Welcome to the Voice of Schodack Blog!
Here's the latest!
I'm glad to see the blog is getting warmed up again!
We have an election coming up in the fall and residents need to be informed on critical issues that affect us. So if anyone has information about town issues and how our new town supervisor is doing,please feel free to enlighten us!
To get detailed information on Schodack financials check out the 2 links below;
Note to all Schodack residents:
We know everyone is busy but if at all possible, PLEASE attend Town Board & Planning Board Meetings. What can really make a difference is a good turnout at these meetings because it will show that residents are concerned and watching so let's pack the town hall!
If they only see a few people at a meeting, it sends the message that we don't care and they will continue to disregard us!
We remain committed to continue our fight for fair elections & responsive leadership in Schodack. With your continuing support we can do it!
The Schodack Republican Party has chosen NOT to run Secor as their candidate for supervisor. This is a direct result of her very close election against a write-in candidate and shows what motivated voters can do, we will have a fair & open election this year because of you!
So feel free to post your thoughts & opinions here and let your voice be heard!
Note; While we encourage you to post your comments, we reserve the right to delete posts that contain vulgarity, offensive comments or personal attacks.
The Voice of Schodack blog was created to give all Schodack residents the ability to voice their concerns about issues that affect them. Our website at http://www.voiceofschodack.com/ will be updated in the next few months for the upcoming election which should be very interesting!
We know everyone is busy but if at all possible, PLEASE attend Town Board & Planning Board Meetings. What can really make a difference is a good turnout at these meetings because it will show that residents are concerned and watching so let's pack the town hall!
If they only see a few people at a meeting, it sends the message that we don't care and they will continue to disregard us!
We remain committed to continue our fight for fair elections & responsive leadership in Schodack. With your continuing support we can do it!
The Schodack Republican Party has chosen NOT to run Secor as their candidate for supervisor. This is a direct result of her very close election against a write-in candidate and shows what motivated voters can do, we will have a fair & open election this year because of you!
So feel free to post your thoughts & opinions here and let your voice be heard!
Note; While we encourage you to post your comments, we reserve the right to delete posts that contain vulgarity, offensive comments or personal attacks.
The Voice of Schodack blog was created to give all Schodack residents the ability to voice their concerns about issues that affect them. Our website at http://www.voiceofschodack.com/ will be updated in the next few months for the upcoming election which should be very interesting!
1 – 200 of 1313 Newer› Newest»I like this Blog, it allows us to comment on town issues a lot easier than at a Town Board meeting!
Thanks for the above.
Regarding the following:
"Mrs. Stetson states that those she spoke to after the Democratic caucus had no idea what Mr. Lemka stands for saying “Sadly, they admitted they did not [know] and had voted for him to guarantee a candidate on the Democratic line.”
1) Check "Intentions" on the voice of Schodack web page.
2) Perhaps Mrs. Stetson went to the candidate's forum, so she might learn what Mr. Lemka stands for.
Gee, Why didn't Beth attend the candidate forum? She could have talked about all the great things in her campaign flyer like how she
"participates in public forums"!
How about this one,
"I listen and strive to be sensitive to your concerns"
She also likes to use "baiting" statements about a Price Chopper in Schodack Plaza. It's an empty promise that has no substance in fact, she's just trying to lure you to vote for her!
Notice how almost every statement begins with "I", that tells is all, because there is no "I" in "TEAM"!
When you read the facts on the website, they don't support anything she says!
Beth's actions over the last 4 yrs. bring me to only one conclusion;
We too received Beth's letter yesterday. She was careful to show the progress she’s made, such as the new truck stop.
That's great and all...but how does the Pilot truck stop make Schodack a more pleasant place to live? More diesel exhaust? Isn’t it used largely by out-of-town truckers? I guess that's progress to Beth Secor.
I know Beth and the town officials go to lots of training, so they know about what's new in town planning: programs for developers to designate as “forever wild” wetlands and other areas they can’t build on. Getting guidelines in place so new buildings follow codes that make them blend in with the town.
They go to all this training (which we pay for)...but they choose not to pay attention.
Seems like the very definition of "dark ages" to me.
Progress at a 33% tax increase in 3 years. Sounds like robbery to me.
No public vote on town hall & library scandal. Sounds like taxation without representation to me.
Write in and educate your friends as well.
Have you seen Secor's LATEST FLYER.
All most complete lies. How can anyone believe her. She holds up to her initials well BS
Send her out next Tuesday. Write in
Raymond W. Lemka
We got the letter too: classic Beth Secor.
Putting a spin on the increasing "industrial" look to Route as somehow some great gain for rural Schodack.
Vauguely justifying out-of-control spending on the Highway garage and Town Hall as somehow suiting the new "place" of Schodack in the Captital Region.
A lot of vague b.s...though I am sure she tells the truth when she states she "loves" living here. Sure you do, 'cause you can afford the taxes with your salary increase.
That's the only logical statement in the entire letter.
When elected Schodack officials no show at a candidates’ forum what are they telling us?
The TU, Independent, and other local media and organizations, made a point of publishing notice of last night’s League of Women Voters (LWV) candidate’s forum for the voters of Schodack. It was the one and only opportunity for all to meet with candidates in one place to hear something of a debate among all contenders for Town offices. When they failed to show up, what are the incumbent office holders saying about themselves? What does it say when all of the currently elected Schodack officials were “no shows” for this non-partisan community candidates’ forum? What did they fear? It was put on by the very independent LWV? How can they be so rude? How do these politicians regard their community, their fellow citizens, and the right of any potential voter to see, hear, and meet them in person?
What is the thought process of any candidate, who thinks it is better to stiff a forum, than to show up? Are they avoiding accountability for their actions over the past 2 to 4 years? Are they, so certain, that they know what is right, that they do not have to listen to their constituents? Is it an arrogance of power? Do they feel they don’t really need the common voter, since they are getting all they need in support from the big guys?
These are all questions that are left hanging in the air from Tuesday night’s (Tues. 10/30) open Candidate Forum for Schodack. The two alternative candidates for office, who are yet to be elected, showed up. Raymond W. Lemka, who is very actively running as a write in candidate for Town Supervisor was there. Bob Zinzow, who is vigorously campaigning to be elected to the Rensselaer County Legislature, was there. Both stood and faced the voter filled audience. Both took and answered all the questions that were filtered thru the LWV moderator, for the full evening. Both noted the absence of Beth Secor, Alex Shannon, and the two incumbent candidates for Town Board. A third candidate, Paul Peter, who is running for re-election to Town Justice, stopped by, a bit later. One unopposed incumbent peaked in the door, then left. So, why is it that no other candidate, nominated by the Republican Party, bothered to attend?
My guess is that being in power means “never having to say you are sorry.”
The voters, who were present, had lots of questions. Questions were submitted on cards thru the moderator. Citizens in attendance wanted to know, just how much in the end, the new town hall, the unsold old town hall, the new town garage, destruction of the old town garage, and all the other spending of the last couple years was going to cost them in the form of raised taxes. Taxes have already risen 39% since 2003, from a rate of $11.61 to $16.15 per thousand dollars of assessed value on a home. This represents an additional $453 on a home assessed at $100,000, making the new amount $1615.00 for just Town taxes, not counting school and other taxes on property.
There were questions about 10% to 40% pay increases for our elected representatives and town and county employees. Some asked how these on going pay raises could be justified for elected officials, who have increased Schodack’s Town debt obligation from under $2 million to now $12 million. How did these politicians get Conservative party ballot lines, when they spend like drunken sailors? How much more will property taxes have to be raised to pay the debt service on this new borrowing? How and when will it ever be paid off? Others asked, could it have been done differently? Lemka provided foresight and answers to many of those questions. He shows himself to have foresight and the ability to look ahead and plan.
Raymond and Bob were there to explain their visions for the future of Schodack, and its place in the County. They managed to be there, in spite of all the efforts by incumbents to deny Schodack voters any choice on Election Day, by knocking all opponents off all ballot lines. All the efforts, made by those-now-in-power, to prevent all opposition to them in Tuesday’s election, failed at this candidate forum. Lemka is still connecting with voters. He is running vigorously. He is well supported by a great many in the audience and community, even after he was denied a ballot line on the voting machines.
When you enter the voting booth, you will not see Lemka’s name anywhere. To vote for Raymond W. Lemka, you cannot pull a simple lever. You must bring in a pen or pencil, find the column 7, which is the column for the Supervisor race, and find or ask for how to slide open the little window space above that column. Then you must write in Raymond W. Lemka, his full legal name. While they denied Lemka a ballot line, he is very much in this race. He stands a very good chance of winning, if voters will exercise this choice, which the powers tried to deny them. Choice is what Lemka is giving for this election. A better, more open, more frugal, and planned future is what his election will mean for Schodack. Taxpayers can win!
It will be easier to vote for Bob Zinzow, he held on to his two ballot lines, so all you have to do is to find one of the two levers below the column for County Legislator, then pull one for Zinzow.
When the arrogance of power is such that it seeks to eliminate all its opposition, it seeks to avoid accountability by not showing up for debates and forums, you know they are insecure. They are insecure, because no one believes that they did the right things over the past two years. When power is insecure, it moves to quash and eliminate all electable opposition. It knocks opposing candidates off the ballot. They remove your choice. They ran without opposition 2 years, ago. No opposition makes for this arrogance and this grossly expensive mess they have made for Schodack.
I myself always vote. I always want a choice for every office from every party, plus independents to choose from, on every Election Day. I have never before been involved in Schodack politics. However, how does anyone sit idle, when power removes all your choice from the ballot? What differentiates Schodack from any one party state in the world, if choice is suppressed? This has to rile every citizen. It sure has for me.
Show this power that they have failed. Show them it was a mistake to dodge the candidate forum. Show them they have violated the trust of voters by seeking to remove their opponents from ballot lines. Show them you can turn out to vote, even to write in, their challengers. Breathe some fresh air into local politics. Elect a citizen, not a politician to be supervisor, by writing in Lemka. Lemka is not beholden to anyone, nor any power, nor party. Add fresh blood to the County Legislature, by voting for Zinzow. Things in Schodack will be different! There is a chance and choice for better! Vote on Tuesday! Bring your pens and pencils!
Thank you, KS, for expressing my feelings much better than I could. The forum Tues. evening was conducted very well. Many good questions were asked and all were answered clearly. Remember to write in Raymond W. Lemka. I called the Board of elections and wasn't exactly reassured by the response to my questions.
K.S. - Excellent post! I would suggest everyone use a pen...pencils are too easy to erase. County and town "old guard" politicos will stoop to anything to keep their positions. We've lived here 34 years, made it through Beth Secor's (then known as Beth Knauf Morgan) reign and for the life of me, I can't figure out how she got elected again. She is absolutely no different now than she was then...except older.
"I can't figure out how she got elected again. She is absolutely no different now than she was then...except older."
According to the above, SECOR REALLY NEEDS TO GO!!!!
congratulations beth on your HUGE victory...........
Any victory Beth Secor obtains next week will be nothing to be proud of.
How would a school administration reprimand a student who engaged in muscling out their opposition, not showing up to the debate in the cafeteria and making deals with playground friends in her effort to become class president? Secor's behavior has been everything children are taught not to do in a 5th grade social studies lesson.
As she sits in her Ivory Town on Schuuman Road, she can look out at the "little people" and know that she squashed them all.
Write in Raymond W. Lemka to control spending and restore Democracy to Schodack.
They might have been taught in FORTH grade.
Now I know why Beth had to have that town hall at our expense...it was all about the Ivory Tower!
As a mother of daughters Beth Secor's conduct is extreemly disappointing. I will hold her up as a role model of how NOT to behave.
"Any victory Beth Secor obtains next week will be nothing to be proud of."
We cannot allow her to win!
Secor will then feel she has a "mandate" to continue taxing, spending & shutting us out!
If you think the first 4 yrs. were bad, it will only get worse!
Write-In To Win!
Column 7
Raymond W. Lemka
We can & will do this!
The pride is in the people who have volunteered, gotten involved and who write in Raymond W. Lemka.
The founding fathers of our Democracy are proud of our efforts.
Write in to Win!
Please make sure you read today's Independent. Beth's rhetoric goes on and on. Also, a letter near the back of the first section in her favor is worth a look. I especially liked her claim that she wasn't notified of the forum.
It’s all about what’s a “right” and doing what’s “Right.”
Beth Secor and her appointees exercised their “right.” They got Ray’s Democratic caucus nomination thrown out through legal maneuvers.
So, respectfully (though you or I may disagree) -- let’s let Beth have her rights. We live in America, we follow the laws.
Then…there’s doing what’s Right – with a capital R.
Voting for someone who has clearly listed intentions…not a vague letter of half-truths…that’s what’s RIGHT.
Voting for someone who respects your tax dollars, not votes in yet another raise…that’s what RIGHT.
Voting for someone who answered questions at a candidates’ forum… and wasn’t a ‘no-show’ - that’s what’s RIGHT.
Voting to show you have your right to choose election day…. that’s what’s RIGHT.
So, my family and I are going to do the RIGHT (WRITE) thing: we’re voting for RAYMOND W. LEMKA.
Ray – I read your quotes in The Independent article. Thanks for being clear about some of your intentions. I was glad to see you care about what happens on Route 9 near exit 11.
We here in Schodack are concerned. We are concerned when Tim Nugent makes public statements about getting municipal water into the area…so gas spills and other pollution is not (as he says) a "problem” for our drinking water….and his friends can sell their land at high prices. The Secor administration uses water systems as a way to get out irresponsible acts of pollution.
It makes me sick to think they have so little regard for our children.
I will never support an administration that is pro-pollution.
Secor was more than notified about the forum.
The League continually asked HER to choose a date. She asked they let her know the date refusing to choose one herself. LWV notified her when the forum was but she chose not to show.
Call the League if you're still unsure.
I'm very sure Beth Secor was notified, but on page 18 on today's Independent, she claims she was not notified and emailed that claim to the paper. Also, a spokesperson for Alex Shannon said he was not notified either. Today's articles bear reading by one and all.
This is the lead article on the race published in today’s Independent provided by this link to it: http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=18982394&BRD=248&PAG=461&dept_id=462341&rfi=6 Paste this link in your browser to view it. But please read on before you link to it.
This Independent article is kind of similar to the TU article in that it accepts whatever Secor says and does not contest it. Not even with counter statements from Lemka. Secor boldly starts off stating that "When I was elected as supervisor, I made a commitment to improve services, stabilize taxes and protect the quality of life." If Secor was elected to do those two things, she has done neither and does not qualify for re-election.
Secor has raised taxes 39%, her salary by over 30%, and she has no plan in place to "protect the quality of life," nor has she done anything to control or guide the quality and nature of residential and commercial development.
Do truck depots and truck stops off of I-90 improve the quality of our lives? Does getting us and our town, collectively, from a debt obligation of under $2 million in debt to over $12 million in debt, and still climbing, contribute to stabilizing our taxes or does it improve our quality of life? Does closeting herself behind the Town Attorney, placing her self in her ivory tower Town Hall white elephant boondoggle accomplish these? Does not showing up for the League of Women Voters forum and than lying about not knowing about it improve our life quality in Schodack?
Well, at least the article got a few of Lemka's lower tier reasons for running mentioned. It did have a decent mention on how easy writing in will be. It was good that it warned voters not to use the handle to open the curtain of the voting booth, but to peak out thru the curtains, if they need to ask for help.
Hopefully, the voters are relying on more than these articles and some of the uncontested letters to inform themselves. If they take the time to view the informational portions of this website, they will at least get a fuller picture of why they should get out to vote, and why they should write in Raymond W. Lemka with a pen in indelible ink.
God bless you Ray for being in this race and energizing this community into action to support truth, duty, justice, fairness, openness, and the American way of having democracy and choice on Election Day.
Everyone please volunteer to help VoiceOfSchodack and Ray’s Campaign to help get him elected. These last 5 days are critical. We need you and your help to make this win and to make it big enough to be uncontestable. Volunteer, we and Schodack need you in this endeavor!
"I plan to continue seeking shared service agreements with neighboring towns to reduce expenses,” the Independent quotes Secor as proclaiming in the article noted in my prior post. After how she thumbed East Greenbush in the eye, by holding up the fair and committed Schodack funding, and trying to deny them the funding, for the shared East Greenbush Library, how anxious does anyone think these “neighboring towns” will be to partner with her government, if she continues in power, to arrange these desired “shared service agreements?” We really, really, really, need change at the top and a new Town Supervisor. Raymond W. Lemka is a man of his word. He is respected for fairness and keeping commitments and agreements in business, farming, life, and in government. Electing RAY will make all the difference in reopening the doors of goodwill between Schodack and our “neighboring towns.” Keeping Secor would keep that wound with East Greenbush open and will salt it.
Yesterday morning's Times Union article(11/01)regarding this race was sorely lacking the local flavor. For a paper that usually goes out of it's way to smear and sack Republican officeholders, it curiously sidestepped any mention of the travesty the robbed us of a choice. I guess it's called the "Times Useless" for a reason. Interestingly enough, the TU did endorse Republican candidate Cholakis for DA. The TU Editors must have finally put down their doobies and arrived at an unbiased decision. Not one based on party affiliation. And no mention of the Secor/Nugent connection - Schodack's own "Odd Couple." I've never been involved or much interested in town politics. Sure, I've called Beth a couple of times to ask questions, or to complain about something, and always got a professional, timely response. But something is wrong. Let me see if I got this right: Beth Secor = Republican Supervisor. Tim Nugent = Town Democratic Party Chairman AND Town Attorney, hired and employed by our town government for several years. At the same time, no Dem. candidates can be found to offer a competing agenda, new and different ideas, or solutions. Then there's the Lemka fiasco, where Mr. Nugent fights the overwhelming choice of his party's caucus - for reasons of "procedure." Because of his legal action against his own party, which at the time, had a legitimate shot at winning the Supervisor seat, Lemka was prevented from being on the ballot, and we were robbed of a choice. If there ever was a blatant example of one hand washing the other, this is it. Quite an eye opener.
Bill Gonzales, registered Repub.
Thank you Bill for your excellent response to the Times Union article. We can only hope to see the paper print that as a letter to the editor before the election (assuming you sent it to them).
The previous poster also brings up some important points - thank you too.
Thank you to everyone involved in this campaign, to everyone who will write in and to Ray Lemka for taking a stand. In this day and age all of these actions seem to happen less and less.
I can't wait to write in Raymond W. Lemka!
her election victory will be HUGE....and yes my previuos posts were deleted...any nitwit that thinks he can win is just that !
stop by the dealership...mention this post and i will give you 3 thousand dollars off any car bought on election day !!
Fucillo Chevrolet of EAST GREENBUSH ... even you, Billy, won't admit to being in the Town of Schodack. Very funny...
Billy Fuccilo or should I say Billy "Kellogg" your previous posts are still up.....even though you speak nonsense we still leave them up.
Mr. Gonzales gets it! I am also a reg. Republican and could not have said it better myself!
The corruption that's going on in Schodack does not stop at Secor & Nugent, it goes further up than that, for example;
Every town in Rensselaer County pays a portion of the taxes they collect to the county. So the higher the taxes are, the more the county gets!
All gov't entities have a voracious appetite for money, because money is power!
The republicans now enjoy a veto proof majority in the county legislature, Mr. Zinzow points this issue out in his campaign literature. It makes it easy to pass legislation that is favorable to the party in power.
Why do you think Mr. Spargo, one of the most powerful "Republican" election law attorneys in the state was involved in the lawsuit surrounding the legality of the Democratic Caucus?
Because it's critical to the higher up's that they keep Secor in her position so they can continue to suck the money out of our pockets, that's what
Moving Forward" really means!
Secor is already starting to use the New Town Hall & Highway Garage as excuses to justify even more tax increases as "necessary" due to the "unforseen costs related to them, such as heating, cooling, structural modifications, improvements, etc.
That's why we must break this chain of corruption NOW! Because it will only get worse, if we don't we will only have ourselves to blame!
A write-in is not a "protest" vote or a vote to "send Secor a message". If everyone who has had enough of the high taxes, spending & ignoring "We The People" who pay for all of it, will just take 15 min. to vote for change, we will win!
I can't wait for election day, I will find Column 7 & write-in Raymond W. Lemka because I'm sick of the corrupt leadership we have had for the last 4 years!
Wow that's funny how Beth and Al Shannon and all them phonies I mean people are claiming they didn't know about the date for the forum, TOO BAD HER OWN COMMITTEE PEOPLE WERE THERE!!!! And even Donna showed up. Wow I can see great communication between them all or just plain old B.S. from BS!! Another reason to vote:
Raymond W. Lemka
Column # 7
Tuesday, November 6th
If I am looking to volunteer to help Lemka's campaign for these last days, Who do I call? There is no contact number to be found on the Website. Is there?
I will help with anything and everything to make this change happen. Electing Ray will make a huge difference.
I am glad that previous poster brought up the fact that quasi Dem Chair Nugent employed Tom Spargo to knock Ray off the Dem ballot. Spargo is a high powered, talented Republican hit man election law specialist. There is no way that he would help Nugent knock Lemka off, if it wasn't a Republican effort in Dem's clothing.
25 Years, ago, Spargo helped me to retain a ballot line, when I was running as a Republican in Albany County. He is excellent. The Dems should have anyone, so good, to represent them.
There is no way he would work for Nugent if Nugget the supposed Dem Chairman, wasn't in bed with Secor, politically, and working for Secor in everyway. Just look at the checks Nugent has gotten from the town, as Town Attny.
It is obvious, in Schodack and probably all of Rensselaer County, the Republican Party and our Uncle Joe control 3 parties and are trying to control the Dems, too. The Conservative Party and the Independence party are dominated by Republicans masquerading in them. There is no way that Secor is conservative and no way that she is independent. There is no way she could have gotten endorsements and ballot lines from those 2 parties, if they hadn't now become Republican fronts.
It is sick and sad to live under one party rule. Raymond W. Lemka, once lead the local Conservative Party, but he has always been independent of all party politics. He may be, currently, a registered Republican, but when he wins, he will be beholden to no one. The Schodack Democratic Party members, apart from Nugent, knew they could count on Ray to remain independent, even with Ray being a conservative Republican. That is why the Dems were comfortable in nominating him by a 3 to 1 vote to be their candidate. It is because he will be citizen Lemka and not party Lemka, that the Republican bosses had to knock him off the Dem ballot and keep him off the Conservative and Independence Party ballots, even tho Ray represents conservative spending and conservative planned development and independence from all politicians. Very ironic isn't it?
If Ray had even one ballot line to run on, everyone realized that he would win the general Election. After all, he nearly upset Secor to with the Republican nomination. If 8 more Republican had voted in the Primary, Ray would have the Republican line, right now. I have talked to many Republican who are guilt ridden for not voting that day. This election offers all Republican the opportunity to make this right.
Ray is the guy who is pro-democracy, for choice on Election Days, and he is conservative, and independent. He should have all three opposition party lines, if anything was fair in politics in this County.
Look at the mess in the Town of North Greenbush. No choices are allowed there, either. The developers are backed by all the party bosses. N. Greenbush is becoming a developer’s paradise. That is what we stand to prevent in Schodack by electing Lemka. Most of us love the farms and rural character that Schodack offers. So, elect this retired farmer, this brave, tireless crusader, this man of the people, this incredibly good man to be Supervisor. No one knows and has studied Schodack and Schodack governance more or better than Lemka. He has attended almost every town meeting, of every sort, for 55 years. No one is more dedicated to Schodack than Raymond W. Lemka! Ray knows Schodack!
After this election, you Dems really need to get rid of Nugent. He is an embarrassment.
Well now I know where NOT to buy a car...thank you for letting me know what kind of business man you are.
I am a Republican and I will be writing in Raymond W. Lemka on Row #7.
That's right...the corruption goes well beyond Schodack. I hope every county in New York State votes against Joe Bruno's boys & girls (and yes, in some towns they too can be found on Democratic, Conservative and Independence lines). The first step in cleaning things up is to de-power Joe Bruno.
Ray Lemka is just the person to start in Schodack. He is beholden to no one!
After reading these two separate articles, in THE ADVERTISER, about
what a great job...you know who did and how SHE should be re-elected...well I had to go and upchuck!!! I wondered, what planet are these two people from!!! Do they want our PLANET OF SCHODACK
totally destroyed, by such a dangerous asteroid.
Question: If you repeat the same statements over and over, do they become truth? Since when did the Highway garage come in under budget? Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the budget just under $2 Mil and the actual cost just under $3 Mil? Did someone flunk math? Can the newspapers print whatever is said, even when the facts prove them false?
And what about this $12 Mil of debt. You can say what you want about former Schodack Supervisor, Eileen Natoli, but she worked hard to keep spending down and to reduce the overall debt. It's really a shame that so much effort went into discrediting and opposing her instead of working with her for the overall good of this town! I'm also a registered Republican who will be writing in Raymond W. Lemka.
Just had a few comments to make:
1- If Mr. Nugent and his associates were true party members, why were they so visually upset at the caucus. You would think they would welcome the idea of Mr. Lemka being nominated as a candidate for the Democratic Party.
2- In a recent article, Ms. Secor stated that she was not invited to a recent "meet the candidates" forum, yet further down the column she states she did not attend it, because of not being clear of the involvement in the meeting from specific organizers. Isn't this a contradiction?
3-Ms. Secor says she has saved tax dollars yet, my taxes have gone sky high. In our monthly mortgage payments, our taxes are just about half of the payment now. Because we are a low/middle income family, we cannot afford any more tax hikes. We may have to sell our "American Dream" and move away from Schodack if taxes continue to increase. As I see it, unjust projects have caused un-necessary spending ending in higher taxes.
4- Ms. Secor has accused Mr. Lemka of "blatant misrepresentations" of facts in a recent article. I believe she needs to take a good look at herself and her followers first before making statements of this kind.
5- I grew up in Colonie, so I know first hand what happens when towns allow developers to take control of projects as they see fit. Colonie is no longer a "great" place to live and the rural and country side beauty is gone forever. I can only hope this will not happen to Schodack because it's rural sites and beauty were just one of the
reasons we moved here in the first place.
I wish Mr. Lemka the best and hopefully we will have a new, much more caring Supervisor on Tuesday.
I have been involved in politics for 46 years and I have never heard of such an unetical (bordering on criminal) situation as is now seen in the Town of Schodack. Town employeees and those working for them should never be given exemption from running against opposing party candidates. Your present town employees are willing to do anything and everything to keep from running against any other candidates.
The Democratic Party better dump Tim Nugent immediately and start over. The Democrats could be in great shape to run candidates in the near future.
My township has 100 square miles, 120 miles of town roads, a supervisor paid $12,000 a year and a tax rate of $2.45 a thousand or $245 dollars on a $100,000 home and 65% of the township is tax exempt. This years tax rate is down 4.5%.
Compare that to (I believe) 62.5 square miles, roads unknown, supervisor paid $55,000, a tax rate of 16.15 a thousand or $1615 dollars on a $100,000 home, and a tax rate that goes up year after year. This should not be with all of the expensive housing in Schodack that gives you much more base than we have.
SOMETHING IS ROTTEN IN SCHODACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lift write-in door 7, write in Raymond W. Lemka for Schodack Supervisor and maybe I can afford to move my family to the township next year.
The Village of Potsdam, NY had a write-in campaign a few years ago and it was so well organized that all the write-ins won. This was unheard of up to that time, but now we know it can be done. Call Ruth Garner in Potsdam immediately and she will give you the particulars.
By the way Ruth is in her 90's and is still very active on her board. Raymond W. Lemka is much younger, so give him a chance.
It seems sheets were handed out to voters at all the voting sites that had the candidates correct spelling on them, and told how to vote a write-in. Those that work at the poles must also help you if you ask them for directions or a stool to reach up on top to write a name in.
Remember, contact Ruth Garner in Potsdam, NY or anyone in the Potsdam Village Offices will help you. You must be ready for 6:00 am Tuesday morning. This will definitely help and it's really worth the effort.
Raymond W. Lemka ON THE PAPER
Voting this way is the only way I can see to begin to straighten out the unethical, illegal, and politically incestuous atmosphere in the Schodack Town Government.
Beth Secor's latest paid notice and the two paid supporting letters in The Advertiser bother me deeply for two main reasons:
1) She dismisses any criticism of her as simply hard decisions that anyone can criticize.
2) Her supporters assume Mr. Lemka represents "50 years ago."
First of all: if you are a respectful leader, you do not dismiss criticism, you counter it. Secor (a forum no-show) cannot justify her actions, so she just wants us to go away. How disrespectful to us as taxpayers and voters.
Secondly...wake up Schodack! Other rural towns -- in VT, Massachusetts, and upstate NY are treasuring their rural life, their farms, their woodlands. Developers are welcome -- but they work within clear guidelines to make the whole town a better place. New building projects respect these precious parts of rural life.
So...Beth's bulldozer mentality? That's what's 50 years out-of-date. Try to get a state grant with her limited vision.
Ray Lemka knows and loves Schodack -- the Schodack of yesterday, of today, and the future. He is gentleman with boundless vision. He is beholden to no one, only his own integrity. I see the future in his spirit.
Thank you, Ray Lemka, and God Bless.
Just a thought-----
"The only thing that evil needs to succeed is for good men to do nothing" Author Unknown
"If I am looking to volunteer to help Lemka's campaign for these last days, Who do I call? There is no contact number to be found on the Website. Is there?"
Just send an email to;
All emails to the above are forwarded to Ray Lemka, he will gladly accept your assistance!
One of my issues is the poor planning. In the last 4 yrs, a new town hall & police station were purchased along with the building of the Highway Garage.
Secor says these were
"tough but necessary decisions" and also "saved taxpayer dollars'
All one has to do is look around the region and see that the trend is to consolidate town entities in one structure. Guilderland, Niskayuna, Malta, etc. have all followed this concept.
The police station could have been consolidated with the new town hall or highway garae, saving approx. $750,000!
I hear the Highway Garage has a large amount of office space for what it is, one only has to wonder what it's intended use was?
In summary, good strategic planning could have easily saved us the taxpayers well over a million dollars. Presenting a truly good plan to resident's would have got them to buy-in to it and avoided us feeling abused due to the very inappropriate way these things were handled.
I have read letters praising Secor as a great leader with vision, the best person for the job, etc.
I have seen very little over the last 4 yrs. that is indicative of a great leader and I will not vote for her.
Check out Leigh Hornbeck's article in Sunday's Times Union titled "It's an off year, will voters come out?"
Hornbeck lists Schodack as one of the area's "heated races." She also states that "Lemka's supporters are fired up... (and that) county poles think Lemka could make write in history."
These remarks are very true and a huge compliment to all the volunteers and to Ray Lemka himself. Not only could Lemka win, but to be considered a contender to an incumbent, when you're not even on the ballot, is a victory!
Go write-in vote!
Doesn't it make you feel so powerful to be able to go to the poles and write in?! This will be a first for me and I'm proud to be part of, and feel some control in the Democratic Process!
A few things regarding recent posts.
1) The police station was bought before Beth not after. However, it is on a valuable piece of property that could have been sold if the police station was incorporated into the the new Town hall. But that would require some thought and planning. We know where Beth Morgan Knauf Secor stands on planning.
2) We did need a new Town Garage but did we need one so big with so much office space? Of course not but because no one managed the project the cost went out of control. Also the public was mislead on the cost. The Board said it would cost 1.85 million and they should have know better. They were advised from the begining it would cost much more but the Board pretended not to know then claim they brought it in under budget. For the life of me I can't figure out how Beth can make this statement.
3) New Town Hall - Yes we needed one but give the public a voice on what to buy, how much to spend, and present a plan for using it. But no, sneak in with a lease, spend 400K plus to modify it, and then say its a deal to buy it. Take advantage of the process by making the public have to go out and collect signitures to force a vote instead of asking the residents to approve the purchase. If Beth had presented a plan to buy and plans for using the space she just may have gotten the residents support.
4) Rezoning route 9 for their pals so another truck stop can be built. Just another example of thumbing their nose at the public. Then our tax dollars are spent defending a legal position the public didn't even support! Wonderful. The public is happy the Town lost but not happy about the price they paid.
5) Let's not forget when the Town attorney (Lois Phillips) who has to live in Town moved out and remained Town attorney. She also remained on the Ethics Committee after she moved out of Town. There is also a residency requirement to be on that committee. Beth and the board ignored the law to keep the attorney paid to enforce Town laws. She also collected many $$$ from the Town before heading for Florida. Her leaving was good news. We got Nugent in her place. Not so good.
One could go on and on and on about examples of poor planning and total disregard of the wishes of many to benefit a few who are all members of the Schodack Business Association club. It's time to end it. Vote for Ray and end this farce. End the lies. We can't afford not to.
The democratic process is what our nation was founded on. "Voter Apathy" is why we have issues in Schodack.
With 10 more votes in the republican primary would have guaranteed Ray Lemka the Republican line on the ballot!
But it didn't, so what!
We go to vote and write-in;
Column 7
"Raymond W. Lemka"
We can still make this happen but we need EVERYONE TO GET OUT AND VOTE ON TUESDAY!!
I want to pick up the paper Wed. morning and see this on the front page of the TU;
"Ray Lemka wins Schodack Supervisor race with a landslide write-in victory!!!!"
Beth Secor acts like she is taking Schodack into some unique, uncharted territory.
The only unique thing about her is how she provokes the people's ire -- over things done in other towns with much more planning - and sense.
Of course Schodack needs improvements, new buildings, water lines, etc. But -- so many rural towns across NY are doing this gradually, with the people's support.
She's had plenty of time to make headway...she's been given many chances...now Schodack's ready for Ray Lemka.
Regarding the above: " 4) Rezoning route 9 for their pals so another truck stop can be built..."
I find it so "50-years-ago" that Beth Secor and Tim Nugent support putting in water lines -- so "pollution isn't a problem."
Actually, I find it profoundly disturbing. Sure let's move ahead on some projects - but kindly recall, Ms. Secor, the rest of us in the town have wells.
I'll vote for a retired farmer who knows how to use and respect the land anyday. And I'm voting for Ray Lemka on Tuesday.
The five points noted by anonymous a couple of post above was razor sharp and on target. Thanks for succinctly detailing many important issues. Unsolicited Wednesday morning advice for town dems: grow a pair and grab your pitchforks, then revolt against your town party leadership. You've put up with a conflict of interest that has served no one well. Not to mention the legal action your chairman initiated against you and your vote.
It was the night before Election, when all through Schodack,
Not one Republican official was working, they were at McDonald's enjoying their "big macs".
Our Tax Notices were hung, by the chimney, with care,
Hoping they'ld catch on fire and no longer be there.
I was in my rags and my husband in his too,
Heck, why are you laughing, we couldn't even afford shoes.
No, we couldn't settle down, for a long winter's nap,
We had to live in a shack after losing our house to high taxes, boy did we get...zapped.
When out on the horizon, there arose such a noise,
It was RAY coming to our rescue, with his followers and the "good old boys".
He went straight to work campaigning and then turned with a jerk,
Done unloading his bag of literature here and there, he sighed and said, "I really hope this works".
He and his elves have worked hard and long,
To bring us a gift of "DEMOCRACY", back where it belongs.
As RAY, his followers and the "good old boys", all turned around,
They wished a "Merry Election" to all and said..."Hopefully, you'll have back your town!!!"
Hooray for the Write in and for taking back our town!
Ultimately we get the government we deserve! Get out and Write in Raymond W. Lemka. Tell your friends and neighbors, drive them to the poles if you must! Thank you everyone for your involvement!
To make a difference, you must enroll in a political party, as well as vote, tomorrow.
To all and anyone, who has yet to change their voter registration status from unaffiliated, often referred to as independent, you are missing the boat, or at least a round trip on the boat. If you are not registered in any political party, than you have “no say,” in whom the parties offer to us as candidates in the General Election. In the case of towns, like Schodack, which are dominated by one party, the only chance you may have to choose a candidate may be by voting in a primary. When candidates run unopposed, the only input that anyone has, is through the party, they are registered in.
It is easy to change a registration to affiliate with a party and just as easy to switch parties. You can switch or affiliate with parties as often as you want, whenever you want, as long as you submit a fresh registration form. Registration forms can be mailed to you or picked up from various locations such as the Board of Elections and, maybe town clerk offices, and maybe DMV offices. Call the Rensselaer Board of Elections to get one sent to you or to find locations where you may pick them up. Their phone number is 270-2990; website is found thru the County website at www.rensco.com . Nothing obligates you to vote for the candidates of the party you choose to affiliate with.
This current situation, in this current election for Town Offices, whereby all the incumbents have 3 party lines and the Democrats were stripped of their right to run a candidate, is due to the effective efforts of the dominating party. In this case, this is the Republican Party, who now, also, controls 2 of the other minor parties. They, also, tried to influence the choice and ballot of the Democrats. When they couldn’t get their candidate nominated by a caucus, which was independent of the Democratic Chairman, the Republican Party using Democratic proxies, removed Ray Lemka, who was chosen by 75%, from the ballot line he gained by the caucus. It may be legal to remove candidates with court challenges, but it is terrible for democratic process. Removing choices for voters, is Un-American and undemocratic, and cowardly. Only candidates who fear to lose to popular will need to remove candidates who challenge them.
No outside party could not dominate the Conservative Party, if enough true conservatives, joined and were active in the Schodack and Rensselaer Conservative Party. If real Conservatives enrolled, they could elect a leadership that is independent of and no longer dominated by the Republican Party. The same for the Independence Party, if you are pro being independent of the major parties, than register in the Independence Party and actively take its control back from the Republicans, by running and supporting new leadership at the town and county levels. For both parties, they can run their own candidates to create more choice, or endorse candidates from other parties, who truly are conservative or who are truly independent.
If you are a Republican in your political leanings and spirit, than get registered in the Republican Party. Become active in the town and county Republican parties. Work to develop leadership that is independent of party bosses and connected to the real interests of our town and county. You could find and support candidates who are for the people and not just those candidates who are placed in power to support what makes money for those at the top and who are connected to corrupted leadership. Work to nominate candidates that truly represent the interests of the citizens of Schodack. Not someone who has her job, because the top guy decided the old Supervisor should go, and that this current Supervisor should be running his business interests for Schodack.
If you lean toward the Democrat Party, than register in it. Even if you are independent in spirit, you may wish to register as a Democrat, since Democrats are quite independent, nowadays, in general. If you want to help the Democrat membership to regain a legitimate Town of Schodack party, than that is another motivation to register with them. If you wish to remove Ted Nugent from its town leadership and then promote new leadership to find and run alternate choices to those nominated by the Republican Party? Then change your registration to Democrat. If enough independents and even independent minded Republicans enroll in the Democratic Party, than the town Democratic Party will have viable, quality candidates to run for every elected office and its leadership. It will no longer be corrupted by those beholden to local politicians of one party or the other.
If the town and county Democrats gain enough new membership and run good candidates, they may even win some of the Town offices and seats on the Town Board, or elect a Democrat to the County Legislature, if that doesn’t happen this year, with a win by Bob Zinzow. If Zinzow wins, it will not be because of the Town Democratic leadership, it will be in spite of it.
Adding strength to the Democratic Party of Schodack is the most likely route to end the ONE PARTY SYSTEM, now in place in Schodack. Schodack did once have a decent Democrat, who was elected Supervisor for a couple terms, in Mike Glavin. In the 18 years, that I have lived in Schodack, I do not think a Democrat has been elected to the Town Board. I think Sue Lemka was a registered Conservative, when she was elected, although, she may have had the Democratic endorsement and line, as well.
If you think the status quo in Schodack sucks, or simply needs improvement and a greater citizen voice, the most effective means to achieving that is to become active and involved in one political party or another. Remaining “independent” or unaffiliated, is going to, only, continue to fuel this corrupt party leadership and one party rule. Instead, take back all the parties for the people of Rensselaer County and Schodack by affiliating with a party of your choice. To do otherwise is copping out! It allows current powers-that-be to run our local governments, simply to profit themselves and a closed, small circle of friends. We are living with and learning what that is doing to Schodack and to our pocketbooks.
Make change! Vote Change! Make a difference! We will all be better for it! Power fears you, only when you fully engage yourself in the system!
If anyone can help to drive your fellow citizens to any polling places for any hour or more of tomorrow, between 6AM to 9PM, please email campaign@voiceofschodack.com . Let VoiceOfSchodack know when you may be available and which or all of the polling stations that you may be able to drive seniors, disabled, or carless voters to and from. Please let VoiceOfSchodack know that you are available and how to get in touch with you by phone and/or cellphone.
If anyone can help to volunteer their support to the last 30 hours of the active campaign to bring choice back to Schodack and help elect Raymond W. Lemka in the process, please email campaign@voiceofschodack.com, now, to let us know that you are available. Email your name, phone numbers, and general location or address in Schodack, so that we may employ you to help with this win. Make a difference and win with us.
The following was posted in the TU Politics section.
Just in case…
November 5, 2007 at 4:47 pm by Kenneth C. Crowe II, staff writer
The Rensselaer County Board of Elections isn’t taking a chance when it comes to the voting machines in Schodack where Raymond W. Lemka is waging a write-in campaign challenge to Supervisor Beth K. Secor, who has the Republican, Independence and Conservative lines.
All of the machines have been scrutinized to ensure they’re working properly.
In addition, a machine custodian will be assigned to work in the town so he isn’t more than 10 minutes away from any polling station.
Fill them voting machines with paper, here we come!!!
Column 7
Raymond W. Lemka!!
heard you meeting with gable and natoli. You are not so independent.
To play this dirty political game, even independent people need advice from time to time and Gable and Natoli and not the political power houses that Joe Bruno and the county Republicans are and those are the people Secor and Nugent (the lapdog) are meeting with. I'm sure a lot of eyes will be watching this election. If Beth loses, Bruno's power base erodes a little bit more.
Wonder what tricks they have up their sleeves to void Ray's votes if he wins. It could get a lot more interesting tomorrow!
A vote for Ray Lemka is a vote for democracy and isn't that why we're in Iraq? For democracy?
Let's take back our town today!!
Its wonderful to see the way residents from all parts of town and all political parties have come together to volunteer on this campaign. That is what Democracy is all about!
The voice of Schodack campaign looked great last night on Capital News 9! Ray Lemka did an excellent job on camera and the rural scenery behind him reminds all of us just what a wonderful and affordable place Schodack is to live! Let's keep it that way and taking back our town today is the first step in doing that!
It has already been reported that the writing instruments are "mysteriously" missing at the polling stations. Please make sure you bring your own and also inform the poll workers if you notice them missing.
Ray, Just a little longer today. Let us the Town's people of Schodack to Write-In and take back what is ours "Democracy" freedom and VICTORY my friends of Schodack VICTORY!!!
-Ghost Writer-
Win or Lose we must continue to be a force in taking this town back from party bosses and return its government to the people. Stay in this game for the long haul, everyone. Especially, the huge number of active volunteers this campaign has drawn and brought together. We represent all the parties and we are working together to elect a citizen leader in Raymond W. Lemka.
If you have pencils and pens, bring them to the polls and leave them behind, for others.
It is what it is, the voters will make the decision today, not Secor & Nugent!
Today belongs to the people!!!!
No matter what happens, today's write in campaign is a victory! People came out to vote in huge numbers on an "off" year, volunteers from all walks of life and all political parties came together and attention to the issues of Schodack are now in full view!
Thank you Ray Lemka for having the courage to come out and thank you to everyone who participated in this cause!
Memo to "Keepinitreal:"
The vast majority of these posts have been thoughtful and respectful. Did you get a load of "Billy Fuccillo?" Surely not a Lemka supporter. And how about someone named "Mike Kellog?" Check him out. Doesn't seem like you've spent a whole lot of time reading what's here. Critisism of Beth is not only warranted in the view of many, but a part of the process. My question to you is this: are you just as indignant about how Mr. Nugent torpedoed his OWN party's choice of a candidate (which prevented a real election) as you are about these posts? Doubt it. In the meantime, stop mothering all of us, and KEEP IT REAL!
I am also a lifelong resident of Schodack. Schodack was a small community where farmers and blue collar families thrived. People needs and wants were simple. The cost of living was affordable. You will find it hard to believe but town government consisted of a handful of people.
Now we have about 13 police officers for about 12, 000 people. Does the entire town of Clifton Park have so many officers? If one does their research, they will discover that little goes wrong in the town of Schodack except shop lifting, domestic violence, and fights. All of this could be handled by the State Police. In fact, when something of any significance does go down, they are the first ones to be called. Why would we call one of our own officers?
One of our patrol cars was filled with water when the officers were playing golf one evening and the sprinkler system turned on. Some of the officers are disrespectful to town residents in speed stops and court. One officer is known for having killed two town residents while speeding in his own vehicle. Sound like officers that you would call?
Then there is the judge that tells town residents to shut-up in court. Sound like the type of judge that you would like to appear before for speeding?
So instead of using our professional State Police, who have agreed to police our area, we use these officers. We even buy them a new building. We then proceed to send them out on 9 & 20 to arrest people to bring in more town revenue.
Let's keep Beth in office for several more years and see how many more of them she hires.
We now have a Director of Personnel for the huge staff over at Town Hall. A multitude of clerks but none to be seen befor 8:30. Some of us work for a living to pay our huge taxes in Schodack and would appreciate one clerk that was available before and after our working hours. Ever hear of rotating schedules.
We need to cut back on everything in Schodack in order to survive these taxes. We all want to see progress but not at the expense of our seniors having to sell their homes.
Qualified to run Schodack
Beth attended a school for secretaries. Ray ran an entire business successfully. Which person would you like to see run Schodack?
Have a cold one for me, Mr. Kellogg. Kelloggs were always known for liking a cold one.
Yes, we need to be anonymous. Would not like a speeding ticket or my taxes increased. Known that to happen.
Did anyone else just see the news story on Fox 23 stating that voters were turned away at Emmanuel Reformed Church because there was not paper in the machines...and when they checked it out, they found out is was a technician error? What will this mean for the results???
When are votes being counted? I notice the papers and television are not reporting a victory for Ms. Secor.
Well I must say- GREAT job to all of the residents of Schodack yesterday. How must Beth feel knowing that at least half of the voters in Schodack want her out. Imagine the landslide victory we would have achieved if crooked Nugent did not bring us to court to get us off the Democratic line. It was very evident yesterday that people are sick of her and her lackies. At this point, the race is too close to call but you all deserve a "Thank you" for taking the time to come out and vote.
Mention this ad and receive 10% off your next move out of town.
Who would ever think an election with no opposition on the ballot would be too close to call and very likely the victor would be the write-in candidate!
Great job Schodack...a fine example of the power when the people get involved and informed!
Thank you Schodack for coming out and showing that Democracy is alive and well in Schodack.
I can think of no greater tribute and thank you to our sevice men and women overseas. They fight for and give their lives and limbs so that the Iraqi people can have what we have. The people of Schodack have shown that we do not take our freedoms for granted and that we value our Democracy.
Let no one stand in the way of the freedoms of the U.S.A.
"With malice towards none, with charity for all, with ...let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds..."
Abraham Lincoln, Second
Inaugural Address, 1865
Or, as Ray might say...
"Let's mend fences."
Whatever the outcome of this election, let's work towards a Schodack that is not so tilted in one direction that so many feel shut out, cheated, and voiceless.
Thanks for this website. Please continue it if you can. Whomever is our new supervisor, Ray or Beth -- they can surely benefit from a "watchdog website."
Beth perhaps needs the reminder we are indeed a democracy, in the case of Ray, he'd surely welcome comments -- good or bad. That's his nature.
That's what democracy is about...making sure people have a voice.
No doubt the process of declaring a winner in this election is going to be long and drawn out.
I'd like to suggest that everyone who has a "Lemka" or "Its all about choice" sign on their lawn display an American flag next to or near their sign. Such a display can serve as a reminder why we all involved ourself in this cause and remind everyone that as the results are determined, the privledges of our Democracy must be upheld rather than legal manuvering.
I am going to look at the dollar store and around town today for such a flag.
What happened yesterday was a "REVOLUTION"! This is not over yet & we refuse to throw in the towel! We will continue to fight on for democracy!
Whatever the outcome, we are not going away! There is more work to be done!
Check www.voiceofschodack.com for updates on the election results, we are still "in it to win it"!
Beth remember if you crawlback in we are watching and you better tell the truth every time you open your mouth for the next 2 yrs then pack a bag, Because the run for 2010, starts today. We don't want you in our town. Remember this is our town not your little play ground.You can't B S everyone.
Maybe if a large number of us showed up at the budget meeting at the town hall tomorrow night, Beth and the town board would find a few ways to shave a couple of percentage points off the proposed budget. I would suggest lowering some of the salaries for a start and laying off the assistants that have popped up during the last few years.
Also, perhaps now is the time to start thinking about and recruiting candidates to run for the board seats and other town offices in the next election. Maybe we can rid ourselves of the entrenched politicians that are ruining our town and digging deeper and deeper into our pockets to satisfy their personal wish lists.
After this election, if Secor ends up winning, she will wish she didn't every day for the next 2 yrs!
But it's not over yet!
The lesson to be learned here is that it is a very big mistake to tell the people who they can and can't vote for. I'm a lifelong Schodack resident and when I saw how hard Ray worked to make himself a candidate, it sold me and he earned my vote and support. I hope he wins and I look forward to him bringing a real passion to the job.
We should pack the Town Hall tomorrow night just to see the look on her face when she looks at us!
Packing Town hall tomorrow and for every meeting (Town Board, Planning, & ZBA) is how to get the Boards attention and cooperation. Many of us got tired of the fight with the exception of Mr. Lemka. He has demonstrated his willingness to push the envelope and now it’s up to us to carry the load, win or loose. He did his part, now it's time for the residents who have sat back and whined (myself included) instead of going to meetings and making lots of noise. Noise works. Ask any past supervisor or Town Board member. Noise can be residents speaking at meetings, FOILing information like for all the costs related to the Town Garage or Town Hall, writing letters to the editor, etc. Unfortunately, the only way to get politicians to act is to embarrass them or make it less work to do the right thing then the wrong thing. When the Town representatives are looking out at a packed room of unhappy voters, its hard to keep voting for resolutions or motions that do not benefit the many when you know you are going to pay for it at election time.
Ms. Secor has shown Schodack not once but twice in office what she's all about.
Ray Lemka will prevail and we will have the change Schodack needs and voted for yesterday!
Shame on the Board of Elections for not having enough paper and reloads & staff on hand to keep the machines from running out! There was enough press that everyone knew this was going to be BIG!
Clearly Ray Lemka won the election.
Now that Beth Secor has seen the town turn out on a WRITE IN vote (my God Lemka wasn't even on the ballot), perhaps she will for once, do the right thing and conceed.
Surely everyone can see that with the names inside the machine, on the wrong row and the booths that ran out of paper, Mr. Lemka won the election.
I agree, Beth Secor needs to conceed this election. She clearly didn't win. She should save everyone a lot of time and money and admit that she was beat, fair and square!
Go write-in!
Is there anything this Secor/Nugent/Haber administration done, which gives you the impression, that principle is more important than power to them???? Anyone waiting for them to concede anything that they cannot fight for and, maybe, win in court or in the gutter, will be waiting til hell freezes over. They don't care if they win the people or the vote or not, it is all about holding on to the power. That power over our lives and wallets that makes them big in their own minds and big in Joe Bruno's favor is all they need and live for.
We may never know if the tale of the paper rolls and paper ballots. We may never know if 2000 or 2500 votes were attempted for Ray or not and only 1200 get counted, offically, because the others forgot the dot behind the W in Raymond W. Lemka. They don't need a moral win. Any win will do for the greed and malice of Secor/Nugent/Haber.
Hang in there Ray! Give 'em hell n don't give 'em an inch! Most of all, don't give up! Don't give in! Don't concede!
With the numerous issues of voting irregularities like machines running out of paper and telling 50 people waiting to vote to "go home and come back in an hour"! We should press for a re-vote!!
"Maybe if a large number of us showed up at the budget meeting at the town hall tomorrow night, . . ." This suggestion by this blogger and a subsequent blogger to attend this meeting tomorrow is on track and the right place to start. What time and where is this meeting? And do we wish to pre-meet at a pre-time at a nearby place to enter it as a group? If so, please suggest details and any strategy that could assist this effort and rally support and attendance?
Meetings are normally at 7pm on 2nd and 4th Thursday each month unless there is a holiday. Planning Board is 1st and 3rd Monday of each month. Planning Board meetings can be as important or more important then Board meetings. Dates will be on Town website. Agendas are supposed to be posted but they often aren't.
Big surprise, tomorrow nights agenda is yet to be put up on the website. The public hearing notice is with the elected officials salaries. Beths raise has been cut in half from $3K to 1500. Town clerks goes up a little under 1500. Receiver of Taxes isn't listed but according to yesterdays Independent, she is line for another $3K raise meaning since 2004 the pay increased almost $10,000!. A whopping 42.1%. Anyone else out there get a 42% raise over the last four years in their part time job? These folks know the salary when they run, if it's not enough.....
Big surprise, tomorrow nights agenda is yet to be put up on the website. The public hearing notice is with the elected officials salaries. Beths raise has bee cut in half from $3K to 1500. Town clerks goes up a little under 1500. Receiver of Taxes isn't listed but according to yesterdays Independent, she is line for another $3K raise meaning since 2004 the pay increased almost $10,000!. A whopping 42.1%. Anyone else out there get a 42% raise over the last four years? These folks know the salary when they run, if it's not enough.....
The image you have described gives me goose bumps...the thought of our elderly Schodack residents, standing on a stool, or asking to be held up on a stool so that they may vote.
Sounds like something from what we sometimes call "third-world" nations. But how sad indeed, it happened right here in our town.
Beth Secor: you forced our elderly to great indignities. You simply could have dropped the legal machinations staged by your Town Hall "in-crowd" to run a fair race. Rather, you chose, with great deliberation, to "run" in a phony, trumped-up race, hoping no one would notice.
Well, Schodack did. You have lost what little respect you had from us. Shame on you.
And to each brave soul who, with dignity, asked for a helping hand so that they could vote: you have my deepest respect.
One thought: the Republican powers-that-be might decide to drop Beth Secor.
She’s “radioactive” as Fred LeBrun sometimes call dud-candidates. They don’t want her anymore: they wasted a lot of campaign money on her. Only then will we get the (deserved) conceding speech from her.
But the above post was right: unless the higher-ups decide to cut their loses in Schodack, Beth and her friends will hang on forever.
Anyone want to go watch the Town incumbents promote themselves for salaries, tomorrow night? Or would the zoning meeting be more interesting?
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Schodack, Rensselaer County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2008, will be completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk of said Town at 265 Schuurman Rd., Castleton, NY, 12033 no later than Friday, November 2, 2007 where it will be available for any interested persons between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
FURTHER NOTICE IS GIVEN, that a public hearing will be held on Thursday, November 8, 2006 at 7:00 p.m. at the Schodack Town Hall, 265 Schuurman Rd., Castleton, NY to seek input on the Preliminary Budget of the Town of Schodack for the fiscal year 2008. At the above time and place, the Town Board of the Town of Schodack will meet and review said Preliminary Budget as compiled. All interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard.
FURTHER, pursuant to Section 108 of the Town Law the following are the salaries of elected officials of the Town of Schodack:
Supervisor $56,666.80
Councilpersons (4) @ $10,000.00 $40,000.00
Town Clerk $51,362.22
Donna L. Conlin
Schodack Town Clerk/RMC
Latest Update: 31 Oct 07
URL: http://www.schodack.org/cal/1007BdgtlNotice.htm
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a public hearing will be held by the Town Board of the Town of Schodack, Rensselaer County, State of New York, at the Schodack Town Hall, 265 Schuurman Rd., Castleton, NY 12033, on Thursday, November 8, 2007 at 8:00 p.m. to seek input on Proposed Local Law #7 of 2007 (PLL7-2007) to amend a portion of the zoning map to PD-2.
FURTHER, a copy of the proposed local law will be available at least five (5) business days in advance of the public hearing in the office of the Town Clerk between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.
FURTHER, at the above time and place, all interested parties will be given an opportunity to be heard.
Schodack Town Board
Donna L. Conlin
Schodack Town Clerk/RMC
Latest Update: 31 Oct 07
URL: http://www.schodack.org/cal/1108PH.htm
In Castleton, I overheard the District 10 poll workers, refuse the offer of stools for elderly and infirm by a volunteer. It was a younger guy and an older woman who declined them. The guy read some letter from the County Bd of Elections that said the County wasn't obligated to provide stools. And I think that guy poll inspector is a local Democrat.
So, I don't think they ever had stools for anyone in Castleton. I asked some of my neighbors who voted later than me, if they saw step stools, they didn't either. She is old and short and he sometimes uses a cane and has a bad right arm. I can't imagine how they could have managed write-ins. It was hard for me and my wife and we are tall enough. Writing up and kind of side ways, aint easy.
Whats up with Election any winners?
The previous poster needs to contact the Voice of Schodack campaign. Your observations hold very important legal implications. Please contact the campaign and be willing to sign a statement for court proceedings.
Ms. Secor needs to show some dignity and respect for the residents of Schodack.
When voters have been denied stools, asked for assistance to get up to column 7, written Lemka's name on the voting machines, seniors have mustered every ounce of their strength to write in, two machines ran out of paper with 50 people in line during prime 5:30 voting time and nearly 2000 people were successful with the write-in, we have a clear winner.
A concession speech expressing her respect for the voters wishes and not wanting to use the political system any longer for her gain is in order. Ms. Secor would be wise to state that she has heard the voter's voice and will respect their wishes. Not only will this show respect for the town and Mr. Lemka but it will be and opportunity for her to exit with dignity and perhaps save her career.
There is no way in the world Beth is going to leave her cushy office looking down on us from her ivory tower without fighting and scrathcing. Do the right thing? No way. If she was able to do the right thing, this whole excersise wouldn't have been necessary. Beth, Habor, Puccio, Nugent, Conlin, Goolds, etc. have a stranglehold on the town with Bruno's blessing and they are not going to let go unless the residents take the town back by electing new responsive representatives. Let's hope we got a good start on Tuesday.
The latest reports have Ray leading by 14 votes! Absentee ballots have not been counted yet, but a victory for Ray and for the people of Schodack is a real possibility! Way to go Schodack. After years of living under this terrible administration, I an once again proud to live in Schodack.
In a write-in is ot important to write exactly on the line? Because in my slot, the line was about a cm long, and slanted in the corner. I thought votes didn't count if the votes weren't written on the line. I also went into the booth with my mother, and her line was even more slanted, after she wrote Ray Lemka, in the box it looked like it was crossed out by the black line running slantways through the middle of the paper.
After weathering repeated blows by the pretenders, democracy is on the march right here in Schodack. As Ray officially pulls ahead, history is being made right before our eyes. Gotta love it.
Same here -- my write-in ballot had a black line running through it. Does that mean it did not count?
Also found it strange that Secor's own secretary was sitting right there watching us vote (at the senior center)...manning the books and all. What's the law on that? Conflict of interest? Found it strange and creepy.
Ray is leading by 14 votes!
check under "news bulletins"
I voted at the Senior Center too, and I had a black line running through by write-in ballot. I hope that doesnt mean it wont count!
I didnt realize that was her secretary. Isnt that a conflict of interest if someone on the payroll of a candidate is watching the polls?
Also, I wrote Raymond Lemka, not Raymond W. Lemka on the ballot. And a lot of people I have spoken with said they just wrote Ray Lemka because thats what he has been known by in this town for years. Those ballots wont be contested will they?
I have a question: on this website, it said that at one polling place shortly after 5, they ran out of paper and people who were waiting in line to vote were turned away and told to go home and back in an hour when the problem was fixed. Isn't it a NYS election law that once a person has signed in, they are not allowed to leave the polling place without casting their ballot?
Yes -- I was at the senior center -- and had the black line (the booth to the far left, as you faced the machines.)
I paused before entering, asking if it was "ready" and "working" ( I don't usually do that, but wanted to be careful!) and was told "yes, it's fine."
Then, I go to lift the slot, and found a black line. Where was I to write? It was almost as if it was "crossed out."
And I found it very odd that an employee so close to Beth Secor was sitting right there, handling the books. I've never seen her there other years. She was taking district 6.
Does anyone know the law on that?
One of the key issues with a write-in is "voter intent". If someone wrote-in; "Ray", it could be thrown out because "who" they wanted to vote for is unclear.
But I think they will have a difficult time throwing out write-in's that are "Ray Lemka","R. Lemka" or even just "Lemka" because the voter intent is clear.
"Isn't it a NYS election law that once a person has signed in, they are not allowed to leave the polling place without casting their ballot?"
What we don't know is if they were all signed in or not. I would imagine that they were not if they were standing in line.
Here's the NYS election law on write-in "intent":
"Any abbreviation, misspelling or other minor variation in the form of the name of a candidate or a party or independent body shall be disregarded in determining the
validity of the ballot, if the intention can be ascertained."
NYS Election Law $9-209.3
If Ray does win (hoping!) -- the above is correct. It will take time to clean up the corruption at our Town Hall.
Perhaps this web site can be used to spread information about openings on the planning board, zoning boards, etc. Do they take applications?
Also -- Ray promised to put agendas up on the web ahead of time. It also helps when the minutes of meetings are left up (not taken down quickly, as in the past).
It's a shame (not to mention undemocratic) how many Town Hall workers use "information control" to hide what's really going on.
Town Hall employees: remember you are public servants, and we pay your salaries. Your job is to share -- not control -- information about our town.
We have one of the most powerful weapons at our disposal, The Vote!
The Schodack Supervisor Race is proving just how powerful it is!
I want to see Ray's lead keep going up!
I heard Ray was at the town board mtg. last night. He was asking questions about issues that were being discussed that visibly irritated the board members. If anyone was there, could you please share!
From the 11/8/07 Times Union article:
"She [Beth Secor] accused Lemka of waging a campaign of fear and distortion.
"It is my intention to set the record straight so that town residents will fully understand all the facts and issues," Secor continued."
OK -- then why did she not submit a candidate's profile to the Times Union? Ray did!
Why didn't Beth attend a candidate's forum the week before election? Ray did!
Looks like you had some chances there, Beth Secor.
Reporters aren't impressed when you first ignore them, then when when the milk sours, you're ready to talk.
I like in Times Union article where it says "Secor could not be reached for comment" nothing new.
Way to go Ray and all supporters!!!
Actually, reporters love it.
Take a lesson from Watergate: when "THEY" start talking, after ignoring the press, you know that Humpty Dumpty is coming down! And all the King's horses, and all the King's men...
Well, you know the rest. It's just never the same after that.
I was at the Board meeting last evening. First, I would like to stress my disappointment in the turnout. ALL the residents that are visiting this web site and are happy with the progress made with the Write in Ballot have an obligation to be more active in Town politics. After all, this is why we are in this mess to begin with. I guarantee, I am just as busy as anyone else and I found the time and will continue to find the time. Come on folks, this is not over we have a lot of work ahead of us. Granted, the town board could care a less about your input but it certainly looks good for Ray if folks continue to show interest and support. I must say, the lack of resident attendance at last nights meeting was VERY disappointing to me.
On another note, yes, the board appeared very irritated at anything that was said that did not agree with their views. This was not isolated to just Ray. Many valid questions regarding the budget were just ignored and for the most part the Board appeared to be puppets to Beth siding with her whenever possible. I urge all of you to get out and attend December’s meeting. I really think it would be an eye opener for you. We all did the right thing on November 6th….this town is in drastic need of change…attend a Board meeting and I think you will agree that it is not just at the Supervisor level….
I agree! This should be the last election where ANY elected official runs unopposed!
Board Members, are you listening?
This website/blog is a great opportunity. It allows "outsider" Schodack residents (i.e. non-SBA, non-Nugent types) to share ideas.
Those who can make budget meetings can post "red flag" issues, and folks can share what is happening near them, giving more meaning to those planning meetings.
This will help whoever decides to run craft a real platform -- not the Secor-type generic platitudes we've come to expect.
We don't have the country stores to meet in anymore -- but the web gives us a powerful tool. We can counterbalance the cronyism forged by the SBA, and start to fill positions in our town with honest folk.
For a TU blog description of the write-in votes for Ray, and an interview with the Election Board, see
Under "politics," click on:
"Lotta Lemkas"
Does anyone find it alarming that machine tallies in Schodack were to blame in wrongly giving Cholakis the lead over McNally in the DA race? The town of Schodack reported 302 votes for Cholakis which did not exist. I hope no more mistaken election tallies happen....
If I understood the "Lotta Lemkas" article correctly, Ray and Beth, along with other representatives, will personally decide upon all those "Lemkas" we wrote.
So Beth will have to read each and every one of our write-ins.
Will it sink in?
I think this blog is great and should be continued, too. But like Ray's campaign, I doubt it could continue with no money to support it.
For anyone who wishes to support VOS(VoiceOfSchodack) and who wishes to support Ray to win this race against Secor and Nugent's coming ballot counting and probable court challenges, than you should ante up. This battle could be lost within the next week, if the lawyers, guns, and money do not arrive in time.
Well forget the guns, but money will be needed for lawyers and continuing this battle. It would be a shame to gain all these votes, your votes, and lose this, a second time, in court or over ballot challenges.
Open your wallets here and now, or Secor will be picking them for the next two years, at least. Cheaper to help pay for some attorneys for Ray and VOS to win, than to keep paying those endlessly rising taxes.
Kick in a buck, a hundred, or a thousand and you will come in ahead within a tax cycle or two.
Give a hundred and loan a thousand to the campaign. That is what I expect to do. Later on, fundraising can pay me back. If not, even my thousand will be better spent to win for Ray, than on continuous taxes.
Let's win this one for Ray. Visit the home page at http://www.voiceofschodack.com/index.html . Scroll down and find the link to donations or email and send that check or pledge that loan. VOS can fundraise later to attempt to repay loans. But lawyers are needed now, like today, for Ray.
Ray put in a lot of his own out of pocket money to run this race for us. Some of us chipped in, too. But a lawyer could be $5000 or $10,000. Ray is a retired apple farmer, not a well heeled politican with a big bucks party backing him. All this campaign came out of his small frugal wallet and donations given by those of us who helped and believe Ray can make Schodack a better, more affordable place to live.
Now who wouldn’t contribute or make loans to make it happen. Congrats are not going to put Ray in the Supervisor’s seat in January! Please help now, today!
From the TU, blog and Website:
Lotta Lemkas
November 9, 2007 at 11:51 am by Bob Gardinier
It is beginning to dawn on Rensselaer County elections officials what a colossal chore awaits them in reviewing each of the 1,657 write-in votes received by Ray Lemka in the race for Schodack supervisor, a process that must be done next week for the race to be official.
”It is going to take a long, long, long time,” said Democratic Election Commissioner Ed McDonough. ”We have never even come close to facing anything like this.”
The 76-year-old fiesty farmer mounted an aggressive write-in campaign after he lost the Republican primary to incumbent Beth Knauf Secor by only seven votes and then lost a place on the Democratic line after town Democratic Chairman Timothy Nugent mounted a successful court challenge to the caucus convened by the county chair that tapped him.
McDonough said the closest write-in count to compare were some recent races in East Greenbush when they had to review about 150 write-ins and they thought that was a lot.
To do a write-in, voters must slide up a plexiglas cover and write the name on a paper behind it. When they move the lever to exit, the machine advances the tape, which is a large roll similar to a cash register tape.
”Each roll stretches from my office to Larry’s (Republican Commissioner Larry Bugbee’s office. At least 50 feet.)”, McDonough said. ”And there are 20 of them.”
While they do this they will also have candidates and election lawyers scrutinizing each and every ”Ray Lemka.”
”That will slow it to a snail’s pace,” McDonough said.
Officials opine the job could take most of a business day. They have yet to decide what day next week they will review the tapes.
At last count, Lemka leads Secor by a count of 1,657 to 1,643 and there may be about 100 absentee and affidavit ballots to count as well.
Posted in Rensselaer County, Schodack | Add a comment »
I see Times Useless reporter Bob Gardinier finally saw it fit to mention that Mr. Nugent, aka Town of Schodack Democratic Party Chairman, and Schodack Town Attorney who, due to the nature of his position, works very closely with the Supervisor, sacked his own party's nomination to run against the Supervisor. And to boot, he writes this in his blog, not in any recent newspaper article, several days after the election. One might think this kind of information would be voter useful BEFORE the election. Now, I know the more local Independent covered this pretty thoroughly, as it happened, and good for them. But the "regional" paper, the Times Useless, missed the boat once again. If only we had Darren Dopp to alert them to this fact, as he did in Spitzergate, they then would've covered it with zeal, and sent FOILS out all over the place.
Contributions will be greatly appreciated! They can be sent to:
Voice of Schodack
P.O. Box 2
East Schodack NY 12063
Thank you!
Voice of Schodack Campaign Team
If it comes to a fight where we need an expert election lawyer,we better be ready to ante up to keep this victory march going...a 10 or 20.00 from each Ray voter should do the trick..The impossible takes a little longer..That gang needs to be run out of there..one good place to start is some of the Board members and some on the planning board who never saw a waiver thay didn't like..some of which have financial conflicting interests since they are prpperty owners in areas that are being considered for illegal development. GO RAY !!!
Compliments to the Web Site designer..PLEASE keep the blog going..it's the only forum we have. Unfortunately, the Independent seems to favor almost all letters from Columbia County and very few from Rensselaer Co.. We had very good experience with the ballot at So. Schodack Fire House..very courteous and helpful...with scriptural devices available..WOW. No matter how this turns out, the BS gang has to see the hand writing on the wall...Ray has made history...now the Dems need to oust their puppet and get a real chairman who won't sell out the party...Thanks Ray !!!
kama aina
I would like to correct one point. Tim Nugent has NOT been the Town Attorney since last March. Furthermore, the Town Attorney serves at the pleasure of the Town Board and is appointed by a majority vote of the Board not by the Supervisor
No Nugent is the attorney for the planning board, and was appointed as special prosecutor for traffic tickets. I believe he holds one other appointed spot. All were assigned by Secor. All are also paying positions via the town taxes.
as a resident of schodack for 10 years and seeing the taxes go up dramatically- not to mention the way people in our community are treated so horribly, i certainly hope lemka wins. it is certainly disgusting the politics here. im hoping that if ray wins the people in this community will be treated with the respect they deserve. i know i trust him more than the current administration- of course id probably trust a fox in a henhouse more than what we have now
Does anyone know if the results will be announced by Tuesday night? or is the counting going on that day, and checked over by Secor and so on for a couple days after?
The champagne is chillin!
Nugent is also attorney for the ZBA in addition to the Planning Board, traffic tickets, and other "special" assignments as needed.
Think you mean SBA, not ZBA. (hehe) he is also President of the SBA.
Good luck tomorrow for Democracy in Schodack! The entire town knows who won the election. Now let's hope when Ms. Secor sees name after name after name and imagines what the voters of this town physically did to write in their choice, she'll conceed. I refuse to believe that she won't repsect the voters and the people after all of this. I'm sure she's been soul searching and will do the right thing. The voters have spoken like never before.
I also appreciate the "trash talk" being taken off this site. This is not what this campaing and this voice has been about.
Have you been to a town board meeting? Beth Secor won't respect the voters. Wouldn't be surprised if her and Nugent file a law suit if she loses.
Don't hold your breath on Beth having morals. Look at her track record... she has NONE.
I wouldn't be surprised if Tim Nugent has documents all prepared and ready for filing and spends tomorrow sitting on the steps of the Rensselaer County Courthouse if Ray is announced the winner. At that point, the fight will begin. Beth Secor will not go down by a mere vote of the residents of the town. That's guaranteed. Hopefully Ray will win, but he'll have his hands full with Mrs. Secor's hand picked town board. And can you even imagine the disarray he'll find in the supervisors office on the first day he's on the job!
Well of course he will be waiting to file a law suit. The guy has to protect his JOBS! After all, his practice is useless anyone. no one would hire him voluntarily.
Tomorrow is the BIG DAY! We should have an official winner after the absentee ballots are counted. I believe we will win, it will be great day for Schodack!
Drum roll please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If Secor wins, might I suggest all the voters go to the ivory tower and PROTEST!
I choose to think positive...Ms. Secor will have to conceed. The town has expressed their wishes that they no longer want her in the office of Supervisor.
The board must work with Ray. If they don't...all of us MUST go to the town board meetings and protest just as loudly as we did with our pens!
Good luck today, Ray. We're all routing for you.
Beth will never concede until all legal avenues have been exhausted. Don't forget that one of her biggest backers who has a lot to lose is a lawyer. He'll just keep pumping out that paperwork and we'll get to pay for his legal services and filing fees through our taxes! What a joy Schodack politics is....and let's not forget that it goes to the county and state level.
the garbage her pals pulled out here this weekend should be a good clue as to their mentality.
It is going to be a fight. We are not dealing with rational people.
Beth and Ray can look at our votes in just a few more minutes!
"Rensselaer County absentee ballot counts scheduled
November 12, 2007
TROY -- Election workers will count the absentee ballots in three towns with close races Tuesday. When the absentee ballots in the close Rensselaer County District Attorney's race will be counted remains undecided.
Elections officials also will allow Republican incumbent Schodack town Supervisor Beth Knauf Secor and her challenger Republican Ray Lemka to review with their counsels the 1,657 write-in votes Lemka surprisingly garnered to make that a close race. Lemka leads Secor by 14 votes.
The write-ins for Lemka may be officially reviewed and finalized this week, but no firm plans have yet been made, officials said.
"We will offer them a chance to look at the names on the write-in paper rolls from the machines so they may get an idea of what they think any challenges may be," said Democratic Elections Commissioner Ed McDonough.
Lemka and Secor will be allowed to review write-ins beginning at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, McDonough said.
Later in the day Tuesday, officials will count absentee ballots in the town of Schodack. With Lemka and Secor separated by only 14 votes, the absentees will decide that race. Officials have said 174 absentee were sent out in the town and, as of late last week, 82 had been returned."
"I choose to think positive...Ms. Secor will have to conceed. The town has expressed their wishes that they no longer want her in the office of Supervisor."
Secor does not care about doing the "right" thing! She has proven that by violating us over & over again for the last 4 yrs.!
No, she won't concede, she's too arrogant & selfish!
So I hope the final count makes Ray the new Town Supervisor!
Please make sure you all read The Independent today. Elizabeth Gable has a wonderful letter to the editor in it. Mrs. Gable, you are truly an eloquent individual.
This was just on the TU website, check it out:
Yea, the write-in ballots were on the table at 9:30 & as of 10:30, Secor had not shown up! Figures, she doesn't want to face the fact she's been beaten!
I agree. Thank you for removing the "trash talk" and “nonsense” from this site. Especially when it comes from someone who doesn't even live in Schodack! The real issue is getting a fair election completed and all votes counted properly (no “Florida chad” please!)
I can't take the suspense any longer! What the heck is going on?
right now he isstill ahead by 10 votes according to channel 13. they are still counting. Beth looks mad :(
Channel 10 says they will be interviewing both Secor and Ray.
Lets all hear how sorry we feel for poor mad Secor!
WNYT is reporting that Ray has a 10 vote lead after absentees and affidavit ballots...
yea baby, that's what we want to hear!!
Woo Hoo!
Re: todays Independent
"Mrs. (sic) Gable you truly are an eloquent individual."
I think -- Ms. Gable you are an angry old gas bag!
I guess the truth hurts eh?
Those Secor supporters are spitefull little worms aren't they.
No wonder everyone wants her out.
I have been trying to check the Town website for two days and nothing comes up. Anyone else having trouble? Maybe Beth has decided not to share ANY information.
I was reading around the site for the voice of Schodack. I saw that even though Ray had enough votes to get the nomination for both the Conservative party, and the Independent party, both parties seem to be supporting the lock out.
Does anyone know who the Independent party leader is? From what I remember and believe the last leader I knew of was Andrew Jacon.
Mr. Jacon is the lawyer for none other then Mike Kellogg, and guess what, rents a summer home from none other then Beth Secor. Seems there is a lot of house cleaning these parties need to do to get a fair election in this town.
Now I could be wrong, but he was the last party leader I knew of for the independent party. So it seems Mrs. Secor had herself all set to stay in office for a long long time. They never intended us to have a choice, their players were in place and WE were going to be shown our place.
No wonder she looked so mad on TV tonight. Her plan was flawed!
Kudos to Elizabeth's comments. It is so obvious that BS had no intention of "setting the record straight"...The facts speak for themselves.Arrogance, disrespect for the town residents, reckless spending especially without any input from voters; it all follows the predicted pattern. Are we going to be paying for BS's lawyers to razzle-dazzle us again while defending her position ???.If that's the case, then we should also be paying for Ray's lawyers since it was a Town sponsored election.....It seems quite obvious what most of the voters wanted to happen..I just hope that the Town Board and Planning Board get the same message since they are are also a large part of the problem by their attitudes toward the public...if not, they will be shown that we do not intend to allow the "good ol' boys and girls club" to continue. Issues like the Master Plan must be dealt with. There should be a moratorium on further developement until a decent Plan is implemented. They all talk about development being the savior for the Town but none of them live in the areas on Rt.9 where the willy-nilly development is proposed. Some Board members, however, stand to profit by selling their property in the "Blue Zone"..Let's wake up , Schodack !!!! kama aina
Fellow Patriots;
Most of you have already heard that after opening the absentee, affidavit & emergency ballots, Ray is still leading by 10 votes!
This continues to be a vicious battle between good and evil!
Ray has had to retain an attorney, Jennifer Sober. In the coming days, we will be asking for your contributions to assist Ray & Sue with legal costs.
So keep checking the website for information about our fundraising campaign & election updates!
Thanks for your support!
Voice of Schodack Campaign Team!
The Town's website is gone. Blank.
Let's call the Town every hour until it is put back up...with ALL THE MINUTES from meetings.
Last I checked Route 9 is between
2 major exits with commercial zoning...Rt. 9 has barely changed in a decade...with 3 properties in the town, it is time to develope & expand the tax base.
I do live off route 9.
Thanks for your opinion above. Many of us live on or near Route 9 as well, and feel differently.
The issue at hand is simple:
Beth Secor and many members of the Planning Board and Town Board ascribe to the "old-fashioned," or shall we say, 1970s approach to development: truck terminals, gas stations, and strip malls.
Ray Lemka and his supporters are looking for the new approach, used by communities all over the Northeast: respecting rural integrity, environmental concerns, and the architecture and historical styles that make Schodack unique.
There's plenty of Beth's "old-fashioned" strip-mall, gas depot charm to be found all about the Capital District.
Ray is looking to moderate and regulate building so the Schodack of the future is something we can both find convenient, and be proud of (not to mention, all of us will enjoy higher resale values on our homes).
Hope this helps clarify the issues for you.
First I like to say I support Ray & agree there has to be a balance in development but they all can’t be coffee shops & bookstores.
Maybe you can clarify the “architecture & historical styles that make Schodack unique”…would that be the broken down buildings on main street in Castleton or the numerous trailer parks in Schodack? This is not Columbia County or Saratoga.
Incentive has to be given redevelop…not dragged thru the planning board for years exhausting funds.
How do you hope to “moderate & regulate building” in Schodack?
By rezoning commercial property people have paid years of high taxes on?
Saratoga's downtown was a mess of "broken down buildings" 30 years ago.
Financial incentives (state grants) for restoration of business areas have existed for years, and are available for towns to use.
Well-written guidelines (many are available from other communities as starting points) help developers and builders make proposals that get it right the first time or two around, instead of the inefficient system we have now.
Rather than rejecting other communities' models, look at what they have done. Well-planned communities balance commercial and residential; no one wants a town full of just bookstores -- nor just truck stops.
Planning is the norm, not the exception, in communities with rising property values.
Thank you for your incite to community growth & push to help builders get it “right the first time”. I hope I can use this education for my continuing ed requirements.
I’m doing my part. I’ve bought eyesores & renovated them back into that old Schodack charm.
But my taxes on 1 building will go from $9,000 to 18,000 shortly & I need some tax base to alleviate that jump. I put my $, my time, & my livelihood where my mouth is.
must have spent all your $ buying up all the open space & preserving it...oh no your the guy who uses all the open space for dumping his leaves & riding snowmobiles but doesn't pay the taxes on it
Looks like sour grapes to me. Kellogg and his pals are upset because their SBA figurehead is still losing after yesturday.
Maybe you can get the Irish Store to pull some political strings for you, after all he is part of the Good'ol boys and girls club.
You people find it hard to believe that all the people you stuck it to all these years WANT YOU OUT!
Development along Rt 9 is a factor of the number of "rooftops" in the immediate area. If there is not enough housing (in the eyes of developers) to build retail, shops, etc. than they are going to build truck stops and warehouses, because of the proximity to I90.
I have personal experience in this area and right now Schodack does not have enough "rooftops" to attract the types of business's we want and need.
Like it or not we need more housing in order to attract better commercial prospects.
But who is going to want to move here with taxes through the roof. Secor did it all wrong, should have attracted more housing before she went nuts on spending.
Then you have people like Kellogg and his cronies left to deal with. The town idiots. Who will want to set up a business around here with people like them?
The politics is too corrupt around here, this "elite" group seems to think they are the only ones allowed to make a buck, and the rest of us should pay for it.
I have lived here for a long time and I think it is pathetic that it has gotten so bad around here. I mean people like Tom McGrath of the Irish Store is even in on the scams the SBA are plotting. (always knew he was evil)
Setting up all the party leaders to be in their pockets, high taxes, screwing over any business that wants to set up around here.. You name it. We have a gang of leaches in our midst and all they can do is sit there and act like children.
They have dirty cops in their pockets so they can hide behind them (both town and State Troopers), our two Judges are in their pockets, the town board.. All the way up to Jemino, and Bruno.
In their eyes.. we are nothing but little people who should learn their place. Says a lot for our county government and the people who they support.
So why would anyone want to move here? Some of the people out here especially the elderly are at risk of losing their homes due to Secor's taxes. In my opinion, that is what they want. Run us out, so they can make a bigger profit.
Who should I make a check payable to when we contribute to Ray's fund? Voice of Schodack?
For those interested in donating please make your check payable to "Voice of Schodack" and mail it to PO Box 2, East Schodack, NY 12063
Ok. Thanks for the info. Isn't it a shame that we all have to involuntarily pay Beth's legal bills. Guess the tax rate for 2008will just have to go up a little more!
The Towns website is back up and there is a "special" meeting tomorrow night at 7PM. If you hit the agenda link for tomorrow, it takes you to the 10/25 agenda for some reason so the agenda is unknown. A scary thought. Anyway, there appears to be a Town Board meeting scheduled tomorrow in addition to the ZBA meeting. Be there or be square.
why does anyone want big business[es] here in schodack- anything you should need is 5 minutes down the road in e greenbush. i dont want more houses here either. if money wasnt spent so foolishly on extravagant expenses we wouldnt need that extra tax base. keep schodack rural please!
From what I can tell, most absentee, affidavit & emergency ballots have been counted, Ray is still ahead by 10 votes. I guess there are approx. 30 ballots that were not opened due to some irregularity with the envelope?
Anyway, those are the only ballots left, so if they are not opened, Ray wins, and if they are opened, Ray can still win!
Secor has exhausted her ballot pool, she has nowhere to get any more ballots!
I'm confident that Ray can maintain his lead and wind up winning this!
I just visited the TU website to read the 11/14 article, connect by the link, below. Looking at the photos of Ray and Sue, while they were reviewing the paper roles, I can see the horizontal lines on them, which appear to align with columns, such as column seven.
When I wrote in my vote at the Castleton Fire House, I noticed that a line ran, kind of diagonally, thru the area for column 7, that I had to write in. I didn't assume any significance to the line, so I wrote over it and on both sides of it. It was hard not to do that in the small space.
A while back, another person in either an email or on this VOS blog, brought up this point, too. She said that she, also, had a line running through her write-in space.
However, if the paper rolls were properly aligned and functioning properly, should we have seen any lines? If we wrote across the line or on one side of the line or the other, were we crossing over into columns 6 or 8 and not staying within Column 7?
Could doing this cost Ray votes, since Columns 6 and 8 were dedicated to other ballot races?
This concerns me more, now, since you can see in the TU photo, that at least one signature crosses the line, just a little bit. I think the line was more diagonally centered across my write-in slot, so that I would have been, substantially, crossing the line, when I wrote in Raymond W. Lemka in my large print.
Did others notice these lines when they wrote in, too? Does anyone have the means to communicate this concern to the lawyer for Ray's side? So, it can be noted or addressed?
To read the article on line and to view the photos that I am referring to use this link:
It doesn't all come down to just the uncounted absentee ballots. Many aspects of this election are still contestable.
The two lawyers will be spending time reviewing the paper rolls, to determine if votes should have been counted for Ray, but weren't, and to determine if votes counted for Ray shouldn't have been counted. Ray could accumulate more votes in this process, but more likely, he will lose some.
The attorney for Secor or Secor herself, can challenge individual write in votes, or they can challenge categories or types of write-in votes, in an attempt to get them removed from Ray's count.
We have no idea, yet, how this count and the legal tangles of this post election phase will go. Does anyone expect Secor to be gracious and bow out? Do you expect Secor to surrender power and to step down from the retirement benefit that 2 more years of being Supervisor will offer to her?
It has been noted by some that there is something like an undervote of 300 or more, noted in voters tabulated as voting on all the machines, for the Schodack Town Supervisor race. With only 3 competitive races, the county DA, County Legislative race, and Town Supervisor for voters to choose from, how many would come out to vote this year and, intentionally, not vote in this hot Supervisor race?
Having poll watched and witnessed voter confusion, seen or talked to some who left the voting booth without figuring out how to vote a write-in, I think it is fair to note that most of the undervote, were Lemka supporters, who never figured out how to successfully write-in.
If Secor is a thinking person, she should figure this out, too. She should realize that 300 more voters turned out who wished to vote her out of office. If she cares at all about what democracy is supposed to be, than she should be sensitive to the will and wishes of the majority of Schodack voters, who turned out to remove her from office.
If she has any feel for democracy and the public will, she shouldn't want to continue in an office, where the voters wish her to be retired from. Who would really want to be Supervisor at a time when the majority of the population wishes you to be replaced and has turned out in an election to do that.
Can power and better retirement benefits be so important, that she would seek to subjugate and/or overturn the expressed will of the majority, by using legal maneuvers? Secor has served Joe Bruno well enough, that Joe should find her a nice cozy job in state or county government to complete whatever years she may need towards her retirement and leave the management of Schodack to our elected Ray Lemka.
I believe it was decided at the last Town Board meeting that tonights special meeting is to finalize the budget. There were some figures missing from some of the Fire Districts and these were necessary in order to vote on the budget.
Also, now that people have learned how to do a write-in vote and have shared that with others, how about a re-vote! Then there will be no questions as to the winner.
Friday is the day! Maybe we will finally have a winner. Secor needs 21 of the 30 mail-ins to be for her.
What are the chances?
The budgeted was approved last evening....5.4% tax increase..
When you say Friday, do you mean today, 11/16? I hope so, I want to get this over with and win!
Question; Numerous critical decisions are made at these "special" board meetings like the one last night.
Why can't they take care of these things at regularly scheduled meetings?
I'm inclined to believe it's because they don't want to deal with us "taxpayers"!
Yea, "it's business as usual"
How much of a raise did Secor give herself in the budget that was passed last night?
I think I read it somewhere that if Secor completes another 2 yr. term, she qualifies for a 'pension"? A PENSION for THE Schodack Town Supervisor, what is that all about!
Agreed- last nights special meeting was scheduled to discuss the fact that the Fire Dept budgets where accidentally omitted in the final budget. They were suppose to meet to go over these figures and approve the budget. The agenda included many resolutions and Beth once again proved right by her campaign literature...when asked if we could comment she stated that this special meeting is not open for public comment. Again, very poor turnout by the residents....disappointing..as I stated before this is much larger than writing Rays name in on election day but it appears that most residents thought this would be enough.
"when asked if we could comment she stated that this special meeting is not open for public comment."
Funny -- the money she spends comes from the public.
What happened to government of the people, by the people, for the people?
Price Chopper announced yesterday that they are growing their stores by 30. No mention of Schodack. I thought Beth said that we can expect a "Grand Opening very soon"
Regarding public comment at last nights meeting. She can restrict public comment to resolution items only and not allow public comment on random items at work shop meetings and I suppose "special" meetings. If she said the public could not comment on resolution items that was wrong and against Town Law. Was the Town attorney there? Probably not.
The comments were directed towards the resolutions and she was made aware of that but still declined comment. The town attorney was there.
Wow, no kidding. If that's the case I would question if any resolutions on the agenda that were voted on and passed are legit and could be challenged. Any new resolutions that weren't on the agenda on 11/8 sure could. Why would the Board take that risk? How foolish but typical of this administration. You would think at least some on the board would learn. Was Ms. Young there, she is also an attorney and should have known better. Was she as quite as usual? Guess it's time to start going to meetings again.
I was at the meeting last night and observed quite a bit of public comment throughout. The supervisor's remark about no more public comment was unfortunate because it was clear that everything was winding down and it may have taken another 5 minutes to hear the final ones.
Just more BS from BS!!
It is very clear that the town spoke and that Ray Lemka won this eleciton. Beth Secor should be absolutely ashamed of herself and should conceed.
When voting machines ran out of paper at prime voting time, voters were denied stools, voters wrote in not quite the right column and voters even wrote on the machines it is clear RAY LEMKA GOT THE MOST VOTES!
Beth Secor did not win this election. She needs to step down with tsome diginity and respect for the town and the voters.
I just looked at the Times Union website and they are reporting that Beth Secor won by 11 votes. Looks like another 2 years of her and her tax and spend town board in this town. Kiss your money good-bye!
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