Sunday, October 7, 2007

The political climate in Schodack, NY

Welcome to the Voice of Schodack Blog!

Here's the latest!
I'm glad to see the blog is getting warmed up again!
We have an election coming up in the fall and residents need to be informed on critical issues that affect us. So if anyone has information about town issues and how our new town supervisor is doing,please feel free to enlighten us!

To get detailed information on Schodack financials check out the 2 links below;

Note to all Schodack residents:

We know everyone is busy but if at all possible, PLEASE attend Town Board & Planning Board Meetings. What can really make a difference is a good turnout at these meetings because it will show that residents are concerned and watching so let's pack the town hall!

If they only see a few people at a meeting, it sends the message that we don't care and they will continue to disregard us!

We remain committed to continue our fight for fair elections & responsive leadership in Schodack. With your continuing support we can do it!

The Schodack Republican Party has chosen NOT to run Secor as their candidate for supervisor. This is a direct result of her very close election against a write-in candidate and shows what motivated voters can do, we will have a fair & open election this year because of you!

So feel free to post your thoughts & opinions here and let your voice be heard!

Note; While we encourage you to post your comments, we reserve the right to delete posts that contain vulgarity, offensive comments or personal attacks.

The Voice of Schodack blog was created to give all Schodack residents the ability to voice their concerns about issues that affect them. Our website at will be updated in the next few months for the upcoming election which should be very interesting!


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Anonymous said...

Who is this "Mary Sophia"? Can someone get this nut-job from the Schodack Patriot to STOP posting nonsense on this site. PLEASE DELETE these wacko posts!

Anonymous said...

No Dan Marcella, your the nutjob posting to this site.

They should delete your posts, all of them under the different aliases that you have been posting all day looking for a fight.

You know Mary, Marcella, she works for / with you.

Why don't you get a life and off our site. You don't like that guy, good for you! We really don't care. How many more ways are you going to act like someone else and post out here?

Anonymous said...

I was reading the patriot and I need to point something out.

First the patriot accused Kellogg, Sophia, Marcella and the rest of Persecuting Mr. Cartwright, this was posted yesterday and in other issues in the past 2 years.

Now, after the patriot put Marcella in his place and assured everyone they are not out here... This guy FRANK RIZZO (obviously Dan Marcella) accuse Mr. Cartwright of persecuting them.

People need to look at what is going on here. These rantings about how the Patriot is crazy and without basis and a bunch of ranting is all posted by the same person.

Seems they are trying to get everyone caught up in a he said she said type of situation. (Personally I believe the patriot regardless of the language and tone)

I agree with the other posts. These people need to get off this site and prove it in court. All they are doing is pointing the finger and trying to muddy up the water to save reputations of those who really should not have any at all.

I see it like this, all the people named by FRANK RIZZO played a dangerous game and are now between a rock and a hard place. They are damned if they do and damned if they don't. (If they try and clean it up, their done for, and if they don't their done for) So it is obvious they will try to do all they can to wipe out Mr. Cartwright so the truth will never come out on who is right, and who is wrong.

Even if they wipe him out, they are still found guilty. By sitting out here and trying to get us all caught up in their mud slinging is one of the few last ditch efforts to get others to rally on their side and not believe what they have been capable of and or doing to others.

With the people involved from what I read it will be amazing if this court case is tried by a judge that will actually do his job and not get bought. Not in this county where everyone’s brothers sister cousin is related to each other in one way or another. Then from what I read, you have McGrath keeping the politicians so they play along. This I can believe, I know him, if he can profit, he will do it.

Folks, all I can say is what has been said, no matter what this man Marcella is posting out here, it will all go down in court. (Maybe if there is a clean judge involved, again highly doubtful in this county)

I wish this man and his friends would also go away. This is not the place for their rantings about how this guy Mr. Cartwright is crazy. It seems to me the crazy ones are the ones trying to convince us.

I would like to see this blog go back on track and lets get the word out about Tuesdays vote. I do hope the blog master will delete posts from people like FRANK RIZZO and all the other ones Dan Marcella posted as a different identity. It is pathetic and frankly, I am sick of it.

Something wrong with a man who hates someone his daughter has been married to for over 12 years to the point he is out to destroy his life. From what I see, anything this Marcella person touched gets infected... just like this blog.

I feel sorry for his daughter and her husband to have such a loser like that as an old man. I also hope Tom McGrath gets what is coming to him for his roll in this mess.

I will also be watching this court case to see how corrupt the legal system is with it.

Please, can we get this blog back on track?

Anonymous said...

I will not be supporting the SVFD land purchase this coming Tuesday.

I am not "against" the fire fighters, volunteering, or helping our community. My "no" vote has nothing to do with Ray Lemka (though I did vote for him).

Sometimes even non-profit organizations make mistakes. Sometimes grants get turned down because they are poorly thought out. I know: I have worked in non-profit jobs and done volunteer work for over 20 years.

I this case, I believe the SVFD is asking us taxpayers to support a poorly thought-out project. I would be happy to support them once they had a public meeting about this new firehall, and lowered the land price.

I also would have liked their comment explaining Chief Kelly's involvement with election politics. We are owed that respect.

Since they have not provided us with explanations or information, my "no" vote this Tuesday is to signal my desire for greater transparency in our town's charity-and tax-supported organizations.

Anonymous said...

You people should be ashamed of yourselfs this is AMERICA and what a person does politically does not and should not effect what he does volunteering his time and own personal money to help his community Mr Kelly does the job of Fire Chief for no political reasons like you SORE LOSERS think as for the Fire District check your tax bill many of you pay not quite a $100.00 in fire protection
Pretty cheap for fire service and Ems How many of you have called for an emergency to stop water or cellar pumped out let alone a real emergency WAKE UP This is not Long Island the Budgets are cheap for equipment fuel and fire apparatus If you think it is so easy maybe you ought to get out and volunteer your time and see how easy it is I have read this for over 2 weeks of bashing the district and fire company pizza nights The only thing left to state is GET A LIFE and discuss important issues

Anonymous said...

"You people should be ashamed of yourselfs this is AMERICA and what a person does politically does not and should not effect what he does volunteering his time and own personal money to help his community Mr Kelly does the job of Fire Chief for no political reasons like you SORE LOSERS think as for the Fire District check your tax bill many of you pay not quite a $100.00 in fire protection"

What Mr. Kelly does became an issue when he became active in the lawsuit to rule the Democratic Caucus illegal to keep Ray Lemka off the ballot and deny voters their right to a fair election while holding appointed positions with Town gov't.

His wife just happens to be Secor's secretary and she has received a 39% pay increase! If that's not cronyism, I don't know what is!

Mr. Kelly put himself in this position, so don't try to put the blame on anyone else!

Anonymous said...

This purchase is not an important issue? So, I guess you're Ok paying 190 grand for three acres of land? Only from a taxpayer supported entity could a greedy seller get that kind of money. Well, not this time. Chief Kelly is free to pursue whatever politcal life he wants, no one denies him that. But he should be prepared to pay the price when his actions piss off many of the same people he solicits for support.

Anonymous said...

This has nothing to do with being cheap! This is all about being suckered again by the Secor gang.

As all of us have said, we fully support our volunteers! WE DO NOT support the left handed way they stick it to us later. Not giving forward all the facts and then hitting us later with a monstrous bill in our taxes for something this town didn't need or should have been planned for in a better way.

If boycotting Pizza nights and voting no is what it is going to take to get Her Royal Highness out of her ivory tower and to actually work with us residents. Then so be it. Seems to me it is her own fault things are this bad with the people of the town. Yet she does nothing to work things out and work with us.

So think what you want. No one is cheap. We are all just fed up with this administration and their underhanded ways. I'm sorry but Chief Kelley is in with her when his wife is her secretary.

You want to work with the enemy, then suffer with the enemy. Want to sit there and call us names, wait until next election (If she lasts that long).. see who is on top then.

Sore losers?! I think not! We are the real ones in control of this town, and now it is time this administration faces reality!

It won't be people like you!

Anonymous said...

There seem to be two main defenses to SVFD Chief Kelly's actions so far:

1) From Mr. Adams: "Mr Kelly happens to be a taxpayer and unfortunately a volunteer fire chief also. He DOES NOT speak for me or any of the other dedicated fire company members..."

2) From an anonymous post: "what a person does politically does not and should not effect what he does volunteering his time and own personal money..."

In once case, the firehall seems to be distancing themselves from Mr. Kelly, in the other, the post claims there is no connection between private and public actions.

However, in the case of having control over tax dollars as Fire Chief, and making recommendations to Beth Secor on how to spend tax dollars as part of his 2 Town positions, Mr. Kelly is directly involved in major financial decisions to protect our well-being in Schodack.

That is great: as such, he needed to follow Town and State Ethics Laws.

What he did in his direct involvement with a political caucus was unethical, and under these laws, illegal. He did not just vote (that fine!); he filed a lawsuit.

That said, SVFD: please notice the majority of "issues" related to the land purchase were about the price, location, and future planning. In none of these have you provided any sort of plan or real answers.

Sorry, I'm going to have to vote "no" tomorrow. The Schodack Valley Fire Department had ample opportunity to revise this project.


Anonymous said...

I am still attempting to sort out the issues surrounding the SVFD. It seems, that it should not be so difficult to determine what is going on. When it is hard to know the truth, when it is hard to know whether you are affected or not and to what degree, when it is hard to know what, if any, long term planning has gone into a purchase or a project, when it seems that something is being overpaid for, when you don't know what attorneys are behind something, when you don't know who are is profiting and who will pay, when you don't know how much it may, ultimately cost you; then you vote No. Hopefully, a no vote will help to sort this all out.

A No vote should give pause, and time for reflection. If this is indeed a worthy purchase, than a No vote should provide for an opportunity to review how this purchase should be presented properly and clearly rationalized to attract yes votes upon a revote.

The obligation falls upon those who support such a purchase to cleary inform the public, to justify the purchase to the public, to publicize the vote well and to all of whom it affects, and to make the costs of doing it or not doing it clear, long before the day of the vote.

Otherwise, SVFD residents are being asked to vote for a pig in a poke. Why would anyone vote yes, if they do not know what this is all about?

I would still like to see a map which shows the SVFD district. Surely, every fire district has a map which clearly shows what it covers and how to get to where the fires and emergencies are within their own district.

If anyone can direct us to such a map, it would be appreciated, since the vote is tomorrow night. It should be posted on line.

Anonymous said...

It is a shame that comment moderation has been enabled. It is understandable, if it is meant to foil the usurpation of the blog by the guy(s) behind the Schodack Patriot and someone referred to as Mr Cartwright. I, along, with a number of other bloggers, politely asked the Schodack Patriot and this Mr Cartwright to please refrain from filling this VOS community blog with their ranting posts.

I don't know the truth or issues behind the posts, but the manner in which they are written tends to undermine their credibility. The fact that they continued to post when asked not to, lends credence to those who claim they are insane. If they are unable to comprehend the difference between the VOS and their own Schodack Patriot, than I would tend to believe those who call them crazy.

Once, more I ask them to please refrain from messing up the VOS blog. Let this blog cover other community concerns and issues. Leave your personal crusade to your own website and Patriot blog. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

What little I could find by way of the Town of Schodack website on the SVFD referendum follows. It ain't much. It refers to a $250,000 purchase of three acres, or over $80,000 per acre. What on earth could make this land worth that much? Are there gold deposits in it?

Sorry, I attempted to copy and paste it, but it apparently it prohibits copying. Go to or the town website to find it. No maps where located there. Mystery in government is never a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Link to a map of districts. A bit vague, perhaps someone here more familiar with the local roads/properties will have a better idea of exactly what the district encompasses.

Anonymous said...

The only way to control the inappropriate comments was to add a moderation feature.

All comments will be reviewed and either accepted or rejected but will not be "edited". The goal is not to "censor" but keep off color and inappropriate comments off the blog

Anonymous said...

Great job on adding the moderation piece. I for one, think this feature is great so that we can get this blog back on track.

Also- REMINDER- Board meeting this Thursday at 7:00

Anonymous said...


From what I have read on the patriot it is not them posting out here.

I thought comments like yours were supposed to be kept off this blog? What are we back on that now?

Go read the patriot, they even state they are not out here. I was one of the residents who posted and told the others to shut up and prove it in court.

I am taking no sides, but your comment is one with no background or proof.

In my opinion, what they have done is exposed a bunch of people for what they are and what they have done, and THOSE people are the ones trying to keep their opinions out here and everyone else’s out.

So all I ask is before you go passing judgment on others, you go get the facts first. I don't think they are crazy, from what they say, they aren't even posting. I take offense to being accused of being with the patriot when I was one of the residents posting against the others slandering out here.

Anonymous said...

I think it's funny that the information sign outside the SVFD doesn't say anything about coming out to vote on Tuesday. Chances are if you live in or close to this fire district you probably drive by there daily. My guess is the more they(Kelly)keep in the blind the better! Kelly's good at that.

Vote against the purchase of this land on Tuesday night. One.... because the high cost per acre and two.... Kelly has his sticky fingers in it. He's already taken enough away from us!!! Now it's out turn.

Anonymous said...

Go to

It's a little involved, but if you follow the links and download AutoDesk you can view the Schodack tax maps with the exact fire district boundries. It takes a little time since you have to do a lot of zooming in and out. It is interesting.

Anonymous said...

I think people who intend to vote in the SVFD election better make sure that they live in the fire district and are a registered voter both items will be checked So for all the people complaining this is the only legal way to vote on the purchase and election of fire commissioner Isn't rather interesting that the election of fire commissioners is same time through out the state since fire districts were formed and always there are minimal particpation by the districts tax payers voting for fire commissioner If you were really that concerned how the district is spending your tax dollars perhaps you should have been voting in the elections The notice is always posted in the local rags but it really boggles ones mind why is there so little particpation Perhaps there is the need is to build a new station I dont think your belly aching over protection costs need to dragged along but perhaps useless spending by school districts and boards is the real culprit here town tax is really the minimal part of your taxes check your school tax thats were it lies yet we pass useless budgets for the school districts constantly thats were a large percentage of your hard dollars go
Maybe you should follow your tax bills more closely the fire tax in schodack valley has gone up 1.5 cents in 10 years The purchases of the district have not cost tax payers any increases in tax the large purchases have come from fiscally sound decisions and planning for the future expenditures as to not hurt the district residents I would bet that the district is not trying to pull the wool over ones eyes So lets no be real hasty in our treatment of firefighters and the district authoritys I do not believe that not one of you would do anything to protect your job If you say you wouldn't your lying

Anonymous said...

Time is running out: the vote is tomorrow. I posted a version of this earlier...perhaps print it out, and share with a neighbor or friend.

Tuesday, December 11: 6 pm to 9pm (three hours): Vote at Schodack Valley Fire Hall on proposal to purchase 3 acres of land next to building for $250,000. The firehall is at the Od Post Rd. & Rt. 150.

All residents of the Fire District may vote; proof of residence may be required.

General information:

1) Land works out to about $80,000 an acre.

2) So far, these has been no public forum on this purchase.

3) The SVFC owns the buildings, and charges the cost to the District. The District charges residents a direct tax. No information is currently available on the change in tax rates for the purchase and/or new fire hall.

4) The SVFC may or may not be building a new or additional fire hall on this land. Information is not available at this time.

5)There were issues brought up about the current SFVD Chief and Director Steve Kelly filing the lawsuit to invalidate the recent Democratic caucus, regarding conflict-of-interest and town ethics laws. Also, how this relates to the non-profit, charitable status of the FD. No comments appear available at this time.

6) Some questions remain regarding: lowering the purchase price, moving the firehall to cheaper land, coming up with a long-term plan, and consolidating some services with E. Schodack Fire Company, presuambly, all to save costs.

Hope this helps summarize our discussion...see you at the Fire Hall tomorrow, Tuesday, December 11.

We may differ in opinion, but it sure is good that we can vote!

Anonymous said...

Whoever posted the link to the fire district map...thanks! It's great to have that information.

The map shows that service sharing between E. Schodack FD and Schodack Valley might make sense. I'd like the two fire departments and our Town Supervisor to think about this as a way to control costs and avoid this upcoming costly land purchase.

Let's say Schodack Valley wants a million-dollar firehall on this land (given costs today, that's a likely number). It will hit our pockets like a 4 or 5 million dollar project -- because only our portion of Schodack will pick up the bill.

The SVFD is asking a small set of people to pick up a very large bill potentially. I'd like a lot more planning (and some budget figures) before I will vote "yes."

Anonymous said...

Two things:

The map of the SVFD district can be found here at the county website. Not sure how much help it is. It seems to follow roads but the roads are not identified.

The second item is in reference to the Patriot blog and those who try to bring the topics on it to VOS. Please don't. VOS is providing a service by trying to keep concerned citizens informed about current issues before the town. It addresses the concerns of the general public not of individuals like the Patriot blog does. It should stay that way. Thank you for honoring my request and that of other posters. And thank you blog master for trying to monitor the site for appropriate content.

With some reservation, I post my name.

Brian Dooley

Anonymous said...

Schodack Valley Fire Department District

As best as I can tell the border starts at the NE corner at around Brookview and Shuurman Rd. Goes east along Schuurman to 90/route 9&20. Then turns south running a little east of Route 20 south to Shuffelt Rd. Then turns west along Shuffelt across Rte 9 and along Maple Hill Rd. Runs along Maple Hill to the corner of Maple Hill and Brookview. Border then goes north a little west of Brookview Rd back up to Shuurman. All area within these roads should be within the district. Not sure if district covers both sides of the road but I would think so.

This is my best guess based on the Fire district map and map of Schodack. Probably isn’t 100% but should be reasonably close.

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder....

All that are in the SVFD district please come out and vote against this land purchase.

Make sure you bring proper documents for proof and also look at the way it is written.

See you all tonight.
Thanks to all!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I guess I can now add to the list of defenses of Chief Kelly's actions:

1) We had Mr. Adams's (FD member)distancing himself from whole mess.

2) Someone argued private and public life are totally separate.

And a new one:

3) From an anonymous post above: "I do not believe that not one of you would do anything to protect your job If you say you wouldn't your lying."

So...we are told we would all do "anything" to protect our jobs. Many of us do: we continue our educations, make sure we get assignments done one time, etc.

And then there's Mr. Kelly. His "anything" was to deny voters a real choice. His actions affected thousands of voters. Every one of Schodack's 12,500 residents has to live with the consequences of his actions. That's why we have ethics laws, but they aren't enforced by Ms. Secor & Mr. Nugent.

I am impressed by real heroes, be they fire fighters, medics, or any other volunteers. But I am not impressed by someone who tinkers with democracy to protect his wife's paycheck and his 2 Town positions.

Sorry, SVFD, the vote is "no." And no donations or pizza orders from us either, until integrity returns to the firehall.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the above summary of the SVFD. I did not think it likely that I was in the district, but from your description, if I live on Maple Hill Rd, I am in it. I thought since I am within a mile or so of the village line, and within the Castleton Water District, I would likely be cover by the Castleton FD. I often watch the Fire Trucks from Castleton zoom up Maple Hill Rd towards the Schools.

Then this means that I will vote, tonight, and I will try to coral my wife and daughter to vote, too. When I don't feel adequately informed on an issue, I vote no. In this case I am not informed. I wonder if that is my fault or not.

However, when the SVFD station doesn't even post notice of the vote, it would seem they are keeping it under wraps and within the club. This issue will impact all of us, it should not be kept within and decided by a few insiders.

I agree, that the $250,000 is way out of line for 3 acres and that this purchase is only the beginning of some spending plan that we know too little about.

Thank you VOS for bringing this issue, like others to my attention.

Anonymous said...

May I suggest that anyone interested and concerned with these issues surrounding the Schodack Valley Fire District, should attend this coming Thursday night Schodack Town Board Meeting. The agenda for this meeting is still unposted, but the meeting will offer the opportunity to bring up the concerns about this purchase and planning for the future of Schodack Fire Districts.

There will be a public comment period within the Town Board Meeting. Some very good points have been made by a number of you on the VOS blog. Why not pose these questions to the Board? I think it is especially pertinent to note how under publicized and under explained this land purchase has been. I think it needs to be asked whether or not there is planning for fire district consolidation? And many more questions are due to the board on these issues.

I expect to attend and speak on other matters, but I will look to those of you who are better informed on the issues facing SVFD and the future of all the Fire Districts to raise those questions. I look forward to hearing from you and learning more on this.

Anonymous said...

I am another resident voting NO! I think this fire dpt deal needs to be discussed far more then it has been and I hope everyone has gotten the word out to everyone to go and vote. Is people don't, this will be another election won by lack of information on the vote it's self, and people knowing it is happening!

Please everyone! Get out and vote today!

Also, on the Schodack Patriot, I agree, that business needs to stay there. They are in a different kind of fight with the same people we are actually fighting. I must admit, if there is nothing to what is said or has happened over all the time the patriot has been out, they what is there so much fighting over it?

Makes you wonder doesn't it? They risked putting a name to that fight also, and look at what the Secor gang has done. (I don't how ever believe it is the people from the patriot writing out here. I think it is just an attempt to get us mad so we don't pay attention)

Sorry, to bring that up, but I feel it must have been said.

Everyone, Please get out and vote today! We need to send a message to the Secor gang! We are not going to take it anymore!
If she keeps getting beat on by these little votes she is pushing via her friends, maybe she will wake up and be forced to deal with us all, this towns residents!

Anonymous said...

Too the misinformed people Steve Kelly is not paid from the Town for his services as many think he is The fire investigators other than the police officers who are on the Unit are all volunteer and as for the public safety board for town disasters he is appointed with no pay Again volunteering his time Again if your job or spouses job was in jeopardy you too would have done what was needed to be done Again a person who wants to run Republican and wants the support of republicans is it ethically right to all of a sudden
change parties main stream I think not people

Anonymous said...

To the person who thinks the PD is so large find a scanner and listen to how long it takes to get a trooper or if available a county sheriff to answer and arrive on scene of a call for service Think about that when someone is breaking in your home or you have been involved in an accident Yes an accident is a crime till proven otherwise So to the individuals who think the PD is useless next time you lock your keys in your car call a locksmith They do other things to help the community besides crime

Anonymous said...

Just back from voting at the SVFD. To their credit they made the process as easy as possible. They are well organized and made parking easy by having men out in the rain directing traffic. That said, neighbors I spoke with new nothing about the vote until informed in person. I think the SVFD did themselves a dis-service by not trying to get the message out about what they wanted to do. To not even put something up on the board out front like they do for pizza night and other annoucements gave the apperence they didn't want elgible voters to know about the vote. Bringing Town politics into the mix isn't going to help either. Anyway, the parking lot was full at 6:30 with 10-15 people inside voting. Will be interesting to see the results.

Anonymous said...

I've read a lot of negative comments on this blog about our planning board and how they rubber stamp every project that comes along. I wonder what those who feel this way think after reading todays Independent about the issues raised by the board regarding the proposed truck terminal.

It seems to me that they couldn't be more concerned about the aquifer and related issues but also respect the companies right to build their terminal in our town. They are doing their job in a professional and responsible manner - in my view.

Anonymous said...

Just got back from voting at the Fire Hall tonight.

First -- the firefighters did a wonderful job in helping us park. Thanks for being out in the rain.

Second -- it was humbling to see car after car of seniors coming out to vote. It's great they did, in this weather.

Third -- VOS, can you get us the results?

I hope the firehall got our (at least my) message: we love your volunteering. But we don't like "pig in a poke" projects with high price tags.

Next time, hold a forum; post something on your website about your building plans. Please give us a budget. Who will likely get some volunteers if others outside the firehall's inner circle know what's going on.

Finally, Chief Kelly did the entire firehall an ill turn by selling you all "down the river" for his wife's $34,000 job.

Ethical trangressions are seldom forgiven; they are almost never forgotten. I hope it was worth it, Steve Kelly.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to all the concerned voters who came out tonight. The community stood united for its volunteers.

Anonymous said...

One good thing about this SVFD controversy: it gave us a chance to fully understand the political philosphy of Beth Secor.

(quoted from post above) "Again if your job or spouses job was in jeopardy you too would have done what was needed to be done..."

Most of us keep our jobs by working hard and actually having proper credentials. Why is Ms. Kelly exempt?

She must be a fine student of the Beth Secor School of Political Science:

- use legal tricks to get what you want
- democracy is for suckers: run unopposed at all costs
- hide elections as best you can (SVFD never publicized the vote in any reasonable way)
- ethics and morality are for "suckers"
- YOU are more important than EVERYONE ELSE

The sad thing is, because of the ethical and moral blinders Ms. Secor, the Kellys, and Tim Nugent wear, they no longer see that they have alienated a large portion of Schodack.

It's really too bad: with a public forum and community support, they likely would have gotten help moving to a larger piece of free/low cost town land, and consolidating some aspects of rescue work with the police.

Anonymous said...

This Friday's Independent should have the results of the SVFD vote.

Anonymous said...


How is the sale of the old town hall going?
I can't even get a listing when I go to the prudential blake atlantic website. May just be me. Perhaps someone could give us an update? Thanks

Anonymous said...

I think the district voters spoke and responded to all you sore losers with support of the fire district to those that support the fire service a big Thank You from a concerned citizen I would hate to think what would happen to taxes if we had to support paid service in the town Consolidation is being looked at of fire districts but this has to be done by the people who know the fire service not by poke and hope public The fire service knows their needs so let them do whats right

Anonymous said...

Don't miss this week's Town Boarding Meeting at the Town Hall at 265 Schuurman Rd. Thursday/tomorrow night. It begins at 7PM. Incredibly, the agenda is still unposted. However, I have heard that there could be some very interesting, highly pertinent matters, which may come to the fore. I don't think anyone is going to want to miss the public comment portion of this particular meeting. So show up to catch the action. Should be some fireworks to watch! The public comments may come fairly late in the meeting, but come for all the meeting you can attend.

Anonymous said...

"I've read a lot of negative comments on this blog about our planning board and how they rubber stamp every project that comes along."
I have to tell you.... this is a hilarious post. Can I ask... were you at this meeting? I know I was. The funny thing is I never heard anyone of the board say boo. Here's a classic, one of them were sleeping from time to time. Wow... he must of been very concerned.

Anonymous said...

Someone mentioned "sore losers" regarding the SVFD vote last night.

If you know the results why don't you post it?

Anonymous said...

The SVFD asks for donations, and they cash my checks - promptly.

So now I'd like to ask for the actual numbers on the recent vote -promptly.

A SVFD taxpayer & voter

Anonymous said...

I encourage everyone to attend tomorrows Town Board meeting. A good showing, like at last nights vote, will send the Board the message that the many are unhappy. Also note the last two meetings of the year (tomorrow nights regular scheduled meeting and especially the year end meeting sometime the last week of December) can be very interesting. This is often when surprise appointments to Town jobs & Planning/ZBA Boards take place, expected re-appointments don’t happen, or other surprise last minute shenanigans go on. If anyone who holds an appointed position has fallen out of favor with the supervisor/Town Board (i.e. don’t follow lockstep in line) the year end meeting is when they don’t re-appoint that individual or individuals).

The year end meeting should be announced tomorrow night and everyone should try to make that meeting also. If the year end meeting date isn’t announced tomorrow, watch out. That will mean the legal meeting notice will be put up last minute by posting a 8 ½ x 11 sheet of the paper on one bulletin board in Town Hall and they will send the legally required notice to the Troy record mid-day the day of the meeting. Then wonder why it didn’t make the paper! That’s what Secor, Conlin, and the Board did a few years back when they passed a budget and fired the Planning director at a surprise meeting so they could do their dirty work without witnesses. Is there anyone out there that can check the bulletin board daily and report to VOS over the next few weeks so this doesn’t happen again?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above post... Somebody knows something. Please post the results.

Also for the person that posted about sore losers etc. Please use punctuations. Talk about a run on sentence.

Here's a quote to remember....
"The fire service knows their needs so let them do what’s right"

What is right? Are you serious? Having Mr.Kelly behind all of it is totally wrong. Come on... use your head on what's right? The question is, what's wrong with it all. You should have wrote..."What Kelly and Secor and all her cronies are and will continue to hide"

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Someone mentioned "sore losers" regarding the SVFD vote last night.

If you know the results why don't you post it?

December 12, 2007 11:16 AM

Perhaps the people at SVFD do not wish to give you bloggers any info without running it past their team of lawyers. We have seen a lot of twisting of basic, honest answers by quite a few posters.
Or, perhaps they are very, very busy drawing up signage and plans for their new building complex. I would keep a sharp on the property if I were you more vocal bloggers.

Anonymous said...

"Perhaps the people at SVFD do not wish to give you bloggers any info without running it past their team of lawyers. We have seen a lot of twisting of basic, honest answers by quite a few posters."

It does not matter what the SVFD "wishes" to do, they take our money and we have a right to the information regarding the vote!

The SVFD has a "team" of lawyers, I wonder why they need so many?

Anonymous said...

Well the public spoke and they obviouly don't agree with cracker jack team.There is no team of lawyers like some blogger wrote.The cracker jack team thinks they know all the answers perhaps if you were to ask a fire commissioner from any fire district not necessarily SVFD you will find out how misinformed the public and your bloggers are. Many of the statements I have read are so far fetched about how districts do business there are legal steps to which a district operates and performs.Maybe it was poor judgement for Chief Kelly to do what was done.I relate to the frustrations you have with the way government in general is being run. If you want change try doing it the right way other than bashing good people and creating far fetched notions on whats being done. Be honest with your self and try to get facts and most of all proof before statements are written. Do not just make up rumors to bring people down show honest proof. I know Mr Kelly's name was on a document. As a fellow Democrat I find it wrong that a politician who has been republican for most of his life wants to change parties when he
can't win the primary that is really a stickler here. The people have spoke, sure it was close but the person in office has won lets try to make things better in town not fight with one another then nothing gets done. I honestly believe the bickering and bashing has to stop.

Anonymous said...

"The people have spoke, sure it was close but the person in office has won lets try to make things better in town not fight with one another then nothing gets done. I honestly believe the bickering and bashing has to stop."

The person who barely won is the one who has created the hostile environment in this town with the way she rules from her throne with total disregard for the people who pay her exhorbitant salary.

You criticize someone for attempting to get on the ballot by winning the democratic caucus, what about Secor, she also participated in the democratic caucus when she already had the Republican, Conservative & Independent lines on the ballot! The only reason was she did not want anyone opposing her in the election, I wonder why?

We will take what we have learned from this election and use it for the next one, which will be much more interesting!

Anonymous said...

Regarding: "The cracker jack team thinks they know all the answers will find out how misinformed the public and your bloggers are."

I agree with you! There was little information to be found regarding the land purchase.

It would be great it someone from the SVFD had posted information on their website. I looked for several days...didn't see any updates. I called the Town Hall...they didn't know. Called the answer.

I would ask if you kindly could post some answers to the following:

1) What is the per acre purchase price?
2) Will the land be used for a new fire hall? What is the price of that building? When will the construction work start?
3) How much will our tax rates increase for the land and/or the building?
4) Who is the lawyer for the sale, and how much is he/she making?

I think any bank would ask questions like that on a could you please let us taxpayers know too?

Finally, regarding Chief Kelly...most of the statements focused on his public lawsuit, his wife's public salary hike, and his public Town positions (no one ever wrote Chief Kelly was paid, but his wife is, and Chief Kelly makes recommendations on spending public tax dollars). Even excerpts from Town and State ethics laws were posted...please check them out.

No one wrote they did not like Chief Kelly's truck, his haircut, his pets...these type of comments, of course, would be inappropriate!

If someone wrote something he found rude -- I am sorry he is hurt. But I think you will see the majority of comments focused on public actions. Public comment on public action is protected by our US Constitution.

If you could explain the ethics of the whole thing (after reading the law), I'd appreciate your reply.
Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Agenda posted for tonights meeting

Anonymous said...

Once we get beyond tonight's important Town Board Meeting, please note that there will be an meeting of the Town Planning Board on Monday (12/17). It may even exceed tonight's meeting in importance. On Monday the Schodack Planning & Development Association (SPDA) will deliver their,The Future of the Town of Schodack, report in a formal presentation to the Planning Board.

The work that SPDA is doing should prompt Schodack to re-accelerate development and adoption of a Master Plan for our town.

Please attend on Monday to learn more and to support SPDA in its efforts.

Please visit the SPDA blog at to gain more insight. The Executive summary of the The Future of the Town of Schodack, report is available at http://www.schodacksfuture.blogspot

I hope to see you all in attendance tonight and, again, on Monday. I will try to reproduce the flyer for Monday's presentation and meeting, below.

What will Schodack look like in the future?

What are people saying they want the town to be like?

We went out and asked residents, business owners, farmers and others – now hear what they had to say.

Join us at the Planning Board meeting on Monday, December 17th when SPDA will present our report:

The Future of the Town of Schodack
Perspectives on Planning & Development

The meeting starts at 7:00, we expect to start our presentation around 7:45 pm (approximate). The meeting is at Town Hall.

Schodack Planning & Development Association

Read the Summary and comment on our report at

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

From Tuesday's Independent Website with comment:

Water, trucks don't mix

By: KRISTIN SHAW 12/11/2007

SCHODACK-The Planning Board brainstormed at a meeting Monday, trying to come up with ways to protect the aquifer and still allow Crown Enterprises to move forward with plans for a 105-bay truck terminal on Route 9.

The 35-acre parcel is on the east side of the road, about a mile north of I-90 Exit 12. Many residents are opposed to the project for several reasons including possible contamination of the aquifer, traffic, noise and air quality.
Some residents insist the application should not even be considered because truck terminals are prohibited over the aquifer or in what's called a direct recharge area, where surface water moves into the aquifer.
December 3 was the last day the board would accept comments about the project's Draft Environmental Impact Statement. Planning Board Engineer Richard Laberge drafted comments on behalf of the board based on the public's input and said the next step is for board members to go through his report and identify issues he may not have included.
"The applicant would then have to address those issues in the final Environmental Impact Statement," he said, noting that process could take about a month.
He noted that the DEIS indicates a waiver from the prohibition against tractor-trailers under the Aquifer Protection Law, is requested.
"This requires the Planning Board to determine that the health and safety of the public will be protected," said Mr. Laberge. "The applicant should indicate any additional measures being taken to protect the health and safety of the public."
Board member Paul Puccio said he believes traffic issues can be dealt with, but he wants more information on how Crown plans to protect the Schodack Terrace Aquifer.
"People don't believe we can engineer this project to the point where it is safe," said Mr. Puccio, referring to numerous comments made at a recent public hearing on the issue. "They don't believe it will be adequate. We need to look at the highest areas for risk and address them in the most responsible way."
Mr. Puccio wonders if this project will not exacerbate problems as more truck stops and terminals are built along Route 9.
"Is there anything beyond basic engineering we can request that the applicant provide for an additional level of protection?" he asked. He suggested some sort of monitoring system that will detect a spill quickly and also wondered if there is any way to provide more surveillance at the site.
Mr. Puccio previously suggested that Crown be required to install monitoring wells, and while Mr. Laberge said that is one idea to be considered, he noted, "by the time [contaminants] hit the wells, we should have already known there was a problem."
Board member Jeff Haber said the Route 9 corridor, with its potential for development, and the aquifer are the two largest assets the town has, both in the same place.
"The corridor is the biggest potential source of lowering our taxes in this town," he said. "The idea that we can grow corn here for the rest of our lives is pretty naive. We have to find a way to strike a balance.
"This is the best use for this area at this time, but we need the best start-of-the-art protection for our aquifer," he added . "We need to give residents some reassurance we are doing our best to insist that things go into the construction of this building that will protect them and the town."
Mr. Haber asked whether the building can be built with floors that slope to the center. "That way everything could run into a drain and to a tank that could be pumped out on a regular basis," he said.
Board member Wayne Johnson asked if the town can have any control over what materials will be kept in the trucks and in the warehouse. "If not, we may be creating a problem we don't want to have in this town," he said.
Mr. Laberge said he would look into whether the town can maintain some sort of control over what is allowed on the site, and how that might be enforced.
As for the aquifer, Mr. Johnson said, "If we're not doing everything we can to protect the aquifer, we should not approve this project. I would like to see that the developers are taking a greater interest in protecting the aquifer than is minimally required."
Mr. Laberge noted that the protective membrane proposed for the project is under the storm water facility only, not the entire site. He said Crown needs to expand its discussion of contamination potential of vehicle fluid spills in the parking and yard areas, cargo spills in the yard area and building, fluid spills in the safety building, and the use of de-icing materials in the parking and yard areas.
"A discussion of the impact of the above types of contamination sources compared to the background potential should be presented," said Mr. Laberge. "Mitigation measures to be discussed should include spill prevention training and spill response training."
As for air quality, Mr. Johnson said the DEIS does not adequately address diesel trucks and their emissions.
"Rensselaer County is frequently on an air quality alert due to smog from vehicle emissions," he said. "The large number of trucks using this facility, as well as the tractors used to move trailers in the yard, should be addressed. Some measures need to be taken to assure that this project does not negatively impact the air quality in the neighborhood and in the region."
Mr. Laberge said an analysis of diesel emissions will be required and potential mitigation offered.
Mr. Johnson said the DEIS also does nothing to attempt to mitigate noise impacts on neighboring properties.
"Meeting the town code limits of 90 decibels at the sources adjoining the boundary should not be the accepted level," he said.
According to the report, the noise level at the closest property line will reach 90 decibels from tractor and back-up alarms.
Mr. Johnson wondered if it is possible to reduce the decibel level on back-up alarms, then asked whether they could be eliminated altogether. He asked if berms or limiting the hours of operation would be keep noise levels down.
"It appears that the movements ... are anticipated to occur during the early morning hours," he said. "This might not be the best site for that to happen."
Mr. Laberge said the operations generating noise at night need to be identified and mitigation measures proposed.
Mr. Laberge also told the board the impact of the impact of the increase in real estate taxes should be quantified, for both the town and school district, taking into account any possible tax incentives.
To contact reporter Kristin Shaw email

©The Independent 2007

Reader Comments
Submit your own comment!
Added: Wednesday December 12, 2007 at 04:56 PM EST

Will safe and sane prevail?

I am glad to see that Paul Puccio and Wayne Johnson of the Schodack Planning Board are both so seriously considering the impact of locating this truck depot in this spot over the Town aquifer. In my view, there is no mitigation, which may be taken, that will offer the degree of protection our aquifer needs. Monitoring wells would only detect the problem, once it has already happened. They may alert us to the toxins in the water, but the damage will have been done.

As Jeff Haber states, this aquifer is Schodack's premier asset. Tapping it has terrifically improved the quality of my Castleton water. Before it was brought on line, my home's water was often brown, disflavored, and occasionally smelled. I had to store water for when this happened.

As was clearly explained by USGS geologist Paul E Stackelberg, at the formal Hearing on this issue, resurrecting this type of aquifer, once tainted, is incredibly difficult, to near impossible, to accomplish. It would be hugely expensive to even attempt. Why on earth is the Town even considering allowing the placement of anything such as a truck depot right on top of it, or anywhere even near it? This is its recharge zone.

To allow Crown to go forward, the Town will have to assume great risk and tremendous liability? Will Crown post a bond guaranteeing all costs required for cleaning this aquifer? Will this bond cover all the costs to the town and its residents should the water become tainted and lost to use? Will Crown cover the cost of cleaning or replacing water lines and plumbing in our homes, if they, too, should become spoiled by chemicals or toxins of any kind? Who knows what may pass thru this depot in the form of cargoes? I asked. The answer was terribly lacking any degree of satisfaction.

Thank you Planning Board, for listening to the citizen comments and taking them seriously. Please, go the distance and reject this Crown Proposal and anything like it over our aquifer. Surely, some better, safer alternatives will arise for this very well located land. There is no need to rush to fill the space, when the potential cost for allowing Crown is so terrible!

Ken Stokem, Castleton, NY

Anonymous said...

You people just make me sick. Many rude and useless people here.Nothing better to do than complain too much time on their hands. Nothing better to blogg about I guess .... There must be someone who has crossed these people. There must burn crosses too......

Anonymous said...

As of 4:30 pm, tonights Town Board meeting is still on. Hope to see you there.

Anonymous said...

I know the weather was bad last evening but we need to make a conscious effort to be at these board meetings. I understand the frustration of nothing every coming out of these meetings and the same old quote, we will have to get back to you or is it the complete silence syndrome or better yet, not coming prepared.
All information should be readily available via a laptop. Either way we all need to show up and glare at the board and be present.

It was great last night watching Beth squirm in her seat when she was asked to resign. Tis the season for giving so please Beth give your resignation.

Also.... to the peanut gallery in the back of the room. Regardless of what you think 100,200 votes. If this was a fair election Mr. Lemka won. You have to see this. Thing is you would have a hard time seeing outside the box because if you did all the lie's would come out. I am not sure how you all sleep at night. Just remember... what comes around, goes around.

Anonymous said...

I understand the reasoning behind why we are having the post approved before they are posted. But I have to tell you.... this is going to hurt the VOS. I posted this morning about if anyone has heard anything about the SVFD and it has yet been posted. You can't inform someone if you never knew the question in the first place. I realize looking over all the post is time consuming and I of course have a family so I understand time being limited. I also appreciate the time you take. I just wish there wasn't such a lag in all the post.
Thanks again for your help!

Blog Master said...

It is unfortunate that we now have to review all comments before they go on the blog but it was necessary due to all the nonsense from the patriot.

Posts are reviewed approx. 3 times a day.

Many have asked about the results of the SVFD land purchase vote but no one seems to be able to get the results! If we had to vote on this, they have an obligation to make the results available, makes you wonder why they haven't?

Jim Adams was very vocal on the blog before the vote but he has not been heard from since the vote!

Chief Kelly seems to be conducting business the same way as Beth Secor!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone heard anything about the vote at SVFD? What is going on? A full three days later and no word on the outcome of the proposal? Are they still counting ballots, or have pizzas gotten in the way? The Indie (I guess the local reporter is busy with a homespun column) doesn't have anything in todays paper, nothing here on the blog, we coulda built a new firehouse in the time it's taken to release the results.

Anonymous said...

I suggest we boycott Pizza Nights at SVFD until they make the results of the vote public.

Anonymous said...

I was hoping I had missed the results. But I guess I didn't miss it. It still has not been made public. This is absolutely incredible and so true to form with this town. Nothing changes until the whole lot of them are thrown out on their keisters. That's going to take all of us, no matter what party you belong to.

Anonymous said...

If you check the SVFD website, it has not been updated since September!

Anonymous said...

This week's Advertiser has a couple of interesting articles about Schodack.

Page 4 has a story about a roof that was put on with the shingles upside down!

Page 8 has an article about Secor getting another grant for $300,000 for the Schodack Landing Sewer Project.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I saw the Advertiser letter too. Does anyone know Mr. Groncki? (Bunker Hill Road)

He makes a telling comment that our Town Attorney mentioned the need to avoid having others in Schodack complain about Building Department problems.

I don't know Mr. Groncki (and from his letter, he was indeed ill served). But I will say that his is not the only case in which the Building Department has dropped the ball to the point of negligence.

We have been enduring the shoddy work habits of a local developer who has repeatedly damaged our property.

The response from the Building Department? They just give out permits, but don't "enforce" anything. How nice.

Anonymous said...

Giving most of you bloggers any info would equate to throwing gas on a fire. You critque with little or no knowledge about how business gets handled at SVFD. If you think they spend your hard earned tax money liberally, then where is the palace that some companies have? Or the elaborate members only room with big screen tv's and lounge chairs? Also, perhaps you could explain why the members VOLUNTEER their time to fight fires,train,work at pizza nights,work at fundraisers,show up for meetings(you know the ones you bloggers suddenly after all these years need to know exactly what's going on) and numerous other time consuming activites.
It seems to me that the old firehouse is reasonably well cared for. But, it looks old and definitely seems prudent that updates should be considered. Leaving the decisions to the group that has done a good job managing SVFD affairs for years does not seem to warrant boycots of pizza nights or no donations when they ask. Putting the decision making process, especially saftey and firematic issues, in the hands of penny pinching, mad as a wet hen bloggers, would be a tragic mistake.
FYI,I am not a member. I am familiar with some of the members and the building they volunteer out of.

Anonymous said...

"Giving most of you bloggers any info would equate to throwing gas on a fire."

Us "bloggers" are town residents who fund the "volunteer" firehouses with our tax money.

All that is being asked is what we are entitled to, such as what was the outcome of the vote last Tuesday night?

Another question that needs to be answered is; Why are residents not being informed better about things like $250,000 land purchases?

I also recall legislation that was recently passed that gives "pensions" to volunteer firefighters, maybe you would like to enlighten us with some information on this like; Are there in fact "pensions? If so, how much does a "volunteer" receive when they retire?

If your as "professional as you say you are, then fulfill your obligations to the taxpayers and give us the information we deserve to have.

Anonymous said...

If your as "professional as you say you are, then fulfill your obligations to the taxpayers and give us the information we deserve to have.

Very good post. Thank you. I am also waiting for results. I see pizza night went off on schedule. You would think the results were as important as pizza night. What this tells me is, screw your results we have a pizza night to attend to. SCVD dept. think twice before you knock on my door for a donation. And if you do come to my door, whomever you are plan on getting an ear full. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Thing is..... I know the results, one of your owned leaked it. Small town where people talk. Plain and simple...... ashamed!

Anonymous said...

"Thing is..... I know the results, one of your owned leaked it. Small town where people talk. Plain and simple...... ashamed!"

You mention you are also waiting for results of the vote, then say that you know what the result is!

Why is this a big secret? If this is how our "volunteer fire dept. operates, then something is very wrong! They want to talk about all the great things they do but when it comes to letting the taxpayers know the results of their overpriced land grab, they are silent, what are they afraid of?

Anonymous said...

Dear SVFD:

The fact that the VOS website now provides a virtual forum for District residents and taxpayers to discuss the SVFD's actions must come as a surprise.

I would feel the same way: after years of volunteering and supporting a local organization, I too would feel hurt and shocked to know some disagreed with me.

However, I think if you read the posts carefully, you will see most writers wanted more information about the purchase. The delay in releasing the vote results is adding "fuel to the fire."

We wondered why the price seemed fairly high (even by a SVFD member's admission).

I know some of the FD members well...and we don't live in multi-million dollar homes. Why should taxpayers reward a greedy landowner?

Perhaps see the situation as "win-win": use the results of the vote (win or lose) to persude the landowner to lower the price.

Someone wrote we must be penny pinching. Just to let you know...we have sent the SVFD very generous donations even when it meant cutting back on our groceries and other things for the week. We used to be a loyal supporter. Please show your district members some regard by releasing the vote.

Anonymous said...

The SVFD has lost credibility by not making the results of the land purchase vote public. They obviously wanted to keep this issue "under the radar" so as few people as possible knew about it. Makes one wonder what else is going on that they don't want anyone to know about.

Anonymous said...

The results are in the Indendent under public notices. The land purchase was approved.

Anonymous said...

the results are in SVFD
vote for land purchase

voted yes 758
voted no 9

Anonymous said...

758 to 9? Seems to be slightly one sided. So what did we learn from this?

By keeping the land purchase vote quiet, the members of the SVFD along with their friends & family voted to approve the purchase with very little opposition.

This is what happens when residents are not informed and don't get involved.

Now that they have the land, it will be interesting to see what their next move is.

It also shows that Town Hall is not the only place that resident's need to pay more attention to.

Keep an eye on your coming tax bills to see how much the fire assessment goes up to pay for this!

Anonymous said...

Where did someone get the results of 758-9 really good count. Why do people keep writing about things they dont know about?The count will be published when it is properly verified with the town and proper people not just thrown out to you wet hen bloggers as stated here, so cool your shoes and thoughts till it is officially been verified.Again people blame firefighters and the fire company.To the person about your assesment, read your tax bill 65% school tax my friend the for under 100 dollars gives you protection depending on land etc and SVFD does not have pensions and if 700 dollars a year for risking your life for a number of years to a 62 year old person is all he gets then BRAVO. Buffoons all of you .....There is just rumbling here. When is the last time a fire company member came to your house certainly was not an Schodack Valley member, they do their fund raising by mail for the last 15 years so get your facts straight wet hen......Thank You to the firefighters and their families.

Anonymous said...

This makes me laugh! What a number for a vote to be passed, you mean to tell me there is only 9 people on this blog who voted against that Fire Dpt getting their land? What a joke! Lets ask this, who was the OFFICIAL assigned to make sure this was a HONEST election? (But honesty and election in this town is a farce!)

So who asked for Secor to resign at the town meeting? (I would have been there but didn't get home from work in time!) I hate to tell you, but she wasn't squirming, she was so ticked off someone dared to talk to her like that that if she could have gotten even with that person or persons, and gotten away with it, she would have!

People, you need to all realize, THEY DON'T CARE! Blogging about it, causing problems and making them look like fools.. IT DOESN'T MATTER TO THEM! You really think this woman is going to resign??? COME ON! It is her bread and butter! She gets a pension after this term! You think she is going to throw her hands up in the air and say.. UHH OK! I have the town at each others throats and total chaos! BUT SO WHAT! I get a pension!

Who ever asked her for her resignation, by all means let us know how she comes after you! Arrested? Re-evaluated for your taxes and hiked up beyond belief? We will all want to know! THAT is Beth Secor and her frat boy partners! Come on look who she surrounds herself with! DAVID WOJESKI! Tim Nugent! COME ON!

The only way to stop this woman and her over grown fraternity is to either do one of three things. Beat them down in their own playground, be it court, election what have you! Impeach the tyrant! Or, work to getting control back of the elective parties and get a good candidate like Ray in! By doing this I mean, GET NUGENT OUT! Take over that party and toss his turncoat self out on his......

These are the only options folks! Talking about it isn't going to do a thing! They have your numbers, they know about the blog and are going to do everything possible to keep vital information from us. Luckily, they don't know who half of us are that are blogging!

We aren't the first ones to set up a forum online to stop them... none of the others worked either! Action is the only way now! Get to meetings in mass numbers. Over whelm her "followers". This vote should show everyone just how this group works! Who is to say is wasn’t 9 that voted yes? So how many more votes and elections need to happen before this town takes matters seriously and does something about it?

Sore losers! No.. sick of this small town thinking from Secor and her band of Nazi’s!

Anonymous said...

Don't believe it until you see it. That vote count sounds to lopsided to be true. If it is true, then I've purchased my last pizza there. It is further evidence that this town is effed up in ways that would make our state legislature proud. From the way they kept the proposal secret in the first place, to the refusal to disclose the results. What is going on in this town?

Anonymous said...

Your absolutely right, we need resident support for change.

The Voice of Schodack's goal is to educate & inform resident's to get them interested so they want to attend Town meetings, vote, etc.

Change does not happen overnight, that's why we feel it is critical to start preparing for the next election NOW!

Anonymous said...

The results, as posted, for the SVFD are unbelieveable.

Think about it: 3 hours to vote (180 minutes)...that means a person was voting every 20 seconds or so.

That's a better turnout than November election day for the district. Amazing for an unpublicized election.

I was there. There were people coming, but nowhere near those numbers. I guess I missed the long lines that must have been snaking out the door.

Like I say...the results were in not to be believed.

Anonymous said...

Regarding: "[The SVFD] do their fund raising by mail for the last 15 years so get your facts straight wet hen..."

Actually, to be truly accurate, please note they just put them in mail boxes. We know: we've sent them quite a few checks.

From now on, though, we will support other local groups that are not quite so "ethically challenged."

Anonymous said...

Presentation to Planning Board tonight at Town Hall

What will Schodack look like in the future?

What are people saying they want the town to be like?

We went out and asked residents, business owners, farmers and others – now hear what they had to say.

Join us at the Planning Board meeting on Monday, December 17th when we will present our report:

The Future of the Town of Schodack
Perspectives on Planning & Development

The meeting starts at 7:00, we expect to start our presentation around 7:45 pm (approximate). The meeting is at Town Hall.

Schodack Planning & Development Association

Read the Summary and comment on our report at

Anonymous said...

One way to get Secor, would be for her to seek vengenance upon those who called for her to step down. Then we could use her actions, as cause to seek her impeachment and removal from office. I hope she does move against them, if it gets her out of office sooner. Remember her protectors do not run NYS. Just the Senate and Joe can't maintain power nor live forever. The NYS Attorney General is a very ambitious man. If Secor gave him cause to do so, I bet Cuomo would love to take her down.

Anonymous said...

You have got to be kidding! What is this the battle of the blogs?

Leave it to the Secor / Nugent gang to fight fire with fire. Not fix the problem! Add to the fire! Typical Tim Nugent tactics!

Anonymous said...

Draft as of Dec 11, 2007; subject to change

PLANNING BOARD AGENDA - 7:00 p.m., December 17, 2007

Next meeting - January 7 , 2008


APPROVE MINUTES - December 3, 2007

Spinney at Pond View 72-2005/R-40/178.-4-2.1
Pond View Road
Proposed - Adult Community

Reno Rd Perez / Blueberry Meadow's 71-2005/R-20, RA/178.-4-39.11
Phase II with 19 Lots
Proposed - 28 Lot

Peter Giangande 2007-43/R-20/188.-6-3.32
2429 Old Coach Drive
Proposed - 2 Lot Subdivision
Sidney Chavin Subdivision 2006-50/RA/190.-5-23
Donmar Development Corp.
Co. Rt. 7
Proposed - 30 Lot Subdivision

Tony Kirby Presentation
Pursuant to the regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336), the Town of Schodack will provide auxiliary aids or special services for persons with disabilities. Please notify the Town Clerk's Office at 477-7590 so arrangements can be made for requested services.

Please forward written comments to: Nadine Fuda, Director, Planning & Zoning, Schodack Town Hall,265 Schuurman Road, Castleton, NY 12033-9622, Telephone: 518-477-7938, Fax: 518-477-7983

Peter G. Goold, Chairman Denise Mayrer, Vice Chairperson G. Jeffrey Haber Wayne Johnson
Sylvester Kedzierski Paul Puccio John LaVoie Attorney: Tim Nugent, Esq.

Schodack:Planning Board:Draft Agenda for Dec 17, 2007
Latest Update: 16 Dec 07

Anonymous said...

Please stop representing this Schodack Planning and Development Association as an official organization. They are not. They also represent that they contacted every resident but in fact they contacted only the people that would answer their questions they wanted. THe presentation is a joke. It assumes that farms are protectors of open space and the environment. When anybody who knows, including me who worked on a farm for 7 years, knows they are huge polluters. These poeple are state workers, like kirby, who want schodack to stay the same, stagnate and have no jobs for anyone!!!!
In a fair vote at SVFD that garnered 9 votes. LOL

Anonymous said...

"Please stop representing this Schodack Planning and Development Association as an official organization."

The SPDA is made up of Schodack residents who pay taxes and are entitled to be recognized for the work they are doing whether or not you agree with it.

At least they are taking an interest in town issues and getting involved, we need more people to do the same.

Anonymous said...

Regarding farming: I am sorry the above writer found the farm he/she worked on be a major polluter. Like other industries, some farmers endeavor to meet and exceed environmental standards, and others do not.

The same basic argument has been used before for truck terminals: why then assume that a truck depot will follow environmental regulations, but farmers never will?

And I come from farming please don't assume.

Cornell University studies of upstate NY farms largely show them to be positive:

"* Of New York's 32,000 total farms, 92% are small farms
* Comprise 50% of New York's 7.25 million acres of farmland
* Contribute to the social character of rural communities
* Contribute to local economies
* Create pleasing working landscapes
* Enhance the environment"

(from Cornell Small Farm Efforts site - grants available here too)

Also, it is a valid point to have the VOS and the SPDA give a little more information about themselves. Please consider listing the names of the site organizers, brief biographical summaries, & non-profit status. This is standard practice in non-profit organizations to head off any potential conflict-of-interest problems by disclosing information sooner, rather than later.

I think residents would appreciate it, and it helps establish trust.

Blog Master said...

For information regarding the SPDA, there is an email address on their blog, there is a link to it at the top of this page.

The status of VOS is still being determined. When it's status is finalized, any information required by law will be made available.

Anonymous said...

VOS Blog Master --

Thanks! My comments were meant simply as suggestions. If the SPDA is a separate organization, it's good to point that out.

My family greatly appreciates your site...I just thought you might want to head off the inevitable comments about your intentions by giving a bit more information about the site's goals and organizers.

It's too bad our own Town government doesn't follow the same standard!

Blog Master said...

All suggestions are encouraged. In fact, if you have any thoughts on how VOS should be configured, non-profit, for-profit, etc. Please let us know.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess this blog doesn't have quite the pull they thought they did. The SVFD vote did not go your way and the numbers posted were pretty accurate. From reading this blog it is obvious the majority of the people here don't even know what fire district they live in. Maybe the reason the vote was so one sided is because the people who actually live in the district and pay taxes to it are in favor of the purchase. Make sure all of you that are against expenditures by fire districts go out and vote them down in your own area. And as far as boycotting pizza night, that went well too. It was one of the busiest nights in recent memory.

Keep up the good work:)

Anonymous said...

"Please stop representing this Schodack Planning and Development Association as an official organization. They are not. They also represent that they contacted every resident but in fact they contacted only the people that would answer their questions they wanted. THe presentation is a joke. It assumes that farms are protectors of open space and the environment. When anybody who knows, including me who worked on a farm for 7 years, knows they are huge polluters. These poeple are state workers, like kirby, who want schodack to stay the same, stagnate and have no jobs for anyone!!!!
In a fair vote at SVFD that garnered 9 votes. LOL"

Not sure what the point is that the above poster is trying to make other than he/she has an opinion. One not based on fact. I do know the Schodack Planning and Development Association has never represented itself as a government organization, non-profit or otherwise. It is a group of “organized” citizens who got together to try to help plan for Schodack’s future. They don’t solicit funding from private or public groups, they are all volunteers. They pay for all publications, printing, posters, meeting halls etc. OUT OF THEIR OWN POCKETS. Members work for government and private employers, are retired, or own local businesses. Pretty much like everyone else in Schodack. Anyone interested should contact the group if they are interested in participating. The blog address is

The positions presented at last nights meeting (the poster obviously wasn’t there) went into detail regarding who was interviewed to find out what the residents and business owners would like to see happen in Schodack. Town officials, local businesses, farmers, homeowners, school officials, were interviewed. Great care was taken to get opinions from a good sample of residents and/or business operators. They never said they contacted “every” citizen, that’s impossible. As the Planning board member Mr. Puccio stated, the findings of the group were very consistent with the results of pass studies so I think it’s safe to say they did an excellent job obtaining information to base their recommendations on.

Several recommendations were made at the meeting, none of which stated keep everything the way things are. The emphasis was on preserving what you can and plan good development for the growth that is undoubtedly coming. How can you argue with that?

If anyone can be faulted for their lack of “planning” it’s our town fathers and Town government. They claim our history of development approvals is our plan. That’s not a plan, that’s a reaction to development requests. A comprehensive plan decides what development goes where and what it should look like before the development comes. Deciding after an application comes in is too late, you’re just reacting. This is what the Town fathers have done for the 24 years I have lived here and sooner or later, the lack of planning is going to bite us on the butt. Some would argue that it already has.

Anonymous said...

"Well I guess this blog doesn't have quite the pull they thought they did. The SVFD vote did not go your way and the numbers posted were pretty accurate."

AGAIN, this blog is not about "PULL" as you say. This blog is about keeping residents informed on the hidden activities that occur in Schodack.

"Maybe the reason the vote was so one sided is because the people who actually live in the district and pay taxes to it are in favor of the purchase"

The reason this was so one sided is because the FD made sure this was another secret deal and made sure residents were not informed of the vote.

I am glad pizza night is doing well because rest assured, when I receive your annual donation information I will be sure to deposit it in my trash

Anonymous said...

"Well I guess this blog doesn't have quite the pull they thought they did."

Are you for real? This isn't about who has pull or who has the upper hand. The information on here is to inform the residents of Schodack (taxpayers) yeah that means you, the information they deserve. God knows we can't get it anywhere else. You are acting like you are in the 3rd grade. He did it, no he did it, no she did it. GROW UP!

Also... about the comment about most of us don't even know what fire district we live in. Maybe that might be true. But the real problem here was yet again the lack of informing the public about this land purchase. You can't have a good turn out if you don't know anything about it. Which... from what I have seen and heard there was no information readily available. Also... speak for yourself and not others. You don't know me and you sure and hell don't know what I want. I pay taxes and I didn't want this land purchase so please......
So with that... I am so very happy you had a memorable pizza night. Again... there's that 3rd grade mentality.
I know I didn't support it and it starts with just one person. Just remember that. What comes around, goes around. In due time.

Anonymous said...

I believe Schodack Planning & Development Association (SPDA) is open to membership and input from anyone and everyone in Schodack. I have not witnessed anyone representing it as an "official" organization of any sort, so I don’t know the source of that blog comment. SPDA is simply an Association of Schodack citizens and business persons who are taking initiative in addressing the future Schodack. As an organization, it appears to me as completely open. It is certainly more open than any in government.

Within the past month or so, I have explored how open they are. This began by my expressing some interest in what they were doing, while attending the Candidates Forum, co-hosted by SPDA and The League of Women's Voters. There, I picked up summaries of their report, "The Future of the Town of Schodack: Perspectives on Planning & Development," and I added my name and email to an interest sheet available on a side table. Now, since then, I have been included in all the SPDA communications without them knowing me from Adam. Then, I was invited to attend their December meeting. I did.

With the report and what I have witnessed, I have become impressed with the seriousness, professionalism, dedication, openness, and long hard work of the Association. I am considering becoming active with them.

I would encourage anyone, positive or negative to reach out to them. They seem really genuine in their attempts to reach out to and include the entire community. If you oppose them for some reason, try joining them to learn how open they may be to you. The SPDA is entirely unique and separate from VOS and any and all political campaigns and intrigue. They wish to remain above that fray. SPDA was in existence and working upon their data collection, long before all this election stuff came along. They have been at this for quite some time.

I attended last night's Town Planning Board meeting to watch the presentation of their report to the Board. They gave a verbal and PowerPoint Presentation of the Report. SPDA offered to assist the Planning Board in any manner to help facilitate further study and action upon the results of the Report, issues advancing long term planning for the Town, and helping to develop guidelines for advancing a master plan for Schodack. They volunteered man and woman power to the Board to help address planning concerns. I wish more citizens could have attended, but with the weather and Christmas just a week away, having the room half full was still quite good.

I hope the Planning Board will seriously appreciate the amount of time, effort, and good common sense SPDA put into this project. We all should ask the Board to act seriously upon long term planning within this coming year and ask them to respond to the report.

For most of the 18 years that I have lived in my current home, planning long term for Schodack and creating a Master Plan have been on this Town’s agenda. I recall Beth Secor was Supervisor Beth Morgan back then. At that time there appeared to be a ground swell of momentum for planning development, too. I recall new Town Board members, who rose to office upon the issue. However, nothing concrete happened. I did not follow what suppressed action on this over those years.

I hope this concern is not quashed, again! Schodack will be developed, with or without any plan, and with or without the input of its citizens. I don’t think many of us want to experience, what has happened in North Greenbush, Defreestville, and Glenmont, here in Schodack. Those seem to be cases of large developers and a few large landowners profiting at the expense of most of the community. And it happened quickly, almost overnight. As the SPDA Report found, most who live in Schodack, want Schodack to retain its rural character and charm and its farms.

You can find the Summary of the SPDA report at . There you can make your positive and negative feelings on it known to the SPDA and posted to the public, as well.

Anonymous said...

I read with amusement the Independent article (ghost) written about (by) Town gadfly Ms. Lizzy Gable. Is there any person who is so self important to feel that they can tell the supervisor to resign? While she has the right to express her one sided opinions, does she really think she is swaying anyone else's opinion by blathering at the Town Board meeting yet again? Have you ever heard of the old fable about crying wolf Lizzy? I'm sure your most recent public display had a profound effect on the Board members.

Why is Ms. Gable still crying over the election when the candidate himself opted not to challenge the results? Perhaps it gets frustrating when every candidate you support loses!

It wouldn't be a typical Gable rant if it didn't include at least one unfounded and baseless statement about growth in Schodack. This time she says "...the ignorant and short sighted decisions that are being made about planning and zoning in neighborhood after neighborhood in Schodack." Please provide specific examples of where you feel this is happening. I would like examples of where this is happening. By the way aren't you currently (temporarily) on the zoning board of appeals?

She will claim that I am a Secor backer and not objective but I would classify my position as anti bluster and baseless, unfounded statements.

Anonymous said...

So, what was the SVFD vote? I know at least my wife and I voted against it, because of the manner in which it was being handled and the gross overpayment for the land.

Anonymous said...

"Is there anybody out there?" 12/13
> Well, if the SVFD vote reported here is true, and I doubt its truth,
> than that doesn't speak well for opposition turnout. The same can be
> said for the attendance at last Thursday's Town Board Meeting. There
> were not many more than a dozen citizens in the audience. Even though
> there were about 30 resolutions that the Board voted/acted upon,
> including final payments to many contractors on the Town Garage;
> salaryincreases for most all Town employees, and Office holders;
> resolutionsauthorizing the Supervisor to negotiate and/or spend or
> purchase;expansion of sewer districts; Transfer Station Fees, and
> more. Not to
> mention hints here ahead of time, in the VOS Blog, that there would be
> fireworks at the meeting during public comment, such as the call for
> Beth to resign, step down, and submit to a new fair election show down
> with a one on one vote against Ray Lemka, both of them on the ballot.
> Yeah, it snowed on Thursday and it was rainy and miserable on Tuesday,
> the night of the SVFD vote, so if you are looking for excuses, to not
> bother, you had them. Meanwhile, the SVFD members and friends who
> supported the closely held, almost secret land purchase weren't
> lookingfor excuses and they got out. I bet the land owner got her
> votes out,
> too, at $60 - 80, 000 per acre. The Town Board and Supervisor Secor,
> didn't find excuse in the snow filled weather and they showed, held
> thescheduled Board meeting, and they voted resolutions, whether our
> not you
> showed up to question them.
> And, yes, a couple of citizens did stand up in front of the Supervisor
> and Town Board, and they called upon the Town Officers to take serious
> note of the greater numbers, who turned out to vote for Ray Lemka and
> against Secor. Both noted that this vote was a vote for change, which
> had taken place in spite of all the obstacles and technical moves,
> whichthe Secor minions had taken to try to thwart it. They noted
> that Secor
> gained a victory only on technicalities, not by virtue of a democratic
> vote of the majority of citizens who came out to vote. They pointed
> outthat this happened in spite of every move made to prevent it.
> One did
> build the case and she called for Secor to step down. She, also,
> calledfor the Town Board members to become independent of the
> Supervisor and
> to act independently from Secor. The second noted, why he was forced
> from minding his own business, to become involved, once choice was
> takenaway from the General Election ballot. He claimed that he was
> indicativeof the many, who, like him, were rising up to keep this
> Supervisor from
> running roughshod over our rights to have opposition candidates on the
> ballot and our rights to an open and receptive Town government. He
> called what happened and has been happening in Schodack un-American
> andundemocratic! He wished for an end to this behavior among
> neighbors in
> this small town.
> But, hardly anyone attended to see and support any of this! So, why
> would and should the Town Board take notice? They saw only two,
> standingbefore them and speaking to these points. Most of the rest
> the audience
> was in sympathy with the calls, but why so few? Is clearing your
> snow on
> one winter night, more important than the direction your town hall
> government takes for the next two years? Especially, since this
> government has placed us so deep in debt over the past two years?!?
> With coming tax increases, you could have bought a new high powered
> snowblower, or hired a plough man to clear your driveway for the next
> two years, at least. If your priorities are not on your
> participation in
> your own governments and not on the duties of citizenship to be an
> informed and active voter, than your government will be run by those
> with the most to gain by running it. It will be run for the profit of
> the few, rather than the interests of the many. It will be run in near
> secret, it will not be open, and you will not hear much about it. You
> will still get your tax bills, none the less. So, you will still pay.
> You just won't have any say.
> Come, Support your fellow citizens! Support long term planning for
> spending by the Town! Support creation of a Town Master Plan to guide
> development and the future of Schodack. Redeem us, by attending at
> leastone or two meetings each month of the Town Board, the Planning
> Board,the Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), and any other meetings
> held for the
> town. Communicate with VOS and with your family, friends, and
> neighborsto inform us all of what you see and hear. Please take on
> a role in your
> community's governing. Thank you to those of you who have been
> doing so,
> right along.
> You can start by attending tonight's Planning Board Meeting, where
> yourfellow citizens, the Schodack Planning & Development
> Association (SPDA),
> will present their long hard work in the report, The Future of the
> Townof Schodack: Perspectives on Planning & Development. Learn
> about this
> report and the SPDA's efforts to gain insights, support, and
> momentum to
> gain creation and passage of a Town Master Plan for Schodack. Ask
> questions, comment, praise, criticize, support, and most of all be
> present, tonight to show who and how many of us care.
> "Is there anybody out there?"

Anonymous said...

Ms. Gable is a concerned Schodack resident, taxpayer & American citizen and as such has every right under the 1st Amendment to do what she did at the meeting. I applaud her for her courage & conviction, we need more like her. She is a true patriot!

Anonymous said...

I am the first to admit I don't care for Elizabeth Gable. However, she said at the town board meeting what everyone is thinking and believes. No self respecting person would continue as Town Supervisor when the town clearly voted Secor OUT! Or should I clarify that no person who respected the residents of their town would accept the position, when they did not win the election. Secor won on technicalities and a system that she manipulated and worked against a write-in candidate.

As far as Lemka not challenging the election. He knew the legal system was against the process. Just to get started in a challenge would cost 25-30K. Very few ordinary citizens have that kind of money to spend on legal proceedings.

Anonymous said...

The recent article in the Independent, here's the link;

Secor's comment about 700 people not voting for the supervisor due to "voter intimidation" is another baseless charge.

700 is approx. the difference between the vote totals for Secor and the board members who ran "unopposed"! The voters were in the voting booth, they could have easily voted if they chose to.

Secor also made this comment about the Democratic Caucus;

"Third, the Democratic County chairman, Tom Wade, wholly disregarded a court ruling declaring his notice of caucus to be null and void and held the Schodack Democratic caucus to nominate Mr. Lemka. It was not a technicality that kept Mr. Lemka off the ballot, rather Mr. Wade's disregard for the election law."

Secor left out the fact that she participated in that "illegal" Democratic Caucus!

Secor has said she wants to meet with residents to "set the record straight" numerous times but to date has done nothing!

There was no campaign of "fear & distortion".

We did hear the facts about Secor's record as supervisor;

Raised taxes 40%

Disguised the "purchase" of the old SEFCU building as a "lease" to avoid a public referendum then held one only after spending over $500,000 on "repairs & upgrades" to a building that was supposedly "leased"!

Built a new Town Garage that was 50% OVER BUDGET!

Increase the Town Debt by

The above FACTS indicate that the only thing we should very afraid of is Beth Secor herself!

Let's not forget about the illustrious Board Members who couold protect us from a tyrant like Secor but instead they just do whatever she wants!

Any Board Members coming up for re-election should be VOTED OUT due to their disgraceful record!

Anonymous said...

The Town of Schodack's overwhelming write in of Ray Lemka demonstrates CLEARY that they were not intimindated. It demonstrates that they took their vote seriously and their right to choose and went to great lengths to participate in a very difficult write in process. If anything, it showed that they were not going to let Ms. Secor and her controlling powers intimidate them. The did something about it - write in a candidate who was not on the ballot.

Anonymous said...

It's pretty hard to keep up with politics in Schodack without the VOS: agendas are posted but hours before the meeting...links to reports are taken down...or they decide that even simple requests require "FOIL" paperwork. Gee, you start to get the feeling they don't want you there.

The recent SVFD vote shows that some in office do have a lot of "pull." Secor and others live in/near the SVFD. There's a lot of loyalty among FD and Police members -- and no one is faulting that.

Instead of seeing the VOS blog complaints about the high price and politics, they got on the phones, and "spun" the situation to show that VOS folks want to professionalize the firehall or punish it, etc. I'd love to FOIL the phone records from the Supevisor's extension for the last few weeks...

And if you look at the numbers they reported, you will realize it was physically impossible for that number of people to have voted in 3 hours. Do the math.

Our Thanksgiving turkeys were not the only thing stuffed in Schodack.

Anonymous said...

Failing to plan is planning to fail.

The Independent's article on 12/11/07 regarding the Crown Enterprises massive truck terminal proposed for the Route 9 corridor over the aquifer in Schodack, quotes Planning Board member Jeff Haber, as stating that " This is the best use for this area at this time, but we need the best state-of-the-art protection for our aquifer".
For those concerned about and working on a plan for Schodack's future, perhaps a reminder of the following may be helpful:

-The best protection of the town's aquifer at this time IS the town's current water quality control law. Included in that law is a list of at least 113 businesses (land uses) that would :
#1- provide good services to our town
#2- be compatible with our pristine water supply AND neighboring residents
It would be wise to market any of those types of businesses for the Route 9 corridor, built directly over our water supply.

-Crown Enterprises Company representatives, along with engineer Percy Cotton, met with me twice while I was town supervisor, and Planning Board Chairman Peter Goold, at which time they clearly knew about the restrictions for their type of business in this law. Therefore, they created their own hardship with this land use proposal for which there is no valid "waiver" from in the existing law. They would therefore need to apply for a land use variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals, which they can not legitimately/legally meet the criteria for.

-Schodack is a Hudson River Valley Greenway Community member, and as such, a town wide survey was conducted by the Greenway during the 2000-2003 town administration, to which a good number of responses were received. On file in the town hall, the survey results clearly stated that the majority of people do not want more truck terminals on the Route 9 corridor over the aquifer. The types of businesses residents responded as preferring on the aquifer are included in the list of 113 uses currently in the law. Have the town planners exhausted that list and determined that we need to compromise our town's water supply by developing it into a truck stop corridor only?

-In the 2000-2003 administration, all residents were invited and welcomed to participate in an open master plan process. Many residents from all areas of town, widely representing a good cross section of residents, worked tirelessly for 2 years gathering all pertinent data that could be considered in finalizing an adopted plan. The concept was that residents would volunteer their time gathering the data, rather than taxpayer money being spent on yet another firm to collect all the information needed.

We then received $50,000.00 from the Governor's office which was put in a dedicated fund and so noted by a town board resolution, that could ONLY be used for the final phase of the plan, which would be used to hire a qualified firm to finalize the blueprint for the plan. That money should still be in the town's general fund.

I hope this information is helpful in some way decisions made regarding land use today impact the land for generations to come.

Eileen Natoli

Anonymous said...

Regarding the SVFD vote. I don't think the numbers bantered around on VOS are accurate. I know of at least 7 people on my road (Schodack Valley Rd) alone including my wife and I who voted against the purchase. I can't be convinced there were only 2 others in the entire district that voted against the proposal. If the numbers noted on the blog are what SVFD is reporting, then the books got cooked. Watching how the vote was conducted, by what seemed to be fair, honest, polite, SVFD members I find it difficult to believe that all those involved that cold rainy night would try to steer the vote through decete and trickery. Would they work to get out the favorable vote, sure. But that's only fair. But the folks I ran into just didn't seem to be the type to participate in a fraud vote. Is Mr. and Mrs. Kelly capable, yeah they probably are. But there were way to many more members involved who I don't believe would let that happen. At some point, the Dept. is going to have to report the results of the vote. When they do, we will have an answer on whether or not this was a fair and honest vote. The fact the results haven't be released yet would indicate to me the vote didn't go their way and the SFVD members are trying to figure out what to do next.

Anonymous said...

I agree....
The board member's that are up for re-election should be voted out. All they now how to do is say yes. Curtis sits up there like a puppet. Who's in the back pulling his strings? Common words from his mouth, SECOND. All issues are important that are brought up but I think it's amusing that Mr. Stinner will go in to great detail about a VERY small issue but yet when a larger issue is at the table sits there and doesn't say a word. I got it... someone is in the back pulling his strings. I apologize for bashing, not my intent. What I am saying is... say NO once in awhile to that so-called Supervisor of ours.

Anonymous said...

I need to ask the VOS all a question. I think about this a lot and I just have a hard time with it. I believe I am a good person that has been brought up to respect others and know what's right from wrong.

How does Ms. Secor go about this Town and think that she's doing a good job? She has brought so many people against her that she not only is not wanted as our Supervisor but also not wanted in this Town. Sure... she has her few followers, most politicians do. But I really think that some of them are asking the same question lately. How does she face people in the grocery store and in after school programs and just everyday living?

To me I would feel embarrassed knowing what I did to rig the election, knowing that in all honesty and in a fair playing field you lost this election. People don't want you in this position anymore. I know all about putting work aside from your personal life but this goes way beyond that. My question is Beth... how do you look people in the eyes and know deep down inside what you have done and continue to do. This must bother you from time to time. I imagine alone time must be very bothersome.

Just remember... there will be a day that you won't have those few followers because the day is coming that YOU will not be our Supervisor running our Town into the ground.
I just hope you are not looking at today, tomorrow or even next year. I am talking about after these two years are up. Remember YOU and your family have to live here. My suggestion... get a huge rock and crawl underneath it when that time does comes.

Thank you

Anonymous said...

To everyone who says Ray won the election and didn't challenge the election because he knew the legal system was against him...And you guys still maintain that G.W. Bush did not win in 2000.

Look, for Gable to call for Ms. Secor's resignation is not the most productive thing to do..

I suggest trying to work with the Board and Supervisor...

Again, I ask if we have all farms and no development taxes will continue to be high (not all due to spending) We need respectful well planned development. I think this dis-satisfaction with even Exit 10 shows something. PLease treat everyone with respect...

I have a story about Ms. Gable. I applied for a variance because i needed to exceed my lot coverage by 1%. My item was before the ZBA when Gable was on it and she called to inspect my property which is very good and asking permission. Before I could call her back she was on my property. Knowing I needed her vote I was nice. Then I had to explain zoning to her at the meeting. She was very condescending. Oh well thought I would share that...

Anonymous said...

"How does Ms. Secor go about this Town and think that she's doing a good job?"

Her behavior at Town Board meetings should be a good indicator;

She totally dismisses residents at meetings.

Her standard responses are;

We don't have that information at this time.

We are not prepared to give you that information at this time.

No comments on that subject are allowed at this meeting.

And when she doesn't want to answer, you get the "blank stare"!

How can she be so arrogant? She does not care about anyone or what anyone thinks about her!

In her own mind, she is a queen who knows what is best and does not need any of her "subjects" telling her different!

Anonymous said...

"I suggest trying to work with the Board and Supervisor..."

You can't be serious, if you are I'm insulted!

I think you have it backwards, the supervisor and board are the ones who are NOT working with US!

They have no regard or respect for the resident's who pay their exhorbitant salaries and do whatever they want!

Only one of Secor's inner circle or Secor herself would dare to make a comment like that!

Anonymous said...

Everyone knows that Ray Lemka won the election. That's all anyone talks about around town. The numbers were there...just too difficult to show in a write-in. And if anyone has the 30K plus it would take for a challenge...please step forward.

Secor knows what kind of job she's doing. All of her comments are just her defense. She can step down or defend herself. Obviously she's choosing defense. Her ship has sunk, she is just still trying to cling to a life boat.

Anonymous said...

First, let me say that it's good to hear from Eileen Natoli. She was one of the most common sense supervisors this town has had. I, for one, miss her. Schodack was a much better place to live during her years.

Next, let's not forget that this town is and has been for the 30+ years we've lived here, a strictly political atmosphere. It's gotten so blatently underhanded since Beth Secor recaptured her position that it makes me ill. She, along with Jeff Haber, are the worst - and I mean worst - "leaders" this town has ever had. To witness him sitting on the Planning Board is sickening.

Then, we have the alleged Democratic Party leader, Tim Nugent. What a huge joke. Right from the start of his various overpaid positions with the town, I wondered why a true Democrat would be awarded all these "plums" by a Republican town board. Well, not only did he not run anybody against Beth, but this year, he had the complete audacity to stand in the way of a viable candidate challenging her. The political atmostphere in this town has reached a pinnicle the likes of which I've never seen in a small town. I guess I could say they cheat and cheat to get what's best for them.

Elizabeth Gable was completely correct in requesting Beth resign. Kudos to her for doing that at a town board meeting. If Beth Secor had any sense, she would resign and take Tim Nugent and maybe the entire town board with her.

We are in bad need of a total change in this town.

Anonymous said...

Eileen can give us the facts about things like this proposed Crown Truck Terminal and many other issues because she was the Town Supervisor before Secor and did a much better job.

I remember one instance where some residents had drainage issues. They asked Eileen to come and discuss it and she did! Came right to one of their homes, brought a couple of other town officials with her and listened to their concerns.

When has Beth Secor done anything like that?

Anonymous said...

It’s good to see so many finally realize what Beth and this Town board are doing and what the consequences are going to be. But complaining on VOS alone is not going to help. You HAVE to attend the all the Board meetings (Town, Planning, and Zoning) and ask questions and demand answers. If they refuse to respond, submit FOIL requests to obtain the information. The Town is legally required to respond to FOIL requests. Just be specific about what you are asking for and you will get the information. At least I always have. Once you obtain information, share with others by writing letters to the editor or posting it here. Documents can be scanned and emailed to the media.

Going through this process is difficult and time consuming but it is the only way to bring about change. When no one challenges the Board members, they assume they have cart blanch to do what you want.

Also I suggest researching the Planning and ZBA members. You will often find that Board members or their immediate family are land owners that stand to profit indirectly when they help developers re-zone property or to build projects on neighboring properties. Some should recluse themselves from votes or discussions but they rarely do.

Anyway, I hope the enthusiasm demonstrated on VOS continues and mushrooms into a force to be reckoned with.

Anonymous said...

When has Beth Secor done anything like that?

Actually... she is on the big excavator on the Schodack website and I do recall her in the Independent on it. She came out for that water project. Must have been some kind of kick back for her. You know she wouldn’t just do that. She likes big things, like the big debt she has put us in, spending money uncontrollably, the high dollar palace she works out of. The list could go on and on.

She cares for you and I as much as the way she answers our questions at the board meetings. She could careless.

Anonymous said...

I would like to respond to two comments made anonymously about me on this blog, both of them negative and both of them rather personal in their attack mode. Don't get me wrong, I can take it, I just don't have much respect for someone who attacks in such a mean-spirited fashion under cover of anonymity.
The anonymous blogger of 12/18referred to me as Town Gadfly Lizzy(!)Gable and stated that a Gable rant would not be complete without unfounded and baseless statements about growth in Schodack. He/she/it went on to ask for some specific examples of what I still maintain are ignorant and short-sighted planning and development decisions promoted by Beth Secor and her much degraded and changed Planning Board (not including Peter Goold for whom I have great respect).
Specific examples:
1.)re-zoning of a tiny little piece of land that was all the buffer between the residents of Kraft Rd and the Rite Aid drugstore which now stands just outside their bathroom windows. That Rite Aid (a big improvement on the previous one)could have been located on the property 50 feet further away from those residents and a wooded buffer maintained, but as usual Secor acted to maximize the investment of those coming into town to do business here, at the expense of the folks on Kraft Rd.
2.)The former Heeder Oil site in Castleton was rezoned to accommodate a new gas-and-go type business, which I personally didn't think would be that bad an enterprise. But the neighborhood sure turned out in force against it, protesting how it would become a hangout and a nuisance to nearby residents. They got the same blank stare everyone opposing Beth Secor gets.
3.)Rezoning on Route 9 to accommodate the Crown Enterprises all-night truck terminal, located right over the town's life-blood, also known as the aquifer. That ignorant and short-sighted decision cost the taxpayers a lawsuit the town had to defend and LOST, because the town was judged to be in the WRONG.
And by the way, that one is back again. Just wait and see what Beth's hand-picked Zoning Board does with that one.
4.)Ask the residents of Schodack Landing what they think of Beth's style of governing wherein she has a phony public hearing about vital issues for the Landing AFTER the Board has already voted on the resolution. They voted on it again and surprise surprise, they voted exactly as they had before the bogus public hearing, attended by over 100 concerned residents. Vinnie Brewer, a decent man, was so outraged, he resigned on the spot.
5.)Re-zoning Red Oaks Swim Club land to accommodate a project that if fully built would have roughly 400 units, burdening the school system, discharging treated effluent into the Moordenerkill stream (even during the dry season), and doing god knows what to traffic coming out of Kraft Rd and onto Columbia Turnpike.
6.) circumventing the Water Quality Protection Law to accommodate the Betty Beaver Truckstop, over the aquifer, and with possibly the most offensive "trademark" I've ever seen:giant 3-D breasts on a huge beaver dressed like superwoman. In the end, Betty Beaver went away after obtaining all approvals, but not before Tim Nugent became Mr.Gramuglia's new best friend and advocate. And there is a gas station there today, right over the aquifer.
So anonymous, are these specific enough for you? Why don't you try attending some actual meetings and see how you like it.
The second comment by someone who says he/she/it came before the Zoning Board does not ring a bell, but I love his/her/its quote "Knowing I needed her vote I was nice". Frankly, this tells me all I need to know about the kind of person you are, oh brave anonymous, and if I was condescending, as you say I was, well, at least I wasn't toadying up to someone to get their vote.
Tonight was the last Zoning Board meeting of my term, which will please a number of people and that's fine.But just watch how chairman Calarco and Attorney Tim Nugent manipulate the law to accommodate Crown Enterprises when it comes back before them, and see who is condescending then.
One last comment about my request to Beth Secor to resign. Ofcourse I didn't expect her to step down:someone with that level of arrogance never would consider relinquishing even a scintilla of power. But I did want the other board members to realize and act on the fact that Ms Secor is ONE VOTE out of five, and if they want to, they can stop the bleeding of our tax dollars. They are our only hope now and for the next two years, and being human, they need to know that there is support for them acting independently.
So please attend Town Board and Planning Board meetings and see first-hand what goes on here.

Anonymous said...

VOS would be one of several good places to post various perceived and potential ties, connections, conflicts of interest, and questionable personal and business relationships that Town Planning Board (TPB), Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), and Town Board members may have to projects and interests that come before them. Should the members of these boards be overseeing and voting upon certain specific matters, when it may be perceived that they, their extended family, or close business associates will profit, in the immediate or long term?

Additionally, relevant ties for other Town employees and officials of Town Government should be revealed, when items, projects, and other things, are considered before them and/or before the Boards of our government. All of these matters should be transparent. The public has the right and duty to know if strings are being pulled for favored businesses or persons.

For this to work well on VOS or in other media, it is optimal that this will be first hand information. If it is not, than it should be clearly stated as hearsay, second hand, third person, or something like "word has it."

The opportunities for abuse on a site, like VOS, which allows anonymous postings is huge. VOS detachers may even plant misinformation. Those with real grievances or false grudges may exaggerate or out right lie. You will not be able to simply believe what you read. What is posted should be read with skepticism. It shoud only be seen as possibly legitimate. None should not be taken as gospel, until and unless, it is substantiated. View such information posted here as a point to begin further investigation.

All that being said, a recent credible sounding poster alleged this, "You will often find that Board members or their immediate family are land owners that stand to profit indirectly when they help developers re-zone property or to build projects on neighboring properties. Some should recluse themselves from votes or discussions but they rarely do."

Can this poster elaborate? Can they offer reliable specifics? Who are they referring to? What instances are then noting?

Please don't abuse the trust of VOS by posting anything here that is B.S. or purely vindictive or retaliatory. Just the honest facts, please, or at least as best you know them to be true. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Who would want to be in office in a town with such nay sayers as I have seen here. Way to much haggling and Monday morning quarterbacking. Most here need a life or worry about something worth while worrying about like our troops in harms way.

Anonymous said...

To all VOS readers. Be advised the year end Town Board meeting is 12/27 at 5:00 PM. Should be an interesting meeting if you can make it.

Anonymous said...

"Who would want to be in office in a town with such nay sayers as I have seen here."

Last time I checked, the 1st Amendment guarantees "free speech" and that's what people who post comments here are exercising.

If you don't like it, don't read it!

Anonymous said...

"Although the election has been over for more than a month and Supervisor Beth Secor is safe in her seat for the next two years"

I want her to be in the "hot seat" for the next 2 yrs.

Anonymous said...

It's poster's like this......

"Who would want to be in office in a town with such nay sayers as I have seen here."

I have read all these post and there is not one that says we are not worried about our troops. Of course we are stupid. We all are!!!
This isn't about that at all. So please... when you have something important and intelligent to write, please join us.

Anonymous said...

Why do people not go to planning board meetings? Ms. Gable feels that her regular attendance shows she is more interested in the town than the rest of us because she goes to most of the meetings.

Is it possible that people who are opposed to growth in our town and find any reason to oppose new business' are more likely to attend these meetings? I have faith that the members of the planning board generally have the best interests of all the town's residents in mind when they make decisions - not the vocal minority like Ms. Gable.

Her six examples of "ignorant and short sighted zoning and planning" can be judged by all readers on this blog but personally I find them weak arguments and as per usual, greatly exagerated by Ms. Gable.

The Rite Aid should be moved 50' further away from the houses on Kraft road? OK then! (Secor mentioned)

The Heeder Oil project has turned out to be a very popular retail outlet and yes there was some opposition from the neighbors but the overall good that this store brought to an underserved area far outweights the bad -- in my opinion. (Secor mentioned)

Crown Trucking -- still to be decided but I will give you that one. (Secor mentioned)

The Schodack Landing project is a long standing problem that predates this administration. It
will not be resolved to everyones satisfaction and is a mess but lets blame Secor. (Noticing a trend here!)

Red Oaks -- not a shovelful of dirt has been turned and believe it or not Elizabeth many people supported this project. The planning board has made the developer answer untold number of questions with public hearings etc. I am glad you are understanding of the effect of the sewer system on the stream but I better trust the engineers who answered the public questions about this at the public hearing. The project may not go forward because of the developers concerns with a number of issues. Didn't the planning board protect the town's interest in this case? Was this process ignorant?

Betty Beaver Truck Stop -- there has been a truck stop at that location for over 40 years and while the proposed sign may have offended some - I think the new business there is well done and an asset to that part of the town. Not to mention the cleaning up of the toxic mess left by previous owners.

If I may summarize your examples of ignorant and short sighted zoning - you hate Mrs. Secor and are completely against any business coming to town that doesn't meet your very high standards.

I do appreciate your concerns and the effort you put into the zoning board of appeals but please stop with the exaggeration and inflamatory comments that are unwarranted in most cases.

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Hello to all VOS.

My family would like to wish you and your family a wonderful Holiday Season.

I know the year end meeting is early(5:00) but if as many could attend it would be great.

The New Year is shortly upon us. We all need to continue to be present at these board meetings as well as seeing new faces there.


Anonymous said...

I have an interesting question..

There was great opposition and even a lawsuit against Hannaford warehouse, claiming it would environmentally damaging and dangerous for school buses with trucks colliding (who could forget the video)

who now is willing to say it has been bad for the town?? I would guess no one.. but you anti-development people may think so

Anonymous said...

Share what you know, honestly and with care

All that being said, a recent credible sounding poster alleged this, "You will often find that Board members or their immediate family are land owners that stand to profit indirectly when they help developers re-zone property or to build projects on neighboring properties. Some should recluse themselves from votes or discussions but they rarely do."

Can this poster elaborate? Can they offer reliable specifics? Who are they referring to? What instances are then noting?

Please don't abuse the trust of VOS by posting anything here that is B.S. or purely vindictive or retaliatory. Just the honest facts, please, or at least as best you know them to be true. Thank you.

A fellow poster responded to something I posted, part of which is above. It’s a fair challenge, question, and I appreciate the sentiment that what we all post should be as accurate as we can possible make them. That can prove difficult with how our local government and fire departments withhold information. But if one is persistent, some or all of the information can usually be obtained.

In my opinion there are members of various boards who have conflicts of interest when they advocate for projects or vote on motions. Asking for specifics is a fair. I will give two examples that I know of but there could be others. I will let the readers of VOS decide for themselves if they agree or disagree.

Paul Puccio – Planning Board. Mr. Puccio rarely sees a project he doesn’t like since appointed to the Planning Board by Beth Secor and the current Town Board. He was also a very active advocate for more commercial development along Route nine in particular while on the Schodack Central Schools Board of Education. Mr. Puccio and members of his immediate family own the following properties on Route 9.

Tax Map # 220.-6-1.1.1 US 9 330 Vacant Commercial 11.06 acres Owners Paul & Robert Puccio
Tax Map # 220.-0-10 US 9 322 Vacant Rural 11.10 acres Owners Paul & Robert Puccio

Tax Map # 189.-2-5 255 Schuurman Rd (corner of Schuurman&9/20 across from Schodack Plaza)
465 Professional Building Owner Gary Puccio

Anthony Maier – Zoning Board of Appeals. Mr. Maier sold land to Crown Enterprises and actively advocated with elected officials behind the scenes for rezoning that land. He recluses himself from actual votes related to rezoning this property but he is by no means an uninterested 3rd party. He and his family still own a lot of land near Route 9 on Kingman Rd and Graw roads so any development along Route 9 will likely increase the value of his and his families land.

Tax Map # 220.-3-6.3 Kingman Rd 311 res vacant land 2.45 acres Owner Anthony Maier
Tax Map # 210.-7-22.1 Graw Rd 105 farm vacant land 40.06 acres Owner Anthony Maier
Tax Map # 220.-36.1 Kingman Rd 112 Dairy farm 108.02 acres Owner Anthony Maier
Tax Map # 220.-3-4 Kingman Rd 112 Dairy farm 38.95 acres Owner Helen Maier

I have no problems with landowners marketing their land to make a profit. What I do object to is when local government is manipulated by the same landowners that sit on official decision making government Boards. Decisions made can help the landowner prosper at a cost to the general public or other surrounding landowners. There is no better example the Crown Enterprises attempt to build over the aquifer.

I appreciate the fellow poster expressed concerns with what I posted and their willingness to bring it up. I also appreciate the service VOS is providing to the community. Having a source of information that can be updated on short notice is a very valuable resource.

Happy holidays all.

Anonymous said...

After reading the above information, looks like Secor is "stacking the deck" by appointing these people!

Anonymous said...

"who now is willing to say it has been bad for the town?? I would guess no one.. but you anti-development people may think so"

I believe Hannaford did not paid taxes for the first 10 yrs. I also understand that they wanted an "extension" so they could continue to pay zero taxes. Does anyone know if they are currently paying any taxes?

Since we are being told that all this commercial development will lower our taxes, why have they gone up 40% in the last 4 yrs?

Anonymous said...

As I recall, Hannaford wasn't assessed for a 10 year period but paid something small during that time. I also seem to recall that when the town of Schodack finally assessed that facility, they sued in Rensselaer Co. Supreme Ct. to have their assessment lowered and were successful. I don't know if they're paying taxes on the addition they built or were ever reassessed when it was added. I do know, however, that our taxes never even stablized because of them and certainly weren't lowered.

I also know that since they built their warehouse, our well water has changed a lot. It went from being soft water with good taste to being hard as an iron bar requiring a water conditioner and a filtration system in our basement where the water comes into the house and it tastes terrible which requires a filter on the faucet in the kitchen. So, I don't want to hear anything about commercial business and lots of new houses not affecting the quality of our drinking water. Can't wait to see what Crown Trucking can do to it.

Also, I make trips south on 9 to Col. Co. a couple of times a week and have had several close calls with 18 wheelers pulling out onto Rte. 9 without stopping both from the Hannaford location and from Pilot. Again, I just can't wait for Crown to build so drivers of cars can play hop scotch with even more trucks.

No matter how much business moves into town, our tax situation will continue to escalate. I would think it would be prudent to request the town and school district to adopt austerity budgets to slow the tax increases to the homeowners. This town is out of control.

I know there's an answer to business building in So. Schodack, but trucks are not the answer.

Anonymous said...

Here are the facts to refute Beth Secor's statement about the Town Garage Project being "under budget" This was also in the Advertiser & Independent but thought it a good idea to post it here just in case anyone missed it in the other papers.

At the last Town Board meeting held December 13th there were several resolutions voted on that related to closing out the Town highway garage project. The project was deemed complete though repairs still need to be made on the floor. The floor repairs will be an additional cost and not part of the construction project cost.

I asked the Town Board how much the entire project cost but they were unable to provide that information. I got the normal response which is "the information isn?t immediately available" even though the supervisor has been stating for several months she brought the highway garage project in "under budget". When asked how she could claim to have brought the project in under budget if she doesn?t know how much the project cost, I got no response. The comptroller did promise to provide me with the information I was asking for at a later date and she did this past Thursday. So folks, here are the final numbers.

When you look over the information below, remember the original budget was $1.6 million for all construction related costs and $250,000 for engineering expenses. Total budget was $1.85 million. The actual costs were:

Building and site preparation expense; $2,304,102.92

Legal cost and expenses related to the bond issue; $18,772.00

Engineering $258,635.42

Total $2,581,510.34

(While not part of the construction cost, the public may be interested to know we will also pay another $2,011,597.50 in interest over 30 years on the bonds used to pay for this project.)

Bottom line is the cost to design and construct the highway garage went $731,510 (40%) OVER budget and not under budget as Supervisor Secor has stated repeatedly the past several months. At the meeting the rest of Town Board had no clue what had been spent. Mr. Stinner said to the supervisor "I have been meaning to ask what the total cost was". I shouldn?t have to point out that it's a little late to start asking questions.

I hope everyone keeps the above in mind when you get your tax bill next week. Please think about how your money is being managed and how the supervisor was able to keep her job. Then come to meetings and let the Board know whether or not you?re satisfied with their management skills.

I hope everyone has as successful a year financially as many of our Town officials have had the past four years. You will need a good year to pay your 2009 taxes after reassessment.

Happy holidays!

Brian Dooley

Castleton NY.

Anonymous said...

So let me see if I have this right,it goes something like this;

Beth Secor appoints Paul Puccio to the Planning Board. Knowing he will vote in favor of the Crown Truck Terminal project because he owns some of the land that Crown needs and will make a hefty profit on it?

Isn't that a blatant conflict of interest?

No wonder Puccio came out in support of Secor immediately after being elected to the school board!

Anonymous said...

So let me see if I have this right,it goes something like this;

Beth Secor appoints Paul Puccio to the Planning Board. Knowing he will vote in favor of the Crown Truck Terminal project because he owns some of the land that Crown needs and will make a hefty profit on it?

Isn't that a blatant conflict of interest?

No wonder Puccio came out in support of Secor immediately after being elected to the school board!

Re above post, Mr. Puccio owns land on Route 9 but it's not part of the Crown Project as far as I know. Mr. Mairer's sold property to Crown not the Puccio's.

Anonymous said...

get the facts straight on Hannaford please. They paid payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) for the first ten years and here is a bit of info for you ALL COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT IN NEW YORK STATE IS ENTITLED TO A 485B TAX BREAK FOR THE FIRST TEN YEARS. So Hannaford did not get anything more than any other new business is entitled.

Also why don't you comment as much as the tax breaks the luxury senior apts got on R 150 from the OCunty IDA which the town never had a say!!!

Please get facts correct before complaining.

As for close calls with 18 wheelers, I will not comment on your driving.

Anonymous said...


According to the above, any new commercial business in Schodack will NOT pay taxes for the first 10 yrs. so we, the already over taxed residents will have to absorb the lost tax revenue? They will also attempt to get "extensions" to continue NOT paying any taxes.

Regarding the Town not having ANY say about the senior apts. on 150, the "Town Planning Board" had to approve the project to begin with, correct?

All these "tax breaks" are "breaking the backs" of the resident taxpayers because we must "carry" the load!

So my question is; why do we keep hearing that all this commercial development is "good" for the tax base?

Anonymous said...

I did not say "will not pay taxes" The pay according to a schedule. Stop twisting!!!!!!

Also some is better than none and businesses provide jobs!!!!!!!

Please just stop!!!!!

The tax breaks for the apts were given after town approval. Again get your facts straight.

Anonymous said...

"I did not say "will not pay taxes" The pay according to a schedule. Stop twisting!!!!!!"

Then tell everyone what a
"tax break" is, don't ostracize others when your the one who doesn't give enough information about an issue!

Anonymous said...

All new commercial development pays some percentage that goes up until they pay 100%

Anonymous said...

guess everyone is bored........i knoqw i about thoe not the schodack patriot.the real deal !!new england

Anonymous said...

I only saw the highlights on the news but from the close score, the Giants were definitely in the game all the way!

Anonymous said...

The process for filling the open seat on the Schodack School District Board is moving quickly. The deadline is this coming Monday to submit a letter of interest to the District Clerk. The following Monday the Board will meet with interested candidates.

Given the importance of our Schodack Schools and the large impact that the School budgets have on our property taxes, it is important to have independent minded candidates seek this seat.

Candidates should be willing and able to make the time and energy commitment to do the job well. It would help to be inquisitive, attentive to detail, and a good, quick learner to take it on. A good candidate should be willing to commit to whatever it takes to do it well.

The person who is selected will stand for election in May of this year to fill the remainder of the term.

If you are interested, or know someone, who would be a good candidate, please take the initiative to get yourself, or get them, to submit their "letter of interest" by Monday.

It would be ideal to have multiple good candidates come forward for this position.

Paste this link into your browser to get specific information:

Should anyone have long term interest in Town matters, starting at the School Board level is a good route to move on towards elected Town offices and appointed Town Board positions. Being an effective School Board member gives you the opportunity to gain experience and prominence in Town matters.

We do need to build independent minded candidates to compete in future Town elections for all political parties and to run representing third parties.

Anonymous said...

Ballfield will cost Schodack
By: KRISTIN SHAW 01/04/2008
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SCHODACK-Construction of a ballfield for the Greenbush-Schodack Devil Cats at the town park on Poyneer Road has lost momentum amid confusion on the Town Board over what, if any, the cost to the town should be.

Last year the board agreed to work with the Devil Cats to design and build the ballfield, but at a meeting in December, members withdrew a resolution that would have allowed Supervisor Beth Secor to submit an application to the Shared Municipal Services Incentive Grant program in conjunction with the Schodack Central School District.
Some board members said they didn't realize the town had to spend any money on the project and that being co-applicant of the grant would cost $25,287, or 10% of the total $252,870 grant.
"I didn't hear anything about the town committing money when the original presentation was made," said Councilman Kenneth Stinner. "I was under the impression this project would cost us nothing. Something doesn't seem right. I don't think we know enough about what our responsibilities are supposed to be."
Mr. Stinner pointed out that the town gave the Devil Cats the land for the field and spent $3,000 helping clear it. When Park Manager Angelo DeFrancesco said the money to clear the field came out of the Parkland Fund, Councilwoman Debra Young asked whether the town attorney had looked into whether money from that fund could be used for this purpose.
Councilman Frank Curtis added that he thought the Devil Cats were going to raise the money to build the field.
League Vice President Joe Peluso said the league is raising money, the most recent effort being a pancake breakfast at Applebee's Restaurant that netted $1,000.
Mrs. Secor said that perhaps labor contributed by coaches, team members and their families was to be considered the local 10% match required. She also noted that the league is applying for legislative initiatives.
Before the motion was made to table the resolution, Mr. Curtis said that the town could go ahead and apply for the grant, then turn it down if the town does not want to spend the money.
Mrs. Secor noted that the amount sought through the grant is to build the "Cadillac" of ballfields.
"This project is highly grant dependent," she said. "Something less grand could be built."
It was not clear whether the board would pursue the issue further.
Meanwhile the Devil Cats are looking to the community for support.
"We got some work done and then lost steam," said Mr. DeFrancesco. "We had some commitments that fell through. It's hard to ask someone to work for free, but we're hoping that there are some local contractors out there who would be willing to help get this project moving again. A ball field at the town park would be an awesome thing."
Mr. Peluso said there are eight teams this year, ages 13 though college level, that need a place to play baseball.
He hopes that people in the construction industry, landscaping companies and perhaps someone who deals in fencing will step forward to help. Signs advertising those businesses as sponsors of the park will be erected at the field.
"We used up all of our available resources, and have applied for some grants, but we won't know about those until March or April," he said. "We're a bit behind schedule because of our lack of resources and because of the weather."
Mr. Peluso said he had hoped to have the field rough-graded by now. "We can still get it done, however, if we can get someone to agree to help us. We're about three work days away from getting things to the point where we don't have to do any more work until March. At that time we'd like to seed the outfield and put down the sod on the infield.
"We'd like to be able to play on this field this year," he added. "It could be a work in progress, but we could make it playable. I don't expect things like dugouts and the concession stand to be built this year."
Plans call for a field, parking area and a two-story concession stand with press box, bathrooms and two meeting rooms. The Devil Cats will have a permit for primary, not exclusive use, according to Mr. Peluso, so that the field is available for use by town residents as well.
Mr. Peluso said the league will continue to lease the ballfield on Brookview Road and use the field at Maple Hill High School while this field is under construction. He said the agreement with the school district works well because the school's season ends before the Devil Cat league begins, around Memorial Day weekend.
Those interested in helping the Devil Cats can call Mr. Peluso, (518) 258-0998 or Mr. DeFrancesco, (518) 766-4000.
League President Joe Franchini said previously that the Devil Cats, formed in 2004, have been without a permanent home since their inception.
"Our mission is to create a competitive youth amateur travel baseball program serving players from the Capital District with a core group of players from the East Greenbush and Schodack areas," said Treasurer Ken Kasper. "Greenbush-Schodack Devil Cats will focus on the development of the whole player, including academic assistance and placement."
The travel-baseball league is a not-for-profit organization.
"It's hard to get everyone to agree all the time, and when money is tight it's not popular to say we're going to spend more, but a ball field would be a great benefit to the town," said Mr. DeFrancesco.
To contact reporter Kristin Shaw email

©The Independent 2008

Anonymous said...

How 'bout a big thanks to Mr. Brian Dooley who dutifully outlines what appears to be a first class fustercluck regarding the highway garage, from the spending plan right down to the effed up concrete floor. Oh, and thanks Mr. Skinner, Town Board member, for your inquiries, finally, in the $$$ spent on this project. Gotta love your interest in oversight. May we ask that you stay in oversight mode for a little while longer before the town shells out tens of thousands of dollars on baseball fields?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dooley is on the mark with the overspending on the Highway Garage.

Now about that "ballfield".

This seems to be a classic case of "tunnel vision" which plagues gov't entities.

I'm glad to hear Board Members are raising questions about this issue, they need to do more of that!

Why put it on Poyneer Rd.? The high school has plenty of land, why not look at at deal that's a win/win .

Upgrade a ballfield at the high school, there's already water, septic, parking, etc. Work out a deal with the Devil Cats to recover the costs over a period of time and the school will have the use of the field when it's not being used by the Cats.

Look at all options to determine which one is most beneficial & cost effective to the town.

Anonymous said...

The East Greenbush/Schodack Devil cats is a Renegade League of players who's parents believe their child is a super star and does not need to play on or in Babe Ruth or try out for the American Legion Teams.Why should tax payers support a team or teams like this when there are plenty of other leagues that are sanctioned and deserve support. I resent that when you go to WalMart that they are there with a cap out.Babe Ruth or Sorensco is suffering due to theses Renegades. There is a more that sufficent field at the Goff school.If a parent wants their child to be supported in a Renegade Team let them pay for it and maybe they can live their dream at their cost. Why should Schodack pay for something when the majority comes from East Greenbush? How much baseball can an area support?

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above post. Why should Schodack taxpayers pay for a field that most kids from Schodack won't even be playing on. Sure, there might be kids that our on the team from Schodack but if you are not in the loop per say he will sit the bench. That's another topic.

The issue I have is the Devil Cats reach out to find talent in many other towns, Troy, Colonie etc. Here's my point, why should we pay for a field to let some kid from Troy play on? Doesn't make sense. Support our hometown leagues, Babe Ruth, Sorensco.

Remember... it's about having fun for these kids. They have enough pressure on them from school and all the other temptations that are out there. They sure in hell don't need a rep from the Devil Cats promising them that if they play on the Devil Cats that he will get a scholarship to play ball. Come on, stop living your far-fetched dream through your kid and just let them play ball and let the ball drop where it may.

The East Greenbush, Castleton, Troy, Colonie, Albany, Clifton Park Devil Cats. Get my point… all at the Schodack taxpayers expense!

Play ball!!!!


Anonymous said...

From what I heard from about the DevilCats was that most of the kids weren't even from Schodack. Last year I heard there was only 2 Schodack kids on the team. Why should we pay for a ballfield where the organization has only 2 residents playing.

Anonymous said...

Even though it is called East Greenbush/Castleton most players on team are not from around here so why support. As a previous poster said use money on our fields at our schools.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the above. I asked around about this league because I don't have young child these days and wasn't familiar with topic. From what I heard from those who are involved in surrounding baseball organizations, there is little reason to support building a field that will benefit the very few in this league. Because of the size, little league or girls leagues wouldn't be able to use it. Just those at high school level. There are enough fields around; we don't need to build another at taxpayers expense. Especially one only a very few will use. If the parents want to pay for a fancy field some place on private land, let them. The Town already has $3000 into this field plus labor. For what? How many people really want it? The residents are getting pounded from all sides for taxes, food, and fuel costs. This is another expense we can't afford. Another example of our Town Board going off half cocked on some project without doing any research or giving thought to the entire project. I wonder what the other costs will be if this field is finished for this particular league. What about insurance, maintenance, staffing, and repairs after vandalism which seems to target ball fields, has this been discussed? Let's cut our losses and end this now. If they want to plant grass so it can be used place to play unorganized softball, soccer, Frisbee, whatever that's fine. But to build bleachers, dugouts, and concession stands is foolish.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Karen
TU Letter to Editor: Open land shouldn't be used for development

First published: Friday, December 28, 2007 in Times Union
When I see large housing and multiuse projects proposed to be built on open land, my reaction is not that the project itself is (necessarily) wrong, but that it is in the wrong place.
We must take whatever action is necessary to preserve our open space. Our future and the future of the planet itself are at stake.
However, that does not mean that there is no room for development. We in the Northeast actually have redevelopable land and older buildings that await adaptive reuse.
These assets are located in areas already possessing the necessary infrastructure -- streets and roads, sidewalks, power supply and water and sewer lines. How much better to revitalize and repopulate our aging cities, towns and older suburbs than to eat up open land with suburban sprawl, which is an inefficient use of land with huge tax consequences to the taxpayers.
I challenge all town officials and planning boards to start investigating how to amend their zoning codes to encourage development within existing infrastructure, rather than laying waste our agricultural and open land.
I would also warn all taxpayers to pay attention to these proposed developments. As we can attest here in Schodack, new water and sewer projects can create an onerous tax burden for citizens.

Thank you, Karen

Anonymous said...

Don't know if any of you have seen the Town Board agenda for Thursday, but there are potentially some VERY controversial items listed ...

Among these are the following items:

#2008-009: Designate The Record as official Town newspaper for calendar year 2008.

#2008-010: Town officials and/or personnel authorized by resolution of the Town Board to attend the Annual Meeting of the Association of Towns of New York State shall be reimbursed for expenses under Section 77-b of the General Municipal Law up to an amount of $1,000. Such amount will reimburse all lodging, transportation, meals, and registration expenses. Those so authorized may obtain an advance of expenses as provided in subsection 6 of Section 77-b. Receipts must be obtained for all applicable expenses.

#2008-011: Authorize Director of Planning and Zoning Fuda, Comptroller Mulligan and Planning Board Attorney Nugent to attend seminars for the Annual Meeting of the Associations of Towns February 17-20, 2008 with appropriate expenses to be borne by the Town.

#2008-012: Authorize Town Clerk Conlin as the voting delegate, Comptroller Mulligan as the alternate, for the Town of Schodack at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Towns.

#2008-015: Pursuant to Chapter 32 Section 1 of the Code of the Town of Schodack, appoint Peter D. Schweigert, Allison Signor, Jeffrey Conlin, Code Enforcement Officer, Gary Ziegler, Code Enforcement Officer, Jeffrey Arno, Police Officer, Christopher Oglesby, Detective James Morgan, and Steven Kelly to the Town of Schodack Fire Investigation Unit for the calendar year 2008.

#2008-030: Appoint _________________, Attorney to the Town, remuneration as set forth in adopted budget 2008. Term to run concurrent with Supervisor and expires December 31, 2009.

#2008-037: Pursuant to Town Law § 150 (2), appoint Supervisor Secor as Police Commissioner. Term to run concurrent with the term of Supervisor and expires on December 31, 2009.

#2008-054: Appoint members to the Public Safety Advisory Committee as follows: Steven Kelly to one-year term to expire on December 31, 2008, Debbie Lammerts to two-year term to expire on December 31, 2009, _________ and ___________ for one year-terms to expire on December 31, 2008.

I don't know about you, but the general thoughts I have are:

(1) How many Town staff are attending the this annual meeting of the Association of Towns, and how much is it going to cost Schodack taxpayers?

(2) They are obviously prepared to announce a new Town Attorney. Why can't they tell us who it is going to be???

(3) Can we finally ditch the Troy Record for the Independent as the official Town newspaper?

(4) Looks like Steve Kelly getting his 3 acres wasn't enough of a payback by Secor -- now he's being named to BOTH the Fire Investigation Unit AND the Public Safety Advisory Committee.


I don't know about you, but I plan on being there Thursday night. I encourage ALL of you to do the same -- and recruit as many neighbors as you can.

Anonymous said...

The biggest issue I see with the ballfield is that the biggest supporter - Peluso - doesn't even live in the Town of Schodack, therefore of course he wants the Town of Schodack to support it, because he won't have to help pay for it. This is a VERY BAD idea!!!!

Anonymous said...

I read Mr. Lemka's editorial off of the Schodack Patriot this morning. Way to go Ray! I hope you do get a new election in this town. I have to say, the patriot has a point.

So here is my challenge to Mrs. Secor, your so confident in your re-election Beth, why not have a real election this time? If your so popular, it should be a shoe in for you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, VOS, for keeping up residents up-to-date on what's really happening in Schodack.

An old question...were the results of the SVFD vote ever verified? Did the SVFD ever release an explanation of how over 700 people voted in 3 hours?

When the East Schodack Fire District had an election in 2002, 11 people voted.

I have still not been able to find out the plan for this land purchase... I see Chief Kelly has been appointed to 2 Town positions in 2008 - perhaps you could ask him at the Town Meeting tomorrow?


Anonymous said...

Mr Mccarthy do you know how to investigate a fire what are you qualifications ? Do you know about public safety what if there were a Town Disaster? The Towns Fire Investigation Unit whenfirst started up was to have 1 representative from each fire dept and officers from the police dept. It has changed some due to time that is required to pursue the proper training and it takes an unbelievable amount of time. Are you willing to devote time for this position and the training needed for this very important job? Do you know all the resources and proper agencies that if a disaster such as a tornado or some other natural disaster to occur? Before you shoot from your mouth perhaps you should know what your flapping your jaw about......Because your real ignorance shows.

Anonymous said...

Some observations regarding the above posts and tomorrow nights agenda:

Q. How many will attend the annual Association of Towns Junket –
A. This has been going on for years and is extremely expensive because it is held in NYC. In addition to those listed, Donna Conlin is obviously going as she first voting delegate. The supervisor usually goes as will Jeff Haber member of the Planning Board and who is also the Executive Director of the Association of Towns (see ) . Town won’t have to pick up Haber’s costs but you can see why we have so many going year after year except when Eileen Natoli was Supervisor. Then only one or two went. Figure this year’s tax payer funded junket will cost us at least 5 grand.

Q. Can we ditch the Troy Record.
A. Many of us have made this argument for years because nobody reads it. Which of course is the whole point to keep public in the dark. Supervisor will use the argument that there is Town law saying the paper has to based in Rensselaer County. But the board could change that law but don’t look for that to happen.

Q. Supervisor as Chief of Police
A. That is always the case, this isn’t a new thing. The exception was when Barry was still in the Police Department. Then Ziegler was appointed Chief of Police.

Q. SVFD election results. I spoke with the County Board of Elections. They don’t certify the results, the Town of Schodack does. A friend told me the vote was like 170 to 19, the members got the vote out. I don’t have a problem with that but they should have been more open about the results. The Board should know the results of the vote. Note Ken Stinner is a member of South Schodack FD and Frank Curtis is an officer in the E Schodack FD. You know one or both of them know the results as does the supervisor.

Tomorrow’s Agenda – Interesting points.

I thought the biggest surprise was that Mike Ziegler was appointed deputy supervisor instead of Ken Stinner who has deputy for a few years now. Guess he shouldn’t have asked any questions of the supervisor!

E Gable was not re-appointed to ZBA, not exactly a big surprise. A David C. Smith was appointed in her place. Not sure but he may be a Surveyor out of Nassau who was in front of the Planning Board a few times last year. Again, not sure if it is the same person or not. Does anyone know who he is?

It would be nice to see a good showing tomorrow night. Weather should be much better then for December’s meetings.

Good night all.

Brian Dooley

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mr. Keith McCarthy, for your posting that agenda information and for posing your questions relating to it. However, as a lowly common ordinary citizen of Schodack some in this town may smite you for your lack of perfect knowledge, I, too, am a similar lowly ordinary citizen, who is in the process of learning about our hometown by similarly asking questions, some of which will be imperfect. I therefore commend you for raising your voice and asking probing questions. Considering how closed that I am finding the Schodack clic of governance to be, it is difficult to get straight forward information and answers.

I, also, commend you for using your full name, openly, I notice the blogger who critiqued you, did not identify themselves in anyway.

The many questions and blogs on VOS illustrate how poorly this government communicates with it citizens. If and when, they bother to communicate with us, at all.

Please continue to blog here and continue to ask your questions.

Other than, for their sarcasm and assault upon you, I appreciate the posted blog response, since I found that to be informative, too.

Thank you VOS for bringing these types of dialogues to the loathsome public of this Town.

Everybody, keep asking and posting and everybody keep replying. Thank you all.

I hope everyone will attend the very important Organization Meeting of the "new" Town Board tonight. The Publis session starts at 7 and will likely run past 9 with such an extensive agenda. The agenda may be found and printed at

I make some apology for my sarcastic blog, but sometimes we just can’t help ourselves for answering cynicism and sarcasm in kind.

Anonymous said...

Tradition or not, isn't the Supervisor of this Town intimidating enough of its citizen voters without carrying the mantle of Police Commissioner, too? You can't tell me that there is no other qualified person in town who may assume this paid or unpaid function? Among the more ideal possibilities, it could be a retired professional police, fire, EMS, or public safety officer or a retired professional military person, a retired or defeated former or aspiring Town Supervisor, or someone well versed in criminal justice or some other field, or, maybe, just a well intentioned fast learning citizen. After all, any newly elected supervisor would likely only have the knowledge of a citizen and would have the same learning curve. It is never a good thing to concentrate too much power in a single citizen or elected official.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ks wake up buddy does any part of any government communicate with its constituents? The problem just isn't with Schodack but all government.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dooley, Mr. McCarthy, and KS:

Thanks for your questions and answers. If we do not continue to ask question and search for answers, Schodack will continue "as is." And our recent election shows most folks don't care for "as is" in Schodack.

The sarcasm and bite to the post defending FD appointments is remarkable...if you are looking for new FD volunteers or people to serve on town boards, why aleniate people? Why the remarks about "flapping" their jaw and "ignorance"?

The SVFD leadership might want to consider this attitude they present to the public as they ask for new members.

As it is, we've decided to volunteer our time with another organization (and yes, we do reside in the district).

Anonymous said...

Last night's Town Board meeting was enlightening.

A spreadsheet about the new Highway Garage costs made by the comptroller was passed out and discussed.

After all changes & modifications it showed a bottom line of being almost $177,000 UNDER BUDGET! Hurricane Katrina was cited as the cause of much of the additional costs. This was obviously designed to refute claims of this project being over budget, which in reality it was. That comptroller really knows how to massage those numbers, but hey, that's why she gets the big bucks, wait, they all get big bucks in Schodack!

There were over 70 resolutions on the agenda. A few worth noting; The Town will now charge for "fingerprinting". Supervisor Secor said Schodack was the only municipality in the area not charging to justify the change, we can't have Schodack being the only one not charging now can we. Secor also cited the time involved and the need to take an officer off the street. The Schodack Police Dept. already accounts for one-third of the total Town Budget and with the high crime rate we need every officer on duty to write all those traffic tickets!

Interestingly, Clifton Park has a much larger population & crime rate than Schodack but does NOT have a Town Police Dept. They use the State Police which avoids duplication of services and reduces costs, shhhhh, don't tell anyone!

One resident spoke about the unsafe condition of her road during the recent snow storms. She said the salt the trucks were putting on the road was just in a narrow area in the center of each driving lane and the rest of the road had a build up of ice. This caused vehicles to use the middle of the road going both ways, not very safe at all!

Highway Superintendent Ken Holmes responded by saying that during those storms the truck that plows that particular road went off the road and a tow truck had to be called! He also said we cannot afford to use the amount of salt that was needed.

We were however, able to spend millions on a very elaborate new Town Garage along with a fleet of shiny new trucks but now we cannot afford the salt to keep the roads in safe condition!

To Mr. Holmes credit, he did not invoke the "Hurricane Katrina" excuse!

There was a Schodack police officer in attendance, someone said it was Secor's husband? If so, he was in uniform, didn't he retire? If so, why is he still working?

There were other noteworthy items but that's enough for now!

Anonymous said...

Regarding the above post and the meeting on 1/10/08

First it was great to see so many new faces and so many willing to participate by asking questions. Please please keep it up. It’s the new faces that get the Board’s attention. When the see the same faces and no one else, they think no one cares.

The Police officer at the meeting was the Chief of Police Bernhard Peter, not Barry Secor.

Regarding the Highway garage. It was a creative presentation by the Board and the Engineer. There was some serious re-write of history that night. I have written here and to the local papers regarding the original figures the Board and engineer said the project would cost. At the meeting they finally told us what the total cost was. The spreadsheet handed out attempts to show how the Supervisor came up with her “under budget” claim (notice none of the rest of the Board claimed the project was under budget). If you recall, the initial amount budgeted was 1.85 million and garage actually cost us over 2.5 million.

The engineer claimed site prep, demolition; change orders etc. was not part of the original estimate. That is simply bunk. I was there and I asked specifically about those issues. The Board and engineer stuck to the original 1.85 figure. After reviewing this spreadsheet, the only large cost that couldn’t have been anticipated was the radio tower addition. Everything else should have been anticipated if the engineer did his job or if he was allowed to do his job. Anyway, the Katrina excuse was just that an excuse. When the garage project was initiated in 2004 the country was in the middle of a building boom and everyone involved in capital projects (I was at that time) knew the cost of materials was going up because of demand. That’s one reason I recommended the Town budget 2.25 to 2.5 millions in 2004 and not 1.85.

As far as the spreadsheet handed out goes, I reviewed the figures the night of the meeting and have to admit I missed the very creative method used to show the “Excess funding based on total anticipated cost”. See below, typed exactly as shown on the bottom of the spreadsheet handed out that night:

Original Contract/proposal Approved by resolution/amendments Change orders/other Total Anticipated Cost
$2,381,609.28 $139,864.48 $37,376.94 $2,558,850.70

Project Funding
Bond Resolution $2,500,000.00
2006 Interest earned through 12/31/06 60,252.62
Interfund Loan from the general fund 50,000.00
Interfund transfer from general fund +interest 126,430.93
Amount Available $2,736,683.55

Excess funding based on total anticipated cost ($177,832.85)

Notice anything? They are trying to show the project came in under budget but the, quote unquote, excess is unidentified. How did they get that number? None of the above figures relate to each other. The “project funding” info has NOTHING to do with what was spent on the project construction/engineering/legal costs. It just explains how the project was funded and that is questionable. If I’m reading this correctly, the Board passed a resolution to bond $2.5 million to pay for the project. But they also loaned the project another $176,430.93 from the general fund and earned another $60,252.62 in interest so there was a total of $2,736,683.55 available to pay for construction and related costs. As best as I can tell, the $177,832.85 has no relation to funding/total costs figures above. Where the “excess” number comes from is a mystery. I reviewed the spreadsheet for an hour and tried many combinations of figures trying to find out where the “excess” came from but I couldn’t do it. The spread sheet the comptroller sent me a few weeks ago was much easier to follow then what was presented to the public on the 8th. If there is an accountant out there that would like to take a shot at figuring this out; I will gladly share the spreadsheets I have. Maybe someone else can figure out what I couldn’t.

This appears to me as smoke and mirrors. The Board tried to lay down a thick layer of (to be polite) fog Thursday night and we shouldn’t be satisfied with the info provided. The bottom line is it cost $2,558,850.70 ($22,659.64 less then I reported a few weeks ago) to get project completed. That is way over what the public was originally told the project would cost.

Brian Dooley

Anonymous said...

Mr./Mrs. Anonymous,

Are you trying to say that Mr. Kelly is the ONLY person in ALL of Schodack capable of investigating a fire or addressing public safety issues? I admit I'm not qualified to do so. But, I'm sure MANY others in Schodack are.

Why not let others in Town participate?

Anonymous said...

To Mr Mccarthy's remark about Mr Kelly I think you missed the part it is not paid,VOLUNTEER. To the person who belives that
the fire company adminstration has
attitude about getting new members,you my fine perfect citizen are so wrong. I my friend am not a member but I am thinking of joining as a member of the community I feel it is my obligation. I have read all of theses negative things about our town. No I am not a Secor supporter but if you think a 76 Y/O man who has no expierence can run a muti-million dollar business so be it. I can just see the payroll then with all the appointments to run the town then. If change is wanted then I suggest you start seaching for a candidate now both Republican and Democrats so you can have change.

Anonymous said...

This is an open invitation to community members from the Schodack Planning & Development Association (SPDA). You are invited to attend this Wednesday’s, January 16th, 7 pm meeting of the SPDA. This is the first meeting of 2008. New faces are always welcome, even if only for a single meeting!

Contact '' if you should have any questions or suggestions for the agenda.

If you missed the December SPDA presentation to the Town Planning Board, there will be a recap of the discussion at this meeting. One outcome was that Paul Puccio (planning board member) was designated to meet with representatives of SPDA. A report on that meeting will be given, as well.

Please take time to visit and post your thoughts and feedback, on Planning and Development concerns, to the SPDA blog - . You will find the SPDA Report on it, as well. Use that blog to share your thoughts on architectural or design standards for new buildings in on the SPDA ideas, examples from other towns, etc.

Directions: This meeting will be at at 52 Graw Road, which is off Kingman Road. If you are heading south on 9, stay on 9 when Rtes 9 and 20 split. You will continue on 9 for about 3 miles. When you see Sunnyside Garage on the left, start looking for Kingman Road (Kingman is the road that has the entrance to Hannaford's distribution center). Turn Left onto Kingman. Graw Road is a left off of Kingman. The house is at the sharp bend in Graw Road. {If you are on Kingman and reach Woodward Road, you've missed the turn for Graw.}

Anonymous said...

Highway Garage - The word "funding" has been misinterpreted. Funding indicates what the sources of cash were for the project - just to clarify. Excess funding indicates that the Town Board put too much cash/debt aside to fund the project. The Town Board anticipated(budget)that the project would come in around $2.5 million, hence the borrowing of $2.5 million.
The spreadsheet submitted by the comptroller, split the costs to demonstrate how the project changed from what was discussed in the early stages of the project. It was attempting to do nothing other than that.

Anonymous said...

Highway Garage - The word "funding" has been misinterpreted. Funding indicates what the sources of cash were for the project - just to clarify. Excess funding indicates that the Town Board put too much cash/debt aside to fund the project. The Town Board anticipated (budget) that the project would come in around $2.5 million, hence the borrowing of $2.5 million.
The spreadsheet submitted by the comptroller split the costs to demonstrate how the project changed from what was discussed in the early stages of the project. It was attempting to do nothing other than that.

Re Highway Garage post.

You could be correct. Can you explain how the $177,832.85 calculated specifically? You seem to have knowledge about how the financial information was calculated.

My point is that given the context of trying to explain or justify the claims that project came in “under budget” one has to question what was presented and how. It was not explained at the meeting what these figures at the bottom of the spreadsheet under “Project Funding” represented. It appeared to be part of the show used to try to justify the campaign stories that Beth told in the fall. The supervisor and engineer spent a lot of time trying to explain why the cost of the project was more then originally projected. The claim they keep making that the project came in under budget is misleading at best. On one hand they claim to have brought the project in under budget. On the other, they went to great lengths to explain why the building cost more then they thought it would originally.

Brian Dooley.

Anonymous said...

Good questions, Brian.

I think they would have us believe that since they knew enough at the point of time of borrowing, that they borrowed a full 2.5 mil, that the amount they borrowed reflected their estimate of the project cost. The fact that they spent $177,832.85 less than the 2.5 mil, means to them that they came in under budget. The $177,832.85 returns to the general fund, for expenditures to fix the various remaining problems in construction that remain, after supposed completion and pay outs to the contractors.

Know I was not their, but from what you and many others have told me, in no way did they inform the public that they would spend almost 2.5 mil outright on the garage. Plus as you factor in interest on 2.5 mil vs. say 1.8 mil this difference grows substantially larger by the compounding of that .7 mil, every day.

Keep them honest Brian!

Anonymous said...

i guess this blog has run out of steam..even cartwright went away......good !!!

Anonymous said...

Leave it to Mike Kellogg to keep dragging out his dirty laundry out here about his issues with a person for whome he can't steal a company from.

I was under the impression that this blog wasn't going to allow people to post bad things about people? Is that only for a select few? Then why is Kellogg's post or should I say ntering in boca (Mike Kellogg) allowed to be posted? That has nothing to do with town meetings, the current town super or anything, just a person who is mad because he got caught with his hand in the cookie jar's ranting. I don't like to read this stuff posted to this blog.

Probably the reason the so called "steam has run out" As Kellogg so pointed out. Sick of people like him and his childish ways.

Anonymous said...

If they give us the Crowne Truck Depot, how many more tractor trailors may be driving about the roads of Schodack, lost or otherwise?

From the Times Union:

Truckers getting bum steer
Online directions to Hannaford center direct drivers to wrong area on winding, narrow road

By BOB GARDINIER, Staff writer

First published: Tuesday, January 15, 2008

SCHODACK -- Some truckers who use online search engines to find the Hannaford Distribution Center on Route 9 are ending up in a tight spot miles away.
In 1990, Hannaford built a 486,000-square-foot grocery distribution center in Schodack right off I-90 Exit 12 and the B-1 Exit of the Berkshire Spur to supply its upstate New York stores.
If you use MapQuest or other online map or driving directions software to locate the site, as many truckers not familiar with an area now do, it shows the address of 970 Route 9, Schodack Landing.
The warehouse is in the southeastern corner of the town near the highway exits. At the end of the exit ramps, trucks must turn right and proceed a short distance north on Route 9 to get to the center.
If a trucker punches in a destination of Schodack Landing, it will instruct them to take a left off the ramp and proceed south on Route 9 to a right and proceed west on a narrow and winding Schodack Landing Road (county Route 2). The hamlet of Schodack Landing is on the Hudson River on Route 9J, seven miles away from the terminal in the town's far southwestern corner.
The address irregularity may have something to do with the consolidation of postal districts in the town several years ago, but the snafu puts drivers on miles of narrow, steep and curving country roads before they discover they've gone the wrong way.
Elected officials have asked the state to erect a sign at the end of the exit ramps with a directional arrow pointing them toward the grocery facility. But so far, the state has turned down that option.
"We are asking for the state to take action because we don't want to see a serious accident or any further disruptions for residents," Rensselaer County Legislator Alex Shannon said. "There seems like there is a real possibly there will be an accident or a serious problem because of these misdirected tractor-trailers."
Residents of the hamlet of Schodack Landing say they actually feel sympathetic toward the truckers.
"On Schodack Landing Road near the intersection with Route 9J, there is an old train trestle that crosses the road on a very steep hill, and some of the trucks can not fit under it," hamlet resident Linda Golden said. "We really feel sorry for them sometimes because then they have back those big rigs up on the narrow road because there is no place to turn around. They get jack-knifed and sometimes end up in the ditch, and many of them are doing this in the middle of the night."
While there is the option of changing the distribution's address to say just "Schodack" and remove the "Landing," officials said they will stick with pushing an easier solution.
"All the state needs to do is add a sign or two," Legislator Martin Reid said. "It seems like a very simple and easy fix to this problem, and we are sure the residents in Schodack Landing would be appreciative."

Bob Gardinier can be reached at 454-5696 or by e-mail at

Anonymous said...

Who is working to Save Schodack's Farms, open spaces, and rick argricultural heritage? Hoosick is, at least, looking out of its farming community. What are Schodack's leaders doing or planning other than putting truck depots over the recharge area for our Schodack aquifier?

Saving farmland from developers

Hoosick wants to make sure its agricultural community is preserved
By KENNETH C. CROWE II, Staff writer

HOOSICK FALLS -- The town of Hoosick is exploring ways to protect its rich farmland as developers look to the rolling landscape as an attractive setting for new homes.
Supervisor Marilyn Douglas said the town wants to ensure its farming heritage is preserved.
"Hoosick has a Right to Farm Law in place, and we are interested in pursuing funding for the development of a farmland protection plan to assist Hoosick's agriculture community to thrive in the 21st century," Douglas said.
The town recently held an agricultural workshop, "Making Hoosick Ag Friendly," to discuss what steps can be taken to maintain the community's farm base.
"Hoosick has some of the prime soils in New York state along with scenic (views). We need to promote an environment that assists the farmer's investment and encourages the retention of working farms and conserving open space resources," Douglas said.
Hoosick is in one of the major farming areas in Rensselaer County, said David Haight, director of the American Farmland Trust office in Saratoga Springs.
"That whole northern tier in Rensselaer County is one of the two major agricultural belts. The other is Schodack in the southern end," Haight said.
Haight and Teri Ptacek, director of the Agricultural Stewardship Association in Greenwich, Washington County, spoke to town residents about the future of farmland in the town.
"We were talking about what the town of Hoosick could do to support their local farms and protect the farms," Haight said.
They covered the programs available to protect agricultural land, including the purchase of development rights. Members of the town Zoning Commission attended the meeting to learn how to back agriculture in the town.
Haight said it is important the town use zoning to protect its farms.
"The town is very proud of its agriculture community and acknowledges the benefits it brings to our economy," Douglas said.
The town is in one of the strongest agricultural areas in the state, Haight said.
"Towns are going to have to pay attention to supporting farms in the same way they support other land uses," Haight said.
"People, whether they are farmers or not, really felt that farming is an important part of the town of Hoosick identity."

Anonymous said...

Anyone keeping tabs on tonight's Town of Schodack
Town Board Workshop Meeting
January 24, 2008

Call to Order - 7 p.m.

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Presentation: Kenneth Holmes, Superintendent of Highways

Department response to weather emergencies
Best management practices in use for salt storage and application
Open House for new garage facility
Informational Meeting for Schodack Landing - Sewer District No. 8 - to present information concerning the bid process for construction of wastewater treatment system in the hamlet, new grant funding from Rural Development, anticipated annual cost to district property owners and process to increase spending limits

Public Comment - Board Resolutions Only



Authorize the following individuals for appoint to the Winter Youth Recreation Program, as recommended by the Director of Youth and Recreation:

Pee Wee Wrestling: Geoff Scheilding

Authorize Supervisor Secor to execute agreement with Hartgen Archeological Associates, Inc., for Phase IB Archeological Field Reconnaissance (Schodack DWSRF Revision) in an amount not to exceed $8,300.00 for proposed water tank location and transmission line as set forth in a proposal dated January 14, 2008.


Authorize Supervisor Secor to execute agreement with Dente Engineering for Subsurface Investigation and Geotechnical Evaluation in an amount not to exceed $9,480.00 for proposed transmission line as set forth in a proposal dated January 15, 2008.


Designate the following as official election polling places for the Town of Schodack:

District 1 - Love Lutheran Church, Pheasant Lane
District 2 - Schodack Landing Firehouse, Firehouse Lane
District 3 - Emmanuel Reformed Church, Maple Hill Road
District 4 - East Schodack Firehouse, Route 150
District 5 - Castleton Firehouse, Green Avenue
District 6 - Edward Swartz Southern Tier Senior Center, Route 150
District 7 - South Schodack Firehouse, Bame Road
District 8 - Edward Swartz Southern Tier Senior Center, Route 150
District 9 - East Schodack Firehouse, Route 150
District 10 - Castleton Firehouse, Green Avenue

Request the New York State Department of Transportation to establish No Parking Zones on Route 9 in the vicinity of Pilot Travel Center and Routes 9 & 20 in the vicinity of Dunkin' Donuts as allowed by law and for New York State to post appropriate signage to alert motorists to said No Parking Zones.


Resolution for Schodack Landing Sewer District Number 8 as follows: (tbd)

Motion to Adjourn

Pursuant to the regulation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-36), the Town of Schodack will provide auxiliary aids or special services for persons with disabilities. Please notify the Town Clerk's Office at 477-7590 so arrangements can be made for requested services.

Please forward correspondence regarding Town matters to:
Supervisor Beth Knauf Secor
Town of Schodack
265 Schuurman Rd.
Castleton, NY 12033-9622
Or call the Supervisor at 518-477-7918

Schodack:Board:Draft Agenda for 24 Jan 2008
Latest Update: 23 Jan 07

Anonymous said...

Is this the SVFD subdivision?

"PLANNING BOARD AGENDA - 7:00 p.m., Feburary 4, 2008 [....]


Peters Subdivision 2008-2/RA/189.-11-6
Schodack Valley Road
Proposed - 2 Lot Subdivision"

Anonymous said...

The Schodack Planning & Development Association (SPDA) has announced its February meeting date.

What will Schodack be in 5 years or in 10 years? We have only to look at our neighbors in North Greenbush to note how quickly and dramatically commercial development can radically alter a community and create contention. Or, we can look across the Hudson to Glenmont and realize how much residential development can happen in a decade and how commercial development chases residential growth.

What do you want for Schodack? Commercial opportunities? Profits from selling land or homes? Preservation and expansion of our remaining farms? Do you value the quality of our water resources? Do you want uncrowded roads and spaces? Do you want development of dozens of new and bigger neighborhoods? How will our schools, infrastructure, and town leaders deal with development? What will all this mean for our taxes?

SPDA meetings are open to all interested Schodack residents. Your participation is invited. Please join the SPDA in assisting the citizens of our town to become actively focused in affecting the course of development for Schodack. Let's all contribute to a vision of what Schodack may become and offer to our families and future.

The date and location for the next meeting of the Schodack Planning & Development Association (SPDA) are set as Wednesday, February 20th, 6:30 pm, at Nassau Free Library, 23 Church Street. This is an earlier start time time than previous meetings, because the library closes at 8PM. We will meet downstairs in the library.
We hope to see you there!

Anonymous said...

Draft as of January 25, 2008; subject to change

PLANNING BOARD AGENDA - 7:00 p.m., Feburary 4, 2008

Next meeting - March 3rd, 2008


APPROVE MINUTES - January 7, 2008

James Parker 2008-1/RA/210.-7-22.3
29 Graw Rd
Proposed - New Home Accessory Apartment.

Enderley Farm 2007-45/RA/198.-1-3.11
797 Western Rd
Proposed - Dog Kennel
Spinney at Pond View 72-2005/R-40/178.-4-2.1
Pond View Road
Proposed - Adult Community
British American Lot # 8 2008-5/PD-3/178.-12-25
30 Empire State Boulevard
Proposed - 3 Story Office Building
American Alternative Fuel 2008/4/HC/220.-2-14.2
Site Plan Modification
Boat and RV Sales
999 Rt. 9
Proposed - 1000 Gallon Propane Tank
Filling Station and conversion of motor vehicles

Peters Subdivision 2008-2/RA/189.-11-6
Schodack Valley Road
Proposed - 2 Lot Subdivision
Alpine Meadows Subdivision 2008-3/R-40/219.-1-8.11
South Schodack Road
Proposed - 4 Lot Subdivision

Members to review experts
Pursuant to the regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336), the Town of Schodack will provide auxiliary aids or special services for persons with disabilities. Please notify the Town Clerk's Office at 477-7590 so arrangements can be made for requested services.

Please forward written comments to: Nadine Fuda, Director, Planning & Zoning, Schodack Town Hall,265 Schuurman Road, Castleton, NY 12033-9622, Telephone: 518-477-7938, Fax: 518-477-7983

Peter G. Goold, Chairman Denise Mayrer, Vice Chairperson G. Jeffrey Haber Wayne Johnson
Sylvester Kedzierski Paul Puccio John LaVoie Attorney: Tim Nugent, Esq.

Schodack:Planning Board:Draft Agenda for Feb 4, 2008
Latest Update: 31 Jan 08

Anonymous said...

Re: "Schodack Supervisor's Report" in the Advertiser

Ms. Secor is "pleased" to let us know of some reappointments, such as Ms. Kelly as secretary.

She concludes with letting us know: "Positive things happen in Schodack when we work together!"

In the aftermath of our recent "unopposed" election (courtesy of Mr. Kelly's lawsuit), I'd like Ms. Secor to clarify what she means by "work together."

Does it mean running for public office unopposed (via lawsuits)? Not answering citizens' questions at town meetings? Ignoring all skepticism about large spending projects? Not providing more information about fire protection projects?

I'd like to see Schodack work together too: it can start by Ms. Secor and her administration providing real answers to our questions.

Anonymous said...

I would like to say:

Anonymous said...

Last night's Superbowl shows that anything can happen! The Giants played a great game.

What I believe Secor means by working together is;

She believes in raising your taxes, spending your money on poorly planned projects without any input from taxpayers, and if you can't afford them you can move out and someone who can afford them will move in!

Let any commercial business build in Schodack even over the aquifer which violates the Town Water Quality Law!

She believes in buying loyalty with your money by giving exhorbitant raises to town employees, then to add insult to injury, she spends more of your money to hire "assistants" for the same people who got the big increases!

Schodack's police dept. accounts for almost a third of the total annual budget. Let us not forget that Secor's significant other is a retired Schodack Police officer that received a bigger pension because his wife, Supervisor Secor got the police pension increased just before her husband retired, ah yes, nepotism at it's finest! Many towns that are much larger and have higher crime rates than Schodack save money by contracting with the State Police or Sheriff's dept. to provide coverage.

I could go on but you get the idea.

Oh, and one last thing. While Secor is busy "Moving Schodack Forward", you better not get in her way!

Anonymous said...

Say what??? "a traffic study found that the amount of traffic estimated as a result of the new facility would not worsen the problem." And this pertains to the proposed Crown Truck Depot? Am I reading this right???

Good step to request no parking signs, but how could adding Crown not make this drastically worse, when hundreds more tracker trailors will be plying this route and these services???

From the recent Independent:
Park here? Not trucks

SCHODACK-The Town Board has asked that No Parking signs be posted on Route 9 where truck drivers often park on the shoulder, creating a danger for other motorists.

One of the signs is requested by the Pilot Travel Center, the other is for Routes 9 and 20 near Dunkin' Donuts.
Before the businesses opened residents had warned planners that tractor-trailers coming in and out of those sites could be dangerous.
"This is a problem and a safety concern," said Christine Vanderlan, a Route 9 resident, who thanked the board for its action.
She said truck drivers stop alongside the road, making it difficult for motorists to see past them when trying to pull out. Ms. Vanderlan said they also make illegal U-turns. She asked for signs that would prohibit these turns.
"I've seen tractor trailers blocking three out of the four lanes on Route 9," said Ms. Vanderlan. She wondered if it's a matter for police and was told Planning Director Nadine Fuda will look into it.
Supervisor Beth Secor said the Town Board took action after hearing residents' complaints.
At a Planning Board meeting, resident Matt Ancin spoke in depth about the problem, citing many incidents he and his wife have encountered while driving Route 9. He said problems happen throughout the day.
Mr. Ancin said tractor-trailers have hogged all four lanes as they pull out of the gas station. He said he has witnessed near accidents when other vehicles try to maneuver around the trucks.
The couple as well as other residents expressed concerns that a 105-bay truck terminal proposed by Crown Enterprises would further disrupt traffic.
But a traffic study found that the amount of traffic estimated as a result of the new facility would not worsen the problem.
At Dunkin' Donuts there is a problem with truckers parked on the side of the road, making it difficult for residents pulling out to see traffic approaching. Like Route 9, Routes 9 and 20 is a four-lane road.
The business is a distribution center and smaller trucks come and go throughout the day.
Resident Martha Sherwood said parking at the site is inadequate and that the situation is "an accident waiting to happen."
Resident Ray Lemka said planners tried to work out parking at the site but may have "caved" too soon. He asked that Ms. Fuda look into the parking issue there.
According to Mr. Lemka, drivers of ATVs and snowmobiles tend to cross the road there, and because they are lower to the ground, add to the safety concerns.
Police Chief Bernhard Peter said once signs are posted in both areas, it would be easier to issue tickets to drivers parked on the shoulder.
"Right now, if their truck is over the shoulder line, we can ticket them for parking on pavement," he told The Independent. "Signs should deter a good many drivers from parking on the side of the road."
Chief Peter said that he and his officers have advised many truck drivers to move their vehicles because they block the view of people trying to pull out of the businesses.
"That can be a problem, because if someone inches out to see if another car is coming, it might already be too late," he said. "If we get a call about a problem, we respond, but many times these people are in and out pretty quick and by the time we get there, the trucks are gone."
Chief Peter said dump trucks and large vans cause problems too.
He said officers would issue tickets if they see truckers make illegal U-turns anywhere.
To contact reporter Kristin Shaw email

Anonymous said...

Just got my tax bill receipt today...boy, I sure wish Ray Lemka had won.

And the re-assessment project has not even kicked in yet. See the Schodack School District newsletter for details.

Of course, Ms. Secor and her town hall buddies all got hefty they must not be too concerned.

Anonymous said...

Trucks attempt to pull into the Pilot gas station, and then suddenly stop, as another truck is trying to navigate the often-crowded parking lot. Cars must stop as Rt. 9 is closed off, with a truck pulled across uncoming traffic. I have had to sit there sometimes up to few minutes as this situation clears up.

We will have to have traffic lights on that part of Rt. 9...but the truckers won't like that either.

And the town is seriously considering allowing Crown to build?

Anonymous said...

"...a traffic study found that the amount of traffic estimated as a result of the new facility would not worsen the problem."

VOS: if you are willing, kindly post an on-line petition form us residents can print out and mail either to you, or Beth Secor.

Something like, "we, the undersigned strongly advise the Town of Schodack to reconsider the traffic study for Route 9. We have witnessed problems and/or have strong concerns about traffic problems in that area."

I'd be glad to print it out, share it with my family and neighbors, and mail it it to you or Beth.

Safety is worth the 41 cents.

Anonymous said...

I go to Columbia Co. once or twice a week and I, too, have had a number of close calls with the truck traffic on Rt. 9. Sometimes when the drivers are leaving the Hannaford warehouse, they pull right out onto the road and don't stop to wait until traffic is clear. The truckers pulling in and out of Pilot don't stop for oncoming traffic either. And let's not forget the number of times I've witnessed the big rigs exiting at exit 12 and not stopping at the stop sign and waiting until the traffic is clear. WHERE ARE THE SCHODACK POLICE? What a ticket bonanza for them. It has become quite a game to navigate Rt. 9 both north and south with the increased amount of truck traffic we have. In addition, many of the trucks don't use the exit 12 on ramp. Instead, they travel up to exit 11 and get on there. Since I live off of Rt. 9 and have to travel both north and south on that road, I have witnessed several dangerous moves by truckers.

And where are all these people coming from that I see walking along Rt. 9? Are they riding into town with the truckers?

I can only wish that the town of Schodack would reconsider the Crown Trucking proposal.

Anonymous said...

Another thing I noticed at Pilot is the many idling trucks. There is a 5 minute limit but it isn't enforced.

Anonymous said...

With all the traffic issues already, they will be much worse if the proposed 100 bay Crown Truck Terminal is built!

Signing petitions is not effective, they will just discard them. Go to the Planning Board meetings, fill the place up with residents and voice your concerns directly to the people who make the decisions.

Also, send emails to Town Board members about your concerns, let them know that your watching how they vote and remind them of their responsibility as elected officials who can be voted out at the next election.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone hear that Beth's husband just got a big cash settlement from the state. Wonder how she got him that?

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize we have so many traffic monitors in Schodack. It seems tractor trailers are breaking the law on a regular basis and I have not noticed.

I must not be as observant as the majority of posters on this board since I rarely see the tractor trailers getting on and off at Exit 12 let alone seeing the go thru the stop sign?? I bet some of them don't use their blinkers either! Where are the police??

It seems to me that if you are against something -- it clouds your judgement. You can't be that -- well never mind -- you probably can be.

Anonymous said...

Town Board 2008 Meeting Dates
WHEN AVAILABLE, Draft Agenda for Town Board Feb 14 Workshop Meeting

Does anyone else get tired of seeing these when you attempt to find out what is on the Town Board agenda for there meetings? The meeting is less than 23 hours from now and still no agenda. This situation stinks. It is one of primary short comings of the current town government.

How can they possibly offer reasonable consider of matters if they don't even know what is coming up, less than 24hrs from now? This allows the Board to be no more than a compliant rubber stamp of whatever the Supervisor tosses to them with little or almost no notice. How can the Board members look into anything prior to voting for it, when they have no time to research it?

Ridiculous! I served on a student council that was better prepared than this and it offered real debate on issues.

-- Ken Stokem

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, I get the impression that our town government is determined to promote or at least allow Crown to go forward with their truck depot.
I hope I am wrong.

I disagree that petitions would be useless. If enough citizens sign, they would be provoking the ire of all who sign by ignoring them. We should be trying everything and anything to stop this.

From what I have heard, the Town (really us taxpayers) spent something like $38,000 defending Crown's previous attempt to site on route 9. Plus the citizens who challenged it in court spent $17,000 to successfully defeat that prior plan. Already that ends up as a total cost of $45,000 to our community. If the town, again, allows Crown to move forward in building, the citizens will again challenge this in court. How much will it cost the town and its citizens to go around on this again? Will it at least double the cost to us to something like $90,000 or more?

What has Crown done for the town and what is Crown offering the town that is worth this much cost?

Even if Crown eventually wins after numerous appeals, will they pay any taxes? Or, will they seek all the tax exemptions they can obtain? If they eventually pay taxes, how long will it take to recoup the $90,000?

I can't see how the town gains in this game. And, I can't understand why the town leaders are still gung ho to allow Crown to site. Someone must be making some side money off this, or it makes no sense at all.

Why would we jeopardize our pure town wells and aquifer by doing this? How much liability will the town (we) have if Crown ends up tainting or ruining our source of water? Who will pay to replace the water or attempt to remediate its loss? From what geologists have testified, it is all but impossible and incredibly expense to remediate a poisoned aquifer.

I just don't understand why this Town Government is willing to take on all this risk and costs with our community’s most valuable asset. Something really smells bad in all this. It really should make everyone suspicious.

Everyone who values their drinking water and who wants to keep the Town’s liability and taxes down must communicate their concerns to the Town Board, the Supervisor, the Planning Board, and the Zoning Appeals Board. I get the impression that the fix is in on this and that the ZBA will find one way or another to allow Crown to move forward with their building of the depot. Again, I really hope that I am misreading this and our government surprises me by doing the right thing, enforcing our town law, and preventing Crown from building this dangerous pursuit.

-- Ken Stokem

-- Ken Stokem

Anonymous said...

"I didn't realize we have so many traffic monitors in Schodack.... Where are the police??"

Please check the Independent article: the the Chief of Police is quoted regarding Rt. 9 and problems with trucks.

Schodack residents have a right to observe and comment on traffic problems in their neighborhoods.

Residents' concerns are not that all truckers are poor drivers, but that the layout at the Pilot station is too tight for trucks to pull in. The proposal for Crown will worsen the problem without proper planning.

Anonymous said...

It's 6:50 PM and the agenda still isn't posted on the Town's website for tonights 7:00 PM meeting. What's the point of the website if they can't even put a meeting agenda up?

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize we have so many traffic monitors in Schodack.

Looks like we have a Secor supporter. Just like the rest of them.... judgement, clouds? If anyone's judgements or actions are in the clouds it would be them.

I have an idea, write back in January 2009 when you get your property tax bill and then we will see where the judgment and clouds lay.

Anonymous said...

there is a crown trucking terminal close by in the next town. i decided to check it out. it was neat and clean. well landscaped and very organized. i think they would be a good addition to schodack and help keep our taxes from climbing. to me they are like a sweet peach. (or peaches)

Anonymous said...

What will Schodack be in 5 years or in 10 years? We have only to look at our neighbors in North Greenbush to note how quickly and dramatically commercial development can radically alter a community and create contention. Or, we can look across the Hudson to Glenmont and realize how much residential development can happen in a decade and how commercial development chases residential growth.
With the town starting to work on a comprehensive land use plan, the Schodack Planning and Development Association is bringing new ideas and fresh energy to some questions that have been around for a long time - How will Schodack look in the future? What kinds of businesses do people want to have in town? Having interviewed and met with people from all around town, from various walks of life, we found that most people value the town's rural character, farms, open spaces and natural beauty, and its easy distance to Albany and major cities. If you want to work for this vision, come to our next meeting - February 20th at 6:30 pm.
SPDA meetings are open to all interested Schodack residents. Your participation is invited. Let's all contribute to a vision of what Schodack may become and offer to our families and future.
Weds, February 20th, 6:30 pm, at Nassau Free Library, 23 Church Street. This is an earlier start time than our previous meetings, but we will finish up by 8, because that is when the library closes. We will meet downstairs in the library.
If you have never been to the Nassau Library. By this MapQuest, it appears that Church St is the name for Rt 20, once it passes thru Nassau's major intersection. Before the intersection Rt 20 is Albany St. It appears the Library is on the middle of this first block of Church St.
See you there!

Anonymous said...

Making fun of the ridiculous comments of the traffic monitors on this board makes one a Secor supporter? Just another example of how she has totally influenced many of your abilities to think rationally on any subject related to our Town. Anytime anyone disagrees with the majority of the anti-growth crowd here, they are branded as Secor supporters. Is it possible that not everyone who disagrees with the sentiments expressed here is a Secor supporter?

Maybe we too want what is best for the Town but we see it differently than you do. I don't think the truck traffic on Rt 9 near the B1 exit is dangerous or excessive and I travel there regularly.

Mr. Stokem suggests that someone is taking money on the side to approve the Crown proposal. Hopefully this is said in jest but Mr. Stoken, I can no longer take your posts seriously as your credibility is destroyed by such nonsense.

If our Town approves the Crown proposal it will be because this company has met all the many requirements the Town and State have imposed on them, including protecting the acquifer, and found them to be approvable. Sign your petitions and go to the public hearings and complain, it will insure that the Town performs their due diligence.

I hope the Crown Trucking proposal is approved and I'm not a Secor supported but a Schodack supporter.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Crown proposal:

I hope the VOS does consider putting up some sort of on-line petition. We can print it out, and share it with our friends and neighbors. Each person might get a few signatures, but they sure add up.

Perhaps collect them at the VOS PO Box and bundle them together to give to Beth at a meeting.

Because of work schedules and family obligations, not everyone can attend Town meetings (where one gets the impression most public comments are met with blinking stares), but taking a few minutes to print, sign, and mail a petition might draw some community support.

I think the traffic angle is a good place to start -- most folks who go that way can see problems with the Pilot layout that can only get worse with the site proposed. It's not that truckers are "bad" -- it's just another case of poor(i.e. cheap) design...and we in Schodack have to live with it.

Hope VOS considers this.

Anonymous said...

It may be interesting to get people to note here how much their assesments/taxes would have gone up this past year based on the new assessment information eveyone should have gotten in the mail today. My full assesment went from about 132,000 to 158K. Net tax increase would be $415. Not horrible we I get NO services at all. We have been in our house 24 years. Be curious to see what happened to other long time residents. It seems the new comers who are demanding all the services get a break on the their taxes while long time residents get to pay for it. Wonderful....

Anonymous said...

Well, the other "shoe" has dropped.
The fall-out from the Secor "victory": a new assessment. A huge increase for us. Guess they knew we supported Ray.

VOS: if you are still looking for community involvement, could you post an on-line poll about how much people's assessments have gone up?

It might help to have a place where Schodack residents can touch base with each other.

Anonymous said...

Please consider that it's not all the fault of "new people."

We moved here 4 years ago, but have no kids in the public school system, no garbage pick up, no public water, etc. We live in an old house by choice -- we wanted to restore something old, rather than contribute to the waste of rural farmlands.

What did we get in the time we've been here? We are surrounded by the din of bulldozers as developers tear up our neighborhood, building new houses. And, while new neighbors plot out where to put inground pools, we are looking at a tax hike of close to $1600 for our very old house.

Anyone want to buy it? We can't afford Beth Secor's Schodack!

Anonymous said...

By new people I meant the building of new homes, not the purchasing of existing homes. I should have been clearer, humble apologies.

Regarding the assessment, I spoke to my neighbors on both sides of me. Note all three of our homes were built back in the 50's at roughly the same time. My one neighbor’s home went down a little and is assessed less then mine. I have a 3 BR ranch with one bath; they have a 4 BR 2 bath with a separate 2 car garage but with slightly less land. But my assessment is higher. Makes no sense. My neighbor on the other side taxes would have gone up $1000. None of our homes have been modified the past 25 years. How does one explain these huge differences? I will be grieving my assessment. I suggest other do too.

Anonymous said...

Regarding old/new houses: no offense taken! (Our house was built before 1850, by the way.)

Reassessments are sometimes necessary to keep books up to date. However, I think most Schodack residents would feel better if we felt our money was being used wisely.

So our huge tax increase is going for an over-sized, still partially vacant Town Hall, jacked-up town salaries, and re-sealing the floor of the fanciest highway garage in Rensselaer County?

I think this bitter pill would have been easier to swallow if we knew our money was being used wisely.

Anonymous said...

All I hear is how the Crown Truck Terminal, etc will keep our taxes down.

Then please, please explain to me why Schodack taxes have increased astronomically over the last few years?

And don't use the lame excuse that our taxes would be much higher without these businesses!

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