those big salaries."
Whether you like Mrs. Secor or not, her $55,000 salary is not a "big salary" for the requirements of the job. Not sure who else the previous poster was referring to as "they" but while you may argue on the number of employees at Town Hall --I wouldn't call any of their salaries "big."
Its disturbing to me that we have so many people who recite these idiotic statements, especially as we get closer to the election. I believe the low salary is the reason we can't find a better candidate to run our town.
We need someone who will do it for altruistic reasons, not for the salary. It doesn't appear that there are many of those stepping forward so far.
Regarding the above, there was a time when the supervisor and Town Board members did perform their duties for altruistic reasons but I’m afraid that time has passed. At least for our current TB members. Regarding big salaries, I believe what the other poster meant is the salaries are very big compared to what they were before Beth took office. Her salary is up 30%, her secretaries is up 49%, the Tax collector (a part time position) is up 53%, and the Board members are up 67% over just the past 5 years. At the same time the folks who do the every day work like the police chief, Highway supervisor, and the assessor’s salary for example has only gone up less then 20%. Seems to be some inequity that likely all goes back to politics. Rewarding your friends at taxpayer expense. I’m not advocating for more pay for those who haven’t gotten big raises but perhaps the others pay advances should have been along the same lines. Is a little over $58K, the supervisors correct salary amount, a “big” salary? Guess it depends on your point of view. If you happen to make a lot more then that, then probably no it’s not big. But if you are trying to live on a pension or social security and have watched your property taxes go up 60-70% in five years then yeah, probably seems pretty extreme. It comes down to what you are paying in the way of taxes and what you get in return. For five years of large tax increases, I think it is safe to say that most of us haven’t gotten much, if anything.
I wrote the post about the "big salaries."
Yes, what I meant was the great % increases.
Ms. Secor and her buddies gave themselves raises completely out of whack with any reasonable governement system. I have worked for both state and federal government agencies; we got raises along the lines of 1 to 3%. Some years, there was a freeze on wages.
When raises of Secor's % rate happen in Albany or Troy, you can be sure there is a scathing write-up in the paper.
Because so much of what happens here in Schodack is off the radar of the big news agencies, Secor and her supporters appear to have convinced themselves that they are without fault.
Rather, they are as corrupt as any old-time, big-city political machine, and appear to follow much of the same playbook.
And Secor's letter in the Advertiser a few weeks ago to Mr. Dooley was laughable. An elected official making the snide remarks about his owing "back taxes?"
Um, Beth, if you are going to accuse a resident of such a thing, you'd better be serious. As it was, her argument was nonsensical.
Her mean-spirited letter was met with Mr. Dooley's FACTS in today's Advertiser.
I sure am glad he wrote back.
(and no, I don't know him)
Anyone see Lizzy Gable's latest fiction in the letters to the editor of the Advertiser?? I'm not sure if she is dillusional or whether she feels the need to inject fictionalized accounts in her letters to prove her points. Everyone of her letters is filled with overstated and unsubstantiated bluster.
In this letter she states that a "number of business'" have decided not to come to Schodack because they are discouraged by the number of trucking companies being built on Rt 9. I really find that hard to believe and would like to have her tell us which business' have been so discouraged.
I suspect this is another of Lizzy's fictional accounts of events in Schodack. It makes a nice story but is either a gross exageration or simply untrue.
Law suit update on Beth Secor!
I want to tell everyone that the paperwork was filed this past Monday to the courts on the case of Phoenix Design Studio, Inc. vs. Tim Nugent, Beth Secor, and the SBA.
Since this happened threats from other SBA members are a regular thing on their blog. It is a foul blog and I can not believe people in this town don't run these trouble makers out of here. But when Beth is protecting them, how can we?
Working in the courts, I got a glimpse of the massive books that were handed over to the courts, and I can say it is not looking good for Secor and Nugent, in fact, I am shocked their lawyers haven't dropped them like a bad habit. It is that bad, and there is that much evidence.
I would also like to let everyone know, Mr. Cartwright's case going off on the 9th was put off due to a lot of happenings with Mr. Cartwright's lawyer, but everything is fine now and back on track.
At the end of June there will either be a court date set for trial, or the case thrown out. I tell you first hand, if that case is tossed after what I read, then this county has serious issues and we all need to move away.. AND FAST!
I mean it, it is that bad, and from what I saw, they left Secor and Nugent no way to twist it in their favor.
We may have a new day dawning upon us! Lets all hope this case ruins her but good.
If there is a trial date set, I would expect who ever runs against her to use it to it's full potential. I think it is safe to say, there will be no gag order on the outcome of this case.
Lets all pray he wins! I see posts out here of no hope (IE, the post by Voices Unheard). Well there is hope! Just sit tight!
I am a small business owner, and I wouldn't set up shop in Schodack. I even looked into it. But with the taxes and also the way some people in the SBA do business around here, no way!
A good point, is that law suit filed against Secor and Nugent, I believe that was another small businessman trying to set up here... and it seems they had to waste their money fighting with the town officials.
No, this is not a good town to set up shop.
The town roads of Schodack are really bad this year. I sure hope the town has enough manpower left or money to pay for the repairs. This is all I request for my tax money, town hall employee's just create more regulation. Please give me some bang for my buck, fix the roads!
Did you know one in seven people employed in NYS are working for a branch of government? I know we always expect more from government, but who is going to pay for it? Example the town of Schodack is moving in the direction of review of building plans based on what the structure looks like. Another committee, soon to be paid for by the taxpayers. Can you really afford more in taxes? Big government is just that. It's big its in your face and your pocket! Think of it like drugs, just say no!
Secor and her ever-growing town government are (again) going against the tide of common-sense and political realities.
NYS is notorious for its overlapping, over-staffed, and over-paid officials. Just read the newspaper: the State is looking into ways to REDUCE our gummed-up local government system.
What does Secor do? Hire new employees, lock us into an expensive, too-large town hall, and give massive raises to a few "favorites." And then she claims to be pro-business?
What, have local businesses pay her ever-higher taxes? I believe Elizabeth Gable's statment, as it is true for me. And it's very likely a number of small business owners like me do not want to set up shop in Secor's Schodack. Plus, who wants to be next to a massive truck stop/gas station? I don't.
I'm looking to Kinderhook or East Greenbush for my shop.
Secor just doesn't make sense (or cents).
How much is Schodack showered in mercury? Meeting at Castleton Ambulance on Tuesday March 24th to focus on cement plant pollution effects on Schodack.
"SCHODACK — A Town Hall-style meeting for Rensselaer County residents will be held later this month regarding air quality issues at the Lafarge cement plant located across the Hudson River.
County legislators announced the meeting will be from 7 to 9 p.m. March 24 at the Castleton Ambulance headquarters, at Brookview (Route 150) and Maple Hill roads in Schodack.
The meeting comes as state and federal officials are working to reduce mercury emissions from such plants.
The Lafarge plant on Route 9W in Albany County, with its 350-foot-tall smokestack, is the second-biggest emitter of mercury in the state, according to a report released earlier this month by the state Department of Environmental Conservation.
It is located on the opposite side of the river from Schodack.
The meeting is jointly sponsored by the county Environmental Management Council, which is an office of the County Legislature, and Lafarge. The company will review its voluntary emissions tests conducted in 2008 and update its efforts to modernize its facility in Ravena.
Prevailing winds blow emissions from the plant across the Hudson River to southern Rensselaer County.
'This is an important issue for residents in southern Rensselaer County, and we are glad to have the opportunity to provide an update for those interested,' said Rensselaer County Legislator Martin Reid.
In January, state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo and officials from eight other states reached an agreement with the federal Environmental Protection Agency that will mean tougher regulation of mercury emissions from cement plants nationwide, including Lafarge.
The new federal regulations will apply to three New York cement plants: Lafarge, the St. Lawrence facility in Catskill, and the Lehigh Northeast plant in Glens Falls."
Sure your looking to set up shop in Schodack. Democratic party stooge?
EG is so much better & Kinderhook with the tumbleweeds.
Being next to a "massive" gas station is great exposure for your so called business.
Anyone hear any rumors of who Lizzy Gable is going to be pulling the strings of as the Democratic candidate for Supervisor??
So far some very interesting names, none of whom are qualified to be dog catcher let alone Supervisor. I don't want to speculate on the rumors until the names are announced but lets just say the Dems don't have a strong opponent for the incumbent.
Why doesn't Lizzy just do what she really wants to do - run herself.
That would be a fun election in Schodack. Beth the big spending incumbent versus Lizzy the fiction writing wannabe. I will go to the debates!
Regarding the above post, your quick to villify other unknown candidates, but what are Secor's qualifications?
Let me see, she built a new multi-million dollar highway garage that was over budget!
She bought the old State Police barracks, cost of purchase and "necessary improvements" was approx. 1 million!
Then to top it off, went behind residents backs and "leased" the SEFCU building because a lease does not require a public referendum. Invested approx.
$500,000 in it, then proposed purchasing it by telling residents if they didn't, we would lose all of the taxpayer money they put into it, nice eh?
She also increased the town debt by ten million dollars!
She also changed the police pension so her husband could have a nice cushy pension on our money!
The above is just the tip of the iceberg!
What about all the collusion with Tim Nugent to keep all other candidates off the ballot the last 2 elections!
It's been a month since since I've been on this blog and it's the same retoric. Are all you posters senior citizens or retirees ? Don't you have something else to cry about? Go after the the school district--way too many over paid sit at home retirees that think the world owes them a living. Have you ever heard a retired school teacher happy with their pension and benefits ? Did you ever meet a NEVER ENOUGH school retiree ? It makes a hard working person like me SICK.
PS.--You people need to get over your fear of truck stops. I hear the Amish people are looking for new neighbors.
If you don't like the topics being discussed, bring up whatever you think is revelant rather than just complain.
Anonymous said --
"Regarding the above post, your quick to villify other unknown candidates, but what are Secor's qualifications?"
Lizzy's few supporters are loyal if not informed. Was not defending the incumbent, (called her big spending) but at least she has experience in the job.
Wish the Republicans and Democrats could come up new, qualified candidates that would give us a true choice next election but it looks to me that it will be the same old, same old.
Anyone supported by Lizzy however will have be against any new development unless it meets their unrealistic standards. Plus the likely candidate (former reporter) will have strings affixed to her back that Lizzy will be pulling.
Again, rather than choosing a puppet candidate, Lizzy should just run herself. Would make for an interesting campaign.
Gee, who did Felix Strevell roll over on to get that deal? Let's all take a guess! Hmmm.
Why isn't anyone talking about the real problem, the board members are the "puppets" that vote with Secor!
There are 2 board members up for re-election in Nov. If we can replace Secor and 2 board members it will make a huge difference!
Some things I want in any candidate before I can consider voting for them;
No "out of town candidates"!
They must participate in any scheduled debate's, question & answer sessions, etc.
Remember Secor was a no-show at the candidate forum, used the lame excuse that she was not invited or knew about it! That alone should have cost her the election!
If you have any other ideas on what you want in a candidate, let's hear them!
Fact Check;
The writer of the opinion article in the Troy Record,Christopher Lucarelli just happens to be the husband of Schodack Board Member, Debra Young!
Strevell gets 6 months house arrest and 5 years probation at his 700K estate on Phillips road (house and stables)and gets to pay back (in monthly payments of $100 no less)less then what he defrauded the State for. Hmmmm. Guess it's a good deal if you can get it. And the Feds/State don't get any convictions out of the the info he supposedly provided. Seems he duped the government again which makes him smarter then our elected officials. Maybe he should be elected supervisor. Obviously he is smarter then what we got now. Maybe his sentence should be two years as supervisor without pay. Got to be an improvement over what we have. If he is good, elect him after his sentence has been served!
Since it took so many yrs. and Felix just gets probation and no one else gets charged, it's obvious the state just wants this to go away. If they pressed for a harsher sentence, Felix could have made public information he knows about other politicians, etc. who are also robbing us blind!
I beleive if the election is lost by Mr Murphy it will be because of the states new budget. This is being written at 9:50 a.m. on election day. I am a democrat,I almost voted for Tedisco.
Why "almost" vote for Tedisco? I am voting for Tedisco. Obama & the democrats have already shown their radical liberal/socialist agenda! They bitched about the Bush spending, Obama has already spent more than both Bush's, Clinton, Reagan, Carter & the list goes on and on!
We don't even know where most of the trillions Obama is spending are going and neither does he!
With Obama in the oval office, the official language of the US could be Chinese soon!
Elections have consequences, and with the Dem's in control, we're getting it up the wazoo now!
Who is up for the Board?
Who's up for the board? It's a little early for candidates to announce yet!
59 votes separate Scott Murphy & Jim Tedisco, in a district that has a 70,000 republican advantage!
What the hell is wrong with this picture?
The answer seems simple, republicans are rolling over and voting democrat or they are just not going out to vote, either way republicans should be ashamed of themselves!
Just remember, elections have consequences!
Republicans are still getting sucked into Obama mania! "Yes we can", means we can take away your rights, tax the hell out of you and you'll like it!
Listen to Rush Limbaugh for 2 weeks, then tell me he doesn't speak the truth!
Hey, remember those 200,000 upstate jobs Hillary Clinton promised when she campaigned for senator, what happened to them?
Dr. Ward Stone to Speak about Testing for Possible Contamination from Mercury and other Heavy Metals at Ravena Cement Plant
Friday, April 3, 2009 at 7 PM http://www.friendsofhudson.com/news.html
(Please go to the website above for more information.)
Prominent NYS Wildlife Pathologist will be joined by Susan Falzon who will present an overview of Lafarge's Current Modernization Proposal
WHAT: Community Advocates for Safe Emissions (CASE) will host a presentation by Dr. Ward Stone, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Wildlife Pathologist and Adjunct Professor at the College of St. Rose and SUNY Cobleskill, on his testing of soil and small wildlife for mercury and other heavy metals that may have been contaminated by toxic air emissions from the Lafarge Cement Plant on Route 9W in Ravena, NY.
The latest info. on the Tedisco/Murphy election are that Tedisco is only 25 votes behind!
We are experiencing the effects of having one party control the White House, Congress & Senate; a massive expansion of gov't, spending, taxation and more restrictions on your rights and freedoms and there's no way to stop it!
Well, I warned you that Gillibrand would bow to the pressure of the Democratic anti-gun agenda after she was appointed to the Senate!
Check out the link below to learn more!
albanyteaparty.com April 15th 11a.m. - 2 p.m. corning preserve
The Tea Party is a great idea. Can anyone confirm or know who to contact to verify this event is happening?
Tedisco now leads Murphy by 17 votes!
As usual, as of 2:30pm, 4.5 hrs to the start of tonight's Town Board meeting, there is no agenda posted on the Town Website.
You would think with this being an election year for SecorYoungZiegler (the SYZ team) that they might try a little harder to give good service to all their constituents.
I guess they are too buzy writing letters and getting their photos and stories of "good doings" put in the Advertizer to bother about informing us citizens, ahead of time, about what they may be up to doing tonight and for all their quite private meetings.
How difficult could it be to copy and paste the agenda that they all got last Friday, into the website. This sucks.
They don't post agenda's because they don't think they have to worry about us taxpayers!
SYZ thinks they can ignore us until the primaries then they will bring out another secret weapon like the handing out petitions to residents to have Price Chopper build a supermarket in Schodack!
Let's not forget, Secor only won by approx. 20 votes in the last election against a write-in candidate!
SYZ won't have Nugent and the Schodack Democratic Party working with them to keep all other candidates off the ballot!
What will happen this Nov. when there are opposition candidates on the ballot? SYZ is going O.U.T.!
Reply to Same Old, Same Old...
Conspiracy theorists never cease to amaze me! The operation of the website is under the control of the Supervisor NOT the Town Board. The webmaster updates the website as soon as possible after an item is received. In this case, he did not receive the agenda in a timely manner.
Technology provides many conveniences and should be used to our advantage. I agree that posting the agenda on the website is a valued service. However, there is no legal obligation to do so. Further, nothing prevents you from going to Town Hall to get a copy of the agenda. I am not defending poor service but it is a stretch to think there is a grand conspiracy to deprive constituents of information.
If you feel so strongly about this issue, maybe you should contact a board member directly. For your convenience, their email addresses are ON THE WEBSITE. This may be a better use of your time than blogging in the middle of the afternoon.
Regarding the post defending the Town Webmaster...
Please don't take the complaints personally, but if the Webmaster is not at fault, then someone is.
Peter Goold has said in Planning Board meetings that the Town Webmaster did not post agendas in a timely manner. Nadine Fuda has said the same thing -- it's the Webmaster's fault.
So from the perspective of an over-burdened taxpayer, this just seems like more Secor-style passing the buck.
So -- who is responsible for the website? Beth? The Webmaster? Please let us know...and no, leaving my job, driving over to the Town Hall to check on notices is not a realistic option.
Finally yes, I'm aware that there is no "legal obligation" to post things on the website.
However, why then are we taxpayers PAYING for a Town Webmaster and hosting service if no one bothers to update the website properly?
Wasting our tax dollars doesn't make sense (or cents).
This exchange is confusing two issues – the website and the agenda. The webmaster is responsible for posting items provided to him by the people in Town Hall. With regard to the agenda, the supervisor’s office generates and distributes the agenda to the Town Board for review and comment. The agenda is available to board members generally on the Friday before the meeting, although it may not be in its final form. The supervisor’s office then sends the agenda to the webmaster to be posted. As the agenda is compiled by the supervisor, it rests with her office to publicly release the agenda. If a complaint is to be made about the posting of the agenda on the website, it is properly addressed to the supervisor’s office.
If the agenda is not posted and it is not convenient to go to Town Hall, have you ever considered contacted a board member directly for a copy rather than complaining to a faceless blog?
Thank you for your reply. That helps clarify the issue. I have called and asked for information on the agenda...and, understandably, was told staff does not have time to fax or read agendas to the public. They said things like "it should be on the website" or "we don't know why it is not on the website."
So...who IS responsible? Lots of
passing the buck, which gets old pretty quick.
I'm simply asking that Beth Secor facilitate the posting of agendas to the website in a timely manner.
As for "complaining" to a blog...well, everyone is welcome to post their experiences. Even the Town webmaster can post here!
Free speech is a great gift in this country, isn't it?
The Dem candidates were listed in the Advertiser. It is a sad state of affairs the quality of the candidates we will be voting on in the next election - on both sides.
Anxious to read the Dem Supervisor candidate's qualifications. Former reporter, currently a waitress, next Schodack Town Supervisor! Plus Lizzy Gable hoping to pull the strings in the back ground as a board member. Yikes - every tree in Town will be hugged.
Or we can vote for the incumbent who may have the lowest approval rating (if they had them in Schodack)of any candidate in the past 25 years.
It's always great to read up on the goings-on in the Town Hall...here's some gems...
We're now paying $65 a month to keep "pests" out of the Town Hall.
Hey Beth, if you want to keep pests out of the the Town Hall, how about lower taxes? We won't be so pesky then.
Also...fixing the septic system. No details on how much or who they are paying to do this.
I won't make jokes about that one.
The complaints about the quality of the Dem candidates has started already!
At least you will have a choice on the ballot this time. Remember the last election, Secor and her associates worked hard to make sure no one could get on the ballot!
I would like to see a Repub. challenger to Secor also, all you have to do is get enough signatures to be on the primary ballot.
Let's hear what all the candidates have to say about where they stand on critical issues in Schodack and vote for the candidate of your choice for the first time in years!
Let's not forget, Ray Lemka had enough signatures to get on the Democratic primary for the last election, a caucus was called, Lemka got 75% of the votes but Secor operatives mounted a legal challenge to block his nomination because they knew if his name was on the ballot, he would have won.
As a write-in candidate, he only lost by approx. 20 votes!
What will they try to pull time?
"Also...fixing the septic system. No details on how much or who they are paying to do this."
Wow, Secor manipulated the system to purchase the old SEFCU building after putting $500,000 worth of upgrades in it!
Now it's the septic system, that building isn't that old so it shouldn't need a new septic and it will cost plenty to replace.
Looks like that building should be called "Secor's Folly".
The Democrat Supervisor candidate’s qualifications need to be clarified. She PRETENDED to be a reporter for the supposedly widely read yet now defunct Independent. Her articles were more like editorials. At least, she is now expressing her (or Lizzy Gable’s) true beliefs without hiding behind the moniker of journalist. She was never unbiased and often inaccurate.
"As a write-in candidate, he only lost by approx. 20 votes!"
Y'know...this still irritates the heck out of me. Everytime I drive by that darn Town Hall, I know the "Supervisor" who's sitting there is not there by fair means.
What happened in '07 just stinks.
(As does, apparently, the Town's septic system.)
Would someone please post the names of the Democratic candidates running for office in Schodack.
Many may have not had a chance to get the info from the advertiser.
All you need to know about the Dem candidates is that Lizzy Gable is pulling the strings. She must feel that she is too divisive to run herself so she puts up a puppet named Kristin Shaw, who is beholden to Lizzy for a number of reasons, (roof over head for 1?). Since the current supervisor's unpopularity is so great, it is possible that Lizzy will be running our town. Is the Supervisor's office large enough for 2 desks or will Ms. Shaw have to find other accomodations?
Can't wait to hear Ms. Shaw's qualifications for the job. Education, job experience etc.
I think we should immediately merge with East Greenbush and let Rick McCabe be our Town Supervisor. He is head and shoulders better than our options.
So what is the relationship between Gable & Shaw if they are living under the same roof, mother/daughter, sisters?
While it is difficult for some to measure greatness only by a piece of paper. Think about,Bill Gates a college drop out! Ronald Reagan an actor. Nobody knows how good a job will be done by any candidate. Year after year we vote, alway's for the "best person". Look at the shape the state is in. I wish anybody luck in doing the job, to the people who do nothing but attack. Run for office. See if you like it.
Anyone know how the work on the water districts is coming along. Has the work on #3 started?
Let's not pre-judge candidates, let them tell residents what they will do to make things better in Schodack in a public forum where residents can ask questions. Gee, in the last election Secor did not show up for a public debate. She said she was not invited, did not know about it, etc. The truth is she was invited but knew if she showed up, she would surely have lost!
Let's finally have a fair, open election without all the behind the scenes manipulation!
In response to anonymous of May 19 at 9:07 AM.......The proposed Democratic candidates, endorsed by the Schodack Democratic Committee, but not official until the Dems hold their caucus, are: Kristin Shaw for Supervisor, Joe Visalli-former Planning Board member for 16 years-for Town Board, and me, Elizabeth Gable for the other Town Board seat. If you'd like more information about these candidates, there are 2 more Meet and Greets with the proposed candidates in the next couple of weeks. The first is scheduled in East Schodack on Wednesday evening, June 3rd, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM, at the East Schodack Fire House. The second is scheduled at the South Schodack Fire House on Friday evening June 5th, from 6:00 to 8:00PM . There is no charge, so please come and meet the candidates and find out firsthand who they really are and what choice they offer for change. There will be good food, soft drinks, wine and beer, and a group of folks deeply committed to a better future for our town.
Reading some of the attack posts, occurring so early on, tells me that the incumbents are fearful of the coming contest. After all, the current administration has a six year long public record to run on, during which all boards have been under their complete control. For those in power to blame citizens who've been outspoken about their concerns, for the out of control spending, and for the ever rising taxes we've had under Supervisor Secor, is ridiculous, as are some poster's assertions about me and Kristin Shaw.
Please recall that Beth Knauf Morgan, now Secor, had zero experience when she was first elected supervisor in the 1980's. When returned to office in 2003, what benefit did Mrs. Secor's experience provide? Skyrocketing taxes; spending like a drunken sailor; a Town Hall that's 10 times what we need, with astronomical maintenance and energy costs; and time and again failing to listen to her constituents.
Kristin Shaw has been reporting on the issues in Schodack, as well as other nearby communities, for the past 15 years. To do that at a professional level, she had to first understand those issues, which she has amply demonstrated she does.
I would just like to say that those very few of you who post vicious and personal comments under cover of anonymity are cowards, beneath contempt, and are probably the cronies that have the most to gain by another Secor term in office.
Just to set the record straight,Kristin Shaw and I are not related and do not live together. We've never even had a sleepover.
For those of you who care about our town and are interested in making informed decisions based on first-hand knowledge, please come join us at the Meet and Greets. You will find that these 3 candidates are open, not particularly partisan, and will listen to you. For the first time in longer than many can recall, Schodack has an opportunity to have a real election, with actual choices, our grassroots democracy at work.
I never knew we had so many really DUMB & STUPID people in our town! Here, we were on "a roll", since defeating the budget last year, for the first time and showing the district, we were sick and tired of all of these outrageous "taxes" and letting the contingency budget win out, for once, even though it got put up again...which was very wrong!
At a time like this, when people have lost their jobs, homes, money and their sense of making ends meet, how could you, irresponsible group of "YES" voters put an even more hardship, on the rest of us. What in the world were you thinking. The district sure wasn't thinking about us, when they raised taxes every year, big time!
If you lose your home, I cannot feel a bit sorry for you, maybe you'll learn a a big lesson. Just hope, you don't make me lose mine!!!
Unless you actually have to pay these school taxes yourself, you should NOT have the right to VOTE, on the budget!!!
School Budget Vote
The School sold the budget by strongly suggesting taxes will not go up.
Anyone with half a brain can figure out that after the town loses the assessment fights with the big guys (which they will), the remaining tax payers will all get nailed with an increase (to the school's credit, they did bury this tidbit in the back of their flyer). Obviously, the majority of Schodack residents do not in fact have half a brain.
Elizabeth Gable
It is nice that there are meet & greets and such, but for the people that don't have time for this or are not available at these times or are unconfortable in this type of setting, it would be nice if the candidates would inform us on the issues in a more convenient way (like the internet).
If there is in fact somewhere where information on the candidates and their stances on the issues can be found, please let us know.
Obviously there are attacks on both candidates in this forum, which I find amusing more than informative.
Yes, the school budget passed and the fact it had no tax increase was instrumental to it passing.
I don't think taxes can be raised until the next budget vote, will it have an increase, probably.
If it does, they will use the old tactic of telling us if we don't pass it, our children will suffer due to eliminating sports, music, art, etc. The teachers and admin. will get their pay increases because it's "contractual".
It would have made economic sense to build a new elementary school where the middle & high school are but the village fought that idea to keep their share of the school tax money.
This shows school officials are not interested in saving our money by consolidation because they have the power to tax and are not afraid to use it!
& the Stimulus (aka vote buy) money will be gone...then how will the budget be balanced?
Amazing a 0% increase in the election year?
Dear Elizabeth Gable:
Thank you for the information about the meet-and-greets.
However, I also agree with the suggestion given above: a website is an excellent way of sharing news and information since we have little-to-no press coverage of our town.
Don't take the "attack dogs" on this blog too seriously. There is a regular groups of informed and curious residents who post, and we have the occasional inflammatory post. So be it. The tone and mindless accusations in those posts speak for themselves.
Thanks for giving us voters a choice in November, and please consider the suggestion to start a website, if you have not done so already.
an independent thinker in Schodack
As a concerned resident of Schodack I am anxious to hear the qualifications of Ms. Shaw to be the Town Supervisor. As a newcomer to local politics I hope that she has some background, other than as a reporter for a lightly read local paper.
While the meet and greets are very nice and have a small town feel, I would like to see Ms. Shaw's resume including education, job history, etc.
If her background is as weak as some on this blog seem to think, I too would be suspicious of Ms. Gable's intentions of running on the same ticket as a Town Board candidate.
No one has mentioned the primaries!
We have yet to see if there will be any other candidates on the Republican, Democratic, Independent, etc. primary ballot.
The winner of the primary in their respective parties is the candidate who will be on the ballot.
This could turn into an interesting election yet!
So how do we go about folding Schodack after Patterson signs the bill?
So whats the deal with secor getting dumped and who is this other guy?
Haven't heard anything about Secor getting dumped, who is the other guy? More info. pleeeeease!
I would start to wonder if this war Secor waged on the guy with the law suit against has to do anything with the possibility of the republican party thinking of casting her aside.
Her and her friends have gotten nasty on the internet lately attacking that guy, I also saw that the actual court paperwork is posted on the web for all to read. The Schodack Patriot posted them, I would think those might come in handy if Mrs. Secor makes it past the Republican primary.
She is an arrogant one still. You should see the nasty things her friends David Wojeski and other SBA members have posted, even attacking the guys wife. They honestly think they are going to force that poor guy into working for them so they can profit off of his work.
She is a piece of work.
You have to read those court docs. Here is a link so everyone can see:
That link is a site they made just for the court documents, it is not a blog, there are links to .pdf files right on the page I linked.
I hope you post this, I think people have a right to read these documents and see who we have in office at this time.
Can anyone post some information on what is going on in the town in regards to the election and on who the candidates may be and what their stances on the issues are?
Not looking for mudslinging, just to be educated.
And was anyone at the Board meeting last night and anything worth noting?
Does anyone even read this blog anymore?
It's unfortunate but people only seem to get concerned about elections after labor day during an election year even though they may have to suffer with the result for 2 or more yrs.
JOKES FOR THE DAY...with their
Problems & Solutions!!!
1. SCHODACK will pay $65.00 a month, for PEST CONTROL...just stop
Beth and all of her co-workers from entering SEFCU...problem solved!
2. SCHODACK needs a new SEPTIC SYSTEM...just leave everything the way it is. Everything stinks anyway. This only goes to show, how much B.S. has gone through the System, no wonder the Septic's shot!
3. Let's play 'TO TELL THE TRUTH'...strap all candidates down to a Lie Detector Machine and see,
who can keep a straight line with no burnt breeches...LIAR LIAR...PANTS ON FIRE!
Just got a letter from Secor.
Says the water project for water district 3 (Maple Crest) is basically cancelled unless she can beg for stimulus funds. The cancellation is due to not reaching an agreement with the village of castleton.
So, if the project is cancelled, will we get a refund on the increases we were assessed to pay for this project? (I know the answer to this one already, just amusing myself).
And why the hell did these idiots go ahead and start this project before an agreement between the town and city was made? Incompetence?
Yes, Ssecor was defeated in the Republican Primary. The new ticket proposes to have "fiscal responsibility."
We will have to see what that means to the new ticket.
I wonder if Secor will pop up again, running on some third party?
If there is a split vote, between Secor and the new Republicans, the Democrats have some hope. This Town is about 1/3 Secorites (built on her handing out lots of jobs and contracts), 1/3 Republicans, 1/3 environmental/Democrat/planning.
It should be an interesting election year!
I met Dennis Dowd a few years ago and only briefly but based on his resume and this meeting, he is clearly the most qualified candidate for town supervisor that we have had in many years. We will have to wait until the candidates get out in public and start making their ideas known to the voters but on the surface, Mr. Dowds is a clear improvement over the candidates we have been presented with over the past years.
As an aside, I believe he will be endorsed by Mr. Lemka which will make many on this blog happy!
In this weeks Advertiser there was an announcement by Jeff Haber Schodack Republican Commitee chair that Dennis Dowd was selected over Secor. Also the article says asleep at the wheel Ziegler is not running and in his place is another Haber nodder (as will be Dowd) Jim Bolt Jr. Debra (never hear from her until election time) Young was again endorsed by the Republican Committee (read Haber). Three lock step nodders running on the republican line that will continue the tax and spend policies of the past 6 years. AHHHH!
Rumor has it Beth is trying to collect enough signitures to primary the "chosen one". If nothing else, this election will NOT be boring...
Where is Natoli when you need her? Eileen - It's yours for the asking if your crazy enough to wade into this pig pit known as Schodack politics. Haber is big enough from feeding at the Schodack silo. We need someone else to govern who understands money doesn't grow on trees. Please come to our rescue.
Well, it looks like the repub's know Secor would lose for sure this time, that's the only reason I see for the switch.
Let's be careful about putting too much faith in "qualifications" because it's just one part of the equation in the overall candidate.
That being said, what is the story on this Dennis Dowd?
I heard that the Democrats have picked Shaw for supervisor and Visalli and Gable for town board.
Who was selected as the alternates?
I have heard rant on rant on the Repug's as my liberal friend says. So what are Shaw's qualifications?
Ignoring the public when it came to a right of center story as a reporter?
No need to have cable TV this fall in Schodack...we're going to have plenty to watch with this election!
So glad the Republicans got rid of Secor. She & her cronies in Town Hall are like a bad smell. Whew! Open the windows!
However -- will the new Republican slate be any different?
The Democrats -- I'm all for Visalli. He brings intelligence and wisdom to our Town.
Ms. Gable, well, I'd like her to re-think her image, and focus on becoming more, shall we say, even-tempered.
Ms. Shaw -- I need to learn more about her.
The post above was right -- Ms. Young? Who's she? Only hear from her at election time. And she's a Secor appointee to boot, so more of the same tax-spend-waste with her. No thanks, Debra.
And yeah, please, let's hope no one brings up the GROCERY STORE or LIBRARY idea. It's lame, tired, worn-out, you get my point. Schodack voters can see through nonsense-grocery-and-library-platform clear across the Town (and we've got a big town here!).
Let's hope the local Dems don't follow the federal Dems of tax and spend...what stimulus?
Can somebody tell me what is going on with the Maple Crest water system?
Old news from the Times Union
I have to say I am shocked the Republican party did not endorse Beth Secor. I think they made a mistake. Beth, get your signatures you will win!
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