Welcome to the Voice of Schodack Blog!
Here's the latest!
I'm glad to see the blog is getting warmed up again!
We have an election coming up in the fall and residents need to be informed on critical issues that affect us. So if anyone has information about town issues and how our new town supervisor is doing,please feel free to enlighten us!
To get detailed information on Schodack financials check out the 2 links below;
Note to all Schodack residents:
We know everyone is busy but if at all possible, PLEASE attend Town Board & Planning Board Meetings. What can really make a difference is a good turnout at these meetings because it will show that residents are concerned and watching so let's pack the town hall!
If they only see a few people at a meeting, it sends the message that we don't care and they will continue to disregard us!
We remain committed to continue our fight for fair elections & responsive leadership in Schodack. With your continuing support we can do it!
The Schodack Republican Party has chosen NOT to run Secor as their candidate for supervisor. This is a direct result of her very close election against a write-in candidate and shows what motivated voters can do, we will have a fair & open election this year because of you!
So feel free to post your thoughts & opinions here and let your voice be heard!
Note; While we encourage you to post your comments, we reserve the right to delete posts that contain vulgarity, offensive comments or personal attacks.
The Voice of Schodack blog was created to give all Schodack residents the ability to voice their concerns about issues that affect them. Our website at http://www.voiceofschodack.com/ will be updated in the next few months for the upcoming election which should be very interesting!
We know everyone is busy but if at all possible, PLEASE attend Town Board & Planning Board Meetings. What can really make a difference is a good turnout at these meetings because it will show that residents are concerned and watching so let's pack the town hall!
If they only see a few people at a meeting, it sends the message that we don't care and they will continue to disregard us!
We remain committed to continue our fight for fair elections & responsive leadership in Schodack. With your continuing support we can do it!
The Schodack Republican Party has chosen NOT to run Secor as their candidate for supervisor. This is a direct result of her very close election against a write-in candidate and shows what motivated voters can do, we will have a fair & open election this year because of you!
So feel free to post your thoughts & opinions here and let your voice be heard!
Note; While we encourage you to post your comments, we reserve the right to delete posts that contain vulgarity, offensive comments or personal attacks.
The Voice of Schodack blog was created to give all Schodack residents the ability to voice their concerns about issues that affect them. Our website at http://www.voiceofschodack.com/ will be updated in the next few months for the upcoming election which should be very interesting!
«Oldest ‹Older 1201 – 1313 of 1313It's interesting that MANY here like to say that Dowds is "Haber's handpicked candidate". Granted, running for the Republican line, Dowds needed to get the support of Schodack's Republican Chairman.
But, maybe Haber realized he needed to find a candidate to replace the increasingly-despised Secor -- who BARELY won the 2007 Republican Primary, prior to BARELY winning the General Election. The point is Haber NEEDED Dowds -- or somebody OTHER than Secor.
Now, what would those of you active 2 years ago in getting the "Voice of Schodack" up and running say if you heard that it was RAY LEMKA that asked Dowds to run?
Does that make any difference? Just curious ...
SERIOUSLY!! DOWDS is a great guy, has plans to get this town back in shape, stop this uncontrollable sprending and these ridiculous tax increases. Shaw is just looking for a job since she lost her job at the Independent. If she cared so much, why didn't she run sooner? Exactly. It's only convienient for her now. She has no experience, Dowds teaches at HVCC, has previously owned and managed his own businesses, what more could you ask for! And Dowds CAN DO IT! Give him a try....
I think this election gives Schodack residents a clear choice for the next two years. Are you for growth or are you against growth?
The Democratic candidates are clearly anti growth. Kristin Shaw is unqualified to run for this office and is really the weakest candidate I can remember in 30 years. As a reporter her articles were consistently anti growth and reflected her allegiance to Lizzy Gable. Her current employment is where she should stay.
Elizabeth Gable has been the biggest anti growth proponent in our Town over the last several years. She has uniformly opposed all major commercial and residential projects. Do we want an anti growth person elected in this town when we already have a dearth of commercial growth? No thanks. Elizabeth can continue her histrionics at the planning board meetings but please do not let her represent our Town to potential new business'.
Joe Visalli is a nice man but also has unrealistic expectations when it comes to growth and how it should be accomplished.
On the Republican side there are 2 highly educated people with professional backgrounds and a native Schodack resident who grew up on a farm and has a true sense of what Schodack needs for the future.
I think Mr. Dowds has an impressive resume (especially compared to Kristin Shaws) and would be a breath of fresh air at Town Hall. He knows what business' are looking for when searching for a new home. Whether he can accomplish this in the present economic enviroment is a difficult question but I would much rather have him (and Debra Young) meet with a major retailer, restaurant chain, or business owner that is considering moving to Schodack as opposed to Kristin Shaw & Lizzy Gable.
I hope everyone votes on Tuesday and may the best candidates win!
Other than Ray Lemka, we have had no other candidate run for Town Supervisor who is as qualified as Kris Shaw with as much background in not only our Town Governance, but that of several other surrounding towns and the County.
Beth was a secretary, Coach was a coach, and if you look at the others, none had the depth of knowledge about how the Town Government works that Shaw has. Kris will have a much smaller learning curve than Secor did. To give Beth her due, she appears she has grown technically competent.
From what I know, Shaw continues as a part time reporter for the Greenbush news and Troy Record. To help make ends meet and to help support her kids, she also works as a breakfast and lunch waitress.
Since she knew that she was running for Supervisor and will hopefully be successful, it has not made sense for her to seek some other career position. So, she work 3 jobs and tries to go door to door every day, while also being a mother.
I would like to see her critic take on that many obligations and balance them. To me, it shows she is highly motivated, ambitious, and willing to work and multi-task.
This, plus her depth of knowledge is what excites me about getting this opportunity to vote for what will be a fresh face leading the Town Board. Plus, unlike some others, Shaw is a nice, warm person, who can feel our financial pain. Like us she has lived the last 20 or so years paying taxes as a home owner in Schodack.. She raised two kids in our schools and was one the two main advocates for saving our town State Park.. Secor and Young jumped on that bandwagon weeks after Shaw joined her friend to get the effort moving. I it weren’t for Shaw, I bet we would have a part time State Park.. I trust Shaw to keep this State Park here and operating.
There is a lot about Shaw that qualifies her, so please take time to read how involved she has been in other community activities, as well.
Since Ray chose not to run, we are fortunate to have Shaw as one of two decent choices. Not being under Haber's thumb is why I choose Shaw over Dowd. Plus, Dowd just began attending Town Board meetings in June, right after Haber endorsed him for his nomination.
The one blogger on here who keeps busting on who he calls Lizzy Gable and the fact that she needed to be a stay at home mom, really seems to bear her ill will. Does he, and it is likely a resentful crusty old fart of a guy, have any inking of what the circumstances may be for Ms. Gable’s children???? Some mothers have very good reasons to be home for their children.
I suspect this crusty old man is likely Jeff Haber, himself who is trying to demean one of his opposition candidates to his own ends. He needs to get a life and take a long vacation out of politics, running our town, and trying to run every other upstate town using his for his own profit Association of Towns.
Haber had his turn as town supervisor and has hand picked all but two of the supervisors ever since. Time to give some fresh faces, fresh ideas, and someone else a chance, Jeff. You can’t run Schodack forever! You are running it into the ground.
"Now, what would those of you active 2 years ago in getting the "Voice of Schodack" up and running say if you heard that it was RAY LEMKA that asked Dowds to run?"
I was active during the last election. Many posts have "said" Ray Lemka supports Dowds, but I have not seen any evidence of that like a flyer with Ray's & Dowds picture on it or a letter from Ray stating his support for Dowds.
That being said, Ray can support anyone he wants, but that does not mean the rest of Schodack residents will follow.
I am voting for Shaw, Gable & Visalli. Why? Because under the current administration, town debt increased by $10,000,000, that's TEN MILLION DOLLARS, which is a 400% INCREASE IN 4 YRS!
One post mentions that Dowds has a plan to reduce taxes, spending, etc. but I have not heard any specifics from Dowds, just more campaign rhetoric that means nothing!
During Ray's 07 campaign, the idea of having an audit done was brought up, it didn't happen but the Shaw, Gable & Visalli team have committed to have an audit during this campaign!
An audit of town finances will uncover where there is waste, fraud, etc. and provide a blueprint for correcting these problems. Some say an audit is too "expensive", that's just an excuse. It will be money well spent!
This election will provide Schodack residents with the "choice" that the current administration worked so hard to stop in the last election.
So get out and vote on Nov. 3rd!
Debra Young is now calling herself a "fiscal conservative".
My question to Debra is;
The town debt increased by $10,000,000 in the last 4 yrs. and you were a board member for the last 4 yrs. so please tell the residents how you voted on critical issues like the purchase. of the new town hall, construction of the new highway garage, etc.
Were waiting for your response Debra but we won't hold our breath!
The constant refrain of Jeff Haber and his lackeys who pop in here now and then is that noboby but Haberites are pro-growth. B.S. Did you listen at the Candidate Forum to Joe Visalli? The Dems are pro-growth they just want to plan for it. Planning is not anti-growth. Planning maintains the quality of life for persons who are impacted by potential growth and helps work out the differences.
Haber would did coal mines all over town as well as pesticide holding open pits, if there were a buck in it for him and his cronies. To him and his pals, they see Schodack as one big potential trucking depot. And such depots don't pay squat in taxes and end up costing towns more than they pay.
The same old same old, that Dems will destroy the town in this way or that if elected. Look have far towards economic destruction the Haber and Secor Republicans have taken us taxpayers. The Town is now carrying almost 12 million in debt to build the infastructure for the few Haberites to build upon to make money. To make money.
You know Jeff, Schodack is our home for most of us. We are not looking to make profit from every inch of ground here.
Is there not some way for you to elect candidates fairly? Do you have to sink to any and every low it takes to keep your pawns in power?
Secor's latest flier is a hoot, as always.
Now she claims she is an independent voice, not influenced by behind-the-scenes politics.
The hilarious thing is, she just sent us another flier with her standing next to her buddy, Democrat Steve Kelly, who helped "fix" the last election with his lawsuit.
I mean, really, Beth. Give us a break. You talk out of both sides of your mouth.
(And my concern is with Mr. Kelly's violation of both town and state ethics laws as a member of a Town Committee and as the spouse of a well-paid Secor appointee. His work as a fireman is not under attack.)
I'd like to raise an objection to the comments attacking Ms. Gable's choice to be a stay-at-home mom.
It's now 2009. Some women work at home, others work outside the home. Some women do a combination over the years. Beth Secor worked at home, and in fact, listed this as her main experience when first running for office.
Please, let's not take a misogynistic turn on this otherwise excellent board.
I think we in here in Schodack are classier than that.
Dowd probably is a decent guy, but he is new to Schodack and newer to Schodack politics. He may be well meaning and he informs us that he is an experienced administrator, but don't you think Secor thinks the same about herself.
I think could make a decent Town Board member to give himself four years to learn the ropes and learn about who he has jumped in bed with to become Haber's candidate.
He has teamed with the devil and right now Dowd has no clue where Haber and his pitch fork will be taking him over the next couple of years, if Dowd gets elected.
As hard as I worked against her two years ago for Ray, I think I would rather see Secor get re-elected than Dowd. At least Secor knows the Devil she danced with for the past 6 years. Plus, after this election, she will not owe Haber what she had to pay for her past 6 years.
Plus, if Dowd gets elected with Haber's puppets Bult and Young, how can Dowd be his own man, with his "allies" still pulled by the strings.
Get your facts straight! The highway garage was planned and designed long before Debra Young was on the Town Board. The highway garage is already paying dividends by protecting and prolonging the useful life of very expensive equipment.
The double-wide that we called a Town Hall was constructed as a temporary structure 40 years ago. It was an embarrassment. Many people feel that the building on the corner of Miller Road would have been a better option. Unfortunately, previous administrations could not get their act together. We can add that to the long list of Schodack’s missed opportunities. The town got a bargain when the purchased Town Hall.
I hear others criticize but what would have they done differently? I have never heard them offer any alternative other than wishing they could watch their trees grow while Schodack crumbles.
I personally don't know most of the candidates running for office. They all seem like nice people and I want to believe they all are sincere in their urge to help our town. What I do know is that only two democrats have sat in opposition to the Republican machine in the over two decades I have lived in town.
I read that the Democratic candidates may not have the experience that some of the other candidates have. I disagree. They have first hand knowledge of town issues and have been attending meetings for more years than Dennis Dowds has lived in town.
The time is now for a change.
What a quandary. Justifiably, Secor should be toast. High taxes, high debt, questionable employee salary increases, new town hall controversy, the eye sore that is the old town hall is still not sold: bye, bye, Beth.
Shaw is a novice, yes, but that shouldn't be held against her. The anti-growth stench of her comrades should, however. This place needs tax base. We've got enough open space. Dowds has resume cred, but has Boss Haber to anwswer to. Me thinks we've seen this movie before. Sign me still not decided.
"Get your facts straight"
There you go, blame someone or something else for all problems.
I don't care who or when anything was planned, the fact is Young was on the board when the VOTES were taken to approve and fund the new town hall, highway garage, etc.
As for the highway garage paying dividends, I haven't been getting my check!
But the new multi-million dollar highway garage is protecting all the new and very expensive equipment Secor bought with our tax money. Oh, I almost forgot about giving the highway garage employees a very nice place to hang out.
I hardly ever see any of them or that expensive equipment out on the roads of schodack!
Nor do I hear from Debra Young much unless she's up for re-election!
We must vote all incumbents out on Tuesday to send a strong message to everyone that we are sick and tired of being dismissed by our elected officials!
Mrs Young replaced me on the town board. For the record we were working on plans for the highway garage,when I left. No votes were taken to spend money prior to that. All the votes to build the highway garage have been voted on by Mrs. Young. We were however under a court order and something had to be done!
Secor got "forked" because she did what she was told by her party elders!
If you want to know who is really running this town, remember where Secor had her victory party after the last election? Goold Orchards!
OMG, I just got Secor's latest flyer, here is #2;
"Beth Secor has , with great success, crossed party lines to work cooperatevely with decision-makers to bring financial and material resources to Schodack."
Well, she did hire and conspire with Nugent to keep all other candidates off the ballot last election!
Yes, Secor's latest flier is an A+ effort at "creative writing."
Not beholden to political leaders...? An independent voice...?
Very "creative," Beth.
Problem is, none of it is true.
Bob, please tell us more about the "court order" you mentioned.
I've had enough of this "anti-growth" thing. I moved to Schodack instead of Clifton Park due to all the congestion from all the "growth". I don't want a huge mall or shopping center in the middle of Schodack! I like the rural atmosphere, I only have to drive 7 miles and I have all the stores and restaurants I need!
The court order was to replace the highway garage. The town also had to supply water to the neighbors of the highway garage. The legal issue dragged on for way longer than we should have let it! Myself included. When the court finally made it's verdict. We had a very short window to get the people water and a new highway garage. The board felt if we were running water lines they should be of a proper size. The debt associated with the water line and well fields should be monies well spent. Please note the legal battle lasted well over a decade. Many board members had a chance to resolve it.
"Shaw is a novice, yes, but that shouldn't be held against her."
It shouldn't??
When your primary case for being qualified for office is that you've been at the meetings but you have never, ever run anything, you don't think that should be held against her?
If sitting in meetings is the criteria, then why wouldn't Lizzy be running for supervisor as her attendance is well documented? Why would Ms. Shaw aspire for the top position, why not run for town board if you are an inexperienced novice?
To me its obvious, Lizzy will be the de facto supervisor should this ticket get elected and their anti growth agenda will become town policy.
So lets vote for a an unqualified, inexperienced supervisor candidate who is going to cede her power to a manipulative overseer who has an axe to grind.
Makes sense to me!
So replacing the garage was part of the multi-million dollar lawsuit that was the result of the town garage contaminating the wells of residents on Rt. 20.
So I guess Secor and the board in all their infinite wisdom must have thought, we can blame the court order for needing to replace the town garage so what the hell, lets make it a big expensive one!
And boy did they!
I noticed on Secor's flyer she running on the "Schodack Federation Party", what the hell is that and how did she do it?
She must have saw the writing on the wall that she was going to get the boot!
Yes -- I did know that the water lines and highway garage rehab/repair were required. The Town's poor management of its salt reserves polluted local wells.
So, yes, water lines were needed. An upgrade to the highway department building site was needed.
Again, no one disputes this.
What we object to is HOW Secor resolves problems.
So, one of the fanciest, over-the-top garages in all of upstate NY? A mis-managed project that went way over budget?
I mean, anyone can run a town if money is no object.
And that just how Secor runs this town. She acts like there is an infinite amount of money, and has gotten us millions of dollars in debt.
Then, when people object to the higher and higher taxes, rather than reduce spending, she blames those who want to preserve open spaces, farms, etc.
Well, how are farms to blame for Secor's out-of-control spending?
Oh, and I just got Ms. Young's flier stuck in our mailbox.
Ms. Young: please don't waste your breath -- or paper -- telling me how you work so hard.
The ONLY time I hear from you is election time.
Dowds did raise an interesting issue about the town's cell tower: if he is correct, Secor LOST the town money because of her poor negotiating skills. He has a newspaper clipping to verify his story.
So, for those who say Secor is good at representing our town to businesses...um, care to explain this one?
Schodack, it's time for a new change! Secor DOESN'T have a clue about how to run this town, she only knows how to write checks for substantial amounts of money our town DOESN'T have. DOWDS is very QUALIFIED, he is NOT hand picked by Sue Goold Miller, Sue doesn't like anyone besides her "friend" Beth Secor. So therefore, Sue Goold Miller can't stand Dowds because he will actually run a town correctly unlike her "friend". So the people that say he is hand picked by Sue Goold Miller like one of her apples is WRONG! Also, Shaw has NO EXPERIENCE, except writing articles. Believe me people, that is not going to be enough to run this town, well atleast not correctly. The only people that will be running it will be Gable for her, so pretty much we're gonna be back to the same as how Secor is running it. WAKE UP SCHODACK!! VOTE FOR DENNIS DOWDS.... he is NOT gonna be influenced by Jeff Haber like people say. That is an incorrect statement. Get the facts right. If you have any more questions, call Dennis himself at 669-0925. I did and he is the best guy out there, not to mention all of his qualifications and experience he has under his belt!
Bob - Wasn't the issue at the Town garage the salt shed, not the garage itself? Garage itself wasn't the issue if I remember correctly. Salt got into the wells and the town had an obligation to take care of the water for those 4 houses. But the whole thing snowballed into a huge project that went way over budget. That is the issue, not that the town had a lawssuit to deal with for water for four homes. Beth took advantage and grew that concern into a huge water line project as well as justification (now, not then) for building a garage. I don't recall replacing the Town garage having anything to do with the lawsuit.
Anyone else get the robocall saying vote for Secor, she will "lower" your taxes. Now that's funny, I don't care who you are. That's funny.
Sue Goold will like and back anyone who she thinks can win!
I'll bet she was involved in the decision to dump Secor and go with Dowds because she wants to retain control of Schodack!
Tomorrow the residents of Schodack will have a distinct choice, vote for Dowds, Bult & Young you will get more of what you got from Secor.
Vote for Shaw, Gable & Visalli and you have an opportunity to break the cycle of one party control which got us high taxes, uncontrolled spending and an astronomic increase in the town debt which we taxpayers will be paying off for decades!
Please vote wisely!
Don't fall for the "experience" trap. All we hear about Dowds is his "experience". But his experience is all in the private sector which is a much different world. He was picked because the republican party thinks he can win on the "experience" factor. If elected, Haber, Goold and others who have run this town with an iron fist for decades will give Dowds his marching orders and he will follow them because they have put alot of money into his campaign!
Your vote is truly needed tomorrow!
You have the opportunity to vote Row F which is for the Independent Taxpayers line. This line is represented by the Lincoln penny because its candidates, Kristin Shaw for Supervisor, along with Joseph Visalli & Elizabeth Gable for Town Board, will make sure every penny of your tax dollar is spent wisely.
The “F” in Row F means Frugal.
The incumbent party has given us a 6 year legacy of overspending, borrowing, and huge increasing debt, which must be reversed.
As voters, we must elect all 3 Independent Taxpayer candidates to make true difference and to change how Schodack operates. Only then can the Town Board make decisions truly in your best interest.
For Real Choice & Real Change, Vote Row F for the Future of Schodack!
The Schodack Independent Taxpayers party has backed the most fiscally frugal and taxpayer centered candidates for this Town. They are independent of compromising partisan political party attachments, which will allow them to act in the best interests of Schodack taxpayers. They will seek input from taxpayers and will act as your representatives to end this overspending spree by the Town.
Please vote on Row F for Frugal. Elect Shaw, Visalli & Gable as you vote for our Future.
For future choice in Schodack elections, we must support these choices now, in this election!
This is the only real chance for real change that we may get for awhile.
Call the Board of Elections to confirm or determine your polling location (518) 270-2990
Does anyone know the back story for how Dowd, Young, and Bolt came to be the Working Families Party candidates and what had to be done to get that party line for them? It’s a story that would chill your enthusiasm for any of these three in a hurry. It used political skullduggery, abuse, chicanery, promises, promises, promises, political favors and promises, and preying upon the belief of political “innocents” that favors would get their personal property assessments lowered in return for their votes.
What a vicious mess! Two prominent names, Crist and Curtis were linked to it. This story about Schodack has yet to fully develop in the media, but you can be assured that it is about as bad as what went down in Troy with Mirch making an out of state felon to be his Working Family Candidate, without the felon even knowing about it.
Hearsay, from many sources say Bobby Mirch (3 job Bob) and Richie Crist (supposedly working for all the citizens of Ren. Cnty in his Legis. Job) run a political consulting company on the side, that essentially sells the third party lines in Rensselaer County to eager Republican candidates willing to pay their fees which amount to thousands of dollars. Mirch does this as a side line moneymaker to the 3 jobs he already has on NYS, Ren. Cnty, and Troy City payrolls. So this makes him 4 job Bob.
Crist does this “consulting” work in addition to his $90,000 + job on the payroll of the Republican Cnty Legislature. The inside word is that Crist sets the Cnty Legislative agenda which our Republican Legislators comply with and he is the real mouthpiece for our Rep. Legislators. It is he, who really writes all those nice Legislative Reports that we see in the Advertiser for Shannon and Reid and the other Reps.
With the Republicans in control the Cnty Legislature it has become a one man Crist Legislature. Since Crist lives in Schodack, you might think might somehow that could benefit Schodack in addition to benefiting Crist. However, try to think of one thing the Cnty Leg has done to make Schodack a better place to live? I am at a loss, although they claim credit for a few things, since they pass toothless resolutions calling for this or that.
By the way, Crist and Mirch remain under investigation by an appointed Special Prosecutor for past dastardly deeds done for elections.
How is it, Dowd, Young, and Bolt somehow managed to get on the lines of the Independence Party, even though they are in no way independent, they got the Conservative Party Line, since Mirch runs that party, but in what way has Young ever been fiscally conservative; and they got the Working Families Party line, so that means they are the pro-choice, same sex marriage, and single payer National Healthcare candidates in our Town race.
How does this all add up? It doesn’t! It is really fishy! If it smells bad, you can bet something is not right with this mix.
How might these shenanigans reflect upon Young, Bolt, and Dowd and their own personal integrity? That is a question you must ask yourself as you consider who to vote for in this election.
Also, ask yourself how different this is from what Secor, in cahoots with Mirch, Crist, Haber, and others did in 2007, when they prevented Lemka from running for the Conservative and Independent party lines, when he was obviously the most Independent and Conservative candidate in that election? And then Secor used other cronies to knock Lemka off the Democratic line to force him into his Write-in campaign, which Ray should have won.
So, what do Dowd, Young and Bolt owe Crist and Mirch? And who else are they beholden to for their nomination s and lines?
Dowd has almost no experience nor familarity with Schodack government and not all that much with Schodack for the few years that he has lived here.
Nor do voters of Schodack have any real familiarity with Mr. Dowd, other than what Dowd has self reported. He is like a job candidate who submitted a resume, but no one has checked any references to find out if the resume is true or not.
Would you hire someone based simply on the resume they made for themselves? I think not. Until we get to know Mr. Dowd, let him start with a lower town position, like runnning for Town Board.
That would give us time to get to know him, and give him some job training for one day being a town Supervisor.
I suspect it is either Jeff Haber or Deb Young’s husband who keeps slamming Kris Shaw for her so called inexperience and suggesting the that Kris is under the thumb of Elizabeth Gable. These two men have been attacking Gable and Shaw since this spring when Young’s hubbie, who uses a different last name, began attacking Gable in letters to the Advertiser, while never revealing that he was married to Young and acting as if he were just a bystander citizen.
I know Gable well, she is no boss, and I have gotten to know Shaw over the past couple years, she has her own mind and vision . Both are remarkably competent, strong, very independent and not particularly allied with or identified with a particular political party. The idea that either would not be independent of the other is just plain BALONY.
Yes, they are running as part of the team that includes the equally independent Joe Visalli, but each has their own mind and will, when necessary, go separate ways, if they do not agree.
You will not see the lock step, if Shaw, Visalli, and Gable get elected, that we have witnessed over the past 6 years, with Secor, Young, and their other fellow Board members.
It is completely ironic that Haber and Young’s husband would bring this up as a red herring, since Secor and Young were joined at the hip until Haber gave Secor the boot to tap Dowd. Apparently Haber figured that even he could not maneuver Secor’s re-election with the general electorate, which had rejected her in 2007 by overwhelmingly writing in Ray Lemka. Haber and Secor still managed to steal that contest from Ray.
Up until sometime in 2008, both Visalli and Shaw were registered Republicans and until 2006-7, Gable was a registered independent with membership in no party. Although, Gable as an independent worked within the Republican administration of Eileen Natoli.
This says to me that none of them are ideologues. They switched parties or enrolled in a party to help bring about new choice in Schodack and because, like many NYS Republicans, they were dismayed with the Geo. W Bush years as President. That is why I am confident they will remain independent. They are also free of any political bosses and answerable only to their own consciences and the good people of Schodack.
If anyone has a tough time voting on the Democratic Row A line for Shaw, Visalli and Gable they can also be found on Row F the Schodack Independent Taxpayers party line.
Look and find the Lincoln Penny to Find Row F. It stands for the thrift that the Independent Taxpayers party expects from its candidates.
I hate to be the rain man / woman here but there is something more serious going on then getting Secor out of office.
When she loses, and she will. The person who does win, well it isn't going to be all roses. No matter what we all think, getting Secor out of office is only the tip of a very deep and despicable iceberg her, Sue Goold, Nugent and the rest of their gang are sitting on.
The new Super, well, you will end up dealing with their garbage even worse then before. Everyone forgets, these people run the SBA.
The SBA has their hands in the whole damn town! Every board that counts, into the courts and even the police, most importantly, they control the businesses in this town, by hook or by crook, they will threaten business owners to fight us all. That’s how they work!. THEY have control. NOT the new Supervisor.
I hope, anyone who gets into office is willing to go the mat and eliminate their little clubs and cut their cronies like Sue Goold and her pals out of all aspects of this town.
Yes, the posts out here are correct. Sue Goold and the SBA are looking to retain control of this town, and will do anything to keep it.
WAKE UP PEOPLE! We have serious criminals in our town and they need to be uprooted FULLY before we can actually take our town back!
Otherwise it’s going to be the same game, on a different level. These people are scum, and scum always tries to find a way back into the drivers seat. Look at what they did to our last Supervisor? Need we say more? Look out, history will repeat it’s self!
WOW! I agree with the last post! They do control this town! Look at the library fiasco! Who sits on that Board??? SUE GOOLD! How much do you want to bet, the plan is to give Secor that job????
They are feathering their nest! This is how they work! These people need to have more happen to them then getting kicked out of office! I believe jail is a good place to start.
Thanks for the information about Ms. Young and her husband. I too saw the letters -- and then found out that they were written by her husband.
I had forgotten about that, so thanks for bringing it up!
It leads me to believe that Dowds, while undoubtedly a well-intentioned man, is really just associated with a bunch of people who were lock-step with Secor, and now are looking for the most expedient way to stay in power.
Do I think Dowds willingly wants to be controlled by Haber? No, put the presense of Ms. Young on his ticket assures me that the ethically-challenged (read: NO ethics) Secor legacy will continue in this town.
OK -- my mind is made up. Off to the polls...and I'm going for Shaw.
Heck, I'm willing to give the Democrats two years to see what they can do with the Town. We need to open up the windows to get the "Secor stink" out of Schodack.
The people of Schodack had choice and they CLEARLY made their choice!
Supervisor: Dowds 2033; Shaw 1204; Secor 827
Town Board: Bult 2324; Young 2170; Gable 1508; Visalli 1502
These are unofficial numbers but I think you get the point.
The voters of Schodack have spoken and I for one couldn't be happier with the choices we've made.
I want to thank those behind the Voice of Schodack for creating this forum. It is the only source to discuss Schodack politics and provides a great spot to hear disparate views.
Lets support the new regime and hope they are able to lead us into a better future.
Schodack voters had choice in this election but turnout was low which after all the controversy during the 07 election, is puzzling.
However, voters did not vote for any change instead they voted for the same old regime with a couple of new faces.
Now everyone gets to see what Dowds "can do" since he made no committments to do anything during his campaign.
Wow -- that is a HUGE turnout at the polls. That is wonderful.
A few thanks you's:
1) To the voters of Schodack: you turned out, and voted your CHOICE in a free and open election.
2) To the Voice of Schodack: we have almost no news coverage of our town, and this blog is the only place to express opinions. Thanks for keeping it running.
3) Finally, thank you to RAY LEMKA. Ray stood up to Secor and her buddies, who did everything they could to give voters no choice in 2007. Ray kept at it, and two years later -- hope has returned to Schodack.
Dowds won by 829 votes over Gable, Secor got 827 votes, that's what a third candidate can do in an election.
In essence, a vote for Secor was a vote for Dowds, Secor might just get a nice cushy town job now!
If nothing else, Schodack regular voters are consistent. Vote for the same ole same ole and later complain because nothing changes. But like results or not, it was a fair election and the results are not in dispute. Now we will see just how independent Dowds is. I'm guessing not very but who knows. Maybe we will get pleasent surprise for a change.
The Dems put up a good fight and helped get rid of Secor anyway. There is something to be said for that. A two way race for supervisor between Secor and Dowds may have produced different results. Dowd supporters, Habor & company, just might want to keep that in mind before dismissing opposing view points on the direction this town should take.
To conclude, congratulations to Dowds, Bult, and Young. I hope you think of the current residents when making decisions and not just the interest of the chosen few like past administrations.
A sincere good luck wish to you all.
November 4th, 2009
Congratulations to Ray Lemka! Ray had his victory stolen from him two years ago by faulty voting machines. Today, the candidate he asked to run, is our new Supervisor. Ray rallied our town to get out and vote for change. He chose not to run this year, but found someone who would address the issues of our town. Best wishes to Dennis Dowds.
Do the math!
Do not minimize the margin of Dennis Dowds' victory. In a three-way race, he won a majority (not a plurality) of the vote.
Whether voting for Dowds or Secor, Kristen Shaw was clearly rejected by over 70% of voters.
The Town Board outcome was also significant. Bult and Young won almost 60% of the vote.
No matter how you try to "spin" it the voters have spoken and their CHOICE is clear.
Anyone else puzzled why there is a 3310 vote disparity in the number of votes cast, in total, for Town Board candidates versus Supervisor?
7385 voted for Board, 4075 voted for Supervisor? Who goes into the booth, flicks switches for Board, and abstains from voting for a Supe candidate?
44.8% of the total voters for Board opted out of committing to a Supervisor candidate?
I don't get it. One of the tremendous pundits here want to explain it to this knave?
BTW, that 3310 disparity is roughly 120 votes less than the total number of votes cast in the Lemka/Secor election in 2007, but don't let that distract us.
A few posts over the last few weeks have said Ray Lemka supported Dowds, now someone said that Lemka "asked" Dowds to run!
None of Dowds campaign literature I received mentioned anything about being endorsed or supported by Lemka. I also never saw or heard anything official from Ray Lemka stating he supported Dowds.
Gee, I wonder why?
No one is Schodack can say they did not have a choice in this election.
I have to hand it to the regime that controls Schodack, they managed to keep control by running Dowds, Bult & Young as "fiscal conservatives".
Now the only one has a voting record is Young who supported Secor over the last 4 yrs. when town taxes, debt and the size of town gov't increased dramatically.
My prediction for the next two yrs. is that you won't see much change because Dowds didn't make any commitments during his campaign to do anything but "work hard", which means nothing.
There will be no audit, reduction of taxes or the size of town gov't. They will just coast along for the next 2 yrs. then they will campaign on "holding down taxes" & not adding any more jobs to town hall.
That's their idea of being "fiscal conservatives!
Voters get two votes for Town Board.
A total of 4075 residents voted for Supervisor. Each resident has TWO votes for town board. Therefore, there could be a maximum of 8150 total votes for town board candidates.
There were only 7385 total votes cast for town board; 765 fewer votes. This means that aproximately 383 people voted for supervisor but did not vote for ANY town board candidate.
I have also heard that Mr. Lemka asked Dennis Dowds to run for office and I was hopeful that Ray would have come out in support of Mr. Dowds. Maybe the rumor wasn't true but as it turns out the endorsement wasn't needed.
The Democrats made some headway in this election but they put a very weak candidate on the top of their ticket. That was their undoing.
One of the flyers I received from Dowd campaign had a quote on it from Ray supporting Dowd. Sue Lemka paid for a quarter page ad in the Advertiser supporting Dowd and Ray had Dowd signs on his lawn. Think it's safe to say the Lemka's supported Dowd. Whether or not Ray asked Dowd to run I can't comment on but I for one sure would be interested in finding out. It's not the first time Ray has switched positions when either supporting or rallying against the long time republican fathers. Doubt it will be the last.
i hope you nitwits shut up and go away........all your nagging and complaining has done no good for the town.. and i approve of the pilot expansion plans. truck stops are better than the abodoned farms that we have on rt 9, its time to support business- tax growth and jobs. tree huggers -move to maine!
The undoing of the Democrats was that crafty old Jeffi Haber. He knew that Shaw would beat Secor one on one, but not necessarily beat any other Republican candidate, since most of our Schodack voters are automaton voters for whoever is on the Republican line. That is how Secor held the line against Lemka in 2007.
So Jeff lured Lemka into bed with him, with the lure of the Republicans ditching Secor. This worked and while Ray declined to run himself, he tapped Dowd as Ok with him. So Lemka, traded off real change in Schodack government for just getting Secor out.
With Haber surrogate Dippie Young returning and you will see that the Bolt is just that bolt in the machine acting as an automaton Haber voter, it does not matter how reform minded Dowd may be or not. He is checked and check mated by Haber and his minions, and so was Lemka. They knocked off the Queen, but King Jeffi rules and his rein will last thru at least 2013.
This will be because voters will be willing to give Dowd at least two terms to try and clean up Secor. This will not be possible, but they will allow it.
Then in 2011, heavy weights with the voters Stinner and Curtis will run. They are much more difficult for the Dems or anyone to beat. Unlike Young, they are liked by most residents, as is Bult. Though all three channel Haber and toe his line. Stinner makes a show of occasionally thinking for himself, but only in the moment. Next thing you know, he falls back in line, and votes the party.
All this means, is that nothing changes. It may get interesting if Dowd tries to assert himself in any substantive way. For instance, he wants to appoint someone to the ZBA or Planning Board who may have an independent mind or a somewhat different point of view. Well King Haber will squash that soon enough. He might let one or two appointments, but just for show. No more than that, because who wants any dissent on any town board?
Not Haber. All must toe the line.
Dowd will soon learn this. He will try for awhile to work within Haber bounds, and he may try for awhile to try to figure how to work around Haber bounds, but he will learn that sure enough, he is bound by and to King Jeff.
So much for any change, or really any difference at all in electing Dowd. Just more of the same. Like it or leave Schodack.
The only thing that will set Schodack free of Haber will be one hamburger too many down his royal gullet. Or maybe he will drive drunk into one more thing or person.
Or, maybe all that residential development that Secor was planning for, will happen. We will get an influx of enough independent voters moving into Schodack, that maybe they will overwhelm the Haber homeboys to vote into office some actual change.
That would take a decade or more, as might the Kings physical demise. However, with all our cheaper and more accessible water, now that we have paid to build it, residential development will come and our schools with soon be out grown and we will have to build them bigger, so watch the taxes rise and rise.
Somehow, Haber will figure out how to blame those tax increases on some state or federal Democrat. He is Teflon Jeff and keeps brushing off the crumbs of dissent.
Long live the King. Long may he rein over his Schodack Kingdom.
" Think it's safe to say the Lemka's supported Dowd."
Knowing that Lemka supported Dowds, I"m really glad I didn't vote for Dowds!
Lemka was very willing to seek support from the democrats when he needed it, now he didn't need them so he supported Dowds, what a political turncoat!
Wow just read the Automaton post --the writer sounds suicidal to me.
Its easier to blame Jeff Haber than to think that the vast majority of Schodack residents are intelligent enough to vote for the best candidate, regardless of party.
By choosing a well educated, experienced person to run our town over a totally inexperienced candidate we're automatons?? Sour grapes perhaps?
To think Ray Lemka could be "lured into bed" by Mr. Haber is an insult to the historically independent Mr. Lemka. Again, maybe Ray recognized the better candididate - is that possible?
Obviously this writer is trying to blame everyone but his beloved Dems for their overwhelming loss.
My advice -- take a couple of anti depressants and maybe the world will be a bit rosier.
Democrats (Liberals) cannot conteplate a loss. FYI conservatives outnumber liberal approximately 2 to 1 depending on the poll. Save the "historic" 100 year old barn down the road does not hold water to a new sub-division in this economy. Before you tell me new home actually drains resources is ambiguous. New people buy local gas, local pizza, and open local businesses but all the facts in the world cannot change your views so move to Bethlehem.
Aaaahhhhhh.....Republicans are so gracious in victory, so tolerant of differing views, so able to look even 10 feet down the road, or five minutes into the future. Me me me, now now now, greed greed greed.
I hope Dennis Dowds does well, he's a decent man, and the people of Schodack need help. Don't forget for the first time in a very long time the voters had a choice for all town offices up for election this year. And they chose republicans decisively. Now we'll see how this new/old team does and in 2 years voters will have been proven right or proven to have been duped yet again by Jeff Haber's bloated political machine.
If Dennis Dowds can trim some of the plentiful fat off of the government Jeff Haber's past candidates have created in Schodack's current administration, it will be a huge and laudable feat.
If the other members of the Town Board would only step up and participate in the decision making process, we might get some good governance out of them afterall. Some of them should try voting "no" once in a while as a matter of principle, rather than just in contemplation of being re-elected.
Personally I thank the democrats in this election for holding republican feet to the fire for a change.
It amazes me how frequently Democrat supporters use terms such as fooled, tricked, etc. For example, “duped yet again” was used in a previous post. Maybe the Democrats would find more support if they weren’t so condescending. Contrary to what they might think, they are NOT always the smartest, most enlightened people in the room.
Schodack voters did have a choice in this election but nothing will change.
The same crew is still running the town and having a couple of different faces will make no difference.
What amazes me is how Young, who voted for huge tax & spending increases over the last 4 yrs. can call herself a "fiscal conservative" at election time and get re-elected!
Keep an eye out for Secor getting "appointed" to a town or county position too!
Wow, Secor got $600,000 in stimulus money for the Maple Crest & Clearview water projects.
Gee, with all the billions available, I wonder why she didn't try to get money to put sewers on Maple Hill Rd. ?
All I hear is how we need "growth" in Schodack. What will all this growth result in?
Bigger gov't and higher taxes!
Why do you think they want it so bad!
The poster that said "Secor should have gotten money for sewers on Maple Hill Rd." must be new to Schodack. A few decades ago the town had that opportunity but let it slip by. The residents probably FEARED the dirty "G" word...growth.
"The poster that said "Secor should have gotten money for sewers on Maple Hill Rd." must be new to Schodack."
Schodack town gov't suffers from some sort of illness, they don't take gov't money when it's being given away for almost nothing but spend it like it grows on trees!
Wasn't it during Secor's previous reign as supervisor that she sold the Glaz water wells and system to the village of Castleton for $1.00?
Wonder why she did that?
Maybe it was because she knew the system was old and needed expensive upgrades. Now, the Village and Town have sued each other over who is "responsible" for paying for this or maybe some sort of "deal" was struck.
Looks like the village wants the revenue from the water but does not want to pay for the upkeep, hmmm.
They were very willing to give out "free" water meters" so they could start charging for it though!
Anyone know what the status of the water project for district 3 maple crest is?
I read the board minutes, but it doesnt say.
What the hell is the point of another property re-assessment in Schodack?
In my opinion, it's just another smoke screen to raise taxes, the state is on the verge of bankruptcy and wants more money!
There are better places to spend any state or federal money, like sewers on Maple Hill Rd. for instance.
Now that the election cycle is over,the time has come for a updated master plan. I hope that we can finally get an update aproved. Our town need to rezone the route nine corridor and get sewers from Castleton to route nine. The town also needs an area that reduces lot size. Not everybody wants to mow acres of grass. We as a town need to move ahead!
An updated master plan? A great idea but it was an issue in the last few elections except the most recent one, I wonder why?
I didn't hear Dowds committ to ANYTHING during his campaign, I wonder why?
Reduced lot size, to what, a third acre or maybe even a quarter acre, then the homes would be on top of one another just like many in Clifton Park!
I know someone who liked Schodack, wanted to build a house here but at $70,000 an acre, they built in Schadicoke where an acre lot was half the cost!
People don't want to mow? Then they should have bought a condo!
I love seeing all those sprawling estates popping up, the taxes on them must be HUGE!
They increase everyone else's property value too!
I noticed Secor announced another re-assessment right after the election, I wonder why since we just had one recently. Any thoughts Bob?
Dear anonymous,please print your name and I will respond to any question! I find it interesting that your response and my thoughts alway's posts at the same time. Do you have any thoughts on that????
"Dear anonymous,please print your name".
Dear Bob, this is America, I have the choice to be anonymous, you chose to give your name. You brought up the topic, now your making "demands" before you respond, how petty!
Bob my old friend, other then the master plan recommendation, I have to disagree with you. Water/Sewers/smaller lots means more homes and more demand for services/schools which equals even higher taxes. There is only one way to keep taxes stable and that is to reduce or at least not increase the demand for servcies. More water/sewer systems to manage means more staff with benefits/retirement to pay for. There is no getting around that.
Besides, there are many options in Schodack to buy existing homes that aren't on large lots both rural and in hamlets. Clearview, the village and many homes built back in the 50's - 60's come immediately to mind. I'm sorry that not everyone can afford to build themselves a new home but since when is building a new cheap home a right? If you can afford it, you do. If you can't like many of us, then you don't. You still have choices if you wish to live in Schodack but you have to live within your means. Something a lot of people are learning the hard way during the past year.
I'm glad I'm not one of the ones that purchased a large 400K home and have to pay 11 to 12 thousand dollars a year in taxes. Why anyone would do that is beyond me but it's their choice to make if they can afford it. Me, I'd rather bank that money and live in a smaller home so I can afford to do other things. Like pay for the kids college and save towards retirement!
Brian Dooley.
Good point Brian,
Higher density means more homes, more children in schools and higher demand for services which means higher taxes!
Think about it, what "services" do Schodack residents get for their tax money?
Trash removal; NO
Water & Sewers; Yes in some areas but those who have it pay to hookup and are taxed for it.
Schools: Yes but taxed heavily for it.
Snow removal; Yes but many roads in Schodack are County roads, plowed and maintained by the county.
Police protection; Yes but at a much higher cost than necessary for a town of 12,000 with a very low crime rate!
That begs the question; what are they doing with all our money?
Thanks Brian, for printing your name. I guess I tend to think longer term on planning issues. When the town board passed the aquifer protection law which I voted for. That was a long term law. I believe the next master plan will be also. First off we, being people are not the only thing that lives here. Deer turkey and all other wildlife need space too! We as a town,I have to add the largest town in the county have a huge road system. We plow and salt every year. Our towns salt numbers keep going. Ask Ken Stinner,he is correct when he say's we over salt. I choose salt because iy is a good example. Go home and look under your sink,in your garage etc. Look at the chemicals we have. How many people dispose of them properly? How about perscription pills? The list goes on. Salt is just one thing we test for. I am not saying the whole town needs smaller lots that would be foolish. We do, I believe need to be conservative of our land use. Any master plan passed will be a twenty to thirty year plan. Look at our current plan. The next plan may go even longer. To think of it as a five year plan is wrong. I agree at this time we do not need housing,but we will. The population of Schodack will increase like it or not. Will we be a town that no longer has farms? because we used up all the land. Large lots mean more roads to plow and pave. The population is coming. Let me ask where would you put fifteen thousand more people? The tax part of this is a whole issue of its own. People demand more and more services every year. People want leaves picked up. They want water sewers,libraries etc. We will need more schools also. What should we do? We need government to prioritize the list of everything they do A-Z. And get remove S-Z and start over. If its at the bottem of the list,do we need it? Just my thoughts! I again state,like Brian please print your name. I would never suggest my thoughts are always right. My wife could tell you they are not! I do however smile every day.
Great post. One point I disagree with is that the population of Schodack will increase.
The population growth of the country has slowed to a trickle.
The population of NY continues to shrink, and will continue to do so.
The mass migration from cities to suburbia has slowed and some argue this may reverse.
Schodack is one of the highest taxed municipalities in the country, when combining state, County, school and town tax rates.
These factors indicate to me that population will decline not increase.
I would not argue the point on population today. I look at things like power generation. Take a look all the power plants being built now or at the already completed ones. We also have large reserves of natural gas. Cheap power is what made our area grow,it may again. Taxes are pushing people out today. The next fifteen years look bleak as more people leave that have money and the people coming to our state need assistance. What it all means ,those that pay taxes will keep paying. We all should run to the exit!
Where are all the power plants?
The "environmentalists" have prevented any new coal powered plants from being built for decades and we have plenty of coal!
75% of Europe's power comes from nuclear, but we have a moratorium on new nuclear power plants!
If you want to know where our nation is headed, google "cloward piven", Obama is following their strategy of collapsing our economy, then taking control of everything and changing us into a socialist nation. Healthcare reform, cap & trade, green jobs, etc. are designed to be the vehicles to help them get them there!
Oh, I forgot the other main mantra; "Redistribution of wealth". That's taking from the haves and giving it to the have-nots by taxing the hell out of you!
Bob -
Don't get me wrong, I'm very much for keeping open space and existing farms any way possible. I think the Town/County should do everything they can with Tax breaks, incentives, whatever, to keep farms. This approach reaffirms my belief that to keep taxes from sky rocketing further, you have to reduced demand for services. The livestock, fruit, and veggies, they don't ask for much so they are great residents. It cost local government next to nothing to support acres and acres of open space. Even if only collecting pennies per acre in taxes the local government comes out ahead as do we all. Many promote open space to be "green". I promote it because it saves green as well.
As far as perscription pills go, all the studies I've read about shows the problem comes from sewers as the waste treatment plants don't treat for these chemicals which end up in the local rivers and the ocean eventually. Where the drugs are showing up is in the fish and other marine life. So sewers aren't the answer to address that concern. Whether these same chemicals find their way into the ground water or not is a good but scary question. Worth investigating for sure.
Will the population grow as much as you think it will? I'm not so sure. To many variables to consider. From energy/travel costs to taxes will have an effect. Brighter minds then ours can't seem to figure it out. I recommend keeping Schodack rural where we can, promote commercial growth that compliments existing business and residents.
Brian Dooley
If you're going to have a blog, how about either updating it, or deleting it?
Keeping information on-line about events over 2 year's ago serves little to no useful purpose other then being evident that it was then (as it it is now) posted for personal gain with a private agenda.
To the blogmaster - wake up!
"If you're going to have a blog, how about either updating it, or deleting it?"
If you only want the most recent posts, just click on "newest".
You need to "wakeup"
The complaint about "keeping material on-line" that is 2 years old ...to the person who wrote that...you have to be kidding me.
Have you ever heard of the New York Times? You can find articles there going back decades. It's called "digital archives."
Given that press coverage of our town is sparse, why shouldn't we have a place we can read about political events in Schodack?
For over 2 years, this blog has been a valauable resource for Schodack.
The VOS webmaster promptly posts a wide range of issues and opinions, and should be commended for an outstanding job.
Does anyone know what happened to the Schodack Business Association? Is it still alive?
Glenn Beck is now being recommended on this blog's home page. I personally applaud this view but I think that it will offend the left leaning majority of this forum. Maybe after the last town election they don't read this blog anymore.
Merry Christmas to all!
Boy...you got that right. Glenn Beck is a histrionic lying moron and if this blog is not only endorsing his views but PROMOTING them, then it has changed the nature and value of itself.
If the blog has so expressed its political point of view, then it is not outside the realm of possibilities that the blogmaster may extend that viewpoint into editing and picking and choosing whose comments make it onto the blog. My faith in his objectivity is now disturbed.
Count me out.
We still have freedom of speech in the US. Your free to speak your mind regardless of who may like it or not.
What should concern you more is how Obama and the dem's are forcing votes on a 2100 page healthcare bill that affects one sixth of our economy in the middle of the night.
They don't care what they have to do to pass this, their goal is "control" over every citizen. After it passes because it will, then their goal will be very obvious. Obama promised "transparency" and all negotiations would be on c-span yet they did this all behind closed doors, if that doesn't make you question their motive, you deserve what you get!
I hope your also happy with the present Secor and the Board just gave you, a re-assessment every 5 yrs. that will keep your taxes
going up, Ho, Ho, Ho, Merry Christmas!
As for the "left leaning" comment, why did all "right leaning" candidates get elected in Schodack?
I was reviewing the November December Town Board meeting resolutions and cannot find the salaries for 2010. In every year since I can remember the salaries for the following year were proposed and voted on in Nov or December meetings. But I don't see them this year. Did anyone come across the resolutions? If not, I wonder what surprises we have coming.....
So Jan 1 means Secor is gone and Dowds is in. Will this be the beginning of a new era or just another error.....
Hmmm. In the first TB meeting under Dowds, Ed Brewer who probably sells more real estate in
Schodack then anyone is appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Ummm, no conflict of interest there! How stupid from a avoiding legal appeals point of view. Doesn't this appointment give anyone, for or against a project, reason to appeal the decision because of a real not just an apperence of a conflict of interest? Of course some new lawyers were also appointed so maybe the board is planning for that.
New song, same as the old song. Nothing changes in Schodack.
I think Mr. Dowds is appointing well qualified people to the various vacancies that he had to fill including the new Attorneys. It is about time for some new blood in these positions.
Having someone with a real estate background on the Zoning Board of Appeals makes perfect sense to me. Not sure what qualifications would the previous poster would like to see.
Some who isn't likely to financially benefit from decisions comes to mind..... Member of the ZBA and Planning boards, all appointed postitions, should not have real or preceived conflicts of interest. Puccio is very pro commercial development on Route 9 where he and/or his family owns property. Now we have a major realitor on the ZBA who is also likely to be pro development. Some one without financial stake in the results of rulings would be a refreshing change. Agree new blood is needed but not sure appointing folks who will likely have conflicts of interest on a regular basis is a good idea.
Just who are these people who Dowds is appointing, names and background would be appreciated.
So if an appointee has a "likely" pro commercial feeling, in the opinion of this writer, he or she is not qualified to participate on an appointed Town Board position.
Paul Puccio has been involved with community service organizations in Schodack for over 30 years going back to Jaycees, school board, and planning board, among others. I guess he volunteered all this time to his community so he could enrich himself and his family.
Some people think that community service, such as serving on a Town Board or School Board is an honorable endeavor. The writer questions Mr. Puccio & Mr. Brewer's motivation for serving on a 5 person board where they have 1 vote. They are hoping to enrich themselves by joining these boards. Wow I am going to keep my eyes on these guys to see how they do it.
I wish more pro commercial people would be chosen to serve on these Boards so they could figure out a way to attract business to the Schodack tax rolls. That would give the anti growth crowd more to complain about.
This writer gives the tree huggers their bad name!
Long ways from a tree hugger and all for good commercial growth. I.E. retail, hotels, and other businesses that compliment current businesses in Schodack as well as residential population. The folks who backed the last and current administration seem to think the only thing we should put in are truck stops/warehouses. We can do better. All I'm suggesting is some balance on the boards. Involve residents not just those who have a financial interest in the results of decisions the PB and ZBA make. Is that unreasonable?
The last time I checked the development at exit 10 included professional buildings, a bank and a convenience store. Hopefully, someday there may be a restaurant, too.
This type of development is NOT well suited for exit 12. Like it or not, route 9 near exit 12 is ideally suited for warehousing and distribution. If you do not believe me, ask Hannaford. They did not pick their location by accident.
Oops! I forgot to mention the hotel.
So, how is Dowds doing so far? Has he come up with any cost cutting ideas yet? I'm waiting.
We hear all the complaints about "wasteful"spending by the town but more than 60% of my tax bill is school taxes. Does anyone know how much money was wasted by EGCSD on that fancy sign in front of Genet?
yes we know.............
I bet they do....the owner who lives in east greenbush and florida- is very well conected to local,state and federal politics.
would not be surprised if they were the supplier.
Anybody know why the Village of Castleton posted the network of trails out behind maple crest drive and Van Hosen Road? I assume the village owns this land?
yes, the village does own the land. It is part of the resevoir that supplies the village water system. They have posted it due to the quads and motorcycles trespassing and causuing damage.
Well it looks like our newly elected "fiscal conservatives" are laying low, haven't heard much about any cost cutting, etc. I wonder why?
Regarding the upcoming referendum vote on 1/20/11, I plan to hold my nose and vote yes for it even though I don't think the supervisor or town board has done a good job of explaining why or how this "developer" was chosen. Given the lack of commercial development in Town, I feel it is better to sell low in hopes of generating some activity and maybe providing a spark to other potential commercial prospects than to vote no and give the signal that Schodack is opposed to growth. I will be interested to see how this turns out.
My prediction is that Mr. Bryce will never carry out his plan for the site and his $6,000 binder will be all the Town gets from this - I hope I'm wrong but we'll see.
Well, well, the old town hall gets sold for $300,000. A far cry from the millions Secor told us we would get for it! Schodack residents take it on the chin again, what a surprise!
By the way, do we have a supervisor?
I haven't heard anything about what Dowds has done, like reduce taxes or eliminate the unnecessary jobs with high salaries at town hall?
I anyone has info. on the great things Dowds has done since being elected, please post!
After two years of Dowds, let's see what he has accomplished......
dud...not one D--- thing!
Our TAXES are higher than ever before! No positions have been cut! Just, what do you do there all day, DENNIS, besides nothing? Our apology to the town, for ever voting for him. He did a good job of pulling the "wool over his face", so we couldn't see the real sly Wolf underneath! SHAME SHAME SHAME!
As the old saying goes......... KARMA'S a bitch to come back to bite you right in the b---!
At this time, anybody and I mean anybody, who is thinking about running for this position will have my vote and hundreds like me.
The previous post is right on! Dowds is the "invisible" supervisor, I never see anything in the Record or advertiser by Dowds about what he has done to lower taxes, reduce waste at Town "Taj Mahal" Hall like the numerous "assistants" many dept's have that are not necessary, other than to allow the dept. head to not do very much for the exhorbitant salary they get!
I even wonder if Dowds shows up at Town Hall very often, he may have turned it into a semi no show job!
If anyone has any info. about what Dowds has been up to, please let us know.
We have a JACK-ASS in charge of our country and an ELEPHANT in charge of our town. Neither one seems to know how to work for the "interest of the people"! They continue to talk a big talk and do a big nothing, except for
collecting their big pay!!! All it proves is the HELL with us, the
people and they got voted in, so why work! Any TEA-PARTIERS interested or anybody else??? All it takes is a desire to try your darndest to make a sincere effort to do your best, for the good of the town and its' people!
Remember, we the people rule not the government!
It seems like our dear Dowds and a certain Engineering Firm, that
was hired to do a Big Job over at the Schodack Town Park have made a big mess of things...again! This was a big "Drainage System", that they have been working on over
this past year. Of course, it cost us SCHODACK taxpayers big bucks!!! However, it seems that this project went all wrong, because this certain "Engineer" thought he knew everything and nobody else did in getting this job done right. Now that it's finally finished, it still has the same old drainage problems as before. Now, we will have to wait for this same Engineering Firm to come up with another design plan, to make it work. Not only will all of this work already done have to be torn up, but redone again at...you guess right, us the TAXPAYER'S expense!!!
Go to the next Town Meeting and see how DOWDS will explain this...Hell of a Mess!!!
I wonder who owns the engineering firm? Also, shouldn't there be a performance clause in the contract that states the work must solve the problem or they don't get paid!
And Dowds is supposed to be such a great business man!
"I wonder who owns the engineering firm?"
This would be very interesting to find out.
Also, do they have any connections to Dowds or any other of our elected officials?
What was the approx. cost to taxpayers for this failed drainage project?
Dowds is up for re-election this Nov. He now has a record to be judged on not just a slogan!
Just wanted to "THANK" everybody
that voted YES, on the school budget. Now more and more of us are going to have to move out of our homes and leave New York, because of another increase in our TAXES!!! DUH, we couldn't afford the last one, much less this one.
I hope you'll be able to live with this and if you're lucky enough, maybe you too, will lose your job, your home and be stressed out and depressed as, we are now!!!
Too bad, there's not a line ,when voting...one for NO, don't raise my taxes and another for YES, raise my taxes. Wonder which line would be longer???????
Our teachers should have been more willing to give some and pay MORE on their own healthcare and their own pensions. Why should we pay ours and on theirs, also?????
Also, a very reliable source told us, how "The Administrative Office" personnel, each got a $7,000.00 bonus! A BONUS at a time like this...what were they thinking! Oh, I forgot, they DON'T THINK!!!
I hope all of you Yesers have nightmares; because, that is exactly, what you have caused for the rest of us Noers!!!
Shame on all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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